[Midnightbsd-cvs] mports: mports/Mk: Extensions and components moved to their

ctriv at midnightbsd.org ctriv at midnightbsd.org
Tue Oct 28 18:53:16 EDT 2008

Log Message:
Extensions and components moved to their subdirectories.

Removed Files:

-------------- next part --------------
--- Mk/bsd.lua.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,518 +0,0 @@
-#-*- mode: makefile; tab-width: 4; -*-
-# ex:ts=4
-# $MidnightBSD: mports/Mk/bsd.lua.mk,v 1.1 2007/05/03 08:44:55 laffer1 Exp $
-# $FreeBSD: ports/Mk/bsd.lua.mk,v 1.13 2007/04/11 03:22:34 alepulver Exp $
-# bsd.lua.mk - Support for Lua based ports.
-# Please view me with 4 column tabs!
-# The following variables can be defined in a port that uses the Lua library,
-# tolua, Ruby bindings or related components like .lua modules (with run
-# and/or build dependencies). It can be used after and/or before
-# bsd.port.pre.mk, but Ruby components will only work if Ruby variables (e.g.
-# USE_RUBY) are defined before it (this is a bsd.ruby.mk limitation), at least
-# it is manually included.
-# USE_LUA		- Set to the list of Lua versions that can be used by the
-#				  port. The syntax allows the following elements:
-#				  - Single version (e.g. "4.0").
-#				  - Range of versions (e.g. "5.0-5.1"). Must be ascending.
-#				  - Partial range: single version and upper (e.g. "5.0+").
-#				  - Partial range: single version and lower (e.g. "5.1-").
-#				  Multiple elements can be specified separated by spaces.
-# USE_LUA_NOT	- Set to the list of Lua versions that can't be used by the
-#				  port. In other words, it removes some versions from USE_LUA.
-#				  If the latter is not defined, it will have the value of all
-#				  the possible versions. The syntax is like USE_LUA.
-# LUA_COMPS		- Set to the list of Lua components the port uses. Several
-#				  components can be specified separated by spaces. By default
-#				  it will have the value of "lua". Suffixes in the form ":xxx"
-#				  may be added to the components to determine the dependency
-#				  type.
-#				  The available components are:
-#				  lua			- The Lua library.
-#				  tolua			- The tolua library (for 4.0-5.0).
-#				  ruby			- The Ruby bindings for Lua (for 4.0-5.0).
-#				  Other components (modules):
-#				  5.0			- app, compat51, dfui, filename, gettext,
-#								  posix, pty, socket.
-#				  5.1			- filename, gettext, posix, pty.
-#				  The available dependency types are:
-#				  build			- Requires component for building.
-#				  lib			- Requires component for building and running.
-#				  run			- Requires component for running.
-#				  If no suffix is present then "lib" will be used for "lua"
-#				  4.0-5.0 and "ruby", "build" for lua 5.1 and "tolua" (they
-#				  are static), all others default to "run".
-# LUA_PREMK		- Define to determine version and define variables after
-#				  <bsd.port.pre.mk> (in case the port needs to manually run
-#				  the Lua program or the like).
-# WANT_LUA		- Set to "yes" or a valid single version (no ranges, etc).
-#				  In both cases it will detect the installed Lua components
-#				  and add them to the variable HAVE_LUA. If a version is
-#				  selected, HAVE_LUA will contain a list of components in the
-#				  other case it will contain a list of "component-version"
-#				  pairs (e.g. lua-4.0, tolua-5.1, etc).
-#				  It has to be used before bsd.port.pre.mk.
-# WANT_LUA_VER	- Set to the prefered Lua version for the port. It must be
-#				  present in USE_LUA or missing in USE_LUA_NOT. This is
-#				  overriden by the user variable WITH_LUA_VER if set. It can
-#				  contain multiple versions in order of preference (last ones
-#				  are tried first).
-# The following variables are intended for the user and can be defined in
-# make.conf.
-# WITH_LUA_VER	- Define to the list of prefered versions in reverse order.
-# The following variables are defined by this file, to be read from the port.
-# HAVE_LUA		- The list of Lua components installed, if WANT_LUA was
-#				  defined. The components will have version suffix if it was
-#				  set to "yes".
-# LUA_VER		- The Lua version that is going to be used (e.g. "5.1").
-# LUA_VER_SH	- The Lua shared library major version (e.g. "1").
-# LUA_VER_STR	- The Lua version without the dots (e.g. "51").
-# LUA_PREFIX	- The prefix where Lua (and components) is installed.
-# LUA_SUBDIR	- The directory under bin/share/lib where Lua is installed.
-# LUA_INCDIR	- The directory where Lua and tolua header files are installed.
-# LUA_LIBDIR	- The directory where Lua and tolua libraries are installed.
-# LUA_MODLIBDIR	- The directory where Lua module libraries (.so) are installed.
-#				- The directory where Lua modules (.lua) are installed.
-#				- The package name prefix used by Lua modules.
-# LUA_CMD		- The path to the Lua interpreter.
-# LUAC_CMD		- The path to the Lua compiler.
-# TOLUA_CMD		- The path to the tolua program.
-# Examples:
-# - A port that needs Lua 4.0 and tolua (also 4.0) libraries (lua for building
-#	and running and tolua for building).
-#	USE_LUA=	4.0
-#	LUA_COMPS=	lua tolua
-# - A port that needs Ruby bindings for Lua 5.0 for building and running.
-#	USE_LUA=	5.0
-#	LUA_COMPS=	ruby
-# - A port that needs tolua 5.0 or 5.1 for building.
-#	USE_LUA=	5.0 5.1
-#	LUA_COMPS=	tolua
-# - A port that needs Lua version 5.0 or higher for building and running.
-#	USE_LUA=	5.0+
-# - A port that needs Lua of any version other than 5.1 for building and
-#	running.
-#	USE_LUA_NOT=5.1
-LUA_Include_MAINTAINER=	portmgr at MidnightBSD.org
-# Global definitions.
-.if !defined(_LUA_Definitions_Done)
-_LUA_Definitions_Done=	yes
-# Common variables:
-# _LUA_COMPS_ALL		- List of valid components.
-# _LUA_DEP_TYPES_ALL	- List of valid dependency types.
-# _LUA_VERS_ALL			- List of available Lua versions.
-# _LUA_VERS_LISTS=		- Reverse lists preference order.
-# _LUA_PLIST_ALL		- List of variables to be added to PLIST_SUB.
-# _LUA_PLIST_DIR_ALL	- List of path variables (relative to ${LUA_PREFIX})
-#						  to be added to PLIST_SUB.
-_LUA_COMPS_ALL=			lua tolua ruby \
-						app compat51 dfui filename gettext posix pty socket
-_LUA_DEP_TYPES_ALL=		build lib run
-_LUA_VERS_ALL=			4.0 5.0 5.1
-# Variables used to determine what is needed.
-# _LUA_PORT_comp_ver	- Port directory.
-# _LUA_LIB_comp_ver		- Name of the shared library (optional).
-# _LUA_SHVER_comp_ver	- Shared library version (optional).
-# _LUA_FILE_comp_ver	- File installed by that component.
-# _LUA_DEPTYPE_comp_ver	- Default dependency type.
-_LUA_PORT_lua_4.0=		lang/lua4
-_LUA_DEPTYPE_lua_4.0=	lib
-_LUA_PORT_tolua_4.0=	lang/tolua4
-_LUA_PORT_ruby_4.0=		lang/ruby-lua4
-_LUA_PORT_lua_5.0=		lang/lua50
-_LUA_DEPTYPE_lua_5.0=	lib
-_LUA_PORT_tolua_5.0=	lang/tolua
-_LUA_PORT_ruby_5.0=		lang/ruby-lua
-_LUA_PORT_app_5.0=		devel/lua50-app
-_LUA_PORT_compat51_5.0=	devel/lua50-compat51
-_LUA_FILE_compat51_5.0=	${LUA_MODSHAREDIR}/compat-5.1.lua
-_LUA_PORT_dfui_5.0=		devel/lua50-dfui
-_LUA_PORT_filename_5.0=	devel/lua50-filename
-_LUA_PORT_gettext_5.0=	devel/lua50-gettext
-_LUA_PORT_posix_5.0=	devel/lua50-posix
-_LUA_PORT_pty_5.0=		devel/lua50-pty
-_LUA_PORT_socket_5.0=	net/luasocket
-_LUA_PORT_lua_5.1=		lang/lua
-_LUA_DEPTYPE_lua_5.1=	build
-_LUA_PORT_filename_5.1=	devel/lua-filename
-_LUA_PORT_gettext_5.1=	devel/lua-gettext
-_LUA_PORT_posix_5.1=	devel/lua-posix
-_LUA_PORT_pty_5.1=		devel/lua-pty
-.	for comp in ${_LUA_COMPS_ALL}
-_LUA_COMP=				${comp}
-.		for ver in ${_LUA_VERS_ALL}
-# XXX The hardcoded values here have to match LUA_* variables (later), and
-# are here only to allow autodetection of installed versions.
-.			if ${_LUA_COMP} == "lua"
-_LUA_LIB_${comp}_${ver}=	lua-${ver}.${_LUA_SHVER_${comp}_${ver}}
-_LUA_SHVER_${comp}_${ver}=	${ver:C/[[:digit:]]\.([[:digit:]])/\1/}
-_LUA_FILE_${comp}_${ver}=	${LOCALBASE}/lib/lua${ver:S/.//g}/liblua.a
-.			elif ${_LUA_COMP} == "tolua"
-_LUA_FILE_${comp}_${ver}=	${LOCALBASE}/lib/lua${ver:S/.//g}/libtolua.a
-.			elif ${_LUA_COMP} == "ruby"
-_LUA_FILE_${comp}_${ver}=	${RUBY_SITEARCHLIBDIR}/lua-${ver}.so
-.			elif !defined(_LUA_FILE_${comp}_${ver})
-_LUA_FILE_${comp}_${ver}=	${LOCALBASE}/share/lua/${ver}/${comp}.lua
-.			endif
-.			if !defined(_LUA_DEPTYPE_${comp}_${ver})
-.			endif
-.		endfor
-.	endfor
-# Check if we are going to determine the version.
-.if !defined(_LUA_Version_Done) && (defined(_POSTMKINCLUDED) || \
-    (defined(LUA_PREMK) && defined(BEFOREPORTMK) && \
-    (defined(USE_LUA) || defined(USE_LUA_NOT))))
-_LUA_Need_Version=			yes
-# Check for present components.
-# Requested by the user.
-.if defined(WANT_LUA) && defined(BEFOREPORTMK)
-# Used for autodetection of installed versions.
-.if defined(_LUA_Need_Version)
-_WANT_LUA=				yes
-.if defined(_WANT_LUA)
-.	undef _HAVE_LUA
-.	for __WANT_LUA in ${_WANT_LUA}
-# Check if _WANT_LUA contains more than one word.
-.		if defined(_HAVE_LUA)
-IGNORE?=				selected multiple values for WANT_LUA: ${_WANT_LUA}
-.		endif
-_HAVE_LUA=				#
-# Check for all versions.
-.		if ${_WANT_LUA:L} == "yes"
-.			for comp in ${_LUA_COMPS_ALL}
-.				for ver in ${_LUA_VERS_ALL}
-_LUA_COMP=				_LUA_FILE_${comp}_${ver}
-.					if defined(${_LUA_COMP}) && exists(${${_LUA_COMP}})
-_HAVE_LUA+=				${comp}-${ver}
-.					endif
-.				endfor
-.			endfor
-# Check for a specific version.
-.		elif ${_LUA_VERS_ALL:M${__WANT_LUA}} != ""
-.			for comp in ${_LUA_COMPS_ALL}
-.				if exists(${_LUA_FILE_${comp}_${__WANT_LUA}})
-_HAVE_LUA+=				${comp}
-.				endif
-.			endfor
-.		else
-IGNORE?=				selected an invalid value for WANT_LUA: ${__WANT_LUA}
-.		endif
-.	endfor
-.endif		# _WANT_LUA
-# Requested by the user.
-.if defined(WANT_LUA) && defined(BEFOREPORTMK)
-# Used for autodetection of installed versions.
-.if defined(_LUA_Need_Version)
-_LUA_VER_INSTALLED:=	${_HAVE_LUA:Mlua-*:S/lua-//}
-# Select Lua version.
-.if defined(_LUA_Need_Version)
-_LUA_Version_Done=		yes
-# Basic component parsing (ignores dependency types).
-# The variables used are:
-# _LUA_COMP				- Component part.
-# _LUA_COMPS_FINAL		- Final list of components.
-# Detect duplicated components.
-.for comp in ${LUA_COMPS}
-_LUA_COMP=				${comp:C/:([[:alpha:]]+)$//}
-.	for __LUA_COMP in ${_LUA_COMP}
-.		if ${_LUA_COMPS_ALL:M${__LUA_COMP}} == ""
-IGNORE?=				selected an invalid Lua component: ${__LUA_COMP}
-.		endif
-.	endfor
-.	for newcomp in ${_LUA_COMP}
-.		if ${_LUA_COMPS_FINAL:M${newcomp}} == ""
-_LUA_COMPS_FINAL+=		${newcomp}
-.		endif
-.	endfor
-# Set defaults (if one isn't present).
-USE_LUA_NOT?=			#
-# Make lists of valid and invalid versions.
-# The following variables are used:
-# _LUA_VER_CHECK		- If the version is a single one, express in a range.
-# _LUA_VER_MIN			- Lower version of the range.
-# _LUA_VER_MAX			- Higher version of the range.
-# _LUA_VER_LIST			- List of requested versions.
-# _LUA_VER_NOT_LIST		- List of disallowed versions.
-# _LUA_VER_FINAL		- List of requested version without disallowed ones.
-.for list in VER VER_NOT
-_LUA_${list}_LIST=		#
-.	for ver in ${USE_LUA${list:C/VER//}}
-_LUA_VER_CHECK:=		${ver:C/^([[:digit:]]+(\.[[:digit:]]+)*)$/\1-\1/}
-_LUA_VER_MIN:=			${_LUA_VER_CHECK:C/([[:digit:]]+(\.[[:digit:]]+)*)[-+].*/\1/}
-_LUA_VER_MAX:=			${_LUA_VER_CHECK:C/.*-([[:digit:]]+(\.[[:digit:]]+)*)/\1/}
-# Minimum version not specified.
-.		if ${_LUA_VER_MIN} == ${_LUA_VER_CHECK}
-.			undef _LUA_VER_MIN
-.			for v in ${_LUA_VERS_ALL}
-_LUA_VER_MIN?=			${v}
-.			endfor
-.		endif
-# Maximum version not specified.
-.		if ${_LUA_VER_MAX} == ${_LUA_VER_CHECK}
-.			for v in ${_LUA_VERS_ALL}
-_LUA_VER_MAX=			${v}
-.			endfor
-.		endif
-# Expand versions and add valid ones to each list.
-.		for v in ${_LUA_VERS_ALL}
-.			if ${_LUA_VER_MIN} <= ${v} && ${_LUA_VER_MAX} >= ${v} && \
-			   ${_LUA_${list}_LIST:M${v}} == ""
-_LUA_${list}_LIST+=		${v}
-.			endif
-.		endfor
-.	endfor
-# Merge the lists into a single list of valid versions.
-.for ver in ${_LUA_VER_LIST}
-.	if ${_LUA_VER_NOT_LIST:M${ver}} == ""
-_LUA_VER_FINAL+=		${ver}
-.	endif
-# Remove unusable installed versions.
-.for ver in ${_LUA_VER_INSTALLED}
-.	if ${_LUA_VER_FINAL:M${ver}} == ""
-.	endif
-# Check for a null version.
-.if empty(_LUA_VER_FINAL)
-IGNORE?=				selected a null or invalid Lua version
-# Avoid versions which have unavailable components.
-.for ver in ${_LUA_VER_FINAL}
-.	for comp in ${_LUA_COMPS_FINAL}
-.		if !defined(_LUA_PORT_${comp}_${ver})
-_LUA_WRONG_COMPS+=		${comp}
-_LUA_WRONG_VERS+=		${ver}
-.		endif
-.	endfor
-.if empty(_LUA_VER_FINAL)
-IGNORE?=				selected Lua versions (${_LUA_WRONG_VERS}) which do not have the selected components (${_LUA_WRONG_COMPS})
-# Choose final version.
-# Check for the following (in order):
-# 1) WITH_LUA_VER		- User preference.
-# 2) WANT_LUA_VER		- Port preference.
-# 3) _LUA_VER_INSTALLED	- Installed versions.
-# 4) _LUA_VER_FINAL		- Available versions.
-.for list in _LUA_VER_FINAL ${_LUA_VERS_LISTS}
-.	if defined(${list})
-.		for ver in ${${list}}
-.			if ${_LUA_VER_FINAL:M${ver}} != ""
-_LUA_VER=				${ver}
-.			endif
-.		endfor
-.	endif
-# Set variables.
-# Version.
-LUA_VER?=				${_LUA_VER}
-LUA_VER_SH?=			${LUA_VER:C/[[:digit:]]\.([[:digit:]])/\1/}
-LUA_VER_STR?=			${LUA_VER:S/.//g}
-# Paths.
-# Package name.
-# Programs.
-LUA_CMD?=				${LUA_PREFIX}/bin/lua-${LUA_VER}
-LUAC_CMD?=				${LUA_PREFIX}/bin/luac-${LUA_VER}
-TOLUA_CMD?=				${LUA_PREFIX}/bin/tolua-${LUA_VER}
-.endif		# _LUA_Need_Version
-# Process components list and add dependencies, variables, etc.
-.if defined(_POSTMKINCLUDED)
-# Component parsing.
-# The variables used are:
-# _LUA_COMP				- Component part.
-# _LUA_DEP_TYPE			- Dependency type part.
-# _LUA_COMP_NEW			- Component + dependency type.
-# _LUA_COMPS_FINAL		- Final list of components with dependency types.
-# Default components.
-LUA_COMPS?=				lua
-# Detect invalid and duplicated components.
-.for comp in ${LUA_COMPS}
-_LUA_COMP=				${comp:C/:([[:alpha:]]+)$//}
-.	if ${_LUA_COMP} == ${comp}
-_LUA_DEP_TYPE=			${_LUA_DEPTYPE_${comp}_${_LUA_VER}}
-.	else
-_LUA_DEP_TYPE=			${comp:C/.+:([[:alpha:]]+)$/\1/}
-.	endif
-.	for __LUA_COMP in ${_LUA_COMP}
-.		if ${_LUA_COMPS_ALL:M${__LUA_COMP}} == ""
-IGNORE?=				selected an invalid Lua component: ${__LUA_COMP}
-.		endif
-.	endfor
-.	for __LUA_DEP_TYPE in ${_LUA_DEP_TYPE}
-.		if ${_LUA_DEP_TYPES_ALL:M${__LUA_DEP_TYPE}} == ""
-IGNORE?=				selected an invalid Lua dependency type: ${__LUA_DEP_TYPE}
-.		endif
-.	endfor
-.	if !defined(_LUA_PORT_${_LUA_COMP}_${_LUA_VER})
-IGNORE?=				selected a Lua component (${_LUA_COMP}) which is not available for the selected version (${_LUA_VER})
-.	endif
-.	for newcomp in ${_LUA_COMP_NEW}
-.		if ${_LUA_COMPS_FINAL:M${newcomp}} == "" && !defined(IGNORE)
-_LUA_COMPS_FINAL+=		${newcomp}
-.		endif
-.	endfor
-# Add dependencies.
-# The variable used are:
-# _LUA_COMP		-		- Component part.
-# _LUA_DEP_TYPE			- Dependency type part.
-.for comp in ${_LUA_COMPS_FINAL}
-_LUA_DEP_TYPE=			${comp:C/.+_([[:alpha:]]+)$/\1/}
-_LUA_COMP=				${comp:C/_([[:alpha:]]+)$//}
-# XXX Need a .for loop here so the variable is expanded before the assignment.
-.	for comp_part in ${_LUA_COMP}
-.		if ${_LUA_DEP_TYPE} == "lib"
-.			if defined(_LUA_LIB_${comp_part}_${_LUA_VER})
-LIB_DEPENDS+=			${_LUA_LIB_${comp_part}_${_LUA_VER}}:${PORTSDIR}/${_LUA_PORT_${comp_part}_${_LUA_VER}}
-.			else
-BUILD_DEPENDS+=			${_LUA_FILE_${comp_part}_${_LUA_VER}}:${PORTSDIR}/${_LUA_PORT_${comp_part}_${_LUA_VER}}
-RUN_DEPENDS+=			${_LUA_FILE_${comp_part}_${_LUA_VER}}:${PORTSDIR}/${_LUA_PORT_${comp_part}_${_LUA_VER}}
-.			endif
-.		else
-${_LUA_DEP_TYPE:U}_DEPENDS+=	${_LUA_FILE_${comp_part}_${_LUA_VER}}:${PORTSDIR}/${_LUA_PORT_${comp_part}_${_LUA_VER}}
-.		endif
-.	endfor
-# Packaging list variables.
-.for var in ${_LUA_PLIST_ALL}
-PLIST_SUB+=				${var}="${${var}}"
-.for var in ${_LUA_PLIST_DIR_ALL}
-PLIST_SUB+=				${var}="${${var}:S/${LUA_PREFIX}\///}"
-.for var in ${_LUA_PLIST_ALL} ${_LUA_PLIST_DIR_ALL}
-MAKE_ENV+=				${var}="${${var}}"
--- Mk/bsd.kde4.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-# $MidnightBSD: mports/Mk/bsd.kde4.mk,v 1.1 2008/09/25 02:48:42 laffer1 Exp $
-.if !defined(_POSTMKINCLUDED) && !defined(Kde_Pre_Include)
-# Please make sure all changes to this file are past through the maintainer.
-# Do not commit them yourself (unless of course you're the Port's Wraith ;).
-Kde_Pre_Include=	bsd.kde4.mk
-Kde_Include_MAINTAINER=	ports at MidnightBSD.org
-# This file contains some variable definitions that are supposed to
-# make your life easier when dealing with ports related to the KDE4
-# desktop environment. It's automatically included when USE_KDE4
-# is defined in the ports' makefile.
-# KDE4 related ports can use this as follows:
-# USE_KDE4=	kdehier kdeprefix kdelibs
-# USE_QT_VER=	4
-# QT_COMPONENTS=corelib #set additional qt4 components here
-# .include <bsd.port.mk>
-# Available KDE4 components are:
-# akonadi	- Akonadi PIM storage service
-# automoc4	- automoc4 tool
-# kdebase	- Basic KDE applications (Konqueror, Dolphin)
-# kdehier	- Provides common KDE directories
-# kdelibs	- The base set of KDE4 libraries
-# kdeprefix	- If set, port will be installed into ${KDE4_PREFIX} instead of ${LOCALBASE}
-# pimlibs	- KDE4 PIM libraries
-# runtime	- More KDE applications
-# sharedmime	- share-mime-info wrapper for KDE4 ports
-# workspace	- More KDE applications (Plasma, kwin, etc.)
-# These read-only variables can be used in port Makefile:
-#		- MASTER_SITE_KDE_kde is equivalent to MASTER_SITE_KDE
-#		with :kde tag. It could be used when port needs multiple
-#		distfiles from different sites. See for details porters-handbook:
-#		http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/makefile-distfiles.html
-# KDE4_PREFIX	- The place where KDE4 ports live. Currently it is {LOCALBASE}/kde4,
-#		but this could be changed in a future.
-KDE4_VERSION=		4.1.1
-# KDE4 is installed into its own prefix to not conflict with KDE3
-kmaster=		${MASTER_SITE_KDE:S@%/@%/:kde at g}
-.if !defined(MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR)
-MASTER_SITE_KDE_kde=	${kmaster:S@%SUBDIR%/@@g}
-MASTER_SITE_KDE_kde=	${kmaster:S@%SUBDIR%/@${ksub}/@g}
-.endif # !defined(MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR)
-# KDE4 modules
-_USE_KDE4_ALL=			akonadi automoc4 kdebase kdehier kdelibs kdeprefix \
-				pimlibs runtime sharedmime workspace
-akonadi_LIB_DEPENDS=		akonadiprotocolinternals.1:${PORTSDIR}/databases/akonadi
-automoc4_BUILD_DEPENDS=		${KDE4_PREFIX}/bin/automoc4:${PORTSDIR}/devel/automoc4
-kdebase_LIB_DEPENDS=		konq.7:${PORTSDIR}/x11/kdebase4
-kdehier_RUN_DEPENDS=		kdehier4>=1:${PORTSDIR}/misc/kdehier4
-kdelibs_LIB_DEPENDS=		kimproxy.5:${PORTSDIR}/x11/kdelibs4
-kdeprefix_PREFIX=		${KDE4_PREFIX}
-pimlibs_LIB_DEPENDS=		kpimutils.5:${PORTSDIR}/deskutils/kdepimlibs4
-runtime_BUILD_DEPENDS=		${KDE4_PREFIX}/bin/kdebugdialog:${PORTSDIR}/x11/kdebase4-runtime
-runtime_RUN_DEPENDS=		${KDE4_PREFIX}/bin/kdebugdialog:${PORTSDIR}/x11/kdebase4-runtime
-sharedmime_BUILD_DEPENDS=	kde4-shared-mime-info>=1:${PORTSDIR}/misc/kde4-shared-mime-info
-sharedmime_RUN_DEPENDS=		kde4-shared-mime-info>=1:${PORTSDIR}/misc/kde4-shared-mime-info
-workspace_LIB_DEPENDS=		kscreensaver.5:${PORTSDIR}/x11/kdebase4-workspace
-.if defined(_POSTMKINCLUDED) && !defined(Kde_Post_Include)
-Kde_Post_Include=	bsd.kde4.mk
-.for component in ${USE_KDE4}
-. if ${_USE_KDE4_ALL:M${component}}!=""
-LIB_DEPENDS+=	${${component}_LIB_DEPENDS}
-RUN_DEPENDS+=	${${component}_RUN_DEPENDS}
-.  if defined(${component}_PREFIX)
-.   if ${.MAKEFLAGS:MPREFIX=*}==""
-PREFIX=	${${component}_PREFIX}
-.    if ${KDE4_PREFIX} != ${LOCALBASE}
-NO_MTREE=	yes
-.    endif
-.   endif
-.  endif
-. else
-IGNORE=	cannot install: Unknown component ${component}
-. endif
-# Common build related stuff for kde4 ports. It's not intended for usage
-# in KDE4-dependent ports
-.if defined(KDE4_BUILDENV)
-.endif # KDE4_BUILDENV
--- Mk/bsd.openssl.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-# makefile for use of:	OpenSSH
-# Date created:		31 May 2002
-# Whom:			dinoex
-# $MidnightBSD: mports/Mk/bsd.openssl.mk,v 1.3 2007/08/02 09:25:18 laffer1 Exp $ 
-# $FreeBSD: ports/Mk/bsd.openssl.mk,v 1.31 2006/08/04 12:34:41 erwin Exp $
-# Use of 'USE_OPENSSL=yes' includes this Makefile after bsd.ports.pre.mk
-# the user/port can now set this options in the makefiles.
-# WITH_OPENSSL_BASE=yes	- Use the version in the base system.
-# WITH_OPENSSL_PORT=yes	- Use the port, even if base if up to date
-# WITH_OPENSSL_BETA=yes	- Use a snapshot of recent openssl
-# WITH_OPENSSL_STABLE=yes	- Use an older openssl version
-# USE_OPENSSL_RPATH=yes	- pass RFLAGS options in CFLAGS,
-#			  needed for ports who don't use LDFLAGS
-# Overrideable defaults:
-# OPENSSL_PORT=		security/openssl
-# The makefile sets this variables:
-# OPENSSLBASE		- "/usr" or ${LOCALBASE}
-# OPENSSLDIR		- path to openssl
-# OPENSSLLIB		- path to the libs
-# OPENSSLINC		- path to the matching includes
-# OPENSSLRPATH		- rpath for dynamic linker
-# MAKE_ENV		- extended with the variables above
-# CONFIGURE_ENV		- extended with LDFLAGS
-# BUILD_DEPENDS		- are added if needed
-# RUN_DEPENDS		- are added if needed
-OpenSSL_Include_MAINTAINER=	ports at MidnightBSD.org
-# honor obsolete options for a bit
-.if defined(USE_OPENSSL_BASE) && !defined(WITH_OPENSSL_BASE)
-.if defined(USE_OPENSSL_PORT) && !defined(WITH_OPENSSL_PORT)
-.if defined(WITH_OPENSSL_097) && !defined(WITH_OPENSSL_STABLE)
-#	if no preference was set, check for an installed base version
-#	but give an installed port preference over it.
-.if	!defined(WITH_OPENSSL_BASE) && \
-	!defined(WITH_OPENSSL_BETA) && \
-	!defined(WITH_OPENSSL_PORT) && \
-	!defined(WITH_OPENSSL_STABLE) && \
-	!exists(${LOCALBASE}/lib/libcrypto.so) && \
-	exists(/usr/include/openssl/opensslv.h)
-.if defined(WITH_OPENSSL_BASE)
-.if !exists(${DESTDIR}/usr/lib/libcrypto.so)
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "Dependency error: this port requires the OpenSSL library, which is part of"
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "the FreeBSD crypto distribution but not installed on your"
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "machine. Please see the \"OpenSSL\" section in the handbook"
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "(at \"http://www.FreeBSD.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/openssl.html\", for instance)"
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "for instructions on how to obtain and install the FreeBSD"
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "OpenSSL distribution."
-	@${FALSE}
-.if exists(${LOCALBASE}/lib/libcrypto.so)
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "Dependency error: this port wants the OpenSSL library from the FreeBSD"
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "base system. You can't build against it, while a newer"
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "version is installed by a port."
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "Please deinstall the port or undefine WITH_OPENSSL_BASE."
-	@${FALSE}
-# OpenSSL in the base system may not include IDEA for patent licensing reasons.
-.if defined(MAKE_IDEA) && !defined(OPENSSL_IDEA)
-.if ${OPENSSL_IDEA} == "NO"
-# XXX This is a hack to work around the fact that /etc/make.conf clobbers
-#     our CFLAGS. It might not be enough for all future ports.
-.if defined(HAS_CONFIGURE)
-.if defined(WITH_OPENSSL_BETA)
-OPENSSL_PORT?=		security/openssl-beta
-.elif defined(WITH_OPENSSL_STABLE)
-OPENSSL_PORT?=		security/openssl-stable
-OPENSSL_PORT?=		security/openssl
-.if defined(USE_OPENSSL_RPATH)
-.if defined(LDFLAGS)
-### crypto
-#RESTRICTED=		"Contains cryptography."
--- Mk/bsd.gecko.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-#-*- mode: Fundamental; tab-width: 4; -*-
-# ex:ts=4
-# $MidnightBSD: mports/Mk/bsd.gecko.mk,v 1.1 2008/10/14 20:33:42 laffer1 Exp $
-# $FreeBSD: ports/www/mozilla/bsd.gecko.mk,v 1.18 2006/11/01 13:20:10 ahze Exp $
-#    $MCom: ports-stable/www/mozilla/bsd.gecko.mk,v 1.3 2006/10/24 17:48:39 ahze Exp $
-# 4 column tabs prevent hair loss and tooth decay!
-# bsd.gecko.mk abstracts the selection of gecko-based backends. It allows users
-# and porters to support any available gecko backend without needing to build
-# many conditional tests. ${USE_GECKO} is the list of backends that your port
-# can handle, and ${GECKO} is set by bsd.gecko.mk to be the chosen backend.
-# Users set ${WITH_GECKO} to the list of gecko backends they want on their system.
-.if defined(USE_GECKO)
-#.if defined(_POSTMKINCLUDED) && !defined(Gecko_Pre_Include)
-# Please make sure all changes to this file are passed through the maintainer.
-Gecko_Include_MAINTAINER=		ports at MidnightBSD.org
-Gecko_Pre_Include=			bsd.gecko.mk
-# Users should use the following syntax:
-# WITH_GECKO= mozilla firefox seamonkey
-#  Use mozilla whenever a port supports it, falling back on firefox and
-#  then seamonkey.
-# WITH_GECKO= firefox
-#  Sets your preferred backend. With this example, firefox will always
-#  be chosen, unless the port doesn't support a firefox backend. In that
-#  case, you get whatever the porter chose as the default. Better to use
-#  the first example.
-# Ports should use the following:
-# USE_GECKO= mozilla firefox seamonkey
-#  The list of gecko backends that the port supports. Unless the user
-#  overrides it with WITH_GECKO, the first gecko listed in USE_GECKO
-#  will be the default. In the above example, www/mozilla will be used
-#  as a gecko backend unless WITH_GECKO=firefox or WITH_GECKO=seamonkey
-#  is defined by the user.
-# USE_GECKO= firefox-devel<->firefox
-#  This will sed -e 's/firefox/firefox-devel/' on Makefile.in's and configure 
-#  if ${GECKO}=="firefox-devel"
-#  Example:
-#  USE_GECKO= mozilla firefox seamonkey
-#  .include <bsd.port.pre.mk>
-#  .include "${.CURDIR}/../../www/mozilla/bsd.gecko.mk"
-#  post-patch:
-#	@${REINPALCE_CMD} -e 's|mozilla-|${GECKO}-|' \
-#		${WRKSRC}/configure
-#  If you want your port to check the ${GECKO} variable to see which backend
-#  has been chosen.
-#  Example:
-#  USE_GECKO= mozilla firefox seamonkey
-#  .include <bsd.port.pre.mk>
-#  .include "${.CURDIR}/../../www/mozilla/bsd.gecko.mk"
-#  post-patch:
-#  .if ${GECKO}=="seamonkey"
-#	@${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|mozilla-|seamonkey-|' \
-#		${WRKSRC}/configure
-#  .endif
-.if ${ARCH}!="sparc64"
-_GECKO_ALL=	browser firefox nvu seamonkey thunderbird xulrunner flock
-_GECKO_ALL+=	mozilla
-thunderbird_PORTSDIR=	mail
-.for gecko in ${_GECKO_ALL}
-${gecko}_PORTSDIR?=	www
-${gecko}_DEPENDS?=	${PORTSDIR}/${${gecko}_PORTSDIR}/${gecko}
-${gecko}_PLIST?=	${LOCALBASE}/lib/${gecko}/libgtkembedmoz.so
-# Figure out which mozilla to use
-# Weed out bad options in USE_GECKO
-.for badgecko in ${USE_GECKO}
-. if ${_GECKO_ALL:M${badgecko:C/^([^<->]+).*/\1/}}!=""
-GOOD_USE_GECKO+=	${badgecko:C/^([^<->]+).*/\1/}
-. endif
-. if ${_GECKO_ALL:M${badgecko:C/^[^<->]+<->([^<->]+).*/\1/}}!="${badgecko:C/^([^<->]+).*/\1/}"
-${badgecko:C/^([^<->]+).*/\1/}_HACK=	s:${badgecko:C/^[^<->]+<->([^<->]+).*/\1/}:${badgecko:C/^([^<->]+).*/\1/}:g
-. endif
-# Figure out which gecko to use and weed out the bad ones
-.if defined(WITH_GECKO) && defined(GOOD_USE_GECKO)
-. for badgecko in ${WITH_GECKO}
-.  if ${GOOD_USE_GECKO:M${badgecko}}!=""
-GOOD_WITH_GECKO+=	${badgecko}
-.  endif
-. endfor
-. if defined(GOOD_WITH_GECKO)
-.  for gecko in ${GOOD_WITH_GECKO}
-.   if !defined(GECKO_FALLTHROUGH)
-GECKO=	${gecko}
-.   endif
-.  endfor
-. endif
-.if !defined(GECKO) && defined(GOOD_USE_GECKO)
-. for gecko in ${GOOD_USE_GECKO}
-.  if !defined(GECKO_FALLTRHOUGH)
-GECKO=	${gecko}
-.  endif
-. endfor
-# Generic defines
-BROWSER_LINUX_PLUGINS_DIR?=	${LOCALBASE}/lib/browser_linux_plugins
-BROWSER_PLUGINS_DIR?=		${LOCALBASE}/lib/browser_plugins
-GECKO_CONFIG?=			${LOCALBASE}/bin/${GECKO}-config
-XPIDL?=				${LOCALBASE}/lib/${GECKO}/xpidl
-XPIDL_INCL?=			`${GECKO_CONFIG} --idlflags`
-.if defined(GECKO) && ${_GECKO_ALL:M${GECKO}}!=""
-IGNORE=	Unable to find a supported gecko, please check USE_GECKO
-pre-everything:: _gecko-pre-everything
-	@${ECHO_CMD} ""
-.if !defined(_FOUND_WITH_GECKO) && defined(WITH_GECKO)
-	@${ECHO_CMD} " Warning: ${PORTNAME} does not support any gecko you"
-	@${ECHO_CMD} " listed in WITH_GECKO=${WITH_GECKO}."
-	@${ECHO_CMD} " \"${GECKO}\" will be used"
-	@${ECHO_CMD} ""
-	@${ECHO_CMD} " for gecko support, but you can change that by using one of"
-	@${ECHO_CMD} " the following values:"
-	@${ECHO_CMD} " ${PORTNAME} is using ${GECKO} for gecko support, but you can"
-	@${ECHO_CMD} " change that by defining WITH_GECKO to the following values:"
-	@${ECHO_CMD} ""
-.for gecko in ${GOOD_USE_GECKO}
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "   ${gecko} "
-	@${ECHO_CMD} ""
-post-patch: gecko-post-patch
-.if defined(${GECKO}_HACK)
-	${FIND} ${WRKSRC} -name "Makefile.in" -type f -o -name "configure" -type f | \
-#.endif # end it all
--- Mk/bsd.sdl.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-#-*- mode: Fundamental; tab-width: 4; -*-
-# ex:ts=4
-# bsd.sdl.mk - Support for SDL-based ports.
-# Created by: Edwin Groothuis <edwin at freebsd.org>
-# For MidnightBSD committers:
-# - Changes in the version number of the shared libraries are encouraged.
-# - For the rest, please try to run them via the maintainer but feel free
-#   to commit themselves if nothing breaks.
-# For ports-developers:
-# If your port needs SDL or one of the SDL modules, you can easily
-# include them with the "USE_SDL=" statement. For example if you need
-# the standard SDL and SDL_sound, use "USE_SDL=sdl sound" and the
-# required libraries are included in your LIB_DEPENDS.
-# If you want to check for the availability for certain SDL ports, you
-# can set WANT_SDL and run it through bsd.port.pre.mk:
-#	WANT_SDL=	yes
-#	USE_SDL=	sdl
-#	.include <bsd.port.pre.mk>
-#	.if ${HAVE_SDL:Mgraphics}
-#	USE_SDL+=	graphics
-#	.endif
-#	.include <bsd.port.post.mk>
-# Run "make -V USE_SDL" to see which libs are asked for at the end.
-# $MidnightBSD: mports/Mk/bsd.sdl.mk,v 1.4 2008/04/12 02:25:53 ctriv Exp $
-# $FreeBSD: ports/Mk/bsd.sdl.mk,v 1.10 2006/07/05 02:18:09 linimon Exp $
-SDL_Include_MAINTAINER=		ports at MidnightBSD.org
-# These are the current supported SDL modules
-_USE_SDL_ALL=	gfx gui image mixer mm net sdl sound ttf
-# Variables used to determine what is needed:
-# _VERSION_xxx	version of the shared library (required)
-# _SUBDIR_xxx	subdirectory below ${PORTSDIR} (required)
-# _PORTDIR_xxx	subdirectory below ${PORTSDIR}/${_SUBDIR_xxx}, default sdl_xxx
-# _LIB_xxx		name of the shared lib, default SDL_xxx
-# _REQUIRES_xxx	also needs these SDL libraries
-_VERSION_gfx=	13
-_SUBDIR_gfx=	graphics
-_REQUIRES_gfx=	sdl
-_VERSION_gui=	0
-_SUBDIR_gui=	x11-toolkits
-_REQUIRES_gui=	sdl image ttf
-_VERSION_image=	1
-_SUBDIR_image=	graphics
-_VERSION_mixer=	2
-_SUBDIR_mixer=	audio
-_VERSION_mm=	8
-_SUBDIR_mm=		devel
-_LIB_mm=		SDLmm
-_PORTDIR_mm=	sdlmm
-_REQUIRES_mm=	sdl
-_VERSION_net=	0
-_SUBDIR_net=	net
-_REQUIRES_net=	sdl
-_VERSION_sdl=	11
-_SUBDIR_sdl=	devel
-_LIB_sdl=		SDL-1.2
-_PORTDIR_sdl=	sdl12
-_VERSION_sound=	1
-_SUBDIR_sound=	audio
-_VERSION_ttf=	6
-_SUBDIR_ttf=	graphics
-_REQUIRES_ttf=	sdl
-# Update the variables if they need the default values.
-.for component in ${_USE_SDL_ALL}
-. if !defined(_LIB_${component})
-. endif
-. if !defined(_PORTDIR_${component})
-. endif
-. if !defined(_REQUIRES_${component})
-. endif
-# If WANT_SDL is defined, check for the available libraries
-.if !defined(AFTERPORTMK)
-.if !defined(SDL_Include_pre)
-SDL_Include_pre=	bsd.sdl.mk
-.if defined(WANT_SDL)
-.for component in ${_USE_SDL_ALL}
-.if exists(${LOCALBASE}/lib/lib${_LIB_${component}}.so.${_VERSION_${component}})
-HAVE_SDL+=	${component}
-# If USE_SDL is defined, make dependencies for the libraries
-.if !defined(BEFOREPORTMK)
-.if !defined(SDL_Include_post)
-.if defined(USE_SDL)
-SDL_Include_post=	bsd.sdl.mk
-# Keep some backward compatibility
-.if ${USE_SDL}=="yes"
-USE_SDL=	sdl
-# Check if all the values given in USE_SDL are valid.
-.for component in ${USE_SDL}
-. if ${_USE_SDL_ALL:M${component}}==""
-IGNORE=	cannot install: unknown SDL component ${component}
-. endif
-_USE_SDL+=	${_REQUIRES_${component}} ${component}
-# Uniquefy[sp] the list of libs required
-.for component in ${_USE_SDL}
-. if ${__USE_SDL:M${component}}==""
-__USE_SDL+= ${component}
-. endif
-# Finally make the list of libs required
-.for component in ${__USE_SDL}
-LIB_DEPENDS+=	${_LIB_${component}}.${_VERSION_${component}}:${PORTSDIR}/${_SUBDIR_${component}}/${_PORTDIR_${component}}
-# "Normal" dependencies and variables
-SDL_CONFIG?=	${LOCALBASE}/bin/sdl-config
--- Mk/bsd.gstreamer.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,260 +0,0 @@
-#-*- mode: Fundamental; tab-width: 4; -*-
-# ex:ts=4
-# bsd.gstreamer.mk - Support for gstreamer-plugins-based ports.
-# Created by: Lucas Holt <luke at midnightbsd.org>
-# Date:		Nov 23 2007
-# $MidnightBSD: mports/Mk/bsd.gstreamer.mk,v 1.4 2008/06/11 03:33:46 laffer1 Exp $
-.if !defined(_POSTMKINCLUDED) && !defined(Gstreamer_Pre_Include)
-Gstreamer_Include_MAINTAINER=	ports at MidnightBSD.org
-Gstreamer_Pre_Include=		bsd.gstreamer.mk
-# Ports can use the following:
-#  For Gstreamer 0.10:
-# USE_GSTREAMER=	lame faac ffmpeg
-# If you want to use USE_GSTREAMER after <bsd.port.pre.mk>
-# you must follow one of the examples listed below
-#	.include <bsd.port.pre.mk>
-#	.if defined(WITH_VORBIS)
-#	USE_GSTREAMER+=	vorbis
-#	.endif
-# or
-#       USE_GSTREAMER=	yes
-#       .include <bsd.port.pre.mk>
-#       .if defined(WITH_FAAD)
-#       USE_GSTREAMER+=	faad
-#       .endif
-#	USE_GSTREAMER=yes will always add a dependency to
-#		gstreamer-plugins
-# "Normal" dependencies and variables
-GSTREAMER_PORT=		${PORTSDIR}/multimedia/gstreamer-plugins
-_GST_LIB_BASE=		${LOCALBASE}/lib/gstreamer-${GST_VERSION}
-# These are the current supported gstreamer-plugins modules
-_USE_GSTREAMER10_ALL=	a52dec aalib annodex bz2 cairo cdaudio cdparanoia dts \
-			dv dvd esound faac faad ffmpeg flac gconf gio gnomevfs \
-			gnonlin gsm hal ivorbis jack jpeg ladspa lame \
-			libcaca libmms libpng libvisual mm mp3 mpeg2enc mpeg2dec \
-			musepack nas neon ogg pango pulse python sdl shout2 sidplay \
-			sndfile spc soundtouch soup speex swfdec taglib \
-			theora vorbis wavpack x264 xvid
-# other plugins
-OTHER_GSTREAMER_PLUGINS+=bad good ugly core yes ${_USE_GSTREAMER10_ALL} fluendo-mp3 mad
-core_DEPENDS=	multimedia/gstreamer-plugins-core
-yes_DEPENDS=	multimedia/gstreamer-plugins
-yes_NAME=	gstreamer-plugins
-yes_GST_PREFIX=	# empty
-cdio_DEPENDS=	sysutils/gstreamer-plugins-cdio
-gconf_DEPENDS=	devel/gstreamer-plugins-gconf
-# Audio Plugins Section
-a52dec_DEPENDS=	audio/gstreamer-plugins-a52dec
-artsd_DEPENDS=	audio/gstreamer-plugins-artsd
-audiofile_DEPENDS=	audio/gstreamer-plugins-audiofile
-cdaudio_DEPENDS=	audio/gstreamer-plugins-cdaudio
-cdparanoia_DEPENDS=	audio/gstreamer-plugins-cdparanoia
-esound_DEPENDS=	audio/gstreamer-plugins-esound
-faac_DEPENDS=	audio/gstreamer-plugins-faac
-faad_DEPENDS=	audio/gstreamer-plugins-faad
-flac_DEPENDS=	audio/gstreamer-plugins-flac
-fluendo-mp3_DEPENDS=	audio/gstreamer-plugins-fluendo-mp3
-gsm_DEPENDS=	audio/gstreamer-plugins-gsm
-ivorbis_DEPENDS=	audio/gstreamer-plugins-ivorbis
-hal_DEPENDS=	sysutils/gstreamer-plugins-hal
-jack_DEPENDS=	audio/gstreamer-plugins-jack
-ladspa_DEPENDS=	audio/gstreamer-plugins-ladspa
-lame_DEPENDS=	audio/gstreamer-plugins-lame
-mad_DEPENDS=	audio/gstreamer-plugins-mad
-mikmod_DEPENDS=	audio/gstreamer-plugins-mikmod
-mm_DEPENDS=	multimedia/gstreamermm
-mm_GST_PREFIX=	gstreamer
-mm_GST_SUFX=	# empty
-mm_GST_VERSION=	0.9.4
-mp3_DEPENDS=	audio/gstreamer-plugins-mp3
-musepack_DEPENDS=	audio/gstreamer-plugins-musepack
-musicbrainz_DEPENDS=	audio/gstreamer-plugins-musicbrainz
-nas_DEPENDS=	audio/gstreamer-plugins-nas
-neon_DEPENDS=	www/gstreamer-plugins-neon
-ogg_DEPENDS=	audio/gstreamer-plugins-ogg
-polyp_DEPENDS=	audio/gstreamer-plugins-polyp
-pulse_DEPENDS=	audio/gstreamer-plugins-pulse
-pulse_GST_VERSION=	0.9.3
-shout_DEPENDS=	audio/gstreamer-plugins-shout
-shout2_DEPENDS=	audio/gstreamer-plugins-shout2
-sidplay_DEPENDS=	audio/gstreamer-plugins-sidplay
-smoothwave_DEPENDS=	audio/gstreamer-plugins-smoothwave
-sndfile_DEPENDS=	audio/gstreamer-plugins-sndfile
-soundtouch_DEPENDS=	audio/gstreamer-plugins-soundtouch
-spc_DEPENDS=	audio/gstreamer-plugins-spc
-speex_DEPENDS=	audio/gstreamer-plugins-speex
-taglib_DEPENDS=	audio/gstreamer-plugins-taglib
-vorbis_DEPENDS=	audio/gstreamer-plugins-vorbis
-wavpack_DEPENDS=	audio/gstreamer-plugins-wavpack
-# Devel Plugins Section
-gio_DEPENDS=	devel/gstreamer-plugins-gio
-gnomevfs_DEPENDS=	devel/gstreamer-plugins-gnomevfs
-sdl_DEPENDS=	devel/gstreamer-plugins-sdl
-soup_DEPENDS=	devel/gstreamer-plugins-soup
-# Graphics Plugins Section
-aalib_DEPENDS=	graphics/gstreamer-plugins-aalib
-annodex_DEPENDS=	multimedia/gstreamer-plugins-annodex
-cairo_DEPENDS=	graphics/gstreamer-plugins-cairo
-gdkpixbuf_DEPENDS=	graphics/gstreamer-plugins-gdkpixbuf
-hermes_DEPENDS=	graphics/gstreamer-plugins-hermes
-jpeg_DEPENDS=	graphics/gstreamer-plugins-jpeg
-libcaca_DEPENDS=	graphics/gstreamer-plugins-libcaca
-libmng_DEPENDS=	graphics/gstreamer-plugins-libmng
-libpng_DEPENDS=	graphics/gstreamer-plugins-libpng
-libvisual_DEPENDS=	graphics/gstreamer-plugins-libvisual
-swfdec_DEPENDS=	graphics/gstreamer-plugins-swfdec
-# Multimedia Plugins Section
-bad_DEPENDS=	multimedia/gstreamer-plugins-bad
-bz2_DEPENDS=	multimedia/gstreamer-plugins-bz2
-ffmpeg_DEPENDS=	multimedia/gstreamer-ffmpeg
-ffmpeg_GST_PREFIX=	gstreamer-
-ffmpeg_GST_SUFX=	# empty
-ffmpeg_GST_VERSION=	0.10.0
-dts_DEPENDS=	multimedia/gstreamer-plugins-dts
-dv_DEPENDS=	multimedia/gstreamer-plugins-dv
-dvd_DEPENDS=	multimedia/gstreamer-plugins-dvd
-good_DEPENDS=	multimedia/gstreamer-plugins-good
-gnonlin_DEPENDS=	multimedia/gstreamer-plugins-gnonlin
-libfame_DEPENDS=	multimedia/gstreamer-plugins-libfame
-mpeg2dec_DEPENDS=	multimedia/gstreamer-plugins-mpeg2dec
-mpeg2enc_DEPENDS=	multimedia/gstreamer-plugins-mpeg2enc
-mplex_DEPENDS=	multimedia/gstreamer-plugins-mplex
-# XXX: This is a quick solution for ports with USE_GSTREAMER=python
-#      but without USE_PYTHON.
-python_DEPENDS=	multimedia/py-gstreamer
-python_NAME=	gstreamer
-python_GST_SUFX=        # empty
-python_GST_VERSION=     0.10.4
-theora_DEPENDS=	multimedia/gstreamer-plugins-theora
-ugly_DEPENDS=	multimedia/gstreamer-plugins-ugly
-x264_DEPENDS=	multimedia/gstreamer-plugins-x264
-xvid_DEPENDS=	multimedia/gstreamer-plugins-xvid
-# Net Plugins Section
-libmms_DEPENDS=	net/gstreamer-plugins-libmms
-# X11-Toolkits Plugins Section
-pango_DEPENDS=	x11-toolkits/gstreamer-plugins-pango
-.if defined(_POSTMKINCLUDED) && !defined(Gstreamer_Post_Include)
-Gstreamer_Post_Include=	bsd.gstreamer.mk
-.for ext in ${USE_GSTREAMER}
-${ext}_GST_PREFIX?=	gstreamer-plugins-
-${ext}_NAME?=		${ext}
-. if ${_USE_GSTREAMER_ALL:M${ext}}!= "" && exists(${PORTSDIR}/${${ext}_DEPENDS})
-BUILD_DEPENDS+=	${${ext}_GST_PREFIX}${${ext}_NAME}>=${${ext}_GST_VERSION}:${PORTSDIR}/${${ext}_DEPENDS}
-RUN_DEPENDS+=	${${ext}_GST_PREFIX}${${ext}_NAME}>=${${ext}_GST_VERSION}:${PORTSDIR}/${${ext}_DEPENDS}
-. else
-IGNORE=	cannot install: unknown gstreamer-plugin -- ${ext}
-. endif
-# The End
--- Mk/bsd.ruby.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,568 +0,0 @@
-# bsd.ruby.mk - Utility definitions for Ruby related ports.
-# Created by: Akinori MUSHA <knu at FreeBSD.org>
-# $MidnightBSD: mports/Mk/bsd.ruby.mk,v 1.8 2008/06/26 19:37:21 laffer1 Exp $ 
-# $FreeBSD: ports/Mk/bsd.ruby.mk,v 1.154 2006/08/27 09:53:27 sem Exp $
-.if !defined(Ruby_Include)
-Ruby_Include=			bsd.ruby.mk
-Ruby_Include_MAINTAINER=	ports at MidnightBSD.org
-# [variables that a user may define]
-# RUBY_VER		- (See below)
-# RUBY_DEFAULT_VER	- Set to (e.g.) "1.8" if you want to refer to "ruby18"
-#			  just as "ruby".
-# RUBY_ARCH		- (See below)
-# RUBY_RD_HTML		- Define if you want HTML files generated from RD files.
-# [variables that each port can define]
-# RUBY			- Set to full path of ruby.  If you set this, the values
-#			  of the following variables are automatically obtained
-#			  from the ruby executable: RUBY_VER, RUBY_VERSION,
-# RUBY_VER		- Set to the alternative short version of ruby in the
-#			  form of `x.y' (see below for current value).
-# USE_RUBY		- Says that the port uses ruby for building and running.
-# RUBY_NO_BUILD_DEPENDS	- Says that the port should not build-depend on ruby.
-# RUBY_NO_RUN_DEPENDS	- Says that the port should not run-depend on ruby.
-# USE_LIBRUBY		- Says that the port uses libruby.
-# USE_RUBY_EXTCONF	- Says that the port uses extconf.rb to configure.
-#			  Implies USE_RUBY.
-# RUBY_EXTCONF		- Set to the alternative name of extconf.rb
-#			  (default: extconf.rb).
-# RUBY_EXTCONF_SUBDIRS	- Set to list of subdirectories, if multiple modules
-#			  are included.
-# USE_RUBY_SETUP	- Says that the port uses setup.rb to configure and
-#			  build.
-# RUBY_SETUP		- Set to the alternative name of setup.rb
-#			  (default: setup.rb).
-# USE_RUBY_AMSTD	- Says that the port uses amstd for building and
-#			  running.
-# USE_RUBY_RDTOOL	- Says that the port uses rdtool to generate documents.
-# USE_RUBY_RDOC		- Says that the port uses rdoc to generate documents.
-# USE_RUBY_FEATURES	- Says that the port requires some of the following
-#			  features for building and/or running (default: none):
-#			  iconv
-# RUBY_REQUIRE		- Set to a Ruby expression to evaluate before building
-#			  the port.  The constant "Ruby" is set to the integer
-#			  version number of ruby, and the result of the
-#			  expression will be set to RUBY_PROVIDED, which is
-#			  left undefined if the result is nil, false or a
-#			  zero-length string.  Implies USE_RUBY.
-# RUBY_SHEBANG_FILES	- Specify the files which shebang lines you want to fix.
-# RUBY_RD_FILES		- Specify the RD files which you want to generate HTML
-#			  documents from. If this is defined and not empty,
-#			  USE_RUBY_RDTOOL is implied and RUBY_RD_HTML_FILES is
-#			  defined.
-# [variables that each port should not (re)define]
-#			  (default: ruby${RUBY_SUFFIX}-)
-# RUBY_VERSION		- Full version of ruby without preview/beta suffix in
-#			  the form of `x.y.z' (see below for current value).
-# RUBY_VERSION_CODE	- Full integer version of ruby without preview/beta
-#			  suffix in the form of `xyz'.
-# RUBY_PORTVERSION	- PORTVERSION for the standard ruby ports (ruby,
-#			  ruby-gdbm, etc.).
-# RUBY_PORTREVISION	- PORTREVISION for the standard ruby ports.
-# RUBY_PORTEPOCH	- PORTEPOCH for the standard ruby ports.
-# RUBY_DISTNAME		- DISTNAME for the standard ruby ports, i.e. the
-#			  basename of the ruby distribution tarball.
-# RUBY_DISTVERSION	- The version number part of RUBY_DISTNAME.
-# RUBY_PATCHFILES	- PATCHFILES for the standard ruby ports, i.e. the
-#			  basename of the ruby distribution tarball.
-# RUBY_WRKSRC		- WRKSRC for the ruby port.
-# RUBY_SHLIBVER		- Major version of libruby (see below for current
-#			  value).
-# RUBY_ARCH		- Set to target architecture name.
-#			  (e.g. i386-freebsd7)
-# RUBY_SUFFIX		- Suffix for ruby binaries and directories
-#			  (${RUBY_VER:S/.//}).
-# RUBY_WITHOUT_SUFFIX	- Always ${LOCALBASE}/bin/ruby.
-# RUBY_NAME		- Ruby's name with trailing suffix.
-# RUBY_MODNAME		- Set to the module name (default: ${PORTNAME}).
-# RUBY_RD2		- Full path of rd2 executable.
-# RUBY_RDOC		- Full path of rdoc executable.
-# RUBY_BASE_PORT	- Port path of base ruby without PORTSDIR, without
-#			  suffix except version.
-# RUBY_PORT		- Port path of ruby without PORTSDIR.
-# RUBY_AMSTD_PORT	- Port path of ruby-amstd without PORTSDIR.
-# RUBY_RDTOOL_PORT	- Port path of rdtool without PORTSDIR.
-# RUBY_RDOC_PORT	- Port path of rdoc without PORTSDIR.
-# RUBY_ICONV_PORT	- Port path of ruby-iconv without PORTSDIR.
-# DEPEND_LIBRUBY	- LIB_DEPENDS entry for libruby.
-# RUBY_LIBDIR		- Installation path for architecture independent
-#			  libraries.
-# RUBY_ARCHLIBDIR	- Installation path for architecture dependent
-#			  libraries.
-# RUBY_SITELIBDIR	- Installation path for site architecture independent
-#			  libraries.
-# RUBY_SITEARCHLIBDIR	- Installation path for site architecture dependent
-#			  libraries.
-# RUBY_DOCDIR		- Installation path for documents.
-# RUBY_EXAMPLESDIR	- Installation path for examples.
-# RUBY_RIDIR		- Installation path for site architecture independent ri
-#			  documents.
-# RUBY_SITERIDIR	- Installation path for site architecture dependent ri
-#			  documents.
-# RUBY_MODDOCDIR	- Installation path for the module's documents.
-# RUBY_MODEXAMPLESDIR	- Installation path for the module's examples.
-# RUBY_ELISPDIR		- Installation path for emacs lisp files.
-.if defined(RUBY)
-.if !exists(${RUBY})
-IGNORE=	cannot install: you set the variable RUBY to "${RUBY}", but it does not seem to exist.  Please specify an already installed ruby executable.
-_RUBY_TEST!=		${RUBY} -e 'begin; require "rbconfig"; rescue LoadError; puts "error"; end'
-.if !empty(_RUBY_TEST)
-IGNORE=	cannot install: you set the variable RUBY to "${RUBY}", but it failed to include rbconfig.  Please specify a properly installed ruby executable.
-_RUBY_CONFIG=		${RUBY} -r rbconfig -e 'C = Config::CONFIG' -e
-RUBY_SUFFIX?=		# empty
-RUBY_ARCH!=		${_RUBY_CONFIG} 'puts C["target"]'
-RUBY_NAME!=		${_RUBY_CONFIG} 'puts C["ruby_install_name"]'
-_RUBY_SYSLIBDIR!=	${_RUBY_CONFIG} 'puts C["libdir"]'
-_RUBY_SITEDIR!=		${_RUBY_CONFIG} 'puts C["sitedir"]'
-_RUBY_VENDORDIR!=	${_RUBY_CONFIG} 'puts C["vendordir"]'
-.if defined(RUBY_VER)
-. if ${RUBY_VER} == 1.8
-# Ruby 1.8
-.  if ${RUBY_PATCHLEVEL} == 0
-.  else
-.  endif
-# Security patch
-# PLIST_SUB helpers
-RUBY18=			""
-RUBY19=			"@comment "
-. elif ${RUBY_VER} == 1.9
-# Ruby 1.9
-RUBY_CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--with-rubyhdrdir="${PREFIX}/include/ruby-1.9/"
-# PLIST_SUB helpers
-RUBY18=			"@comment "
-RUBY19=			""
-. else
-# Other versions
-IGNORE=	Only ruby 1.8 and 1.9 are supported
-. endif
-.endif # defined(RUBY_VER)
-CONFIGURE_TARGET?=	${ARCH}-portbld-freebsd${OSREL:C/\..*//}
-RUBY_ARCH?=		${ARCH}-freebsd${OSREL:C/\..*//}
-_RUBY_SITEDIR?=		${_RUBY_SYSLIBDIR}/ruby/site_ruby
-_RUBY_VENDORDIR?=	${_RUBY_SYSLIBDIR}/ruby/vendor_ruby
-#      defined(RUBY)
-RUBY_VER=		${RUBY_VERSION:C/([[:digit:]]+\.[[:digit:]]+).*/\1/}
-RUBY_CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--program-prefix=""
-RUBY_CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--program-suffix="${RUBY_SUFFIX}"
-# Commands
-RUBY_RD2?=		${LOCALBASE}/bin/rd2
-RUBY_RDOC?=		${LOCALBASE}/bin/rdoc
-# Ports
-RUBY_BASE_PORT?=	lang/ruby${RUBY_VER:S/.//}
-RUBY_AMSTD_PORT?=	devel/ruby-amstd
-RUBY_RDTOOL_PORT?=	textproc/ruby-rdtool
-RUBY_RDOC_PORT?=	textproc/ruby-rdoc
-RUBY_ICONV_PORT?=	converters/ruby-iconv
-# Depends
-# Directories
-RUBY_DOCDIR?=		${PREFIX}/share/doc/${RUBY_NAME}
-RUBY_RIDIR?=		${PREFIX}/share/ri/${RUBY_VER}/system
-RUBY_SITERIDIR?=	${PREFIX}/share/ri/${RUBY_VER}/site
-RUBY_ELISPDIR?=		${PREFIX}/lib/ruby/elisp
-			RUBY_VER="${RUBY_VER}" \
-			RUBY18=${RUBY18} \
-			RUBY19=${RUBY19}
-# require check
-.if defined(RUBY_REQUIRE)
-USE_RUBY=		yes
-.if exists(${RUBY})
-	Ruby = ${RUBY_VERSION_CODE}; \
-	value = begin; ${RUBY_REQUIRE}; end and puts value'
-RUBY_PROVIDED=		"should be"	# the latest version is going to be installed
-.if empty(RUBY_PROVIDED)
-# fix shebang lines
-USE_RUBY=		yes
-post-patch:	ruby-shebang-patch
-	@cd ${WRKSRC}; for f in ${RUBY_SHEBANG_FILES}; do \
-	${ECHO_MSG} "===>  Fixing the #! line of $$f"; \
-	TMPFILE=`mktemp -t rubyshebang`; \
-	cp $$f $$TMPFILE; \
-	${AWK} 'BEGIN {flag = 0;}								\
-		{										\
-			if (flag == 0) {							\
-				if ($$0 ~ /^#!/) {						\
-					sub(/#!(.*\/)?(env[[:space:]]+)?ruby/, "#!${RUBY}", $$0);\
-					print $$0;						\
-				}								\
-				else {								\
-					print "#!${RUBY}";					\
-					print $$0;						\
-				}								\
-				flag = 1;							\
-			} else {								\
-				print $$0;							\
-			}									\
-		}' $$TMPFILE > $$f; \
-	rm -f $$TMPFILE; \
-	done
-.if defined(DEBUG)
-# RubyGems support
-.if defined(USE_RUBYGEMS)
-. if ${RUBY_VER} == 1.8
-. endif
-DIST_SUBDIR=	rubygem
-NO_BUILD=	yes
-GEMS_BASE_DIR=	lib/ruby/gems/${RUBY_VER}
-SPEC_DIR=	${GEMS_BASE_DIR}/specifications
-GEM_SPEC=	${SPEC_DIR}/${GEM_NAME}.gemspec
-		REV="${RUBY_GEM}" \
-		GEMS_BASE_DIR="lib/ruby/gems/${RUBY_VER}" \
-		DOC_DIR="${DOC_DIR}" \
-. if defined(DISTFILES)
-. else
-. endif
-.for _D in ${GEMFILES}
-	${SETENV} ${GEM_ENV} ${RUBYGEMBIN} install --no-update-sources --no-ri --install-dir ${PREFIX}/lib/ruby/gems/${RUBY_VER} ${DISTDIR}/${DIST_SUBDIR}/${_D} -- --build-args ${CONFIGURE_ARGS}
-.endif # USE_RUBYGEMS
-# extconf.rb support
-.if defined(USE_RUBY_EXTCONF)
-USE_RUBY=		yes
-RUBY_EXTCONF?=		extconf.rb
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--with-opt-dir="${LOCALBASE}"
-do-configure:	ruby-extconf-configure
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===>  Running ${RUBY_EXTCONF} in ${d} to configure"
-	@cd ${CONFIGURE_WRKSRC}/${d}; \
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===>  Running ${RUBY_EXTCONF} to configure"
-# setup.rb support
-.if defined(USE_RUBY_SETUP)
-RUBY_SETUP?=		setup.rb
-do-configure:	ruby-setup-configure
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===>  Running ${RUBY_SETUP} to configure"
-	@cd ${BUILD_WRKSRC}; \
-do-build:	ruby-setup-build
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===>  Running ${RUBY_SETUP} to build"
-	@cd ${BUILD_WRKSRC}; \
-do-install:	ruby-setup-install
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===>  Running ${RUBY_SETUP} to install"
-	@cd ${INSTALL_WRKSRC}; \
-.if defined(USE_LIBRUBY)
-.if defined(USE_RUBY)
-.if !defined(RUBY_NO_BUILD_DEPENDS)
-.if !defined(RUBY_NO_RUN_DEPENDS)
-.if defined(USE_RUBY_FEATURES)
-_use=	${USE_RUBY_FEATURES:Miconv}
-.if !empty(_use)
-.undef _use
-.if defined(USE_RAKE)
-. if ${RUBY_VER} == 1.8
-BUILD_DEPENDS+=		${LOCALBASE}/bin/rake:${PORTSDIR}/devel/rubygem-rake
-RAKE_BIN=	 ${LOCALBASE}/bin/rake
-. else
-. endif
-.if defined(USE_RUBY_AMSTD)
-# documents
-.if defined(RUBY_RD_HTML)
-.if defined(NOPORTDOCS)
-.if defined(RUBY_RD_FILES) && !defined(RUBY_NO_RD_HTML)
-RUBY_RD_HTML_FILES=	${RUBY_RD_FILES:S/.rb$//:S/.rd././:S/.rd$//:S/$/.html/}
-pre-install:	ruby-rd-build
-.if !empty(RUBY_RD_FILES)
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===>  Generating HTML documents from RD documents"
-	@cd ${WRKSRC}; for rd in ${RUBY_RD_FILES}; do \
-		html=$$(echo $$rd | ${SED} 's/\.rb$$//;s/\.rd\././;s/\.rd$$//').html; \
-		${ECHO_MSG} "${RUBY_RD2} $$rd > $$html"; \
-		${RUBY_RD2} $$rd > $$html; \
-	done
-	@${DO_NADA}
-.if !defined(NOPORTDOCS) && defined(USE_RUBY_RDTOOL)
--- Mk/bsd.emacs.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-# 	$MidnightBSD: mports/Mk/bsd.emacs.mk,v 1.3 2008/09/29 21:15:49 laffer1 Exp $
-#	$FreeBSD: ports/Mk/bsd.emacs.mk,v 1.59 2006/08/14 13:24:18 erwin Exp $
-#	bsd.emacs.mk - 19990829 Shigeyuki Fukushima.
-Emacs_Include=			bsd.emacs.mk
-Emacs_Include_MAINTAINER=	ports at MidnightBSD.org
-# This file for ports which depend on emacs family.
-# Define EMACS_PORT_NAME variable before bsd.port.[pre.]mk
-# and it will automatically include this file.
-# This file exports the following common variables:
-#		emacsen's command-line basename.
-#		ex.) "emacs" when emacsen is a emacs-20.6.
-#		emacsen's version.
-#		ex.) "20.6" when emacsen is a emacs-20.6.
-#		emacsen's major version.
-#		ex.) "20" when emacsen is a emacs-20.6.
-#		emacsen's library directory name without ${PREFIX}.
-#		ex.) "share/emacs" when emacsen is a emacs-20.6.
-#		emacsen's version specific library directory name
-#		without ${PREFIX}.
-#		ex.) "share/emacs/20.6" when emacsen is a emacs-20.6.
-#		emacsen's command-line filename. (full path)
-#		ex.) "/usr/local/bin/emacs-20.6" when emacsen is a
-#		     emacs-20.6 and ${PREFIX} is "/usr/local".
-#		emacsen's site-lisp directory name without ${PREFIX}.
-#		ex.) "share/emacs/site-lisp" when emacsen is a emacs-20.6.
-#		emacsen's version specific site-lisp directory name
-#		without	${PREFIX}.
-#		ex.) "share/emacs/20.6/site-lisp" when emacsen is a
-#		emacs-20.6.
-#		If set "YES" to this variable, port does not
-#		build-depend on EMACS_PORT_NAME's emacsen.
-#		If set "YES" to this variable, port does not
-#		run-depend on EMACS_PORT_NAME's emacsen.
-# Emacs-22.x
-.if (${EMACS_PORT_NAME} == "emacs22")
-EMACS_NAME=		emacs
-EMACS_VER=		22.2
-EMACS_PORTSDIR=		${PORTSDIR}/editors/emacs
-DESCR?=			${PKGDIR}/pkg-descr.${EMACS_PORT_NAME}
-PLIST?=			${PKGDIR}/pkg-plist.${EMACS_PORT_NAME}
-# Mule-19.x
-.elif (${EMACS_PORT_NAME} == "mule")
-EMACS_NAME=		mule
-EMACS_VER=		19.34
-EMACS_PORTSDIR=		${PORTSDIR}/editors/mule
-DESCR?=                 ${PKGDIR}/pkg-descr.${EMACS_PORT_NAME}
-PLIST?=                 ${PKGDIR}/pkg-plist.${EMACS_PORT_NAME}
-# XEmacs-21.x
-.elif (${EMACS_PORT_NAME} == "xemacs21")
-EMACS_NAME=		xemacs
-EMACS_VER=		21.4.19
-EMACS_PORTSDIR=		${PORTSDIR}/editors/xemacs
-DESCR?=                 ${PKGDIR}/pkg-descr.${EMACS_PORT_NAME}
-PLIST?=                 ${PKGDIR}/pkg-plist.${EMACS_PORT_NAME}
-# XEmacs-21.x with Mule
-.elif (${EMACS_PORT_NAME} == "xemacs21-mule")
-EMACS_NAME=		xemacs
-EMACS_VER=		21.4.19
-EMACS_PORTSDIR=		${PORTSDIR}/editors/xemacs21-mule
-DESCR?=                 ${PKGDIR}/pkg-descr.${EMACS_PORT_NAME}
-PLIST?=                 ${PKGDIR}/pkg-plist.${EMACS_PORT_NAME}
-# XEmacs-21 development version
-.elif (${EMACS_PORT_NAME} == "xemacs-devel")
-EMACS_NAME=		xemacs
-EMACS_VER=		21.5-b27
-EMACS_PORTSDIR=		${PORTSDIR}/editors/xemacs-devel
-DESCR?=                 ${PKGDIR}/pkg-descr.${EMACS_PORT_NAME}
-PLIST?=                 ${PKGDIR}/pkg-plist.${EMACS_PORT_NAME}
-# XEmacs-21 development version with Mule
-.elif (${EMACS_PORT_NAME} == "xemacs-devel-mule") || \
-	(${EMACS_PORT_NAME} == "xemacs-mule-xft")
-EMACS_NAME=		xemacs
-EMACS_VER=		21.5-b27
-.if ${EMACS_PORT_NAME} == "xemacs-mule-xft"
-EMACS_PORTSDIR=		${PORTSDIR}/editors/xemacs-devel-mule-xft
-EMACS_PORTSDIR=		${PORTSDIR}/editors/xemacs-devel-mule
-DESCR?=                 ${PKGDIR}/pkg-descr.${EMACS_PORT_NAME}
-PLIST?=                 ${PKGDIR}/pkg-plist.${EMACS_PORT_NAME}
-	@${ECHO} "Makefile error: Bad value of EMACS_PORT_NAME: ${EMACS_PORT_NAME}."
-	@${ECHO} "Valid values are:"
-	@${ECHO} "	Emacs  family: emacs19 mule emacs20 emacs21 emacs22"
-	@${ECHO} "	XEmacs family: xemacs xemacs20 xemacs21 xemacs21-mule"
-	@${ECHO} "	               xemacs-devel xemacs-devel-mule xemacs-mule-xft"
-	@${FALSE}
-# Common Definitions
-# find where emacsen is installed
-# look for it in PREEFIX first and fall back to LOCALBASE then
-.if exists(${TARGETDIR}/bin/${EMACS_NAME}-${EMACS_VER})
-# emacsen command-line filename
-# emacsen core elisp filename
-# emacsen libdir without ${LOCALBASE}
-# build&run-dependency
-.if (${EMACS_NO_RUN_DEPENDS} == "NO")
-.if defined(EMACS_COMMON_PORT) && (${EMACS_COMMON_PORT} == "YES")
-# environments for build
-# pkg/PLIST substrings
--- Mk/bsd.gnome.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,838 +0,0 @@
-#-*- mode: Fundamental; tab-width: 4; -*-
-# ex:ts=4
-# $MidnightBSD: mports/Mk/bsd.gnome.mk,v 1.14 2008/06/14 21:04:02 laffer1 Exp $
-# $FreeBSD: ports/Mk/bsd.gnome.mk,v 1.132 2006/08/14 13:24:18 erwin Exp $
-# Please view me with 4 column tabs!
-.if !defined(_POSTMKINCLUDED) && !defined(Gnome_Pre_Include)
-# Please make sure all changes to this file are passed through the maintainer.
-# Do not commit them yourself (unless of course you're the Port's Wraith ;).
-Gnome_Include_MAINTAINER=	ports at MidnightBSD.org
-Gnome_Pre_Include=		bsd.gnome.mk
-# This section defines possible names of GNOME components and all information
-# necessary for ports to use those components.
-# Ports can use this as follows:
-# USE_GNOME=	gnomeprint bonobo
-# .include <bsd.port.mk>
-# As a result proper LIB_DEPENDS/RUN_DEPENDS will be added and CONFIGURE_ENV
-# and MAKE_ENV defined.
-# GCONF_SCHEMAS		- Set the following to list of all schema files
-#					  that your port installs. These schema files and
-#					  %gconf.xml files will be automatically added to
-#					  ${PLIST}. For example, if your port has
-#					  "etc/gconf/schemas/(foo.schemas and bar.schemas)",
-#					  add the following to your Makefile:
-#					  "GCONF_SCHEMAS=foo.schemas bar.schemas".
-# INSTALLS_OMF		- If set, bsd.gnome.mk will automatically scan pkg-plist
-#					  file and add apropriate @exec/@unexec directives for
-#					  each .omf file found to track OMF registration database.
-# INSTALLS_ICONS	- If your port installs Freedesktop-style icons to
-#					  ${LOCALBASE}/share/icons, then
-#					  you should use this macro. If the icons are not cached,
-#					  they will not be displayed.
-# non-version specific components
-_USE_GNOME_ALL= esound intlhack intltool ltasneededhack lthack ltverhack \
-		gnomehack referencehack gnomehier gnomemimedata gnomeprefix \
-		gnometarget pkgconfig
-# GNOME 1 components
-_USE_GNOME_ALL+= bonobo gal gconf gdkpixbuf glib12 glibwww \
-		gnomecanvas gnomedb gnomelibs gnomeprint gnomevfs gtk12 \
-		gtkhtml libcapplet libgda libghttp libglade libxml imlib \
-		oaf orbit pygnome pygtk
-# GNOME 2 components
-_USE_GNOME_ALL+= atk atspi desktopfileutils eel2 evolutiondataserver gail \
-		gal2 gconf2 _glib20 glib20 gnomecontrolcenter2 gnomedesktop gnomedocutils \
-		gnomemenus gnomepanel gnomesharp20 gnomespeech gnomevfs2 gtk20 \
-		gtkhtml3 gtksharp10 gtksharp20 gtksourceview gtksourceview2 gvfs \
-		libartlgpl2 libbonobo libbonoboui libgailgnome libgda2 libgda3 \
-		libglade2 libgnome libgnomecanvas libgnomedb libgnomekbd libgnomeprint \
-		libgnomeprintui libgnomeui libgsf libgsf_gnome libgtkhtml libidl \
-		librsvg2 libwnck libxml2 libxslt libzvt linc metacity nautilus2 \
-		nautiluscdburner orbit2 pango pygnome2 pygnomedesktop pygnomeextras \
-		pygtk2 pygtksourceview vte
-SCROLLKEEPER_DIR=	/var/db/rarian
-gnomehack_PRE_PATCH=	${FIND} ${WRKSRC} -name "${GNOME_MAKEFILEIN}*" -type f | ${XARGS} ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e \
-				's|[(]libdir[)]/locale|(prefix)/share/locale|g ; \
-				 s|[(]libdir[)]/pkgconfig|(prefix)/libdata/pkgconfig|g ; \
-				 s|[(]datadir[)]/pkgconfig|(prefix)/libdata/pkgconfig|g ; \
-				 s|[(]prefix[)]/lib/pkgconfig|(prefix)/libdata/pkgconfig|g ; \
-				 s|[$$][(]localstatedir[)]/scrollkeeper|${SCROLLKEEPER_DIR}|g ; \
-				 s|[(]libdir[)]/bonobo/servers|(prefix)/libdata/bonobo/servers|g' ; \
-			${FIND} ${WRKSRC} -name "configure" -type f | ${XARGS} ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e \
-				's|-lpthread|${PTHREAD_LIBS}|g ; \
-				 s|DATADIRNAME=lib|DATADIRNAME=share|g ; \
-				 s|{libdir}/locale|{prefix}/share/locale|g'
-referencehack_PRE_PATCH=	${FIND} ${WRKSRC} -name "Makefile.in" -type f | ${XARGS} ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e \
-				"s|test \"\$$\$$installfiles\" = '\$$(srcdir)/html/\*'|:|"
-lthack_PRE_PATCH=	${FIND} ${WRKSRC} -name "configure" -type f | ${XARGS} ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e \
-				'/^LIBTOOL_DEPS="$$ac_aux_dir\/ltmain.sh"$$/s|$$|; $$ac_aux_dir/ltconfig $$LIBTOOL_DEPS;|'
-GNOME_MTREE_FILE?=		${LOCALBASE}/etc/mtree/BSD.gnome.dist
-gnomehier_RUN_DEPENDS=	${gnomehier_DETECT}:${PORTSDIR}/misc/gnomehier
-gnomehier_BUILD_DEPENDS=  ${gnomehier_DETECT}:${PORTSDIR}/misc/gnomehier
-GNOME_HTML_DIR?=	${PREFIX}/share/doc
-gnomeprefix_CONFIGURE_ARGS=--localstatedir=${DESTDIR}${GNOME_LOCALSTATEDIR} \
-			   --with-html-dir=${DESTDIR}${GNOME_HTML_DIR} \
-			   --disable-gtk-doc \
-			   --with-gconf-source=${GCONF_CONFIG_SOURCE}
-.if !defined(WITHOUT_HACK)
-ESD_CONFIG?=		${LOCALBASE}/bin/esd-config
-esound_LIB_DEPENDS=	esd.2:${PORTSDIR}/audio/esound
-esound_DETECT=		${ESD_CONFIG}
-libghttp_LIB_DEPENDS=	ghttp.1:${PORTSDIR}/www/libghttp
-libghttp_DETECT=	${LOCALBASE}/etc/ghttpConf.sh
-GLIB_CONFIG?=		${LOCALBASE}/bin/glib12-config
-glib12_LIB_DEPENDS=	glib-12.3:${PORTSDIR}/devel/glib12
-glib12_USE_GNOME_IMPL=	pkgconfig
-GTK_CONFIG?=		${LOCALBASE}/bin/gtk12-config
-gtk12_LIB_DEPENDS=	gtk-12.2:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/gtk12
-gtk12_USE_GNOME_IMPL=	glib12
-XML_CONFIG?=		${LOCALBASE}/bin/xml-config
-libxml_LIB_DEPENDS=	xml.5:${PORTSDIR}/textproc/libxml
-libxml_DETECT=		${XML_CONFIG}
-libxml_USE_GNOME_IMPL=	glib12
-ORBIT_CONFIG?=		${LOCALBASE}/bin/orbit-config
-orbit_LIB_DEPENDS=	ORBit.2:${PORTSDIR}/devel/ORBit
-orbit_USE_GNOME_IMPL=	glib12
-GDK_PIXBUF_CONFIG?=	${LOCALBASE}/bin/gdk-pixbuf-config
-gdkpixbuf_LIB_DEPENDS=	gdk_pixbuf.2:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/gdk-pixbuf
-IMLIB_CONFIG?=		${LOCALBASE}/bin/imlib-config
-imlib_LIB_DEPENDS=	Imlib.5:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/imlib
-imlib_USE_GNOME_IMPL=	gtk12
-GNOME_CONFIG?=		${LOCALBASE}/bin/gnome-config
-gnomelibs_LIB_DEPENDS=	gnome.5:${PORTSDIR}/x11/gnome-libs
-gnomelibs_DETECT=	${GNOME_CONFIG}
-gnomelibs_USE_GNOME_IMPL=esound gtk12 imlib libxml orbit
-gnomecanvas_DETECT=	${LOCALBASE}/etc/gnomecanvaspixbufConf.sh
-gnomecanvas_USE_GNOME_IMPL=gnomelibs gdkpixbuf
-OAF_CONFIG?=		${LOCALBASE}/bin/oaf-config
-oaf_LIB_DEPENDS=	oaf.0:${PORTSDIR}/devel/oaf
-oaf_USE_GNOME_IMPL=	glib12 orbit libxml
-gnomemimedata_DETECT=	${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/gnome-mime-data-2.0.pc
-gnomemimedata_USE_GNOME_IMPL=gnomehier pkgconfig
-GCONF_CONFIG?=		${LOCALBASE}/bin/gconf-config
-gconf_LIB_DEPENDS=	gconf-1.1:${PORTSDIR}/devel/gconf
-gconf_USE_GNOME_IMPL=	oaf
-GNOME_VFS_CONFIG?=	${LOCALBASE}/bin/gnome-vfs-config
-gnomevfs_LIB_DEPENDS=	gnomevfs.0:${PORTSDIR}/devel/gnome-vfs1
-gnomevfs_USE_GNOME_IMPL=gnomemimedata gconf gnomelibs
-libcapplet_LIB_DEPENDS=	capplet.5:${PORTSDIR}/x11/libcapplet
-libcapplet_DETECT=	${LOCALBASE}/etc/cappletConf.sh
-gnomeprint_LIB_DEPENDS=	gnomeprint.16:${PORTSDIR}/print/gnome-print
-gnomeprint_DETECT=	${LOCALBASE}/etc/printConf.sh
-gnomeprint_USE_GNOME_IMPL=gnomelibs gnomecanvas
-bonobo_LIB_DEPENDS=	bonobo.2:${PORTSDIR}/devel/bonobo
-bonobo_DETECT=		${LOCALBASE}/etc/bonoboConf.sh
-bonobo_USE_GNOME_IMPL=	oaf gnomeprint
-GDA_CONFIG?=		${LOCALBASE}/bin/gda-config
-libgda_LIB_DEPENDS=	gda-client.0:${PORTSDIR}/databases/libgda
-libgda_DETECT=		${GDA_CONFIG}
-libgda_USE_GNOME_IMPL=	gconf bonobo
-GNOMEDB_CONFIG?=	${LOCALBASE}/bin/gnomedb-config
-gnomedb_LIB_DEPENDS=	gnomedb.0:${PORTSDIR}/databases/gnome-db
-gnomedb_USE_GNOME_IMPL=	libgda
-LIBGLADE_CONFIG?=	${LOCALBASE}/bin/libglade-config
-libglade_LIB_DEPENDS=	glade.4:${PORTSDIR}/devel/libglade
-gal_LIB_DEPENDS=	gal.23:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/gal
-gal_DETECT=		${LOCALBASE}/etc/galConf.sh
-gal_USE_GNOME_IMPL=	libglade
-glibwww_LIB_DEPENDS=	glibwww.1:${PORTSDIR}/www/glibwww
-glibwww_DETECT=		${LOCALBASE}/etc/glibwwwConf.sh
-glibwww_USE_GNOME_IMPL=	gnomelibs
-gtkhtml_LIB_DEPENDS=	gtkhtml-1.1.3:${PORTSDIR}/www/gtkhtml
-gtkhtml_DETECT=		${LOCALBASE}/etc/gtkhtmlConf.sh
-gtkhtml_USE_GNOME_IMPL=	glibwww gal libghttp libcapplet
-pygtk_DETECT=			${LOCALBASE}/bin/pygtk-codegen-1.2
-pygtk_BUILD_DEPENDS=	${pygtk_DETECT}:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/py-gtk
-pygtk_RUN_DEPENDS=		${pygtk_DETECT}:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/py-gtk
-pygtk_USE_GNOME_IMPL=	gnomelibs gdkpixbuf libglade
-pygnome_DETECT=			${LOCALBASE}/share/pygtk/1.2/defs/applet.defs
-pygnome_BUILD_DEPENDS=	${pygnome_DETECT}:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/py-gnome
-pygnome_RUN_DEPENDS=	${pygnome_DETECT}:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/py-gnome
-pygnome_USE_GNOME_IMPL=	gtkhtml pygtk
-_glib20_LIB_DEPENDS=	glib-2.0.0:${PORTSDIR}/devel/glib20
-_glib20_DETECT=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/glib-2.0.pc
-_glib20_USE_GNOME_IMPL=	gnometarget pkgconfig
-glib20_RUN_DEPENDS=	${LOCALBASE}/lib/gio/modules/libgiofam.so:${PORTSDIR}/devel/gio-fam-backend
-glib20_DETECT=		${LOCALBASE}/lib/gio/modules/libgiofam.so
-glib20_USE_GNOME_IMPL=	_glib20
-atk_LIB_DEPENDS=	atk-1.0.0:${PORTSDIR}/accessibility/atk
-atk_DETECT=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/atk.pc
-atk_USE_GNOME_IMPL=	glib20
-pango_LIB_DEPENDS=	pango-1.0.0:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/pango
-pango_DETECT=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/pango.pc
-pango_USE_GNOME_IMPL=	glib20
-gtk20_LIB_DEPENDS=	gtk-x11-2.0.0:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/gtk20
-gtk20_DETECT=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/gtk+-x11-2.0.pc
-gtk20_USE_GNOME_IMPL=	intltool atk pango
-GTK2_VERSION=		2.10.0
-linc_LIB_DEPENDS=	linc.1:${PORTSDIR}/net/linc
-linc_DETECT=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/linc.pc
-libidl_LIB_DEPENDS=	IDL-2.0:${PORTSDIR}/devel/libIDL
-libidl_DETECT=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/libIDL-2.0.pc
-libidl_USE_GNOME_IMPL=	glib20
-orbit2_LIB_DEPENDS=	ORBit-2.0:${PORTSDIR}/devel/ORBit2
-orbit2_DETECT=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/ORBit-2.0.pc
-orbit2_USE_GNOME_IMPL=	libidl
-libglade2_LIB_DEPENDS=	glade-2.0.0:${PORTSDIR}/devel/libglade2
-libglade2_DETECT=	${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/libglade-2.0.pc
-libglade2_USE_GNOME_IMPL=libxml2 gtk20
-libxml2_LIB_DEPENDS=	xml2.5:${PORTSDIR}/textproc/libxml2
-libxml2_DETECT=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/libxml-2.0.pc
-libxml2_USE_GNOME_IMPL=	pkgconfig
-libxslt_LIB_DEPENDS=	xslt.2:${PORTSDIR}/textproc/libxslt
-libxslt_DETECT=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/libxslt.pc
-libxslt_USE_GNOME_IMPL=	libxml2
-libbonobo_LIB_DEPENDS=	bonobo-2.0:${PORTSDIR}/devel/libbonobo
-libbonobo_DETECT=	${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/libbonobo-2.0.pc
-libbonobo_USE_GNOME_IMPL=libxml2 orbit2
-gconf2_LIB_DEPENDS=	gconf-2.4:${PORTSDIR}/devel/gconf2
-gconf2_DETECT=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/gconf-2.0.pc
-gconf2_USE_GNOME_IMPL=	orbit2 libxml2 gtk20
-gnomevfs2_LIB_DEPENDS=	gnomevfs-2.0:${PORTSDIR}/devel/gnome-vfs
-gnomevfs2_DETECT=	${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/gnome-vfs-2.0.pc
-gnomevfs2_USE_GNOME_IMPL=gconf2 gnomemimedata
-gail_LIB_DEPENDS=	gailutil.18:${PORTSDIR}/accessibility/gail
-gail_DETECT=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/gail.pc
-gail_USE_GNOME_IMPL=	gtk20
-libgnomecanvas_LIB_DEPENDS=	gnomecanvas-2.0:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/libgnomecanvas
-libgnomecanvas_DETECT=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/libgnomecanvas-2.0.pc
-libgnomecanvas_USE_GNOME_IMPL=	libglade2 libartlgpl2 gail
-libartlgpl2_LIB_DEPENDS=	art_lgpl_2.5:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/libart_lgpl
-libartlgpl2_DETECT=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/libart-2.0.pc
-libartlgpl2_USE_GNOME_IMPL=	pkgconfig
-libgnomeprint_LIB_DEPENDS=	gnomeprint-2-2.0:${PORTSDIR}/print/libgnomeprint
-libgnomeprint_DETECT=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/libgnomeprint-2.2.pc
-libgnomeprint_USE_GNOME_IMPL=	libbonobo libartlgpl2 gtk20
-libgnomeprintui_LIB_DEPENDS=	gnomeprintui-2-2.0:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/libgnomeprintui
-libgnomeprintui_DETECT=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/libgnomeprintui-2.2.pc
-libgnomeprintui_USE_GNOME_IMPL=	libgnomeprint libgnomecanvas
-libgnome_LIB_DEPENDS=	gnome-2.0:${PORTSDIR}/x11/libgnome
-libgnome_DETECT=	${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/libgnome-2.0.pc
-libgnome_USE_GNOME_IMPL=gnomevfs2 esound libbonobo
-libbonoboui_LIB_DEPENDS=	bonoboui-2.0:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/libbonoboui
-libbonoboui_DETECT=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/libbonoboui-2.0.pc
-libbonoboui_USE_GNOME_IMPL=	libgnomecanvas libgnome
-libgnomeui_LIB_DEPENDS=		gnomeui-2.0:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/libgnomeui
-libgnomeui_DETECT=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/libgnomeui-2.0.pc
-libgnomeui_USE_GNOME_IMPL=	libbonoboui
-atspi_LIB_DEPENDS=	spi.10:${PORTSDIR}/accessibility/at-spi
-atspi_DETECT=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/cspi-1.0.pc
-atspi_USE_GNOME_IMPL=	gail libbonobo
-libgailgnome_DETECT=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/libgail-gnome.pc
-libgailgnome_RUN_DEPENDS=	${libgailgnome_DETECT}:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/libgail-gnome
-libgailgnome_USE_GNOME_IMPL=	libgnomeui atspi
-libgtkhtml_LIB_DEPENDS=	gtkhtml-2.0:${PORTSDIR}/www/libgtkhtml
-libgtkhtml_DETECT=	${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/libgtkhtml-2.0.pc
-libgtkhtml_USE_GNOME_IMPL=libxslt gnomevfs2 gail
-gnomedesktop_LIB_DEPENDS=	gnome-desktop-2.2:${PORTSDIR}/x11/gnome-desktop
-gnomedesktop_DETECT=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/gnome-desktop-2.0.pc
-gnomedesktop_USE_GNOME_IMPL=	libgnomeui gnomedocutils
-libwnck_LIB_DEPENDS=	wnck-1.22:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/libwnck
-libwnck_DETECT=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/libwnck-1.0.pc
-libwnck_USE_GNOME_IMPL=	gtk20
-vte_LIB_DEPENDS=	vte.9:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/vte
-vte_DETECT=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/vte.pc
-vte_USE_GNOME_IMPL=	gtk20
-libzvt_LIB_DEPENDS=	zvt-2.0.0:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/libzvt
-libzvt_DETECT=	${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/libzvt-2.0.pc
-libzvt_USE_GNOME_IMPL=	gtk20
-librsvg2_LIB_DEPENDS=	rsvg-2.2:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/librsvg2
-librsvg2_DETECT=	${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/librsvg-2.0.pc
-librsvg2_USE_GNOME_IMPL=libgsf gtk20
-eel2_LIB_DEPENDS=	eel-2.2:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/eel
-eel2_DETECT=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/eel-2.0.pc
-eel2_USE_GNOME_IMPL=	gnomedesktop gail
-gnomepanel_LIB_DEPENDS=	panel-applet-2.0:${PORTSDIR}/x11/gnome-panel
-gnomepanel_DETECT=	${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/libpanelapplet-2.0.pc
-gnomepanel_USE_GNOME_IMPL=gnomedesktop libwnck gnomemenus gnomedocutils librsvg2
-nautilus2_LIB_DEPENDS=	nautilus-extension.1:${PORTSDIR}/x11-fm/nautilus
-nautilus2_DETECT=	${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/libnautilus-extension.pc
-nautilus2_USE_GNOME_IMPL=librsvg2 eel2 gnomedesktop desktopfileutils gvfs
-metacity_LIB_DEPENDS=	metacity-private.0:${PORTSDIR}/x11-wm/metacity
-metacity_DETECT=	${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/libmetacity-private.pc
-gal2_LIB_DEPENDS=	gal-2.4.0:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/gal2
-gal2_DETECT=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/gal-2.4.pc
-gal2_USE_GNOME_IMPL=gnomeui libgnomeprintui
-gnomecontrolcenter2_USE_GNOME_IMPL=metacity nautilus2 gnomemenus desktopfileutils libgnomekbd gnomepanel
-libgda2_LIB_DEPENDS=	gda-2.3:${PORTSDIR}/databases/libgda2
-libgda2_DETECT=			${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/libgda.pc
-libgda2_USE_GNOME_IMPL=	glib20 libxslt
-libgda3_LIB_DEPENDS=	gda-3.0.3:${PORTSDIR}/databases/libgda3
-libgda3_DETECT=			${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/libgda-3.0.pc
-libgda3_USE_GNOME_IMPL=	glib20 libxslt
-libgnomedb_LIB_DEPENDS=	gnomedb-3.0.4:${PORTSDIR}/databases/libgnomedb
-libgnomedb_DETECT=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/libgnomedb.pc
-libgnomedb_USE_GNOME_IMPL=libgnomeui libgda3
-gtksourceview_LIB_DEPENDS=	gtksourceview-1.0.0:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/gtksourceview
-gtksourceview_DETECT=	${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/gtksourceview-1.0.pc
-gtksourceview_USE_GNOME_IMPL=libgnome libgnomeprintui
-gtksourceview2_LIB_DEPENDS=	gtksourceview-2.0.0:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/gtksourceview2
-gtksourceview2_DETECT=	${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/gtksourceview-2.0.pc
-gtksourceview2_USE_GNOME_IMPL=gtk20 libxml2
-pkgconfig_DETECT=			${LOCALBASE}/bin/pkg-config
-pkgconfig_BUILD_DEPENDS=	pkg-config:${PORTSDIR}/devel/pkg-config
-pkgconfig_RUN_DEPENDS=		pkg-config:${PORTSDIR}/devel/pkg-config
-libgsf_LIB_DEPENDS=			gsf-1.114:${PORTSDIR}/devel/libgsf
-libgsf_DETECT=			${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/libgsf-1.pc
-libgsf_USE_GNOME_IMPL=		gconf2 glib20 libxml2
-libgsf_gnome_LIB_DEPENDS=	gsf-gnome-1.114:${PORTSDIR}/devel/libgsf-gnome
-libgsf_gnome_DETECT=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/libgsf-gnome-1.pc
-libgsf_gnome_USE_GNOME_IMPL=	libgsf gnomevfs2
-pygtk2_DETECT=			${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/pygtk-2.0.pc
-pygtk2_BUILD_DEPENDS=	${pygtk2_DETECT}:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/py-gtk2
-pygtk2_RUN_DEPENDS=		${pygtk2_DETECT}:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/py-gtk2
-pygtk2_USE_GNOME_IMPL=	libglade2
-pygnome2_DETECT=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/gnome-python-2.0.pc
-pygnome2_BUILD_DEPENDS=	${pygnome2_DETECT}:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/py-gnome2
-pygnome2_RUN_DEPENDS=	${pygnome2_DETECT}:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/py-gnome2
-pygnome2_USE_GNOME_IMPL=libgnomeui pygtk2
-intltool_DETECT=		${LOCALBASE}/bin/intltool-extract
-intltool_BUILD_DEPENDS=	${intltool_DETECT}:${PORTSDIR}/textproc/intltool
-intlhack_PRE_PATCH=		${FIND} ${WRKSRC} -name "intltool-merge.in" | ${XARGS} ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e \
-				's|mkdir $$lang or|mkdir $$lang, 0777 or| ; \
-				 s|^push @INC, "/.*|push @INC, "${LOCALBASE}/share/intltool";| ; \
-				 s|/usr/bin/iconv|${LOCALBASE}/bin/iconv|g ; \
-				 s|unpack *[(]'"'"'U\*'"'"'|unpack ('"'"'C*'"'"'|'
-gtkhtml3_LIB_DEPENDS=	gtkhtml-3.14.19:${PORTSDIR}/www/gtkhtml3
-gtkhtml3_DETECT=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/libgtkhtml-3.14.pc
-gtkhtml3_USE_GNOME_IMPL=gail libgnomeui
-gnomespeech_DETECT=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/gnome-speech-1.0.pc
-evolutiondataserver_DETECT=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/evolution-data-server-1.2.pc
-desktopfileutils_DETECT=	${LOCALBASE}/bin/update-desktop-database
-nautiluscdburner_DETECT=	${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/libnautilus-burn.pc
-nautiluscdburner_USE_GNOME_IMPL=nautilus2 desktopfileutils
-gnomemenus_LIB_DEPENDS=		gnome-menu.2:${PORTSDIR}/x11/gnome-menus
-gnomemenus_DETECT=			${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/libgnome-menu.pc
-gnomemenus_USE_GNOME_IMPL=	glib20
-pygnomeextras_DETECT=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/gnome-python-extras-2.0.pc
-pygnomeextras_BUILD_DEPENDS=	${pygnomeextras_DETECT}:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/py-gnome-extras
-pygnomeextras_RUN_DEPENDS=	${pygnomeextras_DETECT}:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/py-gnome-extras
-pygnomeextras_USE_GNOME_IMPL=pygnome2 libgtkhtml
-gnomedocutils_DETECT=	${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/gnome-doc-utils.pc
-pygnomedesktop_DETECT=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/gnome-python-desktop-2.0.pc
-pygnomedesktop_BUILD_DEPENDS=	${pygnomedesktop_DETECT}:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/py-gnome-desktop
-pygnomedesktop_RUN_DEPENDS=	${pygnomedesktop_DETECT}:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/py-gnome-desktop
-pygnomedesktop_USE_GNOME_IMPL=pygnome2 libgnomeprintui gtksourceview gnomepanel libwnck nautiluscdburner metacity
-gtksharp10_DETECT=			${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/gtk-sharp.pc
-gtksharp10_BUILD_DEPENDS=	${gtksharp10_DETECT}:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/gtk-sharp10
-gtksharp10_RUN_DEPENDS=		${gtksharp10_DETECT}:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/gtk-sharp10
-gtksharp10_USE_GNOME_IMPL=	gtk20
-gtksharp20_DETECT=			${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/gtk-sharp-2.0.pc
-gtksharp20_BUILD_DEPENDS=	${gtksharp20_DETECT}:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/gtk-sharp20
-gtksharp20_RUN_DEPENDS=		${gtksharp20_DETECT}:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/gtk-sharp20
-gtksharp20_USE_GNOME_IMPL=	gtk20
-gnomesharp20_DETECT=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/gnome-sharp-2.0.pc
-gnomesharp20_BUILD_DEPENDS=	${gnomesharp20_DETECT}:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/gnome-sharp20
-gnomesharp20_RUN_DEPENDS=	${gnomesharp20_DETECT}:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/gnome-sharp20
-gnomesharp20_USE_GNOME_IMPL=	gnomepanel gtkhtml3 gtksharp20 librsvg2 vte
-pygtksourceview_DETECT=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/pygtksourceview-2.0.pc
-pygtksourceview_BUILD_DEPENDS=	${pygtksourceview_DETECT}:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/py-gtksourceview
-pygtksourceview_RUN_DEPENDS=	${pygtksourceview_DETECT}:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/py-gtksourceview
-pygtksourceview_USE_GNOME_IMPL=	gtksourceview2 pygtk2
-libgnomekbd_DETECT=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/libgnomekbd.pc
-libgnomekbd_LIB_DEPENDS=	gnomekbd.2:${PORTSDIR}/x11/libgnomekbd
-libgnomekbd_USE_GNOME_IMPL=	libgnomeui
-gvfs_DETECT=			${LOCALBASE}/lib/libgvfscommon.so
-gvfs_LIB_DEPENDS=		gvfscommon.0:${PORTSDIR}/devel/gvfs
-gvfs_USE_GNOME_IMPL=		glib20 gconf2
-# End component definition section
-# This section defines tests for optional software.  These work off four
-# types of variables:  WANT_GNOME, WITH_GNOME, HAVE_GNOME and USE_GNOME.
-# The logic of this is that a port can WANT support for a package; a user
-# specifies if they want ports compiled WITH certain features; this section
-# tests if we HAVE these features; and the port is then free to USE them.
-# The logic of this section is like this:
-# .if defined(WANT_GNOME) && !defined(WITHOUT_GNOME)
-#   .for foo in ALL_GNOME_COMPONENTS
-#     .if defined(WITH_GNOME)
-#       HAVE_GNOME += foo
-#     .elif (foo installed)
-#       HAVE_GNOME += foo
-#     .else
-#       Print option message
-#     .endif
-#   .endfor
-# .endif
-# Although it appears a little more convoluted in the tests.
-# Ports can make use of this like so:
-# WANT_GNOME=		yes
-# .include <bsd.port.pre.mk>
-# .if ${HAVE_GNOME:Mfoo}!=""
-# ... Do some things ...
-# USE_GNOME=		foo
-# .else
-# ... Do some other things ...
-# .endif
-# If the user has not defined GNOME_DESKTOP_VERSION, let's try to prevent
-# users from shooting themselves in the foot.  We will try to make an
-# intelligent choice on the user's behalf.
-.if exists(${gnomepanel_DETECT})
-#.elif exists(${libpanel_DETECT})
-# We also check each component to see if it has a desktop requirement.  If
-# it does, and its requirement disagrees with the user's chosen desktop,
-# do not add the component to the HAVE_GNOME list.
-.if (defined(WANT_GNOME) && !defined(WITHOUT_GNOME))
-. for component in ${_USE_GNOME_ALL}
-.      if defined(GNOME_DESKTOP_VERSION) && \
-	defined(${component}_GNOME_DESKTOP_VERSION)
-.         if ${GNOME_DESKTOP_VERSION}==${${component}_GNOME_DESKTOP_VERSION}
-HAVE_GNOME+=	${component}
-.         else
-.         endif
-.      else
-.         if exists(${${component}_DETECT})
-HAVE_GNOME+=	${component}
-.         elif defined(WITH_GNOME)
-.            if ${WITH_GNOME}=="yes" || ${WITH_GNOME:M${component}}!="" \
-		|| ${WITH_GNOME}=="1"
-HAVE_GNOME+=	${component}
-.            endif
-.         endif
-.       endif
-. endfor
-.elif defined(WITHOUT_GNOME)
-.  if ${WITHOUT_GNOME}!="yes" && ${WITHOUT_GNOME}!="1"
-.    for component in ${_USE_GNOME_ALL}
-.      if ${WITHOUT_GNOME:M${component}}==""
-.        if exists(${${component}_DETECT})
-HAVE_GNOME+=	${component}
-.        endif
-.      endif
-.    endfor
-.  endif
-# End of optional part.
-.if defined(_POSTMKINCLUDED) && !defined(Gnome_Post_Include)
-Gnome_Post_Include=		bsd.gnome.mk
-.if !defined(Gnome_Pre_Include)
-.error The Pre include part of bsd.gnome.mk part is not included. Did you forget WANT_GNOME=yes before bsd.port.pre.mk?
-# DO NOT USE THESE MACROS!  They are obsolete, and only provided for
-# backward compatibility with old ports that have not converted to the new
-# GNOME infrastructure.
-.if defined(USE_GTK)
-#.warning The USE_GTK macro is deprecated. It should be replaced by USE_GNOME=gtk12.
-USE_GNOME+=	gtk12
-# End of obsolete macros
-.if defined(USE_GNOME)
-# Hack USE_GNOME to the modular infrastructure for port maintainers that
-# didn't do so themselves.  New ports should NOT set USE_GNOME=yes.
-. if ${USE_GNOME}=="yes"
-#.warning The USE_GNOME=yes component is deprecated. It should be replaced by some combination of gnomeprefix, gnomehack, and gtkhtml
-USE_GNOME+=	gnomeprefix gnomehack gtkhtml
-. endif
-# First of all expand all USE_GNOME_IMPL recursively
-. for component in ${_USE_GNOME_ALL}
-.  for subcomponent in ${${component}_USE_GNOME_IMPL}
-.  endfor
-. endfor
-# Then use already expanded USE_GNOME_IMPL to expand USE_GNOME.
-# Also, check to see if each component has a desktop requirement.  If it does,
-# and if the user's chosen desktop is not of the same version, mark the
-# port as IGNORE.
-. for component in ${USE_GNOME}
-.      if defined(GNOME_DESKTOP_VERSION) && \
-	defined(${component}_GNOME_DESKTOP_VERSION)
-.         if ${GNOME_DESKTOP_VERSION}!=${${component}_GNOME_DESKTOP_VERSION}
-IGNORE=	cannot install: ${PORTNAME} wants to use the GNOME
-IGNORE+=${${component}_GNOME_DESKTOP_VERSION} desktop, but you wish to use
-.         endif
-.      endif
-.  if ${_USE_GNOME_ALL:M${component}}==""
-IGNORE=	cannot install: Unknown component ${component}
-.  endif
-_USE_GNOME+=	${${component}_USE_GNOME_IMPL} ${component}
-. endfor
-# Setup the GTK+ API version for pixbuf loaders, input method modules,
-# and theme engines.
-# Then handle the ltverhack component (it has to be done here, because
-# we rely on some bsd.autotools.mk variables, and bsd.autotools.mk is
-# included in the post-makefile section).
-.if defined(AUTOTOOL_libtool)
-lthacks_PRE_PATCH=		${CP} -pf ${LTMAIN} ${WRKDIR}/gnome-ltmain.sh && \
-						${CP} -pf ${LIBTOOL} ${WRKDIR}/gnome-libtool && \
-						for file in ${LIBTOOLFILES}; do \
-							${REINPLACE_CMD} -e \
-								'/^ltmain=/!s|$$ac_aux_dir/ltmain\.sh|${LIBTOOLFLAGS} ${WRKDIR}/gnome-ltmain.sh|g; \
-								 /^LIBTOOL=/s|$$(top_builddir)/libtool|${WRKDIR}/gnome-libtool|g' \
-								${PATCH_WRKSRC}/$$file; \
-						done;
-.  if ${USE_GNOME:Mltverhack}!="" || ${USE_GNOME:Mltasneededhack}!=""
-IGNORE=	cannot install: ${PORTNAME} uses the ltverhack and/or ltasneededhack GNOME components but does not use libtool
-.  endif
-ltverhack_PRE_PATCH=	for file in gnome-ltmain.sh gnome-libtool; do \
-							if [ -f ${WRKDIR}/$$file ]; then \
-								${REINPLACE_CMD} -e \
-									'/freebsd-elf)/,/;;/ s|major="\.$$current"|major=.`expr $$current - $$age`|; \
-									 /freebsd-elf)/,/;;/ s|versuffix="\.$$current"|versuffix="$$major"|' \
-									${WRKDIR}/$$file; \
-							fi; \
-						done
-ltasneededhack_PRE_PATCH=	if [ -f ${WRKDIR}/gnome-libtool ]; then \
-								${REINPLACE_CMD} -e \
-									'/^archive_cmds=/s/-shared/-shared -Wl,--as-needed/ ; \
-									/^archive_expsym_cmds=/s/-shared/-shared -Wl,--as-needed/' \
-									${WRKDIR}/gnome-libtool; \
-							fi
-# Then traverse through all components, check which of them
-# exist in ${_USE_GNOME} and set variables accordingly
-.ifdef _USE_GNOME
-. if ${USE_GNOME:Mltverhack}!= "" || ${USE_GNOME:Mltasneededhack}!= ""
-. for component in ${_USE_GNOME_ALL}
-.  if ${_USE_GNOME:M${component}}!=""
-LIB_DEPENDS+=	${${component}_LIB_DEPENDS}
-RUN_DEPENDS+=	${${component}_RUN_DEPENDS}
-.if !defined(WITHOUT_HACK)
-.if defined(${component}_PREFIX)
-.if ${.MAKEFLAGS:MPREFIX=*}==""
-PREFIX=	${${component}_PREFIX}
-.if defined(USE_X_PREFIX)
-.undef USE_X_PREFIX
-USE_XLIB=	yes
-MAKE_ENV+=	${${component}_MAKE_ENV}
-.    if !defined(CONFIGURE_TARGET) && defined(${component}_CONFIGURE_TARGET)
-.    endif
-.    if defined(${component}_PRE_PATCH)
-GNOME_PRE_PATCH+=	; ${${component}_PRE_PATCH}
-.    endif
-.  endif
-. endfor
-.if defined(GNOME_PRE_PATCH)
-pre-patch: gnome-pre-patch
-	@${GNOME_PRE_PATCH:C/^;//1}
-.if defined(WANT_GNOME)
-PLIST_SUB+=	GNOME:="@comment " NOGNOME:=""
-.  else
-PLIST_SUB+=	GNOME:="" NOGNOME:="@comment "
-.    if defined(GNOME_DESKTOP_VERSION)
-.      if ${_USE_GNOME_DESKTOP}=="yes"
-.      else
-.      endif
-.    endif
-.  endif
-.if defined(USE_GNOME_SUBR)
-GNOME_SUBR=		${LOCALBASE}/etc/gnome.subr
-RUN_DEPENDS+=	${GNOME_SUBR}:${PORTSDIR}/sysutils/gnome_subr
-.if ${MAINTAINER}=="gnome at MidnightBSD.org"
-CONFIGURE_FAIL_MESSAGE= "Report the build failure to the GNOME team at ${MAINTAINER}, and attach (a) \"${CONFIGURE_WRKSRC}/${CONFIGURE_LOG}\", and (b) the output of the failed make command. Also, it might be a good idea to provide an overview of all packages installed on your system (i.e. an \`ls ${PKG_DBDIR}\`)."
-.if defined(GCONF_SCHEMAS) || defined(INSTALLS_OMF) || defined(INSTALLS_ICONS) \
-	|| (defined(_USE_GNOME) && ${_USE_GNOME:Mgnomeprefix}!="")
-pre-install: gnome-pre-install
-post-install: gnome-post-install
-.if defined(_USE_GNOME) && ${_USE_GNOME:Mgnomeprefix}!="" && !defined(NO_MTREE)
-.if defined(GCONF_SCHEMAS)
-	@${MKDIR} ${TARGETDIR}/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults/
-	@${DO_NADA}
-.  if defined(GCONF_SCHEMAS)
-	@for i in ${GCONF_SCHEMAS}; do \
-		${ECHO_CMD} "@unexec env GCONF_CONFIG_SOURCE=xml:${GCONF_CONFIG_OPTIONS}:%D/${GCONF_CONFIG_DIRECTORY} gconftool-2 --makefile-uninstall-rule %D/etc/gconf/schemas/$${i} > /dev/null || /usr/bin/true" \
-			>> ${TMPPLIST}; \
-		${ECHO_CMD} "etc/gconf/schemas/$${i}" >> ${TMPPLIST}; \
-		${ECHO_CMD} "@exec env GCONF_CONFIG_SOURCE=xml:${GCONF_CONFIG_OPTIONS}:%D/${GCONF_CONFIG_DIRECTORY} gconftool-2 --makefile-install-rule %D/etc/gconf/schemas/$${i} > /dev/null || /usr/bin/true" \
-			>> ${TMPPLIST}; \
-	done
-.  endif
-.  if defined(INSTALLS_OMF)
-	@for i in `${GREP} "\.omf$$" ${TMPPLIST}`; do \
-		${ECHO_CMD} "@exec scrollkeeper-install -q %D/$${i} 2>/dev/null || /usr/bin/true" \
-			>> ${TMPPLIST}; \
-		${ECHO_CMD} "@unexec scrollkeeper-uninstall -q %D/$${i} 2>/dev/null || /usr/bin/true" \
-			>> ${TMPPLIST}; \
-	done
-.  endif
-.  if defined(INSTALLS_ICONS)
-	@${RM} -f ${TMPPLIST}.icons1
-	@for i in `${GREP} "^share/icons/.*/" ${TMPPLIST} | ${CUT} -d / -f 1-3 | ${SORT} -u`; do \
-		${ECHO_CMD} "@unexec /bin/rm %D/$${i}/icon-theme.cache 2>/dev/null || /usr/bin/true" \
-			>> ${TMPPLIST}.icons1; \
-		${ECHO_CMD} "@exec ${LOCALBASE}/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache -q -f %D/$${i} 2>/dev/null || /usr/bin/true" \
-			>> ${TMPPLIST}; \
-		${ECHO_CMD} "@unexec ${LOCALBASE}/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache -q -f %D/$${i} 2>/dev/null || /usr/bin/true" \
-			>> ${TMPPLIST}; \
-		${LOCALBASE}/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache -q -f ${PREFIX}/$${i} 2>/dev/null || ${TRUE}; \
-	done
-	@if test -f ${TMPPLIST}.icons1; then \
-		${CAT} ${TMPPLIST}.icons1 ${TMPPLIST} > ${TMPPLIST}.icons2; \
-		${RM} -f ${TMPPLIST}.icons1; \
-		${MV} -f ${TMPPLIST}.icons2 ${TMPPLIST}; \
-	fi
-.  endif
-# End of use part.
--- Mk/bsd.mail.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-#-*- mode: Fundamental; tab-width: 4; -*-
-# ex:ts=4
-# $MidnightBSD: mports/Mk/bsd.mail.mk,v 1.2 2006/09/17 18:32:20 laffer1 Exp $
-# $FreeBSD: ports/Mk/bsd.mail.mk,v 1.2 2006/08/04 12:34:41 erwin Exp $
-# Please view me with 4 column tabs!
-.if !defined(_POSTMKINCLUDED) && !defined(Mail_Pre_Include)
-# Please make sure all changes to this file are passed through the maintainer.
-# Do not commit them yourself (unless of course you're the Port's Wraith ;).
-Mail_Include_MAINTAINER=	ports at MidnightBSD.org
-Mail_Pre_Include=			bsd.mail.mk
-## Begin QMAIL Stuff
-# Ports can use the following vars:
-# QMAIL_PREFIX		- Define it if qmail is installed in a different PREFIX.
-#					  Default: /var/qmail
-# QMAIL_SLAVEPORT	- Define it if you install a slaveport of qmail, to
-#					  prevent stale dependencies. Valid slaveports are:
-#					  ldap, mysql, spamcontrol and tls.
-# USE_QMAIL_BUILD	- Add qmail or qmail slaveport to BUILD_DEPENDS.
-# USE_QMAIL_RUN		- Add qmail or qmail slaveport to RUN_DEPENDS.
-# USE_QMAIL			- Add qmail or qmail slaveport to RUN and BUILD_DEPENDS.
-# WANT_QMAIL		- Set vars related to qmail, like QMAIL_PREFIX.
-QMAIL_PREFIX?=	/var/qmail
-_QMAIL_VALID_SLAVEPORTS=	ldap mysql spamcontrol tls
-.if defined(USE_QMAIL) || defined(USE_QMAIL_RUN) || defined (USE_QMAIL_BUILD)
-.if defined(QMAIL_SLAVEPORT)
-.	for slave in ${_QMAIL_VALID_SLAVEPORTS}
-.		if ${QMAIL_SLAVEPORT:L} == ${slave}
-.		endif
-.	endfor
-.	if !defined(_QMAIL_SLAVEPORT_OKAY)
-IGNORE=	Invalid QMAIL_SLAVEPORT value. Only one can be set, valid values are: ${_QMAIL_VALID_SLAVEPORTS}
-.	endif
-.if defined(QMAIL_SLAVEPORT)
-QMAIL_DEPENDS=	${DESTDIR}${QMAIL_PREFIX}/bin/qmail-send:${PORTSDIR}/mail/qmail
-.if defined(USE_QMAIL) || defined(USE_QMAIL_RUN)
-.if defined(USE_QMAIL) || defined(USE_QMAIL_BUILD)
-## End QMAIL Stuff
--- Mk/bsd.local.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-# -*- mode: Makefile; tab-width: 4; -*-
-# ex: ts=4
-# bsd.local.mk - Sandbox for local modification to ports framework.
-# Created by: Mark Linimon <linimon at FreeBSD.org>
-# $MidnightBSD: mports/Mk/bsd.local.mk,v 1.2 2006/09/17 18:32:20 laffer1 Exp $
-# $FreeBSD: ports/Mk/bsd.local.mk,v 1.1 2006/01/21 17:37:01 krion Exp $
-.if !defined(_POSTMKINCLUDED) && !defined(Local_Pre_Include)
-Local_Pre_Include=		bsd.local.mk
-# here is where any code that needs to run at bsd.port.pre.mk inclusion
-# time should live.
-.endif # !defined(_POSTMKINCLUDED) && !defined(Local_Pre_Include)
-.if defined(_POSTMKINCLUDED) && !defined(Local_Post_Include)
-Local_Post_Include=	bsd.local.mk
-# here is where any code that needs to run at bsd.port.post.mk inclusion
-# time should live.
-.endif # defined(_POSTMKINCLUDED) && !defined(Local_Post_Include)
--- Mk/bsd.kde.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-#-*- mode: Makefile; tab-width: 4; -*-
-# ex:ts=4
-# $MidnightBSD: mports/Mk/bsd.kde.mk,v 1.8 2008/05/21 06:06:22 laffer1 Exp $
-# $FreeBSD: ports/Mk/bsd.kde.mk,v 1.63 2006/09/12 23:26:10 lofi Exp $
-# Please view me with 4 column tabs!
-# Please make sure all changes to this file are past through the maintainer.
-# Do not commit them yourself (unless of course you're the Port's Wraith ;).
-KDE_MAINTAINER=		ports at MidnightBSD.org
-# This section contains the USE_ definitions.
-# XXX: Write HAVE_ definitions sometime.
-# USE_QT_VER		- Says that the port uses the Qt toolkit.  Possible values:
-#					  3; each specify the major version of Qt to use.
-# USE_KDELIBS_VER	- Says that the port uses KDE libraries.  Possible values:
-#					  3 specifies the major version of KDE to use.
-#					  This implies USE_QT of the appropriate version.
-# USE_KDEBASE_VER	- Says that the port uses the KDE base.  Possible values:
-#					  3 specifies the major version of KDE to use.
-#					  This implies USE_KDELIBS of the appropriate version.
-# tagged MASTER_SITE_KDE_kde
-kmaster=				${MASTER_SITE_KDE:S@%/@%/:kde at g}
-.if !defined(MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR)
-MASTER_SITE_KDE_kde=	${kmaster:S@%SUBDIR%/@@g}
-MASTER_SITE_KDE_kde=	${kmaster:S@%SUBDIR%/@${ksub}/@g}
-.endif # !defined(MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR)
-# USE_KDEBASE_VER section
-.if defined(USE_KDEBASE_VER)
-LIB_DEPENDS+=	kfontinst:${PORTSDIR}/x11/kdebase
-.elif ${USE_KDEBASE_VER} == 3
-# kdebase 3.x common stuff
-LIB_DEPENDS+=	kfontinst:${PORTSDIR}/x11/kdebase3
-.endif # ${USE_KDEBASE_VER} == 3
-.endif # defined(USE_KDEBASE_VER)
-# USE_KDELIBS_VER section
-.if defined(USE_KDELIBS_VER)
-## This is needed for configure scripts to figure out
-## which threads lib to use
-## Every KDE application is inherently IPv6-capable
-##  XXX - This really belongs into bsd.port.mk
-.if !defined(_NO_KDE_CONFTARGET_HACK)
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--build=${MACHINE_ARCH}-portbld-freebsd6.0 \
-		--x-libraries=${LOCALBASE}/lib --x-includes=${LOCALBASE}/include \
-		--disable-as-needed
-LIB_DEPENDS+=	kimproxy:${PORTSDIR}/x11/kdelibs
-.elif ${USE_KDELIBS_VER} == 3
-# kdelibs 3.x common stuff
-LIB_DEPENDS+=	kimproxy:${PORTSDIR}/x11/kdelibs3
-IGNORE=			cannot install: unsupported value in USE_KDELIBS_VER
-.endif # ${USE_KDELIBS_VER} == 3
-.endif # defined(USE_KDELIBS_VER)
-# End of USE_KDELIBS_VER section
-# USE_QT_VER section
-.if ${USE_QT_VER} == CVS
-MOC?=				${QT_CVS_PREFIX}/bin/moc
-BUILD_DEPENDS+=		${MOC}:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/qt-copy
-RUN_DEPENDS+=		${MOC}:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/qt-copy
-QTCPPFLAGS+=		-D_GETOPT_H		# added to work around broken getopt.h #inc
-.if !defined (QT_NONSTANDARD)
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--with-extra-libs="${LOCALBASE}/lib" \
-				--with-extra-includes="${LOCALBASE}/include"
-.elif ${USE_QT_VER} == 3
-# Yeah, it's namespace pollution, but this is really the best place for this
-# stuff. Arts does NOT use it anymore.
-KDE_VERSION=		3.5.8
-# Qt 3.x common stuff
-MOC?=			${QT_PREFIX}/bin/moc
-#LIB_DEPENDS+=	qt-mt.3:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/qt33
-BUILD_DEPENDS+=	${QT_PREFIX}/bin/moc:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/qt33
-RUN_DEPENDS+=	${QT_PREFIX}/bin/moc:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/qt33
-QTCPPFLAGS+=	-I${LOCALBASE}/include -I${PREFIX}/include \
-				-I${QT_PREFIX}/include -D_GETOPT_H
-QTCFGLIBS+=		-Wl,-export-dynamic -L${LOCALBASE}/lib -ljpeg \
-				-L${QT_PREFIX}/lib
-.if defined(PACKAGE_BUILDING)
-TMPDIR?=	/tmp
-.if !defined(QT_NONSTANDARD)
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--with-qt-includes=${QT_PREFIX}/include \
-				--with-qt-libraries=${QT_PREFIX}/lib \
-				--with-extra-libs=${LOCALBASE}/lib \
-				--with-extra-includes=${LOCALBASE}/include
-.endif # !defined(QT_NONSTANDARD)
-IGNORE=			cannot install: unsupported value of USE_QT_VER
-.endif # defined(USE_QT_VER)
-# End of USE_QT_VER section
-# Assemble plist from parts
-# <alane at freebsd.org> 2002-12-06
-.if defined(KDE_BUILD_PLIST)
-PLIST?=			${WRKDIR}/plist
-PLIST_BASE?=	plist.base
-	${CAT} ${plist_base} ${plist_append} 2>/dev/null >${PLIST}
-	-${CAT} ${plist_append_rm} ${plist_base_rm} 2>/dev/null >>${PLIST};true
-.PHONY: kde-plist
-pre-build: kde-plist
-.endif # defined(KDE_BUILD_PLIST)
--- Mk/bsd.xfce.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-# $MidnightBSD: mports/Mk/bsd.xfce.mk,v 1.1 2008/09/25 02:48:42 laffer1 Exp $
-.if !defined(_POSTMKINCLUDED) && !defined(Xfce_Pre_Include)
-Xfce_Pre_Include=		bsd.xfce.mk
-Xfce_Include_MAINTAINER=	ports at MidnightBSD.org
-# This file contains some variable definitions that are supposed to
-# make your life easier when dealing with ports related to the Xfce
-# desktop environment. It's automatically included when USE_XFCE
-# is defined in the ports' makefile.
-_USE_XFCE_ALL=			configenv libexo libgui libutil libmcs mcsmanager panel \
-				thunar wm xfdev
-MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR?=		xfce-4.4.2
-libexo_BUILD_DEPENDS=		libexo>=0.3.4:${PORTSDIR}/x11/libexo
-libexo_RUN_DEPENDS=		libexo>=0.3.4:${PORTSDIR}/x11/libexo
-libgui_BUILD_DEPENDS=		libxfce4gui>=4.4.2:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/libxfce4gui
-libgui_RUN_DEPENDS=		libxfce4gui>=4.4.2:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/libxfce4gui
-libutil_BUILD_DEPENDS=		libxfce4util>=4.4.2:${PORTSDIR}/x11/libxfce4util
-libutil_RUN_DEPENDS=		libxfce4util>=4.4.2:${PORTSDIR}/x11/libxfce4util
-libmcs_BUILD_DEPENDS=		libxfce4mcs>=4.4.2:${PORTSDIR}/x11/libxfce4mcs
-libmcs_RUN_DEPENDS=		libxfce4mcs>=4.4.2:${PORTSDIR}/x11/libxfce4mcs
-mcsmanager_BUILD_DEPENDS=	xfce4-mcs-manager>=4.4.2:${PORTSDIR}/sysutils/xfce4-mcs-manager
-mcsmanager_RUN_DEPENDS=		xfce4-mcs-manager>=4.4.2:${PORTSDIR}/sysutils/xfce4-mcs-manager
-panel_BUILD_DEPENDS=		xfce4-panel>=4.4.2:${PORTSDIR}/x11-wm/xfce4-panel
-panel_RUN_DEPENDS=		xfce4-panel>=4.4.2:${PORTSDIR}/x11-wm/xfce4-panel
-thunar_BUILD_DEPENDS=		Thunar>=0.9.0:${PORTSDIR}/x11-fm/thunar
-thunar_RUN_DEPENDS=		Thunar>=0.9.0:${PORTSDIR}/x11-fm/thunar
-wm_BUILD_DEPENDS=		xfce4-wm>=4.4.2:${PORTSDIR}/x11-wm/xfce4-wm
-wm_RUN_DEPENDS=			xfce4-wm>=4.4.2:${PORTSDIR}/x11-wm/xfce4-wm
-xfdev_RUN_DEPENDS=		xfce4-dev-tools:${PORTSDIR}/devel/xfce4-dev-tools
-.if defined(_POSTMKINCLUDED) && !defined(Xfce_Post_Include)
-Xfce_Post_Include=		bsd.xfce.mk
-.for component in ${USE_XFCE}
-LIB_DEPENDS+=	${${component}_LIB_DEPENDS}
-RUN_DEPENDS+=	${${component}_RUN_DEPENDS}
-.for component in ${USE_XFCE}
-. if ${_USE_XFCE_ALL:M${component}}==""
-IGNORE=	cannot install: Unknown component ${component}
-. endif
--- Mk/bsd.perl.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
-#-*- mode: makefile; tab-width: 4; -*-
-# ex:ts=4
-# $MidnightBSD: mports/Mk/bsd.perl.mk,v 1.19 2008/10/23 04:36:01 ctriv Exp $
-# bsd.perl.mk - perl specific make directives
-.if !defined(_POSTMKINCLUDED) || !defined(Perl_Pre_Include)
-Perl_Pre_Include=			bsd.perl.mk
-Perl_Include_MAINTAINER=	ctriv at MidnightBSD.org
-# This file contains the glue that is supposed to make your life easier when
-# dealing with ports of perl related software, specifially CPAN modules. It
-# is automatically included when USE_PERL5, PERL_CONFIGURE, or PERL_MODBUILD
-# is defined in the port's makefile.
-# USE_PERL5		- If set, this port uses perl5 in one or more of the extract,
-#				  patch, build, install or run phases.
-#				- If set, this port uses perl5 in one or more of the extract,
-#				  patch, build or install phases.
-# USE_PERL5_RUN	- If set, this port uses perl5 for running.
-# PERL5			- Set to full path of perl5, either in the system or
-#				  installed from a port.
-# PERL			- Set to full path of perl5, either in the system or
-#				  installed from a port, but without the version number.
-#				  Use this if you need to replace "#!" lines in scripts.
-# PERL_VERSION	- Full version of perl5 (see below for current value).
-# PERL_VER		- Short version of perl5 (see below for current value).
-# PERL_LEVEL	- Perl version as an integer of the form MNNNPP, where
-#				  M is major version, N is minor version, and P is
-#				  the patch level. E.g., PERL_VERSION=5.6.1 would give
-#				  a PERL_LEVEL of 500601. This can be used in comparisons
-#				  to determine if the version of perl is high enough,
-#				  whether a particular dependency is needed, etc.
-# PERL_ARCH		- Directory name of architecture dependent libraries
-#				  (value: ${ARCH}-freebsd).
-# PERL_PORT		- Name of the perl port that is installed
-#				  (value: perl5)
-# SITE_PERL		- Directory name where site specific perl packages go.
-#				  This value is added to PLIST_SUB.
-# PERL_MODBUILD	- Use Module::Build to configure, build and install port.
-# Common Vars.
-PERL_ARCH?=			mach
-PERL_BRANCH?=		${PERL_VERSION:C/\.[0-9]+$//}
-# use true_prefix so that PERL will be right in faked targets.
-# this is historical.
-SITE_PERL_REL?=		lib/perl5/site_perl/${PERL_VER}
-PERL=				${PERL_PREFIX}/bin/perl
-CPAN_CMD?=			${PERL_PREFIX}/bin/cpan
-.if defined(PERL_CONFIGURE) || defined(PERL_MODBUILD)
-USE_PERL5=	yes
-.if defined(USE_PERL5_BUILD)
-.elif defined(USE_PERL5_RUN)
-.elif defined(USE_PERL5)
-.if ${USE_PERL5:L} == "yes"
-# Perl version stuff.
-.if !defined(PERL_VERSION)
-.	if exists(${PERL}) && !defined(PACKAGE_BUILDING)
-PERL_VERSION!= ${PERL} -MConfig -le 'print $$Config{version}'
-.	else
-.	endif
-.if !defined(PERL_LEVEL) && defined(PERL_VERSION)
-perl_major=		${PERL_VERSION:C|^([1-9]+).*|\1|}
-_perl_minor=	00${PERL_VERSION:C|^([1-9]+)\.([0-9]+).*|\2|}
-perl_minor=		${_perl_minor:C|^.*(...)|\1|}
-.if ${perl_minor} >= 100
-perl_minor=		${PERL_VERSION:C|^([1-9]+)\.([0-9][0-9][0-9]).*|\2|}
-perl_patch=		${PERL_VERSION:C|^.*(..)|\1|}
-.else # ${perl_minor} < 100
-_perl_patch=	0${PERL_VERSION:C|^([1-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.*|0|}
-perl_patch=		${_perl_patch:C|^.*(..)|\1|}
-.endif # ${perl_minor} < 100
-PERL_LEVEL=	${perl_major}${perl_minor}${perl_patch}
-.endif # !defined(PERL_LEVEL) && defined(PERL_VERSION)
-# XXX parse USE_PERL=5.8 5.10+
-# dependancies
-.if ${PERL_NO_DEPENDS:U} == "NO"
-.if defined(USE_PERL5_BUILD)
-.if defined(USE_PERL5) || defined(USE_PERL5_RUN)
-# Configure
-.if defined(PERL_CONFIGURE) || defined(PERL_MODBUILD)
-.if (defined(BATCH) && !defined(IS_INTERACTIVE))
-.if defined(PERL_MODBUILD)
-PL_BUILD?=		Build
-.if ${PORTNAME} != Module-Build
-.if ${PERL_LEVEL} < 501000
-BUILD_DEPENDS+=		${SITE_PERL}/Module/Build.pm:${PORTSDIR}/devel/p5-Module-Build
-	create_packlist=0 \
-	install_path=lib="${TARGETDIR}/${SITE_PERL_REL}" \
-	install_path=arch="${TARGETDIR}/${SITE_PERL_REL}/${PERL_ARCH}" \
-	install_path=script="${TARGETDIR}/bin" \
-	install_path=bin="${TARGETDIR}/bin" \
-	install_path=libdoc="${MAN3PREFIX}/man/man3" \
-	install_path=bindoc="${MAN1PREFIX}/man/man1" 
-SKIP_FAKE_CHECK= 	.*\.packlist
-.endif # defined(PERL_CONFIGURE) || defined(PERL_MODBUILD)
-.endif      # !defined(_POSTMKINCLUDED) && !defined(Perl_Pre_Include)
-.if defined(_POSTMKINCLUDED) && !defined(Perl_Post_Include)
-Perl_Post_Include=	bsd.perl.mk
-				PERL=${PERL}
-.if defined(PERL_CONFIGURE) || defined(PERL_MODBUILD)
-.if !target(do-configure)
-	@cd ${CONFIGURE_WRKSRC} && \
-.if !defined(PERL_MODBUILD)
-	@cd ${CONFIGURE_WRKSRC} && \
-		${PERL5} -pi -e 's/ doc_(perl|site|\$$\(INSTALLDIRS\))_install$$//' Makefile
-.endif # defined(PERL_CONFIGURE) || defined(PERL_MODBUILD)
-# Build
-.if defined(PERL_MODBUILD) && !target(do-build)
-# Install
-.if defined(PERL_MODBUILD) && !target(do-install)
-# Convenience target for testing.
-.if !target(test)
-test: build
-test: build
-.if !target(check-latest)
-	@if [ -x ${CPAN_CMD} ]; then \
-		_cpan_version=`${CPAN_CMD} -D ${PORTNAME:S/-/::/g} | ${GREP} "	CPAN:" | ${AWK} '{ print $$2 }'`; \
-		${ECHO_MSG} "CPAN version: $$_cpan_version"; \
-		${ECHO_MSG} "Port version: ${PORTVERSION}"; \
-	else \
-		${ECHO_MSG} "Cannot check for latest CPAN version: ${CPAN_CMD} not installed"; \
-	fi
-.endif      # defined(_POSTMKINCLUDED) && !defined(Perl_Post_Include)
--- Mk/bsd.sites.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1654 +0,0 @@
-# bsd.sites.mk - Popular master sites.
-# Sites_MAINTAINER=		ports at MidnightBSD.org
-# This file does not have any designated maintainer, so feel free to
-# commit to it yourself.  However, it is generally a good idea to
-# notify the principal maintainer in case you have a change to one of
-# the software environments (KDE, GNOME, etc.).
-# Also, this file is included from bsd.port.mk for all invocations, so
-# committing a syntax error to this file is a cardinal sin, and will
-# be punished accordingly.  DO NOT COMMIT SOMETHING YOU HAVEN'T TESTED.
-# You have been warned. :)
-# Note: because it is included for all invocations, please keep the size
-# of this file manageable.  If a distfile is unfetchable from the first
-# few dozen locations, it is unlikely to be fetchable from any past that,
-# and those fetch failures will simply waste time and bandwidth.  Please
-# pick a globally representative subset.
-# Note: all entries should terminate with a slash.
-# $MidnightBSD: mports/Mk/bsd.sites.mk,v 1.47 2008/10/24 20:19:02 laffer1 Exp $
-# $FreeBSD: ports/Mk/bsd.sites.mk,v 1.398 2006/09/12 14:23:12 kuriyama Exp $
-# Where to put distfiles that don't have any other master site
-	ftp://mirrors.isc.org/pub/MidnightBSD/mports/distfiles/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://cs.emich.edu/mbsd/mports/distfiles/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.se.midnightbsd.org/MidnightBSD/mports/distfiles/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/local-distfiles/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.se.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/local-distfiles/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.uk.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/local-distfiles/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.ru.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/local-distfiles/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.jp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/local-distfiles/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.tw.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/local-distfiles/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.cn.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/local-distfiles/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp3.MidnightBSD.org/pub/MidnightBSD/mports/distfiles/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp1.MidnightBSD.org/pub/MidnightBSD/mports/distfiles/%SUBDIR%/
-	ftp://ports.jp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD-jp/ports-jp/LOCAL_PORTS/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp4.jp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD-jp/ports-jp/LOCAL_PORTS/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.ics.es.osaka-u.ac.jp/pub/mirrors/FreeBSD-jp/ports-jp/LOCAL_PORTS/%SUBDIR%/
-	ftp://ftp.afterstep.org/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.kddlabs.co.jp/X11/AfterStep/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.dti.ad.jp/pub/X/AfterStep/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.chg.ru/pub/X11/windowmanagers/afterstep/%SUBDIR%/
-	http://www.apache.org/dist/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://archive.apache.org/dist/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://mirror.facebook.com/apache/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.planetmirror.com/pub/apache/dist/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.pop-mg.com.br/data/apache/dist/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.gin.cz/pub/mirrors/www.apache.org/dist/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp-stud.fht-esslingen.de/pub/Mirrors/ftp.apache.org/dist/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.apache.de/mirrors/dev.apache.org/dist/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://mir1.ovh.net/ftp.apache.org/dist/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.forthnet.gr/pub/www/apache/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://xenia.sote.hu/pub/mirrors/www.apache.org/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.esat.net/mirrors/ftp.apache.org/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.heanet.ie/mirrors/www.apache.org/dist/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.rhnet.is/pub/apache/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	${MASTER_SITE_RINGSERVER:S,%SUBDIR%,net/apache/&,} \
-	ftp://ftp.sogang.ac.kr/www/apache/dist/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.task.gda.pl/pub/www/apache/dist/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://sunsite.icm.edu.pl/pub/www/apache/dist/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.kappa.ro/pub/mirrors/ftp.apache.org/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://apache.rinet.ru/pub/mirror/apache.org/dist/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.chg.ru/pub/WWW/apache/dist/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.sunet.se/pub/www/servers/apache/dist/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.flirble.org/pub/web/apache/dist/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://mirrors.rmplc.co.uk/pub/apache/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://apache.secsup.org/pub/apache/dist/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.ccs.neu.edu/net/mirrors/Apache/dist/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.tux.org/pub/net/apache/dist/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.saix.net/pub/apache/dist/%SUBDIR%/
-	${MASTER_SITE_APACHE:S,%SUBDIR%,commons/&/binaries,}
-	${MASTER_SITE_APACHE:S,%SUBDIR%,commons/&/source,}
-	http://download.berlios.de/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://download2.berlios.de/%SUBDIR%/
-	http://bsd.cenkes.org/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://bsd2.cenkes.org/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://bsd3.cenkes.org/%SUBDIR%/
-	http://pypi.python.org/packages/%SUBDIR%/
-	ftp://gatekeeper.dec.com/pub/usenet/comp.sources.%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.uu.net/usenet/comp.sources.%SUBDIR%/
-	http://www.gtlib.cc.gatech.edu/pub/debian/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	${MASTER_SITE_DEBIAN_NON_US:S,/debian-non-US/,/debian/,}
-	ftp://ftp.au.debian.org/debian-non-US/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.bg.debian.org/debian-non-US/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.cl.debian.org/debian-non-US/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.cz.debian.org/debian-non-US/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.de.debian.org/debian-non-US/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.ee.debian.org/debian-non-US/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.es.debian.org/debian-non-US/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.fi.debian.org/debian-non-US/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.fr.debian.org/debian-non-US/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.hk.debian.org/debian-non-US/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.hr.debian.org/debian-non-US/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.hu.debian.org/debian-non-US/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.ie.debian.org/debian-non-US/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.is.debian.org/debian-non-US/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.it.debian.org/debian-non-US/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.jp.debian.org/debian-non-US/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	${MASTER_SITE_RINGSERVER:S,%SUBDIR%,linux/debian/debian-non-US/&,} \
-	ftp://ftp.nl.debian.org/debian-non-US/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.no.debian.org/debian-non-US/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.pl.debian.org/debian-non-US/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.ru.debian.org/debian-non-US/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.se.debian.org/debian-non-US/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.si.debian.org/debian-non-US/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.sk.debian.org/debian-non-US/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.uk.debian.org/debian-non-US/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.wa.au.debian.org/debian-non-US/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp2.de.debian.org/debian-non-US/%SUBDIR%/
-	${MASTER_SITE_DEBIAN:C|(/%SUBDIR%/)|/pool/main/${PORTNAME:C/^(.).*$/\1/}/${PORTNAME}/|}
-	http://ftp.easysw.com/pub/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.easysw.com/pub/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.funet.fi/pub/mirrors/ftp.easysw.com/pub/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.funet.fi/pub/mirrors/ftp.easysw.com/pub/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.rz.tu-bs.de/pub/mirror/ftp.easysw.com/ftp/pub/%SUBDIR%/
-	http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/downloads/drops/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://download.eclipse.org/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://sunsite.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/pub/mirror/eclipse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://sunsite.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/eclipse/downloads/drops/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.tu-clausthal.de/pub/eclipse/downloads/drops/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp-stud.fht-esslingen.de/pub/Mirrors/eclipse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.unixag-zw.fh-kl.de/pub/mirrors/eclipse/drops/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://eclipse.teccomm.les.inf.puc-rio.br/downloads/drops/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://www.dawnspill.hu/mirror/eclipse/downloads/drops/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://mirrors.ibiblio.org/pub/mirrors/eclipse/eclipse/downloads/drops/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://www.eclipse.ps.pl/downloads/drops/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://eclipse.planetmirror.com/downloads/drops/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	${MASTER_SITE_RINGSERVER:S,%SUBDIR%,misc/eclipse/downloads/drops/&,} \
-	ftp://sunsite.cnlab-switch.ch/mirror/eclipse/eclipse/downloads/drops/%SUBDIR%/
-	ftp://ftp.csx.cam.ac.uk/pub/software/email/exim/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.exim.org/pub/exim/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.easynet.be/exim/exim/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://mirror.kn.vutbr.cz/pub/ftp.exim.org/exim/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://sunsite.auc.dk/pub/mail/exim/exim/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.doc.cs.univ-paris8.fr/mirrors/ftp.exim.org/exim/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.fu-berlin.de/unix/mail/exim/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.tin.org/pub/mail/exim/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.freenet.de/pub/ftp.csx.cam.ac.uk/pub/software/email/exim/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.esat.net/pub/networking/mail/mta/exim/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://washitake.com/mail/exim/mirror/exim/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://exim.psshee.com/ftp/exim/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.nl.uu.net/pub/unix/mail/exim/exim/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.demon.nl/pub/mirrors/exim/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.easynet.nl/mirror/exim/exim/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://sunsite.uio.no/pub/mail/exim/exim/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://www.no.exim.org/ftp/exim/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://sunsite.icm.edu.pl/pub/unix/mail/exim/exim/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://exim.directnet.ru/pub/exim/exim/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.is.co.za/networking/mail/mta/exim/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.reaper.org/pub/exim/exim/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://sunsite.cnlab-switch.ch/mirror/exim/exim/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.mirrorservice.org/sites/ftp.csx.cam.ac.uk/pub/software/email/exim/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.demon.co.uk/pub/mirrors/exim/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.fsckit.net/pub/exim/exim/%SUBDIR%/
-	http://mirrors.kernel.org/fedora/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://mirrors.kernel.org/fedora/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://mirror.web-ster.com/fedora/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://mirror.web-ster.com/fedora/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://rpmfind.net/linux/fedora/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://rpmfind.net/linux/fedora/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.gtlib.cc.gatech.edu/pub/fedora.redhat/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://fedora.mirrors.tds.net/pub/fedora-core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.ndlug.nd.edu/pub/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.ndlug.nd.edu/pub/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.belnet.be/linux/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://sunsite.mff.cuni.cz/pub/fedora/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://sunsite.mff.cuni.cz/pub/fedora/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ultra.linux.cz/pub/fedora/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://fr2.rpmfind.net/linux/fedora/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://fr2.rpmfind.net/linux/fedora/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://wftp.tu-chemnitz.de/pub/linux/fedora-core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.tu-chemnitz.de/pub/linux/fedora-core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.heanet.ie/pub/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.heanet.ie/pub/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.esat.net/pub/linux/fedora/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.esat.net/pub/linux/fedora/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://alviss.et.tudelft.nl/pub/fedora/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.surfnet.nl/ftp/pub/os/Linux/distr/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.surfnet.nl/pub/os/Linux/distr/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.nluug.nl/ftp/pub/os/Linux/distr/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.nluug.nl/pub/os/Linux/distr/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.uninett.no/pub/linux/Fedora/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.man.poznan.pl/pub/linux/fedora/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.man.poznan.pl/pub/linux/fedora/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.ps.pl/pub/linux/fedora-core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.ps.pl/pub/linux/fedora-core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.kappa.ro/pub/Linux/Distributions/fedora/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://mirror.etf.bg.ac.yu/fedora/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://mirror.etf.bg.ac.yu/fedora/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.mirrorservice.org/sites/download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.hostrino.com/pub/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.sfc.wide.ad.jp/pub/Linux/Fedora/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.kddilabs.jp/Linux/packages/fedora/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.kddilabs.jp/Linux/packages/fedora/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.riken.go.jp/pub/Linux/fedora/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.isu.edu.tw/pub/Linux/Fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.isu.edu.tw/pub/Linux/Fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://www.las.ic.unicamp.br/pub/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://www.las.ic.unicamp.br/pub/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://mirror.netglobalis.net/pub/fedora/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://mirror.pacific.net.au/linux/redhat/fedora/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.univie.ac.at/systems/linux/fedora/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://fedora.mirror.iweb.ca/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://fedora.mirror.iweb.ca/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.telus.net/pub/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://fedora.arcticnetwork.ca/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://www.muug.mb.ca/pub/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.muug.mb.ca/pub/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.solnet.ch/mirror/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://mirror.karneval.cz/pub/linux/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.telmexchile.cl/Unix/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.sh.cvut.cz/MIRRORS/fedora/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.sh.cvut.cz/MIRRORS/fedora/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://sunsite.mff.cuni.cz/MIRRORS/fedora.redhat.com/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://sunsite.mff.cuni.cz/MIRRORS/fedora.redhat.com/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp-stud.hs-esslingen.de/pub/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp-stud.hs-esslingen.de/pub/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://www.jur-linux.org/download/fedora/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.uni-erlangen.de/pub/Linux/MIRROR.fedora/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.uni-muenster.de/pub/linux/distributions/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.uni-bayreuth.de/linux/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.uni-bayreuth.de/pub/linux/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.fu-berlin.de/linux/fedora/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.uni-koeln.de/mirrors/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.uni-koeln.de/mirrors/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.informatik.uni-frankfurt.de/pub/linux/Mirror/ftp.redhat.com/fedora/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.udl.es/pub/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.udl.es/pub/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://mirrors.ircam.fr/pub/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://mirrors.ircam.fr/pub/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.crihan.fr/mirrors/fedora.redhat.com/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.crihan.fr/mirrors/fedora.redhat.com/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.univ-pau.fr/pub/mirrors/fedora/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.lip6.fr/pub/linux/distributions/fedora/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://fr.rpmfind.net/linux/fedora/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://zeniiia.linux.org.uk/pub/distributions/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://zeniiia.linux.org.uk/pub/distributions/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://www.gtlib.gatech.edu/pub/fedora.redhat/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://download.stmc.edu.hk/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://download.stmc.edu.hk/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.rhnet.is/pub/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.rhnet.is/pub/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.unina.it/pub/linux/distributions/fedora/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.unina.it/pub/linux/distributions/fedora/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.iij.ad.jp/pub/linux/fedora/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.iij.ad.jp/pub/linux/fedora/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.dti.ad.jp/pub/Linux/Fedora/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.dti.ad.jp/pub/Linux/Fedora/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.nara.wide.ad.jp/pub/Linux/fedora/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.yz.yamagata-u.ac.jp/pub/linux/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.yz.yamagata-u.ac.jp/pub/linux/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.jaist.ac.jp/pub/Linux/Fedora/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.jaist.ac.jp/pub/Linux/Fedora/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.riken.jp/Linux/fedora/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.kaist.ac.kr/pub/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.kaist.ac.kr/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.kreonet.re.kr/pub/Linux/fedora/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://mirror.hostway.co.kr/pub/fedora/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://fedora.ifc.unam.mx/fedora/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://fedora.ifc.unam.mx/linux/fedora/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.easynet.nl/mirror/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.quicknet.nl/pub/Linux/download.fedora.redhat.com/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.uib.no/pub/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.tpnet.pl/d17/fedora/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.wsisiz.edu.pl/pub/linux/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.pbone.net/pub/fedora/pub/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.pwr.wroc.pl/pub/linux/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.pwr.wroc.pl/pub/linux/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://mirrors.hpcf.upr.edu/pub/Mirrors/redhat/download.fedora.redhat.com/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.astral.ro/mirrors/fedora/pub/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.astral.ro/mirrors/fedora/pub/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.iasi.roedu.net/mirrors/fedora.redhat.com/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.rdsor.ro/pub/Linux/Distributions/Fedora/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.chg.ru/pub/Linux/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.chg.ru/pub/Linux/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.rhd.ru/pub/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.rhd.ru/pub/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.sunet.se/pub/Linux/distributions/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.sunet.se/pub/Linux/distributions/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.port80.se/fedora/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.port80.se/fedora/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.upjs.sk/pub/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.upjs.sk/pub/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.mirror.tw/pub/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.mirror.tw/pub/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.tlk-l.net/pub/mirrors/fedora.redhat.com/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://limestone.uoregon.edu/ftp/fedora/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://limestone.uoregon.edu/fedora/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://mirrors.tiatera.com/fedora/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://mirrors.tiatera.com/fedora/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://fedora.bu.edu/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://mirror.pacific.net.au/linux/redhat/fedora/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/fedora-linux-core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://mirror.anl.gov/pub/fedora-linux-core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.cse.buffalo.edu/pub/Linux/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://coblitz.planet-lab.org/pub/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.software.umn.edu/linux/fedora/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://fedora.omnispring.com/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://fedora.omnispring.com/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.applios.net/pub/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://fedora.mirror.facebook.com/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://mirror.steadfast.net/fedora/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://mirror.eas.muohio.edu/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://mirror.engr.sjsu.edu/pub/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://wuarchive.wustl.edu/pub/linux/distributions/fedora/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://www.gtlib.gatech.edu/pub/fedora.redhat/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.gtlib.gatech.edu/pub/fedora.redhat/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://mirror.cogentco.com/pub/linux/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://mirrors.tummy.com/pub/fedora.redhat.com/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://mirrors.tummy.com/pub/fedora.redhat.com/fedora/linux/core/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp1.midnightbsd.org/pub/mirrors/fedora/core/%SUBDIR%/
-	http://www.festvox.org/packed/festival/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://www.cstr.ed.ac.uk/downloads/festival/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://stuff.mit.edu/afs/sipb/project/speech-tools/src/festival/festvox.org/packed/festival/%SUBDIR%/
-	ftp://ftp.tuwien.ac.at/opsys/linux/blinux/festival/mirror.ogi-synth_home/ \
-	http://www.cslu.ogi.edu/tts/download/data/
-	ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/local-distfiles/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.se.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/local-distfiles/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.uk.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/local-distfiles/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.ru.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/local-distfiles/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.jp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/local-distfiles/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.tw.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/local-distfiles/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.cn.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/local-distfiles/%SUBDIR%
-# FreeBSD mirror sites
-# For the full list, see the Handbook:
-#    http://www.FreeBSD.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/mirrors-ftp.html
-	ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.se.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.jp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.uk.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.ru.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.dti.ad.jp/pub/FreeBSD/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://gcc.gnu.org/pub/gcc/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://mirrors.laffeycomputer.com/pub/gcc.gnu.org/pub/gcc/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.lip6.fr/pub/gcc/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.irisa.fr/pub/mirrors/gcc.gnu.org/gcc/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.uvsq.fr/pub/gcc/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/misc/gcc/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.mpi-sb.mpg.de/pub/gnu/mirror/gcc.gnu.org/pub/gcc/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.eos.hokudai.ac.jp/pub/gcc/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.iij.ad.jp/pub/gcc/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.dti.ad.jp/pub/lang/gcc/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.nluug.nl/mirror/languages/gcc/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.nctu.edu.tw/computer-languages/C/gcc/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.mirrorservice.org/sites/sources.redhat.com/pub/gcc/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.ntua.gr/pub/gnu/gcc/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/gcc/%SUBDIR%/
-	http://distro.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/distributions/gentoo/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://csociety-ftp.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/gentoo/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://gentoo.mirrors.pair.com/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://gentoo.chem.wisc.edu/gentoo/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://adelie.polymtl.ca/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://mirrors.tds.net/gentoo/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.mirrorservice.org/sites/www.ibiblio.org/gentoo/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.belnet.be/mirror/rsync.gentoo.org/gentoo/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.easynet.nl/mirror/gentoo/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.snt.utwente.nl/pub/os/linux/gentoo/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://trumpetti.atm.tut.fi/gentoo/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ds.thn.htu.se/linux/gentoo/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://sunsite.cnlab-switch.ch/ftp/mirror/gentoo/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://linux.rz.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/download/gentoo-mirror/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://mirrors.sec.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/gentoo/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.uni-erlangen.de/pub/mirrors/gentoo/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://darkstar.ist.utl.pt/gentoo/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.caliu.info/pub/gentoo/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://gentoo.inode.at/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.rhnet.is/pub/gentoo/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://gentoo.mirror.sdv.fr/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.gentoo.or.kr/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://mirror.gentoo.gr.jp/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://gentoo.gg3.net/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://gentoo.kems.net/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.gtlib.cc.gatech.edu/pub/gentoo/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://csociety-ftp.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/gentoo/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://mirror.iawnet.sandia.gov/pub/gentoo/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.ussg.iu.edu/pub/linux/gentoo/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.ucsb.edu/pub/mirrors/linux/gentoo/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://gentoo.mirrors.pair.com/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://mirrors.tds.net/gentoo/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.belnet.be/mirror/rsync.gentoo.org/gentoo/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.easynet.nl/mirror/gentoo/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.snt.utwente.nl/pub/os/linux/gentoo/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://trumpetti.atm.tut.fi/gentoo/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://sunsite.cnlab-switch.ch/mirror/gentoo/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.join.uni-muenster.de/pub/linux/distributions/gentoo/%SUBDIR%/\
-	ftp://ftp6.uni-muenster.de/pub/linux/distributions/gentoo/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.tu-clausthal.de/pub/linux/gentoo/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://sunsite.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/pub/Linux/gentoo/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://linux.rz.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/gentoo-mirror/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.uni-erlangen.de/pub/mirrors/gentoo/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://darkstar.ist.utl.pt/pub/gentoo/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.caliu.info/pub/gentoo/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://gentoo.inode.at/source/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.rhnet.is/pub/gentoo/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://files.gentoo.gr/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.planetmirror.com/pub/gentoo/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/GENTOO/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://gentoo.kems.net/pub/mirrors/gentoo/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://gentoo.arcticnetwork.ca/source/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://gentoo.arcticnetwork.ca/pub/gentoo/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://gentoo.mirrors.tera-byte.com/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://mirrors.tera-byte.com/pub/gentoo/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://mirror.csclub.uwaterloo.ca/gentoo-distfiles/%SUBDIR%/
-	http://www0.get-e.org/%SUBDIR%/_files/ \
-	http://www1.get-e.org/%SUBDIR%/_files/ \
-	http://www2.get-e.org/%SUBDIR%/_files/ \
-	http://www3.get-e.org/%SUBDIR%/_files/ \
-	http://www4.get-e.org/%SUBDIR%/_files/ \
-	http://www5.get-e.org/%SUBDIR%/_files/
-	ftp://ftp.belnet.be/mirror/ftp.gnome.org/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.no.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.dit.upm.es/linux/gnome/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://rpmfind.net/linux/gnome.org/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.cse.buffalo.edu/pub/Gnome/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.unina.it/pub/linux/GNOME/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://www.gtlib.cc.gatech.edu/pub/gnome/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://archive.progeny.com/GNOME/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.dti.ad.jp/pub/X/gnome/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.kddlabs.co.jp/pub/GNOME/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.mirrorservice.org/sites/ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/%SUBDIR%/
-	http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://www.gtlib.cc.gatech.edu/pub/gnu/gnu/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://mirrors.usc.edu/pub/gnu/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.funet.fi/pub/gnu/prep/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.kddlabs.co.jp/GNU/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.dti.ad.jp/pub/GNU/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.mirrorservice.org/sites/ftp.gnu.org/gnu/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.sunsite.org.uk/package/gnu/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.informatik.hu-berlin.de/pub/gnu/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/pub/mirror/ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.rediris.es/sites/ftp.gnu.org/ftp/gnu/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.chg.ru/pub/gnu/%SUBDIR%/
-	http://ftp.linux.it/pub/mirrors/gnupg/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.demon.nl/pub/mirrors/gnupg/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://sunsite.dk/pub/security/gcrypt/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.jyu.fi/pub/crypt/gcrypt/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.freenet.de/pub/ftp.gnupg.org/gcrypt/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.surfnet.nl/pub/security/gnupg/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.mirrorservice.org/sites/ftp.gnupg.org/gcrypt/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://sunsite.cnlab-switch.ch/mirror/gcrypt/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.iasi.roedu.net/pub/mirrors/ftp.gnupg.org/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://igloo.linux.gr/pub/crypto/gnupg/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.gnupg.org/gcrypt/%SUBDIR%/
-	ftp://ftp.gnustep.org/pub/gnustep/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.easynet.nl/mirror/GNUstep/pub/gnustep/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.planetmirror.com/pub/gnustep/gnustep/%SUBDIR%/
-	http://io.debian.net/~tar/ports/distfiles/
-	ftp://alpha.gnu.org/pub/gnu/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.funet.fi/pub/mirrors/alpha.gnu.org/gnu/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.lublin.pl/mirror/alpha.gnu.org/gnu/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.ps.pl/mirrors/alpha.gnu.org/pub/gnu/%SUBDIR%/ 
-.if defined(PROJECTHOST)
-	http://${PROJECTHOST}.googlecode.com/files/
-	http://${PORTNAME}.googlecode.com/files/
-	ftp://ftp.chg.ru/pub/games/idgames/idstuff/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp4.de.freesbie.org/pub/misc/ftp.idsoftware.com/idstuff/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.fasta.fh-dortmund.de/mirror/idstuff/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.fu-berlin.de/pc/games/idgames/idstuff/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.gamers.org/pub/idgames/idstuff/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.iinet.net.au/games/idstuff/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.mirror.nl/disk2/idsoftware/idstuff/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.nsu.ru/mirrors/ftp.idsoftware.com/idstuff/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.ntua.gr/pub/vendors/idgames/idstuff/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.omen.net.au/games/idstuff/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.planetmirror.com/pub/idgames/idstuff/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.sunsite.org.uk/sites/ftp.idsoftware.com/idstuff/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.idsoftware.com/idstuff/%SUBDIR%/
-	ftp://ftp.isc.org/isc/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.ciril.fr/pub/isc/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.funet.fi/pub/mirrors/ftp.isc.org/isc/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.freenet.de/pub/ftp.isc.org/isc/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.iij.ad.jp/pub/network/isc/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.dti.ad.jp/pub/net/isc/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.u-aizu.ac.jp/pub/net/isc/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.task.gda.pl/mirror/ftp.isc.org/isc/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.chl.chalmers.se/pub/isc/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.sunet.se/pub/network/isc/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.mirrorservice.org/sites/ftp.isc.org/isc/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.epix.net/pub/isc/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.nominum.com/pub/isc/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.ripe.net/mirrors/sites/ftp.isc.org/isc/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.ntua.gr/pub/net/isc/isc/%SUBDIR%/
-	ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://mirror.facebook.com/kde/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.scarlet.be/pub/kde/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://mirrors.isc.org/pub/kde/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.gtlib.cc.gatech.edu/pub/kde/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.gtlib.cc.gatech.edu/pub/kde/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.oregonstate.edu/pub/kde/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.eu.uu.net/pub/kde/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.tiscali.nl/pub/mirrors/kde/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.tiscali.nl/kde/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.du.se/pub/mirrors/kde/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.du.se/pub/mirrors/kde/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.solnet.ch/mirror/KDE/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://sunsite.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/pub/Linux/kde/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp-stud.fht-esslingen.de/Mirrors/ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/x11/kde/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://kde.mirrors.hoobly.com/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/pub/soft/X/contrib/kde/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.rediris.es/mirror/kde/pub/kde/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://sunsite.rediris.es/mirror/kde/pub/kde/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.mirrors.net.ar/pub/kde/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.man.szczecin.pl/pub/kde/%SUBDIR%/ \
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-	http://mirrors.dotsrc.org/kde/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://mirrors.dotsrc.org/kde/%SUBDIR%/ \
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-	http://ftp.unina.it/pub/Linux/kde/%SUBDIR%/ \
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-	http://www-ftp.lip6.fr/pub/X11/kde/%SUBDIR%/ \
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-	ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/%SUBDIR%/ \
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-	http://linux3.cc.ntu.edu.tw/pub/kde/%SUBDIR%/ \
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-	http://mi.mirror.garr.it/mirrors/KDE/%SUBDIR%/ \
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-	http://ftp.yz.yamagata-u.ac.jp/pub/X11/wm/kde/%SUBDIR%/ \
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-	http://chernabog.cc.vt.edu/pub/projects/kde/%SUBDIR%/ \
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-	http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/%SUBDIR%/ \
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-	http://mozilla.gnusoft.net/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/%SUBDIR%/ \
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-	ftp://ftp.fh-wolfenbuettel.de/pub/www/mozilla/%SUBDIR%/ \
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-	ftp://ftp.ntua.gr/pub/databases/mysql/Downloads/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://mysql.sote.hu/Downloads/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.rhnet.is/pub/mysql/Downloads/%SUBDIR%/ \
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-	ftp://mirror.switch.ch/mirror/mysql/Downloads/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://mysql.dp.ua/Downloads/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://mysql.mirrored.ca/Downloads/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://mirror.services.wisc.edu/mirrors/mysql/Downloads/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.orst.edu/pub/mysql/Downloads/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://mysql.mirrors.pair.com/Downloads/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://mysql.bannerlandia.com.ar/mirrors/mysql/Downloads/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.linorg.usp.br/mysql/Downloads/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.cbn.net.id/mirror/mysql/Downloads/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://download.softagency.net/MySQL/Downloads/%SUBDIR%/
-	http://www.gtlib.cc.gatech.edu/pub/NetBSD/packages/distfiles/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.netbsd.org/pub/NetBSD/packages/distfiles/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://gatekeeper.dec.com/pub/BSD/NetBSD/packages/distfiles/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.iastate.edu/pub/netbsd/packages/distfiles/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://netbsd.secsup.org/pub/NetBSD/packages/distfiles/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.plig.net/pub/NetBSD/packages/distfiles/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.proxad.net/mirrors/ftp.netbsd.org/packages/distfiles/%SUBDIR%/\
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-	ftp://ftp.uninett.no/bsd/unix/NetBSD/packages/distfiles/%SUBDIR%/ \
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-	ftp://ftp.sunet.se/pub/NetBSD/packages/distfiles/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.sunsite.org.uk/sites/rsync.netbsd.org/NetBSD/packages/distfiles/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.demon.co.uk/pub/mirrors/NetBSD/packages/distfiles/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.uk.netbsd.org/pub/NetBSD/packages/distfiles/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	${MASTER_SITE_RINGSERVER:S,%SUBDIR%,NetBSD/packages/distfiles/&,} \
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-	ftp://ftp.iij.ad.jp/pub/NetBSD/packages/distfiles/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://melanoma.cs.rmit.edu.au/pub/NetBSD/packages/distfiles/%SUBDIR%/
-	http://jp.download.nvidia.com/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://us.download.nvidia.com/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://tw.download.nvidia.com/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://download.nvidia.com/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://download1.nvidia.com/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://download.nvidia.com/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://download1.nvidia.com/%SUBDIR%/
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-	ftp://spargel.kd85.com/pub/OpenBSD/%SUBDIR%/ \
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-	ftp://rt.fm/pub/OpenBSD/%SUBDIR%/ \
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-	ftp://ftp.it.net.au/mirrors/OpenBSD/%SUBDIR%/ \
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-	ftp://ftp.df.lth.se/pub/OpenBSD/%SUBDIR%/ \
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-	ftp://ftp.btradianz.se/pub/OpenBSD/%SUBDIR%/ \
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-	ftp://gaia.colocall.net/pub/OpenBSD/%SUBDIR%/ \
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-	http://openoffice.mirrors.ilisys.com.au/ \
-	ftp://ftp.pucpr.br/openoffice/ \
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-	ftp://ftp.ussg.iu.edu/pub/openoffice/ \
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-	http://gd.tuwien.ac.at/office/openoffice/ \
-	http://ftp.belnet.be/pub/mirror/ftp.openoffice.org/ \
-	ftp://ftp.kulnet.kuleuven.ac.be/pub/mirror/openoffice.org/ \
-	http://ftp.sh.cvut.cz/MIRRORS/OpenOffice/ \
-	ftp://ftp.funet.fi/pub/mirrors/openoffice.org/ \
-	ftp://openoffice.cict.fr/openoffice/ \
-	http://ftp.club-internet.fr/pub/OpenOffice/ \
-	ftp://sunsite.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/pub/mirror/OpenOffice/ \
-	ftp://ftp.tu-chemnitz.de/pub/openoffice/ \
-	ftp://ftp-stud.fht-esslingen.de/pub/Mirrors/ftp.openoffice.org/ \
-	ftp://ftp.join.uni-muenster.de/pub/software/OpenOffice/ \
-	http://ftp.ntua.gr/pub/OpenOffice/ \
-	http://ftp.fsf.hu/OpenOffice.org/ \
-	http://ftp.rhnet.is/pub/OpenOffice/ \
-	http://na.mirror.garr.it/mirrors/openoffice/ \
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-	http://niihau.student.utwente.nl/openoffice/ \
-	http://borft.student.utwente.nl/openoffice/ \
-	http://ftp.iasi.roedu.net/mirrors/openoffice.org/ \
-	ftp://ftp.arnes.si/packages/OpenOffice.org/ \
-	ftp://ftp.saix.net/pub/OpenOffice.org/ \
-	http://ftp.rediris.es/ftp/mirror/openoffice.org/ \
-	http://ftp.sunet.se/pub/Office/OpenOffice.org/ \
-	ftp://mirror.switch.ch/mirror/OpenOffice/ \
-	http://mirror.pacific.net.au/openoffice/ \
-	http://public.planetmirror.com.au/pub/openoffice/ \
-	http://komo.vlsm.org/openoffice/ \
-	ftp://ftp.kddlabs.co.jp/office/openoffice/ \
-	ftp://ftp.t.ring.gr.jp/pub/misc/openoffice/ \
-	http://mymirror.asiaosc.org/openoffice/ \
-	ftp://ftp.kr.freebsd.org/pub/openoffice/ \
-	http://www.fs.tum.de/~mrauch/OpenOffice/download/
-	ftp://ftp.ossp.org/pkg/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.ntua.gr/pub/utils/ossp/%SUBDIR%/
-	http://packetstormsecurity.nl/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://packetstorm.troop218.org/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://packetstorm.linuxsecurity.com/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://packetstorm.digital-network.net/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://packetstorm.icx.fr/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://packetstorm.security-guide.de/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://packetstormsecurity.org.pk/%SUBDIR%/
-	http://mirror.facebook.com/cpan/modules/by-module/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.funet.fi/pub/languages/perl/CPAN/modules/by-module/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.cpan.org/pub/CPAN/modules/by-module/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://www.cpan.dk/modules/by-module/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	${MASTER_SITE_RINGSERVER:S,%SUBDIR%,lang/perl/CPAN/modules/by-module/&,} \
-	ftp://ftp.kddlabs.co.jp/lang/perl/CPAN/modules/by-module/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.dti.ad.jp/pub/lang/CPAN/modules/by-module/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.sunet.se/pub/lang/perl/CPAN/modules/by-module/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://mirror.hiwaay.net/CPAN/modules/by-module/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.mirrorservice.org/sites/ftp.funet.fi/pub/languages/perl/CPAN/modules/by-module/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://csociety-ftp.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/CPAN/modules/by-module/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.isu.net.sa/pub/CPAN/modules/by-module/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.cs.colorado.edu/pub/perl/CPAN/modules/by-module/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://cpan.pop-mg.com.br/pub/CPAN/modules/by-module/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://at.cpan.org/modules/by-module/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.chg.ru/pub/lang/perl/CPAN/modules/by-module/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.auckland.ac.nz/pub/perl/CPAN/modules/by-module/%SUBDIR%/
-# PostgreSQL mirror sites
-# For the full list, see the following:
-#	http://www.postgresql.org/mirrors-ftp.html
-# Before update mirror list please consult with fenner's distfiles survey.
-	ftp://ftp8.us.postgresql.org/postgresql/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp9.us.postgresql.org/pub/mirrors/postgresql/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp10.us.postgresql.org/pub/postgresql/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	${MASTER_SITE_RINGSERVER:S,%SUBDIR%,misc/db/postgresql/&,} \
-	ftp://ftp.au.postgresql.org/pub/postgresql/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.at.postgresql.org/db/www.postgresql.org/pub/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.be.postgresql.org/postgresql/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.ba.postgresql.org/pub/postgresql/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.cz.postgresql.org/DATA/postgresql/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp2.cz.postgresql.org/pub/postgresql/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.ee.postgresql.org/mirrors/postgresql/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.fr.postgresql.org/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.de.postgresql.org/mirror/postgresql/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp3.de.postgresql.org/pub/Mirrors/ftp.postgresql.org/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.gr.postgresql.org/pub/databases/postgresql/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.hk.postgresql.org/postgresql/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.ie.postgresql.org/mirrors/ftp.postgresql.org/pub/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp2.it.postgresql.org/mirrors/postgres/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.kr.postgresql.org/postgresql/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.lv.postgresql.org/pub/postgresql/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.eu.postgresql.org/pub/unix/db/postgresql/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp2.nl.postgresql.org/mirror/postgresql/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp4.nl.postgresql.org/postgresql.zeelandnet.nl/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp6.pl.postgresql.org/pub/postgresql/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp7.pl.postgresql.org/pub/mirror/ftp.postgresql.org/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp6.ro.postgresql.org/pub/mirrors/ftp.postgresql.org/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.ru.postgresql.org/pub/unix/database/pgsql/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp2.ru.postgresql.org/pub/databases/postgresql/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp3.ru.postgresql.org/pub/mirror/postgresql/pub/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp5.es.postgresql.org/mirror/postgresql/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.se.postgresql.org/pub/databases/relational/postgresql/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp2.ch.postgresql.org/pub/postgresql/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.tw.postgresql.org/pub/postgresql/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp3.tw.postgresql.org/pub/postgresql/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.postgresql.org/pub/%SUBDIR%/
-	http://br.php.net/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://cn.php.net/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://dk.php.net/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://de.php.net/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://es.php.net/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://fi.php.net/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://fr.php.net/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://gr.php.net/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://it.php.net/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://jp.php.net/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://nl.php.net/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://se.php.net/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://uk.php.net/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://us2.php.net/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://www.python.org/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://python.planetmirror.com/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://python.ilisys.com.au/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.easynet.be/python/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://www.linux.org.hk/mirror/python/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://mirrors.sunsite.dk/pythonwww/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://python.emdia.fi/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://SunSITE.Informatik.RWTH-Aachen.DE/python/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://www.auth.gr/mirrors/python/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://www.cwi.nl/www.python.org/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://gnu.kookel.org/ftp/www.python.org/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://python.holywar.net/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://python.cdpa.nsysu.edu.tw/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.mirrorservice.org/sites/ftp.python.org/pub/www.python.org/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://python.mirrors.pair.com/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://mirrors.ccs.neu.edu/Python/pub/www.python.org/%SUBDIR%/
-	http://qmail.geto.net/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://qmail.palomine.net/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://qmail.mirrors.summersault.com/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://qmail.cdsinet.net/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://qmail.teleglobe.net/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://qmail.glasswings.com.au/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://qmail.planetmirror.com/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://qmail.hostlink.com.hk/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://qmail.cbn.net.id/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://qmail.manic.co.kr/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://qmail.psshee.com/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://mirrors.kangaroot.net/qmail/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://mirrors.sunsite.dk/qmailwww/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://qmail.mirrors.Space.Net/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://qmail-mirror.hoermann-rawema.de/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://www.agria.hu/qmail/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://qmail.hu/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://qmail.rhnet.is/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://qmail.netsoc.ucd.ie/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://mirrors.dataloss.nl/www.qmail.org/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://qmail.basefreak.nl/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://www.math.ntnu.no/mirror/www.qmail.org/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://qmail.konnekt.org/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://qmail.netvisao.pt/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://qmail.ssc.nsu.ru/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://qmail.ipg.sk/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://qmail.imasd.elmundo.es/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://qmail.netrogenic.com/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://qmail.omnis.ch/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://qmail.asylog.net/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://qmail.softflare.com/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://qmail.blueyonder.co.uk/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://qmail.usp.br/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://madhaus.utcs.utoronto.ca/qmail/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://qmail.ru.ac.za/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://www.qmail.org/%SUBDIR%/
-.if !defined(IGNORE_MASTER_SITE_QT)
-	ftp://ftp.iasi.roedu.net/mirrors/ftp.trolltech.com/qt/source/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.ntua.gr/pub/X11/Qt/qt/source/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.tu-chemnitz.de/pub/Qt/qt/source/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.silug.org/mirrors/ftp.trolltech.com/qt/source/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.planetmirror.com.au/pub/trolltech/qt/source/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.fu-berlin.de/unix/X11/gui/Qt/source/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.trolltech.com/qt/source/%SUBDIR%/
-MASTER_SITE_RAR+= http://www.rarlab.com/rar/%SUBDIR%/
-.for mirror in 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
-	http://files${mirror}.rarlab.com/rar/%SUBDIR%/
-	http://mirrors.usc.edu/pub/linux/distributions/redhat/redhat/linux/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://www.gtlib.cc.gatech.edu/pub/redhat/linux/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://mirror.cs.wisc.edu/pub/mirrors/linux/redhat/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.nluug.nl/site/ftp.redhat.com/redhat/linux/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.icm.edu.pl/pub/linux/redhat/linux/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.riken.go.jp/pub/Linux/redhat/linux/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.kddlabs.co.jp/pub/Linux/packages/RedHat/redhat/linux/%SUBDIR%/
-# RingServers in Japan
-# Note: If you know which of the RingServers is nearest to you,
-# please specify it in your /etc/make.conf. (The server list is
-# available at http://www.ring.gr.jp/)
-# You can choose either http or ftp to access to a server:
-#	http://<server>/archives/%SUBDIR%/
-#	ftp://<server>/pub/%SUBDIR%/
-# {www,ftp}.dnsbalance.ring.gr.jp redirects requests to one of the
-# least busy servers at the moment at the DNS lookup level. (safe to
-# use with "fetch -A")
-# {www,ftp}.t.ring.gr.jp redirects requests to one of the nearest
-# servers at the DNS lookup level. (safe to use with "fetch -A")
-	http://ring.sakura.ad.jp/archives/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ring.riken.jp/archives/%SUBDIR%/
-	ftp://ftp.iij.ad.jp/pub/lang/ruby/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/languages/ruby/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://xyz.lcs.mit.edu/pub/ruby/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.ruby-lang.org/pub/ruby/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.fu-berlin.de/unix/languages/ruby/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.easynet.be/ruby/ruby/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.ntua.gr/pub/lang/ruby/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.chg.ru/pub/lang/ruby/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.kr.FreeBSD.org/pub/ruby/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://mirrors.sunsite.dk/ruby/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.iDaemons.org/pub/mirror/ftp.ruby-lang.org/ruby/%SUBDIR%/
-# See http://rubyforge.org/credits/
-	http://rubyforge.rubyuser.de/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://rubyforge.iasi.roedu.net/files/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://rubyforge.halostatue.info/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://files.rubyforge.vm.bytemark.co.uk/%SUBDIR%/
-	http://us1.samba.org/samba/ftp/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://us2.samba.org/samba/ftp/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://us4.samba.org/samba/ftp/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://us3.samba.org/samba/ftp/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ca.samba.org/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://de.samba.org/samba.org/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.k2.net/mirrors/samba/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.oss.eznetsols.org/samba/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ru.samba.org/pub/samba/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://sambafr.idealx.org/samba/ftp/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.easynet.be/samba/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.linuxforum.net/ftp.samba.org/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://download.savannah.nongnu.org/releases/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://www.de-mirrors.de/nongnu/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.cc.uoc.gr/mirrors/nongnu.org/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.twaren.net/Unix/NonGNU/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.cc.uoc.gr/mirrors/nongnu.org/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.twaren.net/Unix/NonGNU/%SUBDIR%/
-.for mirror in heanet nchc kent easynews ufpr umn
-	http://${mirror}.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/%SUBDIR%/
-# official sf.net mirrors that don't mirror all projects, check
-# http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/%SUBDIR%/
-.for mirror in easynews switch puzzle belnet osdn ovh keihanna
-	http://${mirror}.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/%SUBDIR%/
-.for mirror in keihanna osdn qgpop
-	http://${mirror}.dl.sourceforge.jp/%SUBDIR%/
-	ftp://ftp.funet.fi/pub/mirrors/sources.redhat.com/pub/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp-stud.fht-esslingen.de/pub/Mirrors/sources.redhat.com/%SUBDIR%/
-	http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://www.gtlib.cc.gatech.edu/pub/Linux/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/linux/Mirrors/sunsite.unc.edu/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.physics.auth.gr/pub/mirrors/ibiblio/Linux/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.edisontel.com/pub/Sunsite_Mirror/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.nluug.nl/pub/metalab/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.nvg.ntnu.no/pub/mirrors/metalab.unc.edu/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.icm.edu.pl/pub/Linux/sunsite/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/pub4/Linux/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.kddlabs.co.jp/Linux/metalab.unc.edu/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.chg.ru/pub/Linux/sunsite/%SUBDIR%/
-	http://mirrors.usc.edu/pub/linux/distributions/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp-linux.cc.gatech.edu/pub/suse/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://mirror.usu.edu/mirrors/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.ale.org/pub/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://mirror.mcs.anl.gov/pub/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://chuck.ucs.indiana.edu/linux/suse/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://distro.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/distributions/suse/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.oregonstate.edu/pub/suse/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://suse.osuosl.org/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.sunsite.utk.edu/pub/linux/suse/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://sunsite.utk.edu/ftp/pub/linux/suse/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://mirror.tamu.edu/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.empiricalnetworks.com/pub/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://suse.cs.utah.edu/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.mirrors.net.ar/pub/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://www.mirrors.net.ar/pub/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.belnet.be/linux/suse/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.unicamp.br/pub/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://mirrors.netbg.com/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.suse.cl/pub/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.sh.cvut.cz/MIRRORS/SuSE/pub/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.linux.ee/pub/suse/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://garbo.uwasa.fi/pub/mirrors/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://fr2.rpmfind.net/linux/SuSE-Linux/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.iut-bm.univ-fcomte.fr/Suse/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/ftp.suse.com/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://sunsite.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/pub/Linux/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.rz.hu-berlin.de/pub/mirrors/ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.tu-chemnitz.de/pub/linux/suse/ftp.suse.com/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.tu-cottbus.de/pub/unix/linux/suse.com/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.uni-erlangen.de/pub/Linux/MIRROR.suse/pub/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp-stud.fht-esslingen.de/pub/Mirrors/ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.hs.uni-hamburg.de/pub/unix/linux/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.rrzn.uni-hannover.de/pub/mirror/linux/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.tu-ilmenau.de/Mirrors/ftp.suse.com/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.uni-kassel.de/pub/linux/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.join.uni-muenster.de/pub/linux/distributions/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.uni-rostock.de/pub/systems/unix/linux/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.mpi-sb.mpg.de/pub/linux/mirror/ftp.suse.com/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.uni-kl.de/pub/linux/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.uni-siegen.de/pub/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.uni-mainz.de/pub/software/Linux/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.uni-heidelberg.de/pub/linux/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.rz.uni-ulm.de/pub/mirrors/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.rz.uni-wuerzburg.de/pub/linux/MIRROR.suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.freenet.de/pub/.disk1/ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.hu-berlin.de/pub/mirrors/ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de/pub/mirror/ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/ftp.suse.com/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.rz.uni-kiel.de/pub2/linux/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://mirrors.sth.sze.hu/linux/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.heanet.ie/mirrors/ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/ftp.suse.com/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.esat.net/mirrors/ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.unina.it/pub/linux/distributions/SuSE/ftp.suse.com/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.uniroma2.it/Linux/suse/pub/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.riken.jp/Linux/suse/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.kddilabs.jp/Linux/packages/SuSE/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.novell.co.jp/pub/suse/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.kreonet.re.kr/pub/Linux/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.tpnet.pl/vol/d7/ftp.suse.com/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.icm.edu.pl/packages/linux-suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.iasi.roedu.net/pub/mirrors/ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.idilis.ro/mirrors/ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.isu.net.sa/pub/mirrors/ftp.suse.com/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://mirror.etf.bg.ac.yu/distributions/suse/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.sunet.se/pub/Linux/distributions/suse/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.solnet.ch/mirror/SuSE/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://sunsite.cnlab-switch.ch/mirror/SuSE/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.isu.edu.tw/pub/Linux/SuSE/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.mirrorservice.org/sites/ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.mirror.ac.uk/sites/ftp.suse.com/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://download.mirror.ac.uk/sites/ftp.suse.com/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/suse/ftp.suse.com/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.softnet.tuc.gr/pub/linux/suse/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.softnet.tuc.gr/pub/linux/suse/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.duth.gr/pub/suse/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.is.co.za/linux/distributions/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://ftp.sun.ac.za/ftp/mirrorsites/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.rediris.es/pub/linux/distributions/suse/pub/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://suse.grn.es/mirrors/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.cb.spb.ru/.1/Linux-Distrib/Suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.neva.ru/.1/Linux-Distrib/Suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.chg.ru/pub/Linux/SuSE/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://mirror.pacific.net.au/linux/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://public.planetmirror.com/pub/linux/suse/suse/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/suse/%SUBDIR%/
-	ftp://ftp.tcl.tk/pub/tcl/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://sunsite.utk.edu/pub/tcl/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.funet.fi/pub/languages/tcl/tcl/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.kddlabs.co.jp/lang/tcl/ftp.scriptics.com/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.mirrorservice.org/sites/ftp.tcl.tk/pub/tcl/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://sunsite.org.uk/sites/ftp.scriptics.com/pub/tcl/%SUBDIR%/
-	ftp://ftp.funet.fi/pub/TeX/CTAN/%SUBDIR%/  \
-	ftp://ctan.unsw.edu.au/tex-archive/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.tex.ac.uk/tex-archive/%SUBDIR%/  \
-	ftp://ftp.kddlabs.co.jp/CTAN/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ctan.tug.org/tex-archive/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.dante.de/tex-archive/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.chg.ru/pub/TeX/CTAN/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://mirror.macomnet.net/pub/CTAN/%SUBDIR%/
-	http://download.freshmeat.net/themes/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://gd.tuwien.ac.at/opsys/linux/freshmeat/themes/%SUBDIR%/
-.for mirror in chariot ns-linux iinets easyhost bihnet pucpr cdli olivant otenet hellasonline pihk \
-	cyberec panservice fastweb mclink kasnet wananchi latvia uunetnl wish bit vianl introweb \
-	dekooi inspirenet pl-task clix simplesnet netvisao idilis rdstm atk saix mweb mundo-r gva \
-	dataphone ankara tulumba tr-net mintac epix theplanet wcn ukms blueyonder
-	http://${mirror}.linux.tucows.com/files/%SUBDIR%/
-	http://linuxberg.nexicom.net/files/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://linuxberg.xs4all.nl/files/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://linuxberg.ua.pt/files/%SUBDIR%/
-# List:		http://www.vim.org/mirrors.php
-# Updated:	2006-06-13
-	ftp://ftp.vim.org/pub/vim/unix/  \
-	ftp://ftp2.us.vim.org/pub/vim/unix/ \
-	ftp://ftp9.us.vim.org/pub/vim/unix/ \
-	ftp://ftp.ca.vim.org/pub/vim/unix/ \
-	ftp://ftp.nl.vim.org/pub/vim/unix/ \
-	ftp://ftp.de.vim.org/unix/ \
-	ftp://ftp3.de.vim.org/pub/vim/unix/ \
-	ftp://ftp.uk.vim.org/pub/vim/unix/ \
-	ftp://ftp.ie.vim.org/pub/vim/unix/ \
-	ftp://ftp.at.vim.org/pub/vim/unix/ \
-	ftp://ftp.se.vim.org/pub/vim/unix/ \
-	ftp://ftp.pt.vim.org/pub/vim/unix/ \
-	ftp://ftp.is.vim.org/pub/vim/unix/ \
-	ftp://ftp.il.vim.org/pub/vim/unix/ \
-	ftp://ftp.pl.vim.org/pub/vim/unix/ \
-	ftp://ftp.ro.vim.org/pub/vim/unix/ \
-	ftp://ftp.sk.vim.org/pub/vim/unix/ \
-	ftp://ftp.tw.vim.org/pub/vim/unix/ \
-	ftp://vim.stu.edu.tw/pub/vim/unix/ \
-	ftp://ftp.jp.vim.org/pub/vim/unix/ \
-	ftp://ftp.kr.vim.org/pub/vim/unix/ \
-	ftp://ftp.mirrorservice.org/sites/ftp.vim.org/pub/vim/unix/ \
-	http://ftp.vim.org/pub/vim/unix/ \
-	http://mirrors.24-7-solutions.net/pub/vim/unix/ \
-	http://ftp.tw.vim.org/pub/vim/unix/ \
-	http://vim.stu.edu.tw/unix/ \
-	http://gd.tuwien.ac.at/pub/vim/unix/ \
-	http://www.etsimo.uniovi.es/pub/vim/unix/ \
-	http://www.pt.vim.org/pub/vim/unix/ \
-	http://www.pangora.org/vim.org/pub/vim/unix/ \
-	http://www.math.technion.ac.il/pub/vim/unix/ \
-	http://vim.fyxm.net/pub/vim/unix/ \
-	http://zloba.ath.cx/pub/vim/unix/ \
-	http://ftp2.uk.vim.org/sites/ftp.vim.org/pub/vim/unix/ \
-	http://vim.mirror.fr/unix/
-	ftp://ftp.windowmaker.info/pub/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.uvsq.fr/pub/X11/window-managers/windowmaker/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.dti.ad.jp/pub/X/WindowMaker/%SUBDIR%/
-	ftp://ftp.net.ohio-state.edu/pub/X11/contrib/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/x11/x.org/contrib/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.x.org/contrib/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.sunet.se/pub/X11/ftp.x.org/contrib/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.dti.ad.jp/pub/X/XFree86/mirror/X.Org/contrib/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.kddlabs.co.jp/X11/ftp.x.org/contrib/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp2.x.org/contrib/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	${MASTER_SITE_RINGSERVER:S,%SUBDIR%,X/opengroup/contrib/&,} \
-	ftp://ftp.mirrorservice.org/sites/ftp.x.org/contrib/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.chg.ru/pub/X11/x.org/contrib/%SUBDIR%/
-	ftp://ftp.at.xemacs.org/editors/xemacs/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.be.xemacs.org/xemacs/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.br.xemacs.org/pub/xemacs/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.ca.xemacs.org/pub/Mirror/xemacs/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.ch.xemacs.org/mirror/xemacs/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.de.xemacs.org/pub/ftp.xemacs.org/tux/xemacs/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.dk.xemacs.org/pub/emacs/xemacs/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.fi.xemacs.org/pub/mirrors/ftp.xemacs.org/pub/tux/xemacs/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.fr.xemacs.org/pub/xemacs/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.hk.xemacs.org/pub/xemacsftp/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.ie.xemacs.org/mirrors/ftp.xemacs.org/pub/xemacs/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.it.xemacs.org/unix/packages/XEMACS/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.kr.xemacs.org/pub/tools/emacs/xemacs/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.no.xemacs.org/pub/xemacs/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.pt.xemacs.org/pub/xemacs/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.ru.xemacs.org/pub/emacs/xemacs/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.se.xemacs.org/pub/gnu/xemacs/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.tw.xemacs.org/Unix/Editors/XEmacs/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.uk.xemacs.org/sites/ftp.xemacs.org/pub/xemacs/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://xemacs.xmundo.net/pub/mirrors/xemacs/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.dti.ad.jp/pub/unix/editor/xemacs/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://mocha.xfce.org/archive/%SUBDIR%/src/ \
-	http://www.us.xfce.org/archive/%SUBDIR%/src/ \
-	http://www.de.xfce.org/archive/%SUBDIR%/src/ \
-	http://www.ca-us.xfce.org/archive/%SUBDIR%/src/ \
-	http://www.p0llux.be/xfce/%SUBDIR%/src/
-	http://www.gtlib.cc.gatech.edu/pub/XFree86/%SUBDIR%/source/ \
-	ftp://ftp.xfree86.org/pub/XFree86/%SUBDIR%/source/ \
-	ftp://archive.progeny.com/XFree86/%SUBDIR%/source/ \
-	ftp://ftp.dti.ad.jp/pub/X/XFree86/XFree86/%SUBDIR%/source/ \
-	${MASTER_SITE_RINGSERVER:S,%SUBDIR%,XFree86/&/source,} \
-	ftp://ftp.fit.vutbr.cz/pub/XFree86/%SUBDIR%/source/ \
-	ftp://mir1.ovh.net/ftp.xfree86.org/%SUBDIR%/source/ \
-	ftp://ftp.lami.univ-evry.fr/XFree86/%SUBDIR%/source/ \
-	ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/X/XFree86/%SUBDIR%/source/ \
-	ftp://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/xfree86/XFree86/%SUBDIR%/source/ \
-	http://ftp-stud.fht-esslingen.de/pub/Mirrors/ftp.xfree86.org/XFree86/%SUBDIR%/source/ \
-	ftp://ftp.rediris.es/mirror/XFree86/%SUBDIR%/source/ \
-	ftp://ftp.esat.net/pub/X11/XFree86/%SUBDIR%/source/ \
-	ftp://ftp.nl.uu.net/pub/XFree86/%SUBDIR%/source/ \
-	ftp://sunsite.uio.no/pub/XFree86/%SUBDIR%/source/ \
-	ftp://ftp.task.gda.pl/pub/XFree86/%SUBDIR%/source/ \
-	ftp://ftp.physics.uvt.ro/pub/XFree86/%SUBDIR%/source/ \
-	ftp://ftp.chg.ru/pub/XFree86/%SUBDIR%/source/
-	ftp://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/x11/x.org/pub/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.cica.es/pub/X/pub/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.cs.cuhk.edu.hk/pub/X11/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.unicamp.br/pub/X11/releases/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.ntua.gr/pub/X11/X.org/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.task.gda.pl/mirror/ftp.x.org/pub/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.sunet.se/pub/X11/ftp.x.org/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.mirrorservice.org/sites/ftp.x.org/pub/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://sunsite.uio.no/pub/X11/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://xorg.freedesktop.org/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	http://xorg.freedesktop.org/releases/%SUBDIR%/ \
-	ftp://ftp.x.org/pub/%SUBDIR%/
-# Macro magic
-			APACHE_JAKARTA:${PORTNAME:S,-,/,}/source \
-			CENKES:myports \
-			CHEESESHOP:source/${DISTNAME:C/(.).*/\1/}/${DISTNAME:C/(.*)-[0-9].*/\1/} \
-			CSME:myports \
-			DEBIAN:pool/main/${PORTNAME:C/^((lib)?.).*$/\1/}/${PORTNAME} \
-			GCC:releases/${DISTNAME} \
-			GNOME:sources/${PORTNAME}/${PORTVERSION:C/^([0-9]+\.[0-9]+).*/\1/} \
-			PERL_CPAN:${PORTNAME:C/-.*//} \
-.if defined(MASTER_SITES) && ${MASTER_SITES:N*\:/*}
-.for _site__ in ${MASTER_SITES}
-.	if ${_site_:M*\:/*}
-MASTER_SITES_EXP+=	${_site_}
-.	else
-_site_urlpath_=	${_site_:C@^(.*):[^/:]+$@\1@}
-.		if ${_site_urlpath_:M*/*}
-_site_url_=		${_site_urlpath_:C@^([^/]+)/.*$@\1@}
-_site_subdir_=	${_site_urlpath_:S/^${_site_urlpath_:C@^([^/]+)/.*$@\1@}//:S!^/!!:S!/$!!}
-.		else
-_site_url_=		${_site_urlpath_}
-.undef _site_subdir_
-.		endif
-_site_group_=	${_site_:S/^${_site_:C@^(.*):[^/:]+$@\1@}//:S/^://}
-.		for _abbrev_ in ${MASTER_SITES_ABBREVS}
-.			if ${_site_url_} == ${_abbrev_:C/:.*//}
-_site_url_=	${_abbrev_:C/.*://}
-.			endif
-.		endfor
-.		for _subdir_ in ${MASTER_SITES_SUBDIRS}
-.			if ${_site_url_} == ${_subdir_:C/:.*//} && !defined(MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR)
-_site_subdir_?=	${_subdir_:C/.*://}
-.			endif
-.		endfor
-.		ifdef MASTER_SITE_${_site_url_}
-.			ifdef _site_subdir_
-MASTER_SITES_EXP+=	${MASTER_SITE_${_site_url_}:S^%SUBDIR%^${_site_subdir_}^:S/$/:${_site_group_}/:S/:$//}
-.			else
-MASTER_SITES_EXP+=	${MASTER_SITE_${_site_url_}:S/$/:${_site_group_}/:S/:$//}
-.			endif
-.		endif
-.	endif
--- Mk/bsd.pkg_tools.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,362 +0,0 @@
-# $MidnightBSD: mports/Mk/bsd.pkg_tools.mk,v 1.1 2008/04/05 02:46:34 ctriv Exp $
-# Compatibility layer for using the old FreeBSD pkg_* tools.
-# PKG_DBDIR		- Where package installation is recorded; this directory
-#				  must not contain anything else.
-#				  Default: ${DESTDIR}/var/db/pkg
-# Setup PKG_* variables.
-.if !defined(DESTDIR)
-PKG_CMD?=		/usr/sbin/pkg_create
-PKG_ADD?=		/usr/sbin/pkg_add
-PKG_DELETE?=	/usr/sbin/pkg_delete
-PKG_INFO?=		/usr/sbin/pkg_info
-PKG_VERSION?=	/usr/sbin/pkg_version
-PKG_CMD?=		${CHROOT} ${DESTDIR} /usr/sbin/pkg_create
-PKG_ADD?=		${CHROOT} ${DESTDIR} /usr/sbin/pkg_add
-PKG_DELETE?=	${CHROOT} ${DESTDIR} /usr/sbin/pkg_delete
-PKG_INFO?=		${CHROOT} ${DESTDIR} /usr/sbin/pkg_info
-PKG_VERSION?=	${CHROOT} ${DESTDIR} /usr/sbin/pkg_version
-.if !defined(PKG_ARGS)
-			-P "`cd ${.CURDIR} && ${MAKE} package-depends | ${GREP} -v -E ${PKG_IGNORE_DEPENDS} | ${SORT} -u`" \
-.if !defined(NO_MTREE)
-.if defined(PKGORIGIN)
-.if defined(CONFLICTS) && !defined(DISABLE_CONFLICTS)
-.if defined(PKG_NOCOMPRESS)
-PKG_SUFX?=		.tar
-PKG_SUFX?=		.tbz
-# where pkg_add records its dirty deeds.
-PKG_DBDIR?=		/var/db/pkg
-# Targets
-# do-package, make a package file.
-do-package: ${TMPPLIST}
-	@if ! ${MKDIR} -p ${PKGREPOSITORY}; then \
-		${ECHO_MSG} "=> Can't create directory ${PKGREPOSITORY}."; \
-		exit 1; \
-	fi; 
-	@__softMAKEFLAGS='${__softMAKEFLAGS:S/'/'\''/g}'; \
-	_LATE_PKG_ARGS=""; \
-	if [ -f ${PKGINSTALL} ]; then \
-	fi; \
-	if [ -f ${PKGDEINSTALL} ]; then \
-	fi; \
-	if [ -f ${PKGREQ} ]; then \
-	fi; \
-	if [ -f ${PKGMESSAGE} ]; then \
-	fi; \
-	if ${PKG_CMD} -v ${PKG_ARGS} ${PKGFILE} >/dev/null; then \
-		${ECHO_MSG} "Created ${PKGFILE}"; \
-		cd ${.CURDIR} && eval ${MAKE} $${__softMAKEFLAGS} package-links; \
-	else \
-		cd ${.CURDIR} && eval ${MAKE} $${__softMAKEFLAGS} delete-package; \
-		exit 1; \
-	fi
-# install-package, install a package file.
-.	if defined(DESTDIR) 
-.	endif
-# $PKG_ADD calls chroot if DESTDIR is set.
-# deinstall, remove all packages with the current origin and same prefix.
-.if ${UID} != 0 && !defined(INSTALL_AS_USER)
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===>  Switching to root credentials for '${.TARGET}' target"
-	@cd ${.CURDIR} && \
-		${SU_CMD} "${MAKE} ${__softMAKEFLAGS} ${.TARGET}"
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===>  Returning to user credentials"
-.if !defined(DESTDIR)
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===>  Deinstalling for ${PKGORIGIN}"
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===>  Deinstalling for ${PKGORIGIN} from ${DESTDIR}"
-	@found_names=`${PKG_INFO} -q -O ${PKGORIGIN}`; \
-	for p in $${found_names}; do \
-			check_name=`${ECHO_CMD} $${p} | ${SED} -e 's/-[^-]*$$//'`; \
-			if [ "$${check_name}" = "${PKGSUBNAME}" ]; then \
-					prfx=`${PKG_INFO} -q -p $${p} 2> /dev/null | ${SED} -ne '1s|^@cwd ||p'`; \
-					if [ "x${PREFIX}" = "x$${prfx}" ]; then \
-							if [ -z "${DESTDIR}" ] ; then \
-									${ECHO_MSG} "===>   Deinstalling $${p}"; \
-							else \
-									${ECHO_MSG} "===>   Deinstalling $${p} from ${DESTDIR}"; \
-							fi; \
-							${PKG_DELETE} -f $${p}; \
-					else \
-							${ECHO_MSG} "===>   $${p} has a different PREFIX: $${prfx}, skipping"; \
-					fi; \
-			fi; \
-	done; \
-	if [ -z "$${found_names}" ]; then \
-			if [ -z "${DESTDIR}" ] ; then \
-					${ECHO_MSG} "===>   ${PKGSUBNAME} not installed, skipping"; \
-			else \
-					${ECHO_MSG} "===>   ${PKGSUBNAME} not installed in ${DESTDIR}, skipping"; \
-			fi; \
-	fi
-# deinstall all packages matching our origin, regardless of prefix.
-.if ${UID} != 0 && !defined(INSTALL_AS_USER)
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===>  Switching to root credentials for '${.TARGET}' target"
-	@cd ${.CURDIR} && \
-		${SU_CMD} "${MAKE} ${__softMAKEFLAGS} ${.TARGET}"
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===>  Returning to user credentials"
-.if !defined(DESTDIR)
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===>  Deinstalling for ${PKGORIGIN}"
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===>  Deinstalling for ${PKGORIGIN} from ${DESTDIR}"
-	@deinstall_names=`${PKG_INFO} -q -O ${PKGORIGIN}`; \
-	if [ -n "$${deinstall_names}" ]; then \
-		for d in $${deinstall_names}; do \
-			if [ -z "${DESTDIR}" ] ; then \
-				${ECHO_MSG} "===>   Deinstalling $${d}"; \
-			else \
-				${ECHO_MSG} "===>   Deinstalling $${d} from ${DESTDIR}"; \
-			fi; \
-			${PKG_DELETE} -f $${d}; \
-		done; \
-	else \
-		if [ -z "${DESTDIR}" ] ; then \
-			${ECHO_MSG} "===>   ${PKGORIGIN} not installed, skipping"; \
-		else \
-			${ECHO_MSG} "===>   ${PKGORIGIN} not installed in ${DESTDIR}, skipping"; \
-		fi; \
-	fi; \
-# depends targets
-.if defined(${deptype}_DEPENDS)
-.if !defined(NO_DEPENDS)
-	@for i in `${ECHO_CMD} "${${deptype}_DEPENDS}"`; do \
-		prog=`${ECHO_CMD} $$i | ${SED} -e 's/:.*//'`; \
-		dir=`${ECHO_CMD} $$i | ${SED} -e 's/[^:]*://'`; \
-		if ${EXPR} "$$dir" : '.*:' > /dev/null; then \
-			target=`${ECHO_CMD} $$dir | ${SED} -e 's/.*://'`; \
-			dir=`${ECHO_CMD} $$dir | ${SED} -e 's/:.*//'`; \
-		else \
-			target="${DEPENDS_TARGET}"; \
-			depends_args="${DEPENDS_ARGS}"; \
-		fi; \
-		if ${EXPR} "$$prog" : \\/ >/dev/null; then \
-			if [ -e "$$prog" ]; then \
-				if [ "$$prog" = "${NONEXISTENT}" ]; then \
-					${ECHO_MSG} "Error: ${NONEXISTENT} exists.  Please remove it, and restart the build."; \
-					${FALSE}; \
-				else \
-					if [ -z "${DESTDIR}" ] ; then \
-						${ECHO_MSG} "===>   ${PKGNAME} depends on file: $$prog - found"; \
-					else \
-						${ECHO_MSG} "===>   ${PKGNAME} depends on file in ${DESTDIR}: $$prog - found"; \
-					fi; \
-					if [ ${_DEPEND_ALWAYS} = 1 ]; then \
-						${ECHO_MSG} "       (but building it anyway)"; \
-						notfound=1; \
-					else \
-						notfound=0; \
-					fi; \
-				fi; \
-			else \
-				if [ -z "${DESTDIR}" ] ; then \
-					${ECHO_MSG} "===>   ${PKGNAME} depends on file: $$prog - not found"; \
-				else \
-					${ECHO_MSG} "===>   ${PKGNAME} depends on file in ${DESTDIR}: $$prog - not found"; \
-				fi; \
-				notfound=1; \
-			fi; \
-		else \
-			case $${prog} in \
-				*\>*|*\<*|*=*)	pkg=yes;; \
-				*)		pkg="";; \
-			esac; \
-			if [ "$$pkg" != "" ]; then \
-				if ${PKG_INFO} "$$prog" > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then \
-					if [ -z "${DESTDIR}" ] ; then \
-						${ECHO_MSG} "===>   ${PKGNAME} depends on package: $$prog - found"; \
-					else \
-						${ECHO_MSG} "===>   ${PKGNAME} depends on package in ${DESTDIR}: $$prog - found"; \
-					fi; \
-					if [ ${_DEPEND_ALWAYS} = 1 ]; then \
-						${ECHO_MSG} "       (but building it anyway)"; \
-						notfound=1; \
-					else \
-						notfound=0; \
-					fi; \
-				else \
-					if [ -z "${DESTDIR}" ] ; then \
-						${ECHO_MSG} "===>   ${PKGNAME} depends on package: $$prog - not found"; \
-					else \
-						${ECHO_MSG} "===>   ${PKGNAME} depends on package in ${DESTDIR}: $$prog - not found"; \
-					fi; \
-					notfound=1; \
-				fi; \
-				if [ $$notfound != 0 ]; then \
-					inverse_dep=`${ECHO_CMD} $$prog | ${SED} \
-						-e 's/<=/=gt=/; s/</=ge=/; s/>=/=lt=/; s/>/=le=/' \
-						-e 's/=gt=/>/; s/=ge=/>=/; s/=lt=/</; s/=le=/<=/'`; \
-					pkg_info=`${PKG_INFO} -E "$$inverse_dep" || ${TRUE}`; \
-					if [ "$$pkg_info" != "" ]; then \
-						${ECHO_MSG} "===>   Found $$pkg_info, but you need to upgrade to $$prog."; \
-						exit 1; \
-					fi; \
-				fi; \
-			elif ${WHICH} "$$prog" > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then \
-				if [ -z "${PREFIX}" ] ; then \
-					${ECHO_MSG} "===>   ${PKGNAME} depends on executable: $$prog - found"; \
-				else \
-					${ECHO_MSG} "===>   ${PKGNAME} depends on executable in ${DESTDIR}: $$prog - found"; \
-				fi; \
-				if [ ${_DEPEND_ALWAYS} = 1 ]; then \
-					${ECHO_MSG} "       (but building it anyway)"; \
-					notfound=1; \
-				else \
-					notfound=0; \
-				fi; \
-			else \
-				if [ -z "${DESTDIR}" ] ; then \
-					${ECHO_MSG} "===>   ${PKGNAME} depends on executable: $$prog - not found"; \
-				else \
-					${ECHO_MSG} "===>   ${PKGNAME} depends on executable in ${DESTDIR}: $$prog - not found"; \
-				fi; \
-				notfound=1; \
-			fi; \
-		fi; \
-		if [ $$notfound != 0 ]; then \
-			${ECHO_MSG} "===>    Verifying $$target for $$prog in $$dir"; \
-			if [ ! -d "$$dir" ]; then \
-				${ECHO_MSG} "     => No directory for $$prog.  Skipping.."; \
-			else \
-			fi; \
-		fi; \
-	done
-	@${DO_NADA}
-	if [ "${CHILD_DEPENDS}" ]; then \
-		installed=$$(${PKG_INFO} -qO ${PKGORIGIN} 2>/dev/null || \
-			${TRUE}); \
-		if [ "$$installed" ]; then \
-			break; \
-		fi; \
-		if [ -z "$$installed" ]; then \
-			installed="${PKGNAME}"; \
-		fi; \
-		for pkgname in $$installed; do \
-			${ECHO_CMD} "$$pkgname ${.CURDIR} ${PKGORIGIN}"; \
-		done; \
-	fi; \
-	checked="${PARENT_CHECKED}"; \
-	for dir in $$(${ECHO_CMD} "${LIB_DEPENDS} ${RUN_DEPENDS}" | ${SED} -e 'y/ /\n/' | ${CUT} -f 2 -d ':') $$(${ECHO_CMD} ${DEPENDS} | ${SED} -e 'y/ /\n/' | ${CUT} -f 1 -d ':'); do \
-		dir=$$(${REALPATH} $$dir); \
-		if [ -d $$dir ]; then \
-			if (${ECHO_CMD} $$checked | ${GREP} -qwv "$$dir"); then \
-				childout=$$(cd $$dir; ${MAKE} CHILD_DEPENDS=yes PARENT_CHECKED="$$checked" package-depends-list); \
-				set -- $$childout; \
-				childdir=""; \
-				while [ $$\# != 0 ]; do \
-					childdir="$$childdir $$2"; \
-					${ECHO_CMD} "$$1 $$2 $$3"; \
-					shift 3; \
-				done; \
-				checked="$$dir $$childdir $$checked"; \
-			fi; \
-		else \
-			${ECHO_MSG} "${PKGNAME}: \"$$dir\" non-existent -- dependency list incomplete" >&2; \
-		fi; \
-	done
-	@${PACKAGE-DEPENDS-LIST} | ${AWK} '{print $$1":"$$3}'
-# Show missing dependiencies
-	@for dir in $$(${ALL-DEPENDS-LIST}); do \
-		THISORIGIN=$$(${ECHO_CMD} $$dir | ${SED} 's,${PORTSDIR}/,,'); \
-		installed=$$(${PKG_INFO} -qO $${THISORIGIN}); \
-		if [ -z "$$installed" ]; then \
-		fi \
-	done
-# check to see how things went with a fake.
-.if exists(${LOCALBASE}/bin/perl)
-.if defined(SKIP_FAKE_CHECK)
--- Mk/bsd.apache.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,373 +0,0 @@
-#-*- mode: makefile; tab-width: 4; -*-
-# ex:ts=4
-# $MidnightBSD: mports/Mk/bsd.apache.mk,v 1.5 2008/04/22 22:18:23 ctriv Exp $
-# $FreeBSD: ports/Mk/bsd.apache.mk,v 1.12 2006/06/20 04:58:12 linimon Exp $
-# bsd.apache.mk - Apache related macros.
-# Author: Clement Laforet <clement at FreeBSD.org>
-# Please view me with 4 column tabs!
-# Variables definition
-# USE_APACHE:	Call this script. Values can be:
-#		<version>:2.0/20/2.2/1.3+/2.0+/2.1+/2.2+
-#		common*: common13, common20, common21 and common22
-.if defined(APACHE_COMPAT)
-# Print warnings
-_ERROR_MSG=	: Error from bsd.apache.mk.
-.if ${USE_APACHE:Mcommon*} != ""
-.elif ${USE_APACHE:L} == apr
-.elif ${USE_APACHE:C/\.//:C/\+//:M[12][3210]} != ""
-#### for backward compatibility
-.elif ${USE_APACHE:L} == yes
-APACHE_PORT?=	www/apache20
-APXS?=			${LOCALBASE}/sbin/apxs
-.if !defined(APACHE_COMPAT)
-#### End of backward compatibility
-IGNORE=		${_ERROR_MSG} Illegal use of USE_APACHE
-.if defined(AP_PORT_IS_SERVER)
-# For slave ports:
-IGNORE=	Sorry, ${SLAVENAME} and ${PORTNAME} versions are out of sync
-.if defined(SLAVE_PORT_MODULES)
-# Module selection
-DEFAULT_MODULES+=			${${category}_MODULES}
-WITH_${category}_MODULES= 	YES
-.for category in ${ALL_MODULES_CATEGORIES}
-# Setting "@comment " as default.
-.for module in ${AVAILABLE_MODULES}
-${module}_PLIST_SUB=		"@comment "
-# Configure
-# dirty hacks to make sure all modules are disabled before we select them
-.if ${USE_APACHE} == common20
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--disable-access --disable-auth \
-			--disable-charset-lite --disable-include \
-			--disable-log-config --disable-env --disable-setenvif \
-			--disable-mime --disable-status --disable-autoindex \
-			--disable-asis --disable-cgid --disable-cgi \
-			--disable-negotiation --disable-dir --disable-imap \
-			--disable-actions --disable-userdir --disable-alias
-.elif ${USE_APACHE} == common22
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--disable-authn-file --disable-authn-default \
-			--disable-authz-host --disable-authz-groupfile \
-			--disable-authz-user --disable-authz-default \
-			--disable-auth-basic --disable-charset-lite \
-			--disable-include --disable-log-config --disable-env \
-			--disable-setenvif --disable-mime --disable-status \
-			--disable-autoindex --disable-asis --disable-cgid \
-			--disable-cgi --disable-negotiation --disable-dir \
-			--disable-imagemap --disable-actions --disable-userdir \
-			--disable-alias --disable-filter \
-			--disable-proxy --disable-proxy-connect \
-			--disable-proxy-ftp --disable-proxy-http \
-			--disable-proxy-ajp --disable-proxy-balancer
-.if defined(WITH_MODULES)
-.for category in ${ALL_MODULES_CATEGORIES}
-.if defined (WITHOUT_${category}_MODULES) || defined (WITH_CUSTOM_${category})
-.        if defined(WITH_${category}_MODULES})
-.        undef WITH_${category}_MODULES
-.        endif
-.    if defined (WITH_CUSTOM_${category})
-.    endif
-.elif defined(WITH_${category}_MODULES)
-_APACHE_MODULES+=	${${category}_MODULES}
-.    if defined(WITH_EXTRA_MODULES)
-.    endif
-.if !defined(WITH_STATIC_APACHE)
-.    if ${USE_APACHE:Mcommon2*} != ""
-# FYI
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--enable-so
-.    endif
-.    if ${USE_APACHE:Mcommon2*} != ""
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--disable-so
-.    endif
-.if defined(WITH_SUEXEC) || defined(WITH_SUEXEC_MODULES)
-.if ${USE_APACHE:Mcommon2*} != ""
-SUEXEC_CONFARGS=	with-suexec
-# From now we're defaulting to apache 2.*
-SUEXEC_USERDIR?=		public_html
-SUEXEC_SAFEPATH?=		${PREFIX}/bin:${LOCALBASE}/bin:/usr/bin:/bin
-SUEXEC_LOGFILE?=		/var/log/httpd-suexec.log
-				--${SUEXEC_CONFARGS}-userdir="${SUEXEC_USERDIR}" \
-				--${SUEXEC_CONFARGS}-docroot="${SUEXEC_DOCROOT}" \
-				--${SUEXEC_CONFARGS}-safepath="${SUEXEC_SAFEPATH}" \
-.if ${USE_APACHE:Mcommon2*} != ""
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--${SUEXEC_CONFARGS}-bin="${PREFIX}/sbin/suexec"
-.   if defined(WITH_SUEXEC_UMASK)
-.   endif
-.if !defined(WITHOUT_MODULES)
-			for module in ${_APACHE_MODULES}; do \
-				${ECHO_CMD} ${WITHOUT_MODULES} | ${GREP} -wq $${module} 2> /dev/null || \
-				${ECHO_CMD} $${module}; \
-			done
-STATIC_MODULE_CONFARG=	--enable-$${module}
-DSO_MODULE_CONFARG=		--enable-$${module}=shared
-			for module in ${APACHE_MODULES} ; do \
-					${GREP} -wq $${module} 2> /dev/null ; \
-				if [ "$${?}" = "0" ] ; then \
-					else \
-					fi; done
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--enable-modules="${APACHE_MODULES}"
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--enable-mods-shared="${APACHE_MODULES}"
-			for module in ${APACHE_MODULES} ; do \
-				${ECHO_CMD} ${WITH_STATIC_MODULES} | ${GREP} -wq $${module} 2> /dev/null || \
-				${ECHO_CMD} $${module}; \
-			done
-.elif !defined(WITH_ALL_STATIC_MODULES)
-.  for module in ${SHARED_MODULES}
-${module}_PLIST_SUB=	""
-.  endfor
-.for module in ${AVAILABLE_MODULES}
-PLIST_SUB+=	MOD_${module:U}=${${module}_PLIST_SUB}
-####End of PORT_IS_SERVER ####
-.elif defined(APR_DEPS)
-IGNORE=		${_ERROR_MSG} apr support is not yet implemented
-.elif defined(AP_PORT_IS_MODULE)
-APXS?=		${LOCALBASE}/sbin/apxs
-HTTPD?=		${LOCALBASE}/sbin/httpd
-.if exists(${HTTPD}) && !defined(PACKAGE_BUILDING)
-AP_CUR_VERSION!=	${HTTPD} -V | ${SED} -ne 's/^Server version: Apache\/\([0-9]\)\.\([0-9]*\).*/\1\2/p'
-.   if ${AP_CUR_VERSION} > 13
-.   endif 	
-.elif defined(APACHE_PORT)
-AP_CUR_VERSION!=	${ECHO_CMD} ${APACHE_PORT} | ${SED} -ne 's,.*/apache\([0-9]*\).*,\1,p'
-.if defined(AP_CUR_VERSION)
-VERSION_CHECK!=		eval `${ECHO_CMD} "[ ${AP_VERSION} -eq ${AP_CUR_VERSION} ]" | ${SED} -e 's/- -eq/ -ge/ ; s/+ -eq/ -le/' ` ; ${ECHO_CMD} $${?}
-.   if ${VERSION_CHECK} == 1
-IGNORE=		${_ERROR_MSG} apache${AP_CUR_VERSION} is installed (or APACHE_PORT is defined) and port requires ${USE_APACHE}
-.   endif
-.   if !defined(APACHE_PORT)
-#Fallback to smallest version...
-.   endif
-.if exists(${APXS}) && !defined(PACKAGE_BUILDING)
-APXS_PREFIX!=	${APXS} -q prefix 2> /dev/null || echo NULL
-.   if ${APXS_PREFIX} == NULL
-IGNORE=	: Your apache does not support DSO modules
-.   endif
-.   if defined(AP_GENPLIST) && ${APXS_PREFIX} != ${PREFIX}
-IGNORE?=	PREFIX must be equal to APXS_PREFIX.
-.   endif
-.if ${APACHE_VERSION} == 20
-APACHEMODDIR=	libexec/apache2
-APACHEETCDIR=	etc/apache2
-.  if defined(AP${APACHE_VERSION}_${VAR})
-.  endif
-.if defined(AP_GENPLIST)
-PLIST?=		${WRKDIR}/ap-plist
-.if defined(AP_INC)
-.if defined(AP_LIB)
-.if defined(AP_PORT_IS_SERVER)
-.if !target(print-closest-mirrors)
-	@${ECHO_MSG} -n "Fetching list of nearest mirror: " >&2
-	@MIRRORS=`${FETCH_CMD} -T 30 -qo - http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/httpd/ 2> /dev/null\
-	| ${GREP} /httpd/ | ${SED} 's/.*href="\(.*\)"><str.*/\1/g' | \
-	${HEAD} -7 | ${TAIL} -6` ; \
-	${ECHO_MSG} done >&2; if [ "x$$MIRRORS" != "x" ]; then \
-	${ECHO_MSG} $$MIRRORS; else \
-	${ECHO_MSG} "No mirrors found!">&2 ; fi
-.if !target(show-categories)
-.for category in ${ALL_MODULES_CATEGORIES}
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "${category} contains these modules:"
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "  ${${category}_MODULES}"
-.if !target(show-modules)
-	@for module in ${AVAILABLE_MODULES} ; do \
-	${ECHO_MSG} -n "$${module}: "; \
-	if ${ECHO_CMD} ${APACHE_MODULES} | ${GREP} -wq $${module} 2> /dev/null ; \
-	then \
-		${ECHO_CMD} -n "enabled "; \
-			if ${ECHO_CMD} ${WITH_STATIC_MODULES} | ${GREP} -wq $${module} 2> /dev/null ; then \
-				${ECHO_CMD} "(static)" ; \
-			else \
-				${ECHO_CMD} "(shared)" ;\
-			fi;\
-	else \
-		${ECHO_CMD} disabled ;\
-	fi;\
-	done
-.elif defined(AP_PORT_IS_MODULE)
-.if defined(AP_FAST_BUILD)
-.if !target(ap-gen-plist)
-.if defined(AP_GENPLIST)
-.   if !exists(${PLIST})
-	@${ECHO} "===>  Generating apache plist"
-	@${ECHO} "@unexec %D/sbin/apxs -e -A -n %%AP_NAME%% %D/%%APACHEMODDIR%%/%%AP_MODULE%%" > ${PLIST}
-	@${ECHO} "@exec %D/sbin/apxs -e -A -n %%AP_NAME%% %D/%F" >> ${PLIST}
-	@${ECHO} "@unexec echo \"Don't forget to remove all ${MODULENAME}-related directives in your httpd.conf\"">> ${PLIST}
-.   endif
-	@${DO_NADA}
-.if !target(do-build)
-do-build: ap-gen-plist
-.if !target(do-install)
--- Mk/bsd.autotools.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,342 +0,0 @@
-#-*- mode: makefile; tab-width: 4; -*-
-# ex:ts=4
-# $MidnightBSD: mports/Mk/bsd.autotools.mk,v 1.6 2008/03/24 18:42:03 laffer1 Exp $
-# $FreeBSD: ports/Mk/bsd.autotools.mk,v 1.28 2007/03/27 01:23:56 linimon Exp $
-# Please view me with 4 column tabs!
-# Please make sure all changes to this file are passed either through
-# the maintainer, or portmgr at MidnightBSD.org
-Autotools_Include_MAINTAINER=	luke at MidnightBSD.org
-# The "versioned" autotools referenced here are for BUILDING other ports
-# try to use them for anything other than ports/ work.  This particularly
-# includes use as a run-time dependency.
-# If you need unmodified versions of autotools, such as for use in an
-# IDE, then you MUST use the devel/gnu-* equivalents, and NOT these.
-# See devel/anjuta and devel/kdevelop for examples.
-# You have been WARNED!
-# Entry point into the autotools system
-# USE_AUTOTOOLS= tool:version[:env]  ...
-# 'tool' can currently be one of:
-#	libtool, libltdl, autoconf, autoheader, automake, aclocal
-# 'version' is tool dependent
-# ':env' is used to pecify that the environment variables are needed,
-#	but the relevant tool should NOT be run as part of the
-#	run-autotools target
-# XXX: there is currently no sanity checking of the supplied variables
-#	other than to detect actually available versions.  This should
-#	probably be fixed at some point.
-# In addition, the following variables can be set in the port Makefile
-# to be passed to the relevant tools:
-#	- Extra arguments passed to automake during configure step
-#	- Arguments passed to aclocal during configure step
-#	- Extra arguments passed to autoconf during configure step
-#	- Extra arguments passed to autoheader during configure step
-#	- Arguments passed to libtool during configure step
-# LIBTOOLFILES=<list-of-files>
-#	- A list of files to patch during libtool pre-configuration
-#	  Defaults to "aclocal.m4" if autoconf is in use, otherwise
-#	  ${CONFIGURE_SCRIPT} (usually "configure")
-# XXX: here be dragons :)
-.for item in ${USE_AUTOTOOLS}
-AUTOTOOL_${item:C/^([^:]+).*/\1/}${item:M*\:*\:*:C/^[^:]+:[^:]+:([^:]+)/_\1/}= ${item:C/^[^:]+:([^:]+).*/\1/}
-# AUTOTOOLS handling (for build, runtime, and both)
-.if defined(AUTOTOOL_autotools)
-AUTOTOOLS_DEPENDS=	${LOCALBASE}/share/autotools:${PORTSDIR}/devel/autotools
-. if ${AUTOTOOL_autotools} == "build"
-. elif ${AUTOTOOL_autotools} == "run"
-. elif ${AUTOTOOL_autotools} == "both"
-. else
-IGNORE+=  Unknown autotools stanza: ${AUTOTOOL_autotools}
-. endif
-.if defined(AUTOTOOL_automake)
-AUTOTOOL_automake_env=	${AUTOTOOL_automake}
-.if defined(AUTOTOOL_aclocal)
-AUTOTOOL_automake_env=	${AUTOTOOL_aclocal}
-.if defined(AUTOTOOL_automake_env)
-AUTOMAKE_SUFFIX=      ${AUTOMAKE_VERSION:C/([0-9])(.*)/\1.\2/}
-# Make sure we specified a legal version of automake
-. if !exists(${PORTSDIR}/devel/automake${AUTOMAKE_VERSION}/Makefile)
-IGNORE+=	cannot install: unknown AUTOMAKE version: ${AUTOMAKE_VERSION}
-. endif
-# Set up the automake environment
-# XXX: backwards compatibility shim
-. if ${AUTOMAKE_VERSION} == 14
-. endif
-. if defined(AUTOTOOL_aclocal)
-. endif
-.if defined(AUTOTOOL_autoheader)
-AUTOTOOL_autoconf=	${AUTOTOOL_autoheader}
-.if defined(AUTOTOOL_autoconf)
-AUTOTOOL_autoconf_env=	${AUTOTOOL_autoconf}
-.if defined(AUTOTOOL_autoconf_env)
-# Make sure we specified a legal version of autoconf
-. if !exists(${PORTSDIR}/devel/autoconf${AUTOCONF_VERSION}/Makefile)
-IGNORE+=	cannot install: unknown AUTOCONF version: ${AUTOCONF_VERSION}
-. endif
-# Set up the autoconf/autoheader environment
-# Convenience function to save people having to depend directly on
-# devel/libltdl15
-.if defined(AUTOTOOL_libltdl)
-LIB_DEPENDS+=	ltdl.4:${PORTSDIR}/devel/libltdl15
-.if defined(AUTOTOOL_libtool)
-AUTOTOOL_libtool_env=	${AUTOTOOL_libtool}
-.if defined(AUTOTOOL_libtool_env)
-# Make sure we specified a legal version of libtool
-. if !exists(${PORTSDIR}/devel/libtool${LIBTOOL_VERSION}/Makefile)
-IGNORE+=	cannot install: unknown LIBTOOL version: ${LIBTOOL_VERSION}
-. endif
-# Set up the libtool environment
-LIBTOOL=			${LOCALBASE}/bin/libtool
-LIBTOOLIZE=			${LOCALBASE}/bin/libtoolize
-LIBTOOL_M4=			${LOCALBASE}/share/aclocal/libtool.m4
-LIBTOOLFLAGS?=		# default to empty
-. if defined(AUTOTOOL_autoconf)
-LIBTOOLFILES?=		aclocal.m4
-. else
-. endif
-# Environmental handling
-# Now that we've got our environments defined for autotools, add them
-# in so that the rest of the world can handle them
-.if defined(AUTOTOOLS_PATH) && (${AUTOTOOLS_PATH} != "")
-. for item in automake aclocal autoconf autoheader libtool
-.  if defined(AUTOTOOL_${item}_env)
-.  endif
-. endfor
-.if defined(AUTOTOOLS_VARS) && (${AUTOTOOLS_VARS} != "")
-. for item in automake aclocal autoconf autoheader libtool
-.  if defined(AUTOTOOL_${item}_env)
-${item:U}_ENV+=	${AUTOTOOLS_VARS}
-.  endif
-. endfor
-# Make targets
-# run-autotools
-# Part of the configure set - run appropriate programs prior to
-# the actual configure target if autotools are in use.
-# If needed, this target can be overridden, for example to change
-# the order of autotools running.
-.if !target(run-autotools)
-.ORDER: run-autotools run-autotools-aclocal patch-autotools run-autotools-autoheader run-autotools-autoconf run-autotools-automake
-run-autotools:: run-autotools-aclocal patch-autotools run-autotools-autoheader \
-		run-autotools-autoconf run-autotools-automake
-.if !target(run-autotools-aclocal)
-. if defined(AUTOTOOL_aclocal)
-. else
-	@${DO_NADA}
-. endif
-.if !target(run-autotools-automake)
-. if defined(AUTOTOOL_automake)
-. else
-	@${DO_NADA}
-. endif
-.if !target(run-autotools-autoconf)
-. if defined(AUTOTOOL_autoconf)
-. else
-	@${DO_NADA}
-. endif
-.if !target(run-autotools-autoheader)
-. if defined(AUTOTOOL_autoheader)
-. else
-	@${DO_NADA}
-. endif
-# patch-autotools
-# Special target to automatically make libtool using ports use the
-# libtool port.  See above for default values of LIBTOOLFILES.
-.if !target(patch-autotools)
-. if defined(AUTOTOOL_libtool)
-	@(cd ${PATCH_WRKSRC}; \
-	for file in ${LIBTOOLFILES}; do \
-		${CP} $$file $$file.tmp; \
-		${SED} -e "/^ltmain=/!s^\$$ac_aux_dir/ltmain.sh^${LIBTOOLFLAGS} ${LTMAIN}^g" \
-			     -e '/^LIBTOOL=/s^\$$(top_builddir)/libtool^${LIBTOOL}^g' \
-			$$file.tmp > $$file; \
-		${RM} $$file.tmp; \
-	done);
-. else
-	@${DO_NADA}
-. endif
--- Mk/bsd.tcl.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-# -*- mode: Makefile; tab-width: 4; -*-
-# ex: ts=4
-# $MidnightBSD: mports/Mk/bsd.tcl.mk,v 1.6 2008/05/22 16:47:02 laffer1 Exp $
-# $FreeBSD: ports/Mk/bsd.tcl.mk,v 1.3 2006/05/01 19:49:57 sem Exp $
-.if !defined(_POSTMKINCLUDED) && !defined(Tcl_Pre_Include)
-Tcl_Pre_Include=		bsd.tcl.mk
-Tcl_Include_MAINTAINER=	ports at MidnightBSD.org
-# USE_TCL:		- Depend on tcl to run. In case of incompatible APIs of;
-#			 	different TCL versions the version can be 
-#				specified directly. If version is not specified
-#				(USE_TCL=yes) then the latest version is used
-#				(8.5 currently).
-#				Available values are: 85, 85-thread, 84, 
-#				84-thread, 83, 82, and 80.
-# USE_TK:		- Depend on tk to run. In case of incompatible APIs of 
-#				different TK versions the version can be 
-#				specified directly. If version is not specified
-#				(USE_TK=yes) then the latest version is used
-#				(8.5 currently).
-#				Available values are: 85, 84, 83, 82, and 80.
-# TCL_LIBDIR:		Path where tcl libraries can be found
-# TCL_INCLUDEDIR: 	Path where tcl C headers can be found
-# TK_LIBDIR:		Path where tk libraries can be found
-# TK_INCLUDEDIR: 	Path where tk C headers can be found
-# TCLSH:		Path to tclsh executable respecting tcl version
-# WISH:			Path to wish executable respecting tk version
-# PATCH_TCL_SCRIPTS: 	List of tcl scripts that need to be patched to replace
-# 				tclsh calls with tclsh${TK_VER} calls. Also note that
-# 				post-patch target is used.
-# PATCH_TK_SCRIPTS: 	List of tcl scripts that need to be patched to replace
-# 				wish calls with wish${TK_VER} calls. Also note that
-# 				post-patch target is used.
-.if defined(USE_TCL) || defined(USE_TCL_BUILD)
-_TCL_VERSIONS=	85 85-thread 84 84-thread 83 82 80
-.if defined(USE_TCL)
-_RUN=		yes
-.if defined(USE_TCL_BUILD)
-_BUILD=		yes
-.if ${USE_TCL} == "yes"
-USE_TCL=	85
-TCL_VER:=	${USE_TCL:S/8/8./:S/-thread//}
-_FOUND=		no
-.for ver in ${_TCL_VERSIONS}
-. if ${USE_TCL} == "${ver}"
-_FOUND=		yes
-.  if defined(_BUILD)
-.  endif
-.  if defined(_RUN)
-RUN_DEPENDS+=	tclsh${TCL_VER}:${PORTSDIR}/lang/tcl${USE_TCL}
-.  endif
-TCLSH=			${LOCALBASE}/bin/tclsh${TCL_VER}
-. endif
-.if ${_FOUND} == "no"
-IGNORE=		Unknown TCL version specified: ${USE_TCL}
-.endif # defined(USE_TCL) || defined(USE_TCL_BUILD)
-.if defined(USE_TK) || defined(USE_TK_BUILD)
-_TK_VERSIONS=	85 84 83 82 80
-.if defined(USE_TK)
-_TK_RUN=	yes
-.if defined(USE_TK_BUILD)
-_TK_BUILD=	yes
-.if ${USE_TK} == "yes"
-USE_TK=		85
-TK_VER:=	${USE_TK:S/8/8./}
-.if defined(USE_TCL) && ${TCL_VER} != ${TK_VER}
-IGNORE=		TCL and TK versions must be equal (${TCL_VER} vs ${TK_VER})
-_FOUND=		no
-.for ver in ${_TK_VERSIONS}
-. if ${USE_TK} == ${ver}
-_FOUND=		yes
-.  if defined(_TK_BUILD)
-BUILD_DEPENDS+=	wish${TK_VER}:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/tk${USE_TK}
-.  if defined(_TK_RUN)
-RUN_DEPENDS+=	wish${TK_VER}:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/tk${USE_TK}
-TCLSH=			${LOCALBASE}/bin/tclsh${TK_VER}
-WISH=			${LOCALBASE}/bin/wish${TK_VER}
-. endif
-.if ${_FOUND} == "no"
-IGNORE=		Unknown TK version specified: ${USE_TK}
-.endif # defined(USE_TK) || defined(USE_TK_BUILD)
-.endif # !defined(_POSTMKINCLUDED) && !defined(Tcl_Pre_Include)
-.if defined(_POSTMKINCLUDED) && !defined(Tcl_Post_Include)
-Tcl_Post_Include=	bsd.tcl.mk
-.if defined(PATCH_TCL_SCRIPTS) || defined (PATCH_TK_SCRIPTS)
-.if !target(post-patch)
-.if defined(PATCH_TCL_SCRIPTS) && defined(TCLSH)
-. for tcl_script in ${PATCH_TCL_SCRIPTS}
-	@${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's,tclsh,${TCLSH},' ${WRKSRC}/${tcl_script}
-. endfor
-.if defined(PATCH_TK_SCRIPTS) && defined(WISH)
-. for tk_script in ${PATCH_TK_SCRIPTS}
-	@${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's,wish,${WISH},' ${WRKSRC}/${tk_script}
-. endfor
-.endif # !target(post-patch)
-.endif # defined(PATCH_TCL_SCRIPTS) || defined (PATCH_TK_SCRIPTS)
-.endif # defined(_POSTMKINCLUDED) && !defined(Tcl_Post_Include)
--- Mk/bsd.xorg.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,275 +0,0 @@
-#-*- mode: Fundamental; tab-width: 4; -*-
-# ex:ts=4
-# bsd.xorg.mk - Support for USE_XORG variable. (XXX - this comment sucks)
-# Created by: Florent Thoumie <xxx>
-# Complete list of dependencies for xorg ports can be found at :
-# http://people.freebsd.org/~flz/local/xorg/xorg-dep-list
-# RSS feed for X.org individual releases can be found at :
-# http://feed.xbsd.org/xorg/
-# !!! Here be dragons !!! (yeah, here as well...)
-# $FreeBSD: ports/Mk/bsd.xorg.mk,v 1.4 2007/10/03 22:24:59 pav Exp $
-# $MidnightBSD: mports/Mk/bsd.xorg.mk,v 1.4 2008/10/01 18:54:36 ctriv Exp $
-.if !defined(_POSTMKINCLUDED) && !defined(Xorg_Pre_Include)
-Xorg_Include_MAINTAINER=	ports at MidnightBSD.org
-Xorg_Pre_Include=		bsd.xorg.mk
-# If we're going to build a complete xorg for packages
-.if defined(PACKAGE_BUILDING)
-# Some notes:
-# app - requires pkgconfig, don't install shared libraries (I guess)
-# data - nothing I could factorize
-# doc - no particular notes
-# driver - input depends on inputproto/randrproto at least
-#          video depends on randrproto/renderproto at least
-# font - don't install .pc file
-# lib - various dependencies, install .pc file
-# proto - install .pc file, no dependencies, needed only at build time for most of them
-# xserver - there's only one atm, I guess everything can fit into the port itself
-.if defined(XORG_CAT)
-# Default variables, common to all new modular xorg ports.
-.if !defined(USE_TGZ)
-USE_BZIP2=    	yes
-. if ${XORG_CAT} == "app"
-USE_GNOME+=	pkgconfig
-. endif
-. if ${XORG_CAT} == "data"
-# Nothing at the moment.
-. endif
-. if ${XORG_CAT} == "driver"
-USE_GNOME+=	pkgconfig
-USE_XORG+=	xorg-server xproto randrproto
-.  if ${PORTNAME:M*input*}x != x
-USE_XORG+=	inputproto
-.  elif ${PORTNAME:M*video*}x != x
-USE_XORG+=	fontsproto renderproto
-.  else
-IGNORE=		doesn't contain either "driver" or "input"
-.  endif
-.  if ${PORTNAME:M*-sun*}x != x && ${ARCH} != sparc64
-IGNORE=		is for sparc64 only
-.  endif
-. endif
-. if ${XORG_CAT} == "font"
-FONTDIR?=	${PORTNAME:C/.*-//g:S/type/Type/:S/ttf/TTF/:S/speedo/Speedo/}
-.  if ${PORTNAME:M*type1*}x != x
-.  elif ${PORTNAME:M*ttf*}x != x
-.  elif ${PORTNAME:M*encodings*}x != x
-# This is terrific, we want mkfontscale at build time, but don't use it like for the other ports.
-BUILD_DEPENDS+=	${LOCALBASE}/bin/mkfontscale:${PORTSDIR}/x11-fonts/mkfontscale
-.  else
-.  endif
-.  if ${PORTNAME:M*font-util*}x != x
-USE_GNOME+=	gnomehack
-.  elif ${INSTALLS_TTF} == "yes"
-USE_GNOME+=	pkgconfig
-BUILD_DEPENDS+=	${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/fontconfig.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11-fonts/fontconfig
-RUN_DEPENDS+=	${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/fontconfig.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11-fonts/fontconfig
-.  else
-BUILD_DEPENDS+=	${LOCALBASE}/bin/bdftopcf:${PORTSDIR}/x11-fonts/bdftopcf
-.  endif
-.  if ${NEED_MKFONTFOO} == "yes"
-BUILD_DEPENDS+=	${LOCALBASE}/bin/mkfontdir:${PORTSDIR}/x11-fonts/mkfontdir \
-				${LOCALBASE}/bin/mkfontscale:${PORTSDIR}/x11-fonts/mkfontscale
-RUN_DEPENDS+=	${LOCALBASE}/bin/mkfontdir:${PORTSDIR}/x11-fonts/mkfontdir \
-				${LOCALBASE}/bin/mkfontscale:${PORTSDIR}/x11-fonts/mkfontscale
-.  endif
-.  if ${INSTALLS_TTF} == "yes"
-.   for _fontdir in ${FONTDIR}
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "@exec fc-cache -v %D/lib/X11/fonts/${_fontdir} 2>/dev/null || true" >> ${TMPPLIST}
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "@unexec fc-cache -v %D/lib/X11/fonts/${_fontdir} 2>/dev/null || true" >> ${TMPPLIST}
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "@unexec rmdir %D/lib/X11/fonts/${_fontdir} 2>/dev/null || true" >> ${TMPPLIST}
-.   endfor
-.  endif
-.  for _fontdir in ${FONTDIR}
-.   if ${NEED_MKFONTFOO} == "yes"
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "@exec mkfontscale %D/lib/X11/fonts/${_fontdir} 2>/dev/null || true" >> ${TMPPLIST}
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "@unexec mkfontscale %D/lib/X11/fonts/${_fontdir} 2>/dev/null || true" >> ${TMPPLIST}
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "@unexec if [ -e %D/lib/X11/fonts/${_fontdir}/fonts.scale -a \"\`stat -f '%%z' %D/lib/X11/fonts/${_fontdir}/fonts.scale 2>/dev/null\`\" = '2' ]; then rm %D/lib/X11/fonts/${_fontdir}/fonts.scale; fi" >> ${TMPPLIST}
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "@exec mkfontdir %D/lib/X11/fonts/${_fontdir} 2>/dev/null || true" >> ${TMPPLIST}
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "@unexec mkfontdir %D/lib/X11/fonts/${_fontdir} 2>/dev/null || true" >> ${TMPPLIST}
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "@unexec if [ -e %D/lib/X11/fonts/${_fontdir}/fonts.dir -a \"\`stat -f '%%z' %D/lib/X11/fonts/${_fontdir}/fonts.dir 2>/dev/null\`\" = '2' ]; then rm %D/lib/X11/fonts/${_fontdir}/fonts.dir; fi" >> ${TMPPLIST}
-.   endif
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "@unexec rmdir %D/lib/X11/fonts/${_fontdir} 2>/dev/null || true" >> ${TMPPLIST}
-.  endfor
-. endif
-. if ${XORG_CAT} == "lib"
-USE_GNOME+=	gnomehack pkgconfig
-. endif
-. if ${XORG_CAT} == "proto"
-USE_GNOME+=	gnomehack
-. endif
-. if ${XORG_CAT} == "xserver"
-DISTFILES?=	xorg-server-${PORTVERSION}.tar.bz2
-WRKSRC=		${WRKDIR}/xorg-server-${PORTVERSION}
-USE_GNOME+=	gnomehack
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--with-xkb-path=${LOCALBASE}/share/X11/xkb
-. endif
-.if defined(_POSTMKINCLUDED) && !defined(Xorg_Post_Include)
-Xorg_Post_Include=		bsd.xorg.mk
-# Register all xorg .pc files here.
-# foo_LIB_PC_DEPENDS means it should go to BUILD_DEPENDS *and* RUN_DEPENDS.
-XORG_MODULES=	bigreqsproto compositeproto damageproto dmx dmxproto evieproto fixesproto fontcacheproto fontenc fontsproto fontutil glproto ice inputproto kbproto libfs oldx pixman printproto randrproto recordproto renderproto resourceproto scrnsaverproto sm trapproto videoproto x11 xau xaw xaw6 xaw7 xaw8 xbitmaps xcmiscproto xcomposite xcursor xdamage xdmcp xevie xext xextproto xf86bigfontproto xf86dgaproto xf86driproto xf86miscproto xf86rushproto xf86vidmodeproto xfixes xfont xfontcache xft xi xinerama xineramaproto xkbfile xkbui xmu xmuu xorg-server xp xpm xprintapputil xprintutil xproto xproxymngproto xrandr xrender xres xscrnsaver xt xtrans xtrap xtst xv xvmc xxf86dga xxf86misc xxf86vm 
-bigreqsproto_BUILD_DEPENDS=	${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/bigreqsproto.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/bigreqsproto
-compositeproto_BUILD_DEPENDS=	${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/compositeproto.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/compositeproto
-damageproto_BUILD_DEPENDS=	${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/damageproto.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/damageproto
-dmx_LIB_PC_DEPENDS=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/dmx.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/libdmx
-dmxproto_BUILD_DEPENDS=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/dmxproto.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/dmxproto
-evieproto_BUILD_DEPENDS=	${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/evieproto.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/evieext
-fixesproto_BUILD_DEPENDS=	${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/fixesproto.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/fixesproto
-fontcacheproto_BUILD_DEPENDS=	${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/fontcacheproto.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11-fonts/fontcacheproto
-fontenc_LIB_PC_DEPENDS=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/fontenc.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11-fonts/libfontenc
-fontsproto_BUILD_DEPENDS=	${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/fontsproto.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11-fonts/fontsproto
-fontutil_LIB_PC_DEPENDS=	${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/fontutil.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11-fonts/font-util
-glproto_BUILD_DEPENDS=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/glproto.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/glproto
-ice_LIB_PC_DEPENDS=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/ice.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/libICE
-inputproto_BUILD_DEPENDS=	${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/inputproto.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/inputproto
-kbproto_BUILD_DEPENDS=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/kbproto.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/kbproto
-libfs_LIB_PC_DEPENDS=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/libfs.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11-fonts/libFS
-oldx_LIB_PC_DEPENDS=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/oldx.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/liboldX
-pixman_LIB_PC_DEPENDS=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/pixman-1.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/pixman
-printproto_BUILD_DEPENDS=	${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/printproto.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/printproto
-randrproto_BUILD_DEPENDS=	${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/randrproto.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/randrproto
-recordproto_BUILD_DEPENDS=	${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/recordproto.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/recordproto
-renderproto_BUILD_DEPENDS=	${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/renderproto.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/renderproto
-resourceproto_BUILD_DEPENDS=	${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/resourceproto.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/resourceproto
-scrnsaverproto_BUILD_DEPENDS=	${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/scrnsaverproto.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/scrnsaverproto
-sm_LIB_PC_DEPENDS=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/sm.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/libSM
-trapproto_BUILD_DEPENDS=	${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/trapproto.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/trapproto
-videoproto_BUILD_DEPENDS=	${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/videoproto.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/videoproto
-x11_LIB_PC_DEPENDS=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/x11.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/libX11
-xau_LIB_PC_DEPENDS=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/xau.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/libXau
-xaw6_LIB_PC_DEPENDS=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/xaw6.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/libXaw
-xaw7_LIB_PC_DEPENDS=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/xaw7.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/libXaw
-xaw8_LIB_PC_DEPENDS=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/xaw8.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/libXaw
-xbitmaps_LIB_PC_DEPENDS=	${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/xbitmaps.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/xbitmaps
-xcmiscproto_BUILD_DEPENDS=	${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/xcmiscproto.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/xcmiscproto
-xcomposite_LIB_PC_DEPENDS=	${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/xcomposite.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/libXcomposite
-xcursor_LIB_PC_DEPENDS=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/xcursor.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/libXcursor
-xdamage_LIB_PC_DEPENDS=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/xdamage.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/libXdamage
-xdmcp_LIB_PC_DEPENDS=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/xdmcp.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/libXdmcp
-xevie_LIB_PC_DEPENDS=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/xevie.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/libXevie
-xext_LIB_PC_DEPENDS=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/xext.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/libXext
-xextproto_BUILD_DEPENDS=	${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/xextproto.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/xextproto
-xf86bigfontproto_BUILD_DEPENDS=	${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/xf86bigfontproto.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11-fonts/xf86bigfontproto
-xf86dgaproto_BUILD_DEPENDS=	${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/xf86dgaproto.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/xf86dgaproto
-xf86driproto_BUILD_DEPENDS=	${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/xf86driproto.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/xf86driproto
-xf86miscproto_BUILD_DEPENDS=	${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/xf86miscproto.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/xf86miscproto
-xf86rushproto_BUILD_DEPENDS=	${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/xf86rushproto.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/xf86rushproto
-xf86vidmodeproto_BUILD_DEPENDS=	${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/xf86vidmodeproto.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/xf86vidmodeproto
-xfixes_LIB_PC_DEPENDS=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/xfixes.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/libXfixes
-xfont_LIB_PC_DEPENDS=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/xfont.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11-fonts/libXfont
-xfontcache_LIB_PC_DEPENDS=	${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/xfontcache.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11-fonts/libXfontcache
-xft_LIB_PC_DEPENDS=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/xft.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11-fonts/libXft
-xi_LIB_PC_DEPENDS=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/xi.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/libXi
-xinerama_LIB_PC_DEPENDS=	${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/xinerama.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/libXinerama
-xineramaproto_BUILD_DEPENDS=	${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/xineramaproto.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/xineramaproto
-xkbfile_LIB_PC_DEPENDS=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/xkbfile.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/libxkbfile
-xkbui_LIB_PC_DEPENDS=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/xkbui.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/libxkbui
-xmu_LIB_PC_DEPENDS=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/xmu.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/libXmu
-xmuu_LIB_PC_DEPENDS=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/xmuu.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/libXmu
-xorg-server_LIB_PC_DEPENDS=	${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/xorg-server.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11-servers/xorg-server
-xp_LIB_PC_DEPENDS=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/xp.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/libXp
-xpm_LIB_PC_DEPENDS=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/xpm.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/libXpm
-xprintapputil_LIB_PC_DEPENDS=	${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/xprintapputil.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/libXprintAppUtil
-xprintutil_LIB_PC_DEPENDS=	${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/xprintutil.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/libXprintUtil
-xproto_LIB_PC_DEPENDS=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/xproto.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/xproto
-xproxymngproto_BUILD_DEPENDS=	${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/xproxymngproto.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/xproxymanagementprotocol
-xrandr_LIB_PC_DEPENDS=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/xrandr.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/libXrandr
-xrender_LIB_PC_DEPENDS=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/xrender.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/libXrender
-xres_LIB_PC_DEPENDS=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/xres.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/libXres
-xscrnsaver_LIB_PC_DEPENDS=	${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/xscrnsaver.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/libXScrnSaver
-xt_LIB_PC_DEPENDS=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/xt.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/libXt
-xtrans_LIB_PC_DEPENDS=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/xtrans.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/xtrans
-xtrap_LIB_PC_DEPENDS=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/xtrap.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/libXTrap
-xtst_LIB_PC_DEPENDS=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/xtst.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/libXtst
-xv_LIB_PC_DEPENDS=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/xv.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/libXv
-xvmc_LIB_PC_DEPENDS=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/xvmc.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/libXvMC
-xxf86dga_LIB_PC_DEPENDS=	${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/xxf86dga.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/libXxf86dga
-xxf86misc_LIB_PC_DEPENDS=	${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/xxf86misc.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/libXxf86misc
-xxf86vm_LIB_PC_DEPENDS=		${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/xxf86vm.pc:${PORTSDIR}/x11/libXxf86vm
-.for _module in ${USE_XORG:M*\:both:C/\:.*//g}
-. if ${XORG_MODULES:M${_module}} == ""
-IGNORE=				requires unknown xorg module (${_module})
-. endif
-RUN_DEPENDS+=			${${_module}_BUILD_DEPENDS}
-.for _module in ${USE_XORG:C/\:.*//g}
-. if ${XORG_MODULES:M${_module}} == ""
-IGNORE=				requires unknown xorg module (${_module})
-. endif
-.if !target(check-latest)
-	@AVAIL_VER=`fetch -qo - http://xorg.freedesktop.org/releases/individual/${XORG_CAT}/ | sed -ne 's/.*${PORTNAME}-\(.*\).tar.bz2\".*/\1/p'` && \
-		${ECHO_CMD} "Available versions for ${PORTNAME} are: " && ${ECHO_CMD} "$${AVAIL_VER}" && \
-		for ver in $${AVAIL_VER}; do \
-			if [ `pkg_version -t $$ver ${PORTVERSION}` = ">" ]; then \
-				${ECHO_CMD} "${PORTNAME} $$ver is newer than current version."; \
-			fi; \
-		done
--- Mk/bsd.linux-rpm.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-#-*- mode: Makefile; tab-width: 4; -*-
-# ex:ts=4
-# $MidnightBSD: mports/Mk/bsd.linux-rpm.mk,v 1.6 2008/04/14 04:22:12 laffer1 Exp $
-# $FreeBSD: ports/Mk/bsd.linux-rpm.mk,v 1.9 2006/07/30 22:34:30 sat Exp $
-# Variables:
-#  - LINUX_DIST:	Will be used to set some dist-specific presets.
-#			Valid values: fedora
-#  - LINUX_DIST_VER:	Use depends upon the dist-specific presets.
-#			Valid values for "fedora": all version numbers
-#				e.g. 3 for fedora core 3, 4 for fedora core 4
-#				This is used to set MASTER_SITE_{,SRC_}SUBDIR
-#				if it isn't already set.
-#  - MASTER_SITE_SRC_SUBDIR:	The subdir for the src RPM's.
-#  - DISTFILES:		For simple cases this will be set automatically
-#			based upon the DISTNAME.
-#  - SRC_DISTFILES:	Variable which contains the corresponding src RPM's.
-#			If there's no corresponding src RPM, it has to be
-#			set to the empty value (SRC_DISTFILES=	"").
-#  - AUTOMATIC_PLIST:	Generate a dynamic plist (please have a look at the
-#			porters handbook section which talks about plists.
-#			This feature is reserved for rare cases).
-#  - BRANDELF_DIRS:	A list of directories with executables to brand
-#			as a linux executable. The directories has to not
-#			contain libraries.
-#  - BRANDELF_FILES:	A list of files to brand as a linux executable in
-#			case BRANDELF_DIRS can't be used.
-.if !defined(_POSTMKINCLUDED) && !defined(Linux_RPM_Pre_Include)
-Linux_RPM_Include_MAINTAINER=	ports at MidnightBSD.org
-Linux_RPM_Pre_Include=			bsd.linux-rpm.mk
-RPM2CPIO?=			${LOCALBASE}/bin/rpm2cpio
-USE_GCPIO?=		yes
-SRC_SUFX?=		.src.rpm
-USE_LINUX?=			yes
-NO_BUILD=			yes
-.  if ${ARCH} == "amd64"
-LINUX_RPM_ARCH?=	i386	# the linuxulator does not yet support amd64 code
-.  else
-.  endif
-.if defined(_POSTMKINCLUDED) && !defined(Linux_RPM_Post_Include)
-Linux_RPM_Post_Include=	bsd.linux-rpm.mk
-LINUX_DIST?=		fedora
-.  if defined(LINUX_DIST)
-.    if ${LINUX_DIST} == "fedora"
-.      ifndef MASTER_SITES
-				updates/${LINUX_DIST_VER}/SRPMS
-.      endif
-.    else
-IGNORE=	unknown LINUX_DIST in port Makefile
-.    endif
-.  endif
-# DISTFILES and SRC_DISTFILES assume that there is only one bindist
-# and one src file.
-# Please, define them n the Makefile of the port in case this assumption
-# is not true.
-.  if defined(PACKAGE_BUILDING)
-.  endif
-EXTRACT_AFTER_ARGS?=	| ${CPIO} -id --quiet
-MD5_FILE?=				${MASTERDIR}/distinfo.${LINUX_RPM_ARCH}
-	@${MKDIR} -p ${WRKSRC}
-	@for file in ${EXTRACT_ONLY}; do \
-		then \
-			exit 1; \
-		fi \
-	done
-	@if [ `${ID} -u` = 0 ]; then \
-		${CHMOD} -R ug-s ${WRKDIR}; \
-		${CHOWN} -R 0:0 ${WRKDIR}; \
-	fi
-.  if defined(AUTOMATIC_PLIST)
-PLIST?=					${WRKDIR}/.PLIST.linux-rpm
-pre-package: linux-rpm-generate-plist
-.    if !target(linux-rpm-generate-plist)
-	@cd ${.CURDIR} && ${MAKE} makeplist GENPLIST=${PLIST}
-# 	Run make-tmpplist again, because the it didn't have ${PLIST} that time.
-	@cd ${.CURDIR} && ${MAKE} make-tmpplist
-.    endif
-.  endif
-.  if !target(do-install)
-		@cd ${WRKSRC} && ${FIND} ${BRANDELF_DIRS} -type f -print0 \
-		| ${XARGS} -0 ${FILE} | ${GREP} ELF | ${CUT} -d : -f 1 \
-		| ${XARGS} ${BRANDELF} -t Linux
-.	endif
-		@cd ${WRKSRC} && ${BRANDELF} -t Linux ${BRANDELF_FILES}
-.	endif
-	@cd ${WRKSRC} && ${FIND} * -type d -exec ${MKDIR} "${PREFIX}/{}" \;
-	@cd ${WRKSRC} && ${FIND} * ! -type d | ${CPIO} -pm -R root:wheel ${PREFIX}
-.  endif
--- Mk/bsd.scons.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-#-*- mode: Makefile; tab-width: 4; -*-
-# ex:ts=4
-# $MidnightBSD: mports/Mk/bsd.scons.mk,v 1.2 2006/09/17 18:36:23 laffer1 Exp $
-# $FreeBSD: ports/Mk/bsd.scons.mk,v 1.6 2006/08/04 12:34:41 erwin Exp $
-# bsd.scons.mk - Python-based SCons build system interface.
-# Author: Alexander Botero-Lowry <alex at foxybanana.com>
-# Please view me with 4 column tabs!
-# Please make sure all changes to this file are passed through the maintainer.
-SCONS_MAINTAINER=	ports at MidnightBSD.org
-# SCONS_BIN is the location where the scons port installs the scons
-# executable.
-# SCONS_PORT is where the scons port is located in the ports tree.
-SCONS_BIN=	${LOCALBASE}/bin/scons
-SCONS_PORT=	${PORTSDIR}/devel/scons
-# CCFLAGS is the scons equivalent of CFLAGS. So we should bring in our
-# LINKFLAGS is equivalent to LDFLAGS in make speak, so we bring in the
-# FreeBSD default LDFLAGS.
-# Some scons projects may honor PKGCONFIGDIR, which tells them where to
-# look for, and install, pkgconfig files.
-# LIBPATH is the search path for libraries. Bring in some safe defaults.
-# CPPPATH is the search path for includes, Again, bring in some safe defaults.
-PKGCONFIGDIR?=	${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig
-LIBPATH?=	${LOCALBASE}/lib ${X11BASE}/lib
-CPPPATH?=	${LOCALBASE}/include ${X11BASE}/include
-# SCONS_ENV is where we pass all the stuff that should be the
-# same for any scons port to scons. Things like CCFLAGS, and LINKFLAGS
-# go here.
-# SCONS_ARG is where you pass port specific scons flags to the scons
-# enviornment.
-# SCONS_BUILDENV is where you pass variables you want to be in the
-# System Enviornment instead of the SCons Enviornment.
-# SCONS_TARGET is the same as MAKE_TARGET it is passed as the last
-# argument to scons.
-# SCONS_INSTALL_TARGET is the default target to be used when
-# installing a port using scons.
-# Make sure we depend on scons
-.if !target(do-build)
-	@cd ${WRKSRC} && \
-.if !target(do-install)
--- Mk/bsd.qt.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,273 +0,0 @@
-# $MidnightBSD: mports/Mk/bsd.qt.mk,v 1.4 2008/10/13 20:43:11 ctriv Exp $
-# QT_NONSTANDARD	- Suppress modification of configure and make environment.
-# QT_DIST			- Package being built is part of the Qt distribution.
-.if !defined(_POSTMKINCLUDED) && !defined(Qt_Pre_Include)
-Qt_Include_MAINTAINER=	ports at MidnightBSD.org
-Qt_Pre_Include=		bsd.qt.mk
-.if !defined(QT_NONSTANDARD)
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--with-qt-includes=${QT_INCDIR} \
-				--with-qt-libraries=${QT_LIBDIR} \
-				--with-extra-libs=${LOCALBASE}/lib \
-				--with-extra-includes=${LOCALBASE}/include
-.endif # !defined(QT_NONSTANDARD)
-.if defined(QT_DIST)
-#CONFLICTS+=	Currently there are no conflicts \o/
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+=-fast ${CUPS} -platform ${QMAKESPEC} \
-		-qt-gif -system-libjpeg -system-libpng \
-		-system-libmng -system-libtiff -system-zlib \
-		-confirm-license \
-		-prefix ${PREFIX} \
-		-bindir ${PREFIX}/bin \
-		-libdir ${PREFIX}/${QT_LIBDIR_REL} \
-		-docdir ${PREFIX}/share/doc/qt4 \
-		-headerdir ${PREFIX}/${QT_INCDIR_REL} \
-		-plugindir ${PREFIX}/lib/qt4/plugins \
-		-datadir ${PREFIX}/share/qt4 \
-		-translationdir ${PREFIX}/share/qt4/translations \
-		-sysconfdir ${PREFIX}/etc/xdg \
-		-examplesdir ${PREFIX}/share/examples/qt4/examples \
-		-demosdir ${PREFIX}/share/examples/qt4/demos
-.if defined(PACKAGE_BUILDING)
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+=-no-mmx -no-3dnow -no-sse -no-sse2
-.endif #defined(PACKAGE_BUILDING)
-.if defined(PORTNAME) && ${PORTNAME} != "xmlpatterns"
-.if defined(WANT_QT_DEBUG)
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+=-release -no-separate-debug-info
-PLIST_SUB+=	DEBUG="@comment "
-.endif #defined(QT_DIST)
-QT_INCDIR_REL=	include/qt4
-QT_LIBDIR_REL=	lib/qt4
-MOC?=		${QT_PREFIX}/bin/moc-qt4
-UIC?=		${QT_PREFIX}/bin/uic-qt4
-QMAKE?=		${QT_PREFIX}/bin/qmake-qt4
-QMAKESPEC?=	${QT_PREFIX}/share/qt4/mkspecs/freebsd-g++
-.if ${ARCH} == "amd64"
-QTCPPFLAGS?=	-fno-gcse
-.endif # !defined(_POSTMKINCLUDED) && !defined(Qt_Pre_Include)
-# QT4 version
-# Don't forget to update ${PORTSDIR}/devel/qt4/files/configure !
-QT4_VERSION?=		4.4.1
-_QT_COMPONENTS_ALL=	accessible assistant assistant-adp assistantclient \
-			clucene codecs-cn codecs-jp codecs-kr codecs-tw corelib \
-			dbus designer doc help help-tools gui iconengines imageformats \
-			inputmethods linguist makeqpf moc network opengl \
-			pixeltool porting  phonon phonon-gst qdbusviewer \
-			qmake qt3support qtconfig qtestlib qvfb rcc script \
-			sql svg uic uic3 webkit xml xmlpatterns xmlpatterns-tool
-accessible_DEPENDS=	accessibility/qt4-accessible
-assistant_DEPENDS=	devel/qt4-assistant
-assistant-adp_DEPENDS=	devel/qt4-assistant-adp
-assistantclient_NAME=	libQtAssistantClient
-clucene_DEPENDS=	textproc/qt4-clucene
-codecs-cn_DEPENDS=	chinese/qt4-codecs-cn
-codecs-jp_DEPENDS=	japanese/qt4-codecs-jp
-codecs-kr_DEPENDS=	korean/qt4-codecs-kr
-codecs-tw_DEPENDS=	chinese/qt4-codecs-tw
-corelib_DEPENDS=	devel/qt4-corelib
-dbus_DEPENDS=		devel/dbus-qt4
-designer_DEPENDS=	devel/qt4-designer
-doc_DEPENDS=		misc/qt4-doc
-gui_DEPENDS=		x11-toolkits/qt4-gui
-help_DEPENDS=		devel/qt4-help
-help-tools_DEPENDS=	devel/qt4-help-tools
-iconengines_DEPENDS=	graphics/qt4-iconengines
-imageformats_DEPENDS=	graphics/qt4-imageformats
-inputmethods_DEPENDS=	x11/qt4-inputmethods
-linguist_DEPENDS=	devel/qt4-linguist
-makeqpf_DEPENDS=	devel/qt4-makeqpf
-moc_DEPENDS=		devel/qt4-moc
-network_DEPENDS=	net/qt4-network
-opengl_DEPENDS=		x11/qt4-opengl
-pixeltool_DEPENDS=	graphics/qt4-pixeltool
-phonon_DEPENDS=		multimedia/qt4-phonon
-phonon-gst_DEPENDS=	multimedia/qt4-phonon-gst
-porting_DEPENDS=	devel/qt4-porting
-qdbusviewer_DEPENDS=	devel/qt4-qdbusviewer
-qmake_DEPENDS=		devel/qmake4
-qt3support_DEPENDS=	devel/qt4-qt3support
-qtconfig_DEPENDS=	misc/qt4-qtconfig
-qtestlib_DEPENDS=	devel/qt4-qtestlib
-qvfb_DEPENDS=		devel/qt4-qvfb
-rcc_DEPENDS=		devel/qt4-rcc
-script_DEPENDS=		devel/qt4-script
-sql_DEPENDS=		databases/qt4-sql
-svg_DEPENDS=		graphics/qt4-svg
-uic_DEPENDS=		devel/qt4-uic
-uic3_DEPENDS=		devel/qt4-uic3
-webkit_DEPENDS=		www/qt4-webkit
-xml_DEPENDS=		textproc/qt4-xml
-xmlpatterns_DEPENDS=	textproc/qt4-xmlpatterns
-xmlpatterns-tool_DEPENDS=	textproc/qt4-xmlpatterns-tool
-accessible_build_DEPENDS=	${accessible_DEPENDS}
-assistant_build_DEPENDS=	${assistant_DEPENDS}
-assistant-adp_build_DEPENDS=	${assistant-adp_DEPENDS}
-assistantclient_build_DEPENDS=	${assistantclient_DEPENDS}
-assistantclient_build_NAME=	${assistantclient_NAME}
-clucene_build_DEPENDS=		${clucene_DEPENDS}
-codecs-cn_build_DEPENDS=	${codecs-cn_DEPENDS}
-codecs-jp_build_DEPENDS=	${codecs-jp_DEPENDS}
-codecs-kr_build_DEPENDS=	${codecs-kr_DEPENDS}
-codecs-tw_build_DEPENDS=	${codecs-tw_DEPENDS}
-corelib_build_DEPENDS=		${corelib_DEPENDS}
-dbus_build_DEPENDS=		${dbus_DEPENDS}
-designer_build_DEPENDS=		${designer_DEPENDS}
-doc_build_DEPENDS=		${doc_DEPENDS}
-gui_build_DEPENDS=		${gui_DEPENDS}
-help_build_DEPENDS=		${help_DEPENDS}
-help-tools_build_DEPENDS=	${help-tools_DEPENDS}
-iconengines_build_DEPENDS=	${iconengines_DEPENDS}
-imageformats_build_DEPENDS=	${imageformats_DEPENDS}
-inputmethods_build_DEPENDS=	${inputmethods_DEPENDS}
-linguist_build_DEPENDS=		${linguist_DEPENDS}
-makeqpf_build_DEPENDS=		${makeqpf_DEPENDS}
-moc_build_DEPENDS=		${moc_DEPENDS}
-network_build_DEPENDS=		${network_DEPENDS}
-opengl_build_DEPENDS=		${opengl_DEPENDS}
-pixeltool_build_DEPENDS=	${pixeltool_DEPENDS}
-phonon_build_DEPENDS=		${phonon_DEPENDS}
-phonon-gst_build_DEPENDS=	${phonon-gst_DEPENDS}
-porting_build_DEPENDS=		${porting_DEPENDS}
-qdbusviewer_build_DEPENDS=	${qdbusviewer_DEPENDS}
-qmake_build_DEPENDS=		${qmake_DEPENDS}
-qt3support_build_DEPENDS=	${qt3support_DEPENDS}
-qtconfig_build_DEPENDS=		${qtconfig_DEPENDS}
-qtestlib_build_DEPENDS=		${qtestlib_DEPENDS}
-qvfb_build_DEPENDS=		${qvfb_DEPENDS}
-rcc_build_DEPENDS=		${rcc_DEPENDS}
-script_build_DEPENDS=		${script_DEPENDS}
-sql_build_DEPENDS=		${sql_DEPENDS}
-svg_build_DEPENDS=		${svg_DEPENDS}
-uic_build_DEPENDS=		${uic_DEPENDS}
-uic3_build_DEPENDS=		${uic3_DEPENDS}
-webkit_build_DEPENDS=		${webkit_DEPENDS}
-xml_build_DEPENDS=		${xml_DEPENDS}
-xmlpatterns_build_DEPENDS=	${xmlpatterns_DEPENDS}
-xmlpatterns-tool_build_DEPENDS=	${xmlpatterns-tool_DEPENDS}
-accessible_run_DEPENDS=		${accessible_DEPENDS}
-assistant_run_DEPENDS=		${assistant_DEPENDS}
-assistant-adp_run_DEPENDS=	${assistant-adp_DEPENDS}
-assistantclient_run_DEPENDS=	${assistantclient_DEPENDS}
-assistantclient_run_NAME=	${assistantclient_NAME}
-clucene_run_DEPENDS=		${clucene_DEPENDS}
-codecs-cn_run_DEPENDS=		${codecs-cn_DEPENDS}
-codecs-jp_run_DEPENDS=		${codecs-jp_DEPENDS}
-codecs-kr_run_DEPENDS=		${codecs-kr_DEPENDS}
-codecs-tw_run_DEPENDS=		${codecs-tw_DEPENDS}
-corelib_run_DEPENDS=		${corelib_DEPENDS}
-dbus_run_DEPENDS=		${dbus_DEPENDS}
-designer_run_DEPENDS=		${designer_DEPENDS}
-doc_run_DEPENDS=		${doc_DEPENDS}
-gui_run_DEPENDS=		${gui_DEPENDS}
-help_run_DEPENDS=		${help_DEPENDS}
-help-tools_run_DEPENDS=		${help-tools_DEPENDS}
-iconengines_run_DEPENDS=	${iconengines_DEPENDS}
-imageformats_run_DEPENDS=	${imageformats_DEPENDS}
-inputmethods_run_DEPENDS=	${inputmethods_DEPENDS}
-linguist_run_DEPENDS=		${linguist_DEPENDS}
-makeqpf_run_DEPENDS=		${makeqpf_DEPENDS}
-moc_run_DEPENDS=		${moc_DEPENDS}
-network_run_DEPENDS=		${network_DEPENDS}
-opengl_run_DEPENDS=		${opengl_DEPENDS}
-pixeltool_run_DEPENDS=		${pixeltool_DEPENDS}
-phonon_run_DEPENDS=		${phonon_DEPENDS}
-phonon-gst_run_DEPENDS=		${phonon-gst_DEPENDS}
-porting_run_DEPENDS=		${porting_DEPENDS}
-qdbusviewer_run_DEPENDS=	${qdbusviewer_DEPENDS}
-qmake_run_DEPENDS=		${qmake_DEPENDS}
-qt3support_run_DEPENDS=		${qt3support_DEPENDS}
-qtconfig_run_DEPENDS=		${qtconfig_DEPENDS}
-qtestlib_run_DEPENDS=		${qtestlib_DEPENDS}
-qvfb_run_DEPENDS=		${qvfb_DEPENDS}
-rcc_run_DEPENDS=		${rcc_DEPENDS}
-script_run_DEPENDS=		${script_DEPENDS}
-sql_run_DEPENDS=		${sql_DEPENDS}
-svg_run_DEPENDS=		${svg_DEPENDS}
-uic_run_DEPENDS=		${uic_DEPENDS}
-uic3_run_DEPENDS=		${uic3_DEPENDS}
-webkit_run_DEPENDS=		${webkit_DEPENDS}
-xml_run_DEPENDS=		${xml_DEPENDS}
-xmlpatterns_run_DEPENDS=	${xmlpatterns_DEPENDS}
-xmlpatterns-tool_run_DEPENDS=	${xmlpatterns-tool_DEPENDS}
-.if defined(_POSTMKINCLUDED) && !defined(Qt_Post_Include)
-Qt_Post_Include= bsd.qt.mk
-.for component in ${_QT_COMPONENTS_ALL}
-_QT_COMPONENTS_SUFFIXED+=${component} ${component}_build ${component}_run
-.if defined(QT_COMPONENTS)
-.	for ext in ${QT_COMPONENTS}
-${ext}_QT4_PREFIX?=	qt4-
-${ext}_QT4_VERSION?=	${QT4_VERSION}
-${ext}_NAME?=		${ext}
-_${ext}=		${ext}
-.		if ${_QT_COMPONENTS_SUFFIXED:M${ext}}!= ""
-.			if ${_${ext}:M*_build}!= ""
-BUILD_DEPENDS+=	${${ext}_QT4_PREFIX}${${ext}_NAME:S/_build//}>=${${ext}_QT4_VERSION}:${PORTSDIR}/${${ext}_DEPENDS}
-.			elif ${_${ext}:M*_run}!= ""
-RUN_DEPENDS+=	${${ext}_QT4_PREFIX}${${ext}_NAME:S/_run//}>=${${ext}_QT4_VERSION}:${PORTSDIR}/${${ext}_DEPENDS}
-.			else
-BUILD_DEPENDS+=	${${ext}_QT4_PREFIX}${${ext}_NAME}>=${${ext}_QT4_VERSION}:${PORTSDIR}/${${ext}_DEPENDS}
-RUN_DEPENDS+=	${${ext}_QT4_PREFIX}${${ext}_NAME}>=${${ext}_QT4_VERSION}:${PORTSDIR}/${${ext}_DEPENDS}
-.			endif
-.		else
-IGNORE= cannot install: unknown Qt4 component -- ${ext}
-.		endif
-.	endfor
-.	if ${QT_COMPONENTS:Mqmake*} != ""
-# we're using qmake.  Set up DESTDIRNAME so fake works correctly.
-.	endif
-BUILD_DEPENDS+=		qt4>=${QT4_VERSION}:${PORTSDIR}/devel/qt4
-RUN_DEPENDS+=		qt4>=${QT4_VERSION}:${PORTSDIR}/devel/qt4
--- Mk/bsd.gnustep.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,536 +0,0 @@
-# $MidnightBSD: mports/Mk/bsd.gnustep.mk,v 1.18 2008/10/21 00:27:58 laffer1 Exp $
-# $FreeBSD: ports/Mk/bsd.gnustep.mk,v 1.42 2007/01/30 04:25:35 kris Exp $
-# This file contains some variable definitions that are supposed to
-# make your life easier when dealing with ports related to the GNUstep.
-# Options for user to customize in /etc/make.conf:
-# ================================================
-#	use xlib as backend (default)
-#	use xdps as backend while build instead of xlib.
-#	use libart as backend while build instead of xlib.
-#	use cairo as backend while build instead of xlib.
-#	use system compiler (does not work on all architectures).
-#	use gcc 3.2.x with objective C shared libraries.
-#	use gcc 3.3.x with objective C shared libraries.
-#	use gcc 3.4.x with objective C shared libraries.
-#	use gcc 4.1.x with objective C shared libraries. (default)
-#	use gcc 4.2.x with objective C shared libraries.
-#	use gcc 4.3.x with objective C shared libraries.
-# Options for a port before include this file:
-# ============================================
-#   your port installs into the GNUStep prefix
-#	your port depends on the gnustep-base port.
-#	your port depends on the gnustep-gui port.
-#	your port depends on the gnustep-back port.
-#	call configure script with GNUstep.sh sourced in the current shell
-#	call build target with GNUstep.sh sourced in the current shell
-#	call install target with GNUstep.sh sourced in the current shell
-#	call build and install target in each of the given dirs.
-#	require GNUstep.sh for build and install
-# USE_GNUSTEP_SYSTEM_LIBS+=	Renaissance:x11-toolkits/renaissance
-#	depends on a shared lib in System directrory
-# USE_GNUSTEP_SYSTEM_BUNDLES+=	EtoileMenus:x11-themes/etoile-etoilemenus
-#	depends on Bundles installed in System directrory
-# USE_GNUSTEP_SYSTEM_THEMES+=	Camaelon:x11-themes/etoile-camaelon
-#	depends on Themes installed in System directrory
-# USE_GNUSTEP_LOCAL_LIBS+=	pantomime:mail/pantomime
-#	depends on a shared lib in Local directrory
-# USE_GNUSTEP_LOCAL_BUNDLES+=	Cddb:audio/cddb-bundle
-#	depends on Bundles installed in Local directrory
-# USE_GNUSTEP_LOCAL_THEMES+=	WildMenus:x11-themes/etoile-wildmenus
-#	depends on Themes installed in Local directrory
-# USE_GNUSTEP_SYSTEM_APPS+=	ProjectCenter:devel/projectcenter.app
-#	depends on Application installed in System directrory
-# USE_GNUSTEP_LOCAL_APPS+=	Ink:misc/gnustep-examples
-#	depends on Application installed in Local directrory
-# USE_GNUSTEP_SYSTEM_TOOLS+=	resizer:deskutils/gworkspace
-#	depends on Tool installed in System directrory
-# USE_GNUSTEP_LOCAL_TOOLS+=	zillion:net/zillion
-#	depends on Tool installed in Local directrory
-# USE_GNUSTEP_SYSTEM_SERVICES+=	thumbnailer:deskutils/gworkspace
-#	depends on Services installed in System directrory
-# USE_GNUSTEP_LOCAL_SERVICES+=	LaTeX:textproc/latex-service
-#	depends on Services installed in Local directrory
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-.if !defined(_POSTMKINCLUDED)
-GNUstep_Include_MAINTAINER=	ports at MidnightBSD.org
-BUILD_DEPENDS+=	${LOCALBASE}/lib/libcallback.a:${PORTSDIR}/devel/ffcall
-.if !defined(GNUSTEP_WITH_BASE_GCC)
-.if defined(USE_GNUSTEP_BUILD) || defined(USE_GNUSTEP_MAKE)
-.if defined(USE_GNUSTEP_INSTALL) || defined(USE_GNUSTEP_MAKE)
-GNUSTEP_MAKE_PORT?=	devel/gnustep-make
-GNUSTEP_OBJC_PORT?=	lang/gnustep-objc
-GNUSTEP_BASE_PORT?=	lang/gnustep-base
-GNUSTEP_GUI_PORT?=	x11-toolkits/gnustep-gui
-GNUSTEP_BACK_PORT?=	x11-toolkits/gnustep-back
-GNUSTEP_XDPS_PORT?=	x11-toolkits/gnustep-xdps
-GNUSTEP_ART_PORT?=	x11-toolkits/gnustep-art
-GNUSTEP_CAIRO_PORT?=	x11-toolkits/gnustep-cairo
-.if ${MACHINE_ARCH} == "i386"
-GNU_ARCH=	ix86
-.if !defined(USE_MAKEFILE)
-MAKEFILE=	GNUmakefile
-.if defined(ADDITIONAL_FLAGS)
-.if defined(USE_GNUSTEP_PREFIX)
-NO_MTREE=	yes
-# Obsolete, for compatibility only
-.if defined(WITH_GNUSTEP_DEVEL)
-# Set base version
-.if !defined(GNUSTEP_WITH_BASE_GCC)
-.if !defined(GNUSTEP_WITH_GCC32) && !defined(GNUSTEP_WITH_GCC33) && !defined(GNUSTEP_WITH_GCC34)
-.if !defined(GNUSTEP_WITH_GCC41) && !defined(GNUSTEP_WITH_GCC42) && !defined(GNUSTEP_WITH_GCC43)
-.if defined(GNUSTEP_WITH_GCC32)
-GNUSTEP_GCC_PORT?=	lang/gcc-objc
-.if defined(GNUSTEP_WITH_GCC33)
-.if defined(GNUSTEP_WITH_GCC34)
-.if defined(GNUSTEP_WITH_GCC41)
-.if defined(GNUSTEP_WITH_GCC42)
-.if defined(GNUSTEP_WITH_GCC43)
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# using base
-.if defined(USE_GNUSTEP_BASE)
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# using gui
-.if defined(USE_GNUSTEP_GUI)
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# using any backend
-.if defined(USE_GNUSTEP_BACK)
-BACKSUFFIX?=   -014
-.if defined(WITH_GNUSTEP_XDPS)
-.elif defined(WITH_GNUSTEP_LIBART)
-.elif defined(WITH_GNUSTEP_CAIRO)
-.elif defined(WITH_GNUSTEP_XLIB)
-# default:
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Backend using xlib
-.if defined(USE_GNUSTEP_XLIB)
-BACKXLIB=	libgnustep-back${BACKSUFFIX}
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Backend using xdps
-.if defined(USE_GNUSTEP_XDPS)
-BACKXDPS=	libgnustep-xdps${BACKSUFFIX}
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Backend using libart
-.if defined(USE_GNUSTEP_LIBART)
-BACKART=	libgnustep-art${BACKSUFFIX}
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Backend using cairo
-.if defined(USE_GNUSTEP_CAIRO)
-BACKCAIRO=	libgnustep-cairo${BACKSUFFIX}
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# source system libs
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# source system bundles
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# source system themes
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# source local libs
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# source local bundles
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# source local themes
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# source system apps
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# source local apps
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# source system tools
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# source local tools
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# source system services
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# source local services
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# source GNUstep.sh
-	@${DO_NADA}
-	    if ! ${SETENV} CC="${CC}" CXX="${CXX}" \
-		INSTALL="/usr/bin/install -c -o ${BINOWN} -g ${BINGRP}" \
-		    ${ECHO} "===>  Script \"${CONFIGURE_SCRIPT}\" failed: here are the contents of \"${CONFIGURE_LOG}\""; \
-		    ${CAT} ${CONFIGURE_LOG}; \
-		    ${ECHO} "(end of \"${CONFIGURE_LOG}\")"; \
-		    ${FALSE}; \
-	    fi)
-# Make sure that MAKE_FLAGS ends with -f
-#MAKE_FLAGS+= 	-f
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# source GNUstep.sh
-.if defined(USE_GNUSTEP_BUILD)
-	@(cd ${WRKSRC}/${i}; . ${GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES}/GNUstep.sh; \
-	@(cd ${WRKSRC}; . ${GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES}/GNUstep.sh; \
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# source GNUstep.sh
-	@(cd ${WRKSRC}/${i}; . ${GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES}/GNUstep.sh; \
-	@(cd ${WRKSRC}; . ${GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES}/GNUstep.sh; \
-.if defined(PACKAGE_BUILDING) || defined(BATCH) || defined(CLEAN_ROOT)
-	rm -rf /root/GNUstep
-.if !defined(GNUSTEP_WITH_BASE_GCC)
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# We don't do anything for ldconfig.  We try to set up the environment 
-# properly (sourcing the gnustep shell includes).  This should do any of the hijinks
-# that used to be done via USE_LDCONFIG for us.
-# Make sure that MAKE_FLAGS ends with -f.  This is done in port.post.mk,
-# so that any changes made by the port's makefile are included.
-MAKE_FLAGS!=	${ECHO_CMD} '${MAKE_FLAGS}' | ${SED} -e 's/\s+-f\s+//'
-# eof
--- Mk/bsd.php.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,338 +0,0 @@
-# bsd.php.mk - Support for PHP-based ports.
-# Created by: Alex Dupre <ale at FreeBSD.org>
-# For MidnightBSD committers:
-# Please send all suggested changes to the maintainer instead of committing
-# them to CVS yourself.
-# $MidnightBSD: mports/Mk/bsd.php.mk,v 1.10 2008/09/01 02:29:55 laffer1 Exp $
-# $FreeBSD: ports/Mk/bsd.php.mk,v 1.33 2006/09/11 21:10:07 ale Exp $
-# Adding 'USE_PHP=yes' to a port includes this Makefile after bsd.ports.pre.mk.
-# If the port requires a predefined set of PHP extensions, they can be
-# listed in this way:
-# USE_PHP=	ext1 ext2 ext3
-# The port can set these options in its Makefile before bsd.ports.pre.mk:
-# DEFAULT_PHP_VER=N - Use PHP version N if PHP is not yet installed.
-# IGNORE_WITH_PHP=N - The port doesn't work with PHP version N.
-# USE_PHPIZE=yes    - Use to build a PHP extension.
-# USE_PHPEXT=yes    - Use to build, install and register a PHP extension.
-# USE_PHP_BUILD=yes - Set PHP also as a build dependency.
-# WANT_PHP_CLI=yes  - Want the CLI version of PHP.
-# WANT_PHP_CGI=yes  - Want the CGI version of PHP.
-# WANT_PHP_MOD=yes  - Want the Apache Module for PHP.
-# WANT_PHP_WEB=yes  - Want the Apache Module or the CGI version of PHP.
-# You may combine multiple WANT_PHP_* knobs.
-# Don't specify any WANT_PHP_* knob if your port will work with every PHP SAPI.
-PHP_Include_MAINTAINER=	ports at MidnightBSD.org
-.if exists(${LOCALBASE}/etc/php.conf)
-.include "${LOCALBASE}/etc/php.conf"
-PHP_EXT_DIR!=	${LOCALBASE}/bin/php-config --extension-dir | ${SED} -ne 's,^${LOCALBASE}/lib/php/\(.*\),\1,p'
-PHP_EXT_DIR=	20060613
-HTTPD?=		${LOCALBASE}/sbin/httpd
-.if exists(${HTTPD})
-APACHE_VERSION!=	${HTTPD} -V | ${SED} -ne 's/^Server version: Apache\/\([0-9]\)\.\([0-9]*\).*/\1\2/p'
-.	if ${APACHE_VERSION} > 13
-APXS?=		${LOCALBASE}/sbin/apxs
-.		if ${APACHE_MPM} == "worker"
-.		endif
-.	endif
-.elif defined(APACHE_PORT)
-APACHE_VERSION!=	${ECHO_CMD} ${APACHE_PORT} | ${SED} -ne 's,.*/apache\([0-9]*\).*,\1,p'
-.	if ${APACHE_VERSION} > 13 && defined(WITH_MPM) && ${WITH_MPM} == "worker"
-.	endif
-.if defined(WITH_DEBUG)
-PHP_SAPI?=	""
-# compatability shim
-.if defined(BROKEN_WITH_PHP)
-.if defined(IGNORE_WITH_PHP)
-.	for VER in ${IGNORE_WITH_PHP}
-.		if ${PHP_VER} == "${VER}"
-IGNORE=		cannot install: doesn't work with PHP version : ${PHP_VER} (Doesn't support PHP ${IGNORE_WITH_PHP})
-.		endif
-.	endfor
-.if defined(WANT_PHP_WEB)
-.	if defined(WANT_PHP_CGI) || defined(WANT_PHP_MOD)
-		@${ECHO_CMD} "If you define WANT_PHP_WEB you cannot set also WANT_PHP_CGI"
-		@${ECHO_CMD} "or WANT_PHP_MOD. Use only one of them."
-		@${FALSE}
-.	else
-.	if defined(PHP_VERSION) && ${PHP_SAPI:Mcgi} == "" && ${PHP_SAPI:Mmod} == ""
-		@${ECHO_CMD} "This port requires the Apache Module or the CGI version of PHP, but you have"
-		@${ECHO_CMD} "already installed a PHP port without them."
-		@${FALSE}
-.	endif
-.	endif
-.if defined(WANT_PHP_CGI)
-.	if defined(PHP_VERSION) && ${PHP_SAPI:Mcgi} == ""
-		@${ECHO_CMD} "This port requires the CGI version of PHP, but you have already"
-		@${ECHO_CMD} "installed a PHP port without CGI."
-		@${FALSE}
-.	endif
-.if defined(WANT_PHP_CLI)
-.	if defined(PHP_VERSION) && ${PHP_SAPI:Mcli} == ""
-		@${ECHO_CMD} "This port requires the CLI version of PHP, but you have already"
-		@${ECHO_CMD} "installed a PHP port without CLI."
-		@${FALSE}
-.	endif
-.if defined(WANT_PHP_MOD)
-.	if defined(PHP_VERSION) && ${PHP_SAPI:Mmod} == ""
-		@${ECHO_CMD} "This port requires the Apache Module for PHP, but you have already"
-		@${ECHO_CMD} "installed a PHP port without the Apache Module."
-		@${FALSE}
-.	endif
-.if defined(USE_PHP_BUILD)
-BUILD_DEPENDS+=	${LOCALBASE}/include/php/main/php.h:${PHP_PORT}
-RUN_DEPENDS+=	${LOCALBASE}/include/php/main/php.h:${PHP_PORT}
-.if defined(USE_PHPIZE) || defined(USE_PHPEXT)
-USE_AUTOTOOLS+=	autoconf:262:env
-configure-message: phpize-message do-phpize
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===>  PHPizing for ${PKGNAME}"
-	@(cd ${WRKSRC}; ${SETENV} ${SCRIPTS_ENV} ${LOCALBASE}/bin/phpize)
-.if defined(USE_PHPEXT)
-	@${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/lib/php/${PHP_EXT_DIR}
-	@${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/modules/${PHP_MODNAME}.so \
-		${PREFIX}/lib/php/${PHP_EXT_DIR}
-.	for header in . ${PHP_HEADER_DIRS}
-		@${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/include/php/ext/${PHP_MODNAME}/${header}
-		@${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/${header}/*.h \
-			${PREFIX}/include/php/ext/${PHP_MODNAME}/${header}
-.	endfor
-	@${RM} -f ${PREFIX}/include/php/ext/${PHP_MODNAME}/config.h
-	@${GREP} "#define \(COMPILE\|HAVE\|USE\)_" ${WRKSRC}/config.h \
-		> ${PREFIX}/include/php/ext/${PHP_MODNAME}/config.h
-add-plist-info: add-plist-phpext
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "lib/php/${PHP_EXT_DIR}/${PHP_MODNAME}.so" \
-		>> ${TMPPLIST}
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "@unexec rmdir %D/lib/php/${PHP_EXT_DIR} 2> /dev/null || true" \
-		>> ${TMPPLIST}
-	@${FIND} -P ${FAKE_DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/include/php/ext/${PHP_MODNAME} ! -type d 2>/dev/null | \
-		${SED} -ne 's,^${FAKE_DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/,,p' >> ${TMPPLIST}
-	@${FIND} -P -d ${FAKE_DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/include/php/ext/${PHP_MODNAME} -type d 2>/dev/null | \
-		${SED} -ne 's,^${FAKE_DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/, at dirrm ,p' >> ${TMPPLIST}
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "@exec echo \#include \\\"ext/${PHP_MODNAME}/config.h\\\" >> %D/include/php/ext/php_config.h" \
-		>> ${TMPPLIST}
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "@unexec cp %D/include/php/ext/php_config.h %D/include/php/ext/php_config.h.orig" \
-		>> ${TMPPLIST}
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "@unexec grep -v ext/${PHP_MODNAME}/config.h %D/include/php/ext/php_config.h.orig > %D/include/php/ext/php_config.h || true" \
-		>> ${TMPPLIST}
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "@unexec rm %D/include/php/ext/php_config.h.orig" \
-		>> ${TMPPLIST}
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "@exec mkdir -p %D/etc/php" \
-		>> ${TMPPLIST}
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "@exec echo extension=${PHP_MODNAME}.so >> %D/etc/php/extensions.ini" \
-		>> ${TMPPLIST}
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "@unexec cp %D/etc/php/extensions.ini %D/etc/php/extensions.ini.orig" \
-		>> ${TMPPLIST}
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "@unexec grep -v extension=${PHP_MODNAME}\\\.so %D/etc/php/extensions.ini.orig > %D/etc/php/extensions.ini || true" \
-		>> ${TMPPLIST}
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "@unexec rm %D/etc/php/extensions.ini.orig" \
-		>> ${TMPPLIST}
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "@unexec [ -s %D/etc/php/extensions.ini ] || rm %D/etc/php/extensions.ini" \
-		>> ${TMPPLIST}
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "@unexec rmdir %D/etc/php 2> /dev/null || true" \
-		>> ${TMPPLIST}
-security-check: php-ini
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "****************************************************************************"
-	@${ECHO_CMD} ""
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "The following line has been added to your ${PREFIX}/etc/php/extensions.ini"
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "configuration file to automatically load the installed extension:"
-	@${ECHO_CMD} ""
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "extension=${PHP_MODNAME}.so"
-	@${ECHO_CMD} ""
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "****************************************************************************"
-# Extensions
-.if ${USE_PHP:L} != "yes"
-# non-version specific components
-_USE_PHP_ALL=	bcmath bitset bz2 calendar ctype curl dba dbase \
-		exif fileinfo filepro fribidi ftp gd gettext gmp \
-		hash iconv imap interbase json ldap mbstring mcrypt \
-		memcache mhash ming mssql mysql ncurses odbc \
-		openssl pcntl pcre pdf pgsql posix \
-		pspell radius readline recode session shmop snmp \
-		sockets sybase_ct sysvmsg sysvsem sysvshm \
-		tokenizer wddx xml xmlrpc yaz zip zlib
-# version specific components
-_USE_PHP_VER5=	${_USE_PHP_ALL} dom filter ming mysqli oci8 pdo pdo_sqlite \
-		simplexml soap spl sqlite \
-		tidy xmlreader xmlwriter xsl
-bcmath_DEPENDS=	math/php${PHP_VER}-bcmath
-bitset_DEPENDS=	math/pecl-bitset
-bz2_DEPENDS=	archivers/php${PHP_VER}-bz2
-calendar_DEPENDS=	misc/php${PHP_VER}-calendar
-crack_DEPENDS=	security/php${PHP_VER}-crack
-ctype_DEPENDS=	textproc/php${PHP_VER}-ctype
-curl_DEPENDS=	ftp/php${PHP_VER}-curl
-dba_DEPENDS=	databases/php${PHP_VER}-dba
-dbase_DEPENDS=	databases/php${PHP_VER}-dbase
-dbx_DEPENDS=	databases/php${PHP_VER}-dbx
-dio_DEPENDS=	devel/php${PHP_VER}-dio
-dom_DEPENDS=	textproc/php${PHP_VER}-dom
-domxml_DEPENDS=	textproc/php${PHP_VER}-domxml
-exif_DEPENDS=	graphics/php${PHP_VER}-exif
-fileinfo_DEPENDS=	sysutils/pecl-fileinfo
-filter_DEPENDS=	security/pecl-filter
-ftp_DEPENDS=	ftp/php${PHP_VER}-ftp
-gd_DEPENDS=	graphics/php${PHP_VER}-gd
-gmp_DEPENDS=	math/php${PHP_VER}-gmp
-hash_DEPENDS=	security/pecl-hash
-iconv_DEPENDS=	converters/php${PHP_VER}-iconv
-imap_DEPENDS=	mail/php${PHP_VER}-imap
-interbase_DEPENDS=	databases/php${PHP_VER}-interbase
-json_DEPENDS=	devel/pecl-json
-ldap_DEPENDS=	net/php${PHP_VER}-ldap
-mbstring_DEPENDS=	converters/php${PHP_VER}-mbstring
-mcal_DEPENDS=	misc/php${PHP_VER}-mcal
-mcrypt_DEPENDS=	security/php${PHP_VER}-mcrypt
-mcve_DEPENDS=	devel/php${PHP_VER}-mcve
-memcache_DEPENDS=	databases/pecl-memcache
-mhash_DEPENDS=	security/php${PHP_VER}-mhash
-ming_DEPENDS=	graphics/php${PHP_VER}-ming
-mnogosearch_DEPENDS=	www/php${PHP_VER}-mnogosearch
-mssql_DEPENDS=	databases/php${PHP_VER}-mssql
-mysql_DEPENDS=	databases/php${PHP_VER}-mysql
-mysqli_DEPENDS=	databases/php${PHP_VER}-mysqli
-oci8_DEPENDS=	databases/php${PHP_VER}-oci8
-odbc_DEPENDS=	databases/php${PHP_VER}-odbc
-oracle_DEPENDS=	databases/php${PHP_VER}-oracle
-pcntl_DEPENDS=	devel/php${PHP_VER}-pcntl
-pcre_DEPENDS=	devel/php${PHP_VER}-pcre
-pdf_DEPENDS=	print/pecl-pdflib
-pdo_DEPENDS=	databases/php${PHP_VER}-pdo
-pdo_sqlite_DEPENDS=	databases/php${PHP_VER}-pdo_sqlite
-pfpro_DEPENDS=	finance/php${PHP_VER}-pfpro
-pgsql_DEPENDS=	databases/php${PHP_VER}-pgsql
-posix_DEPENDS=	sysutils/php${PHP_VER}-posix
-pspell_DEPENDS=	textproc/php${PHP_VER}-pspell
-radius_DEPENDS=	net/pecl-radius
-readline_DEPENDS=	devel/php${PHP_VER}-readline
-recode_DEPENDS=	converters/php${PHP_VER}-recode
-shmop_DEPENDS=	devel/php${PHP_VER}-shmop
-simplexml_DEPENDS=	textproc/php${PHP_VER}-simplexml
-snmp_DEPENDS=	net-mgmt/php${PHP_VER}-snmp
-soap_DEPENDS=	net/php${PHP_VER}-soap
-spl_DEPENDS=	devel/php${PHP_VER}-spl
-sqlite_DEPENDS=	databases/php${PHP_VER}-sqlite
-sybase_ct_DEPENDS=	databases/php${PHP_VER}-sybase_ct
-tidy_DEPENDS=	www/php${PHP_VER}-tidy
-tokenizer_DEPENDS=	devel/php${PHP_VER}-tokenizer
-wddx_DEPENDS=	textproc/php${PHP_VER}-wddx
-xml_DEPENDS=	textproc/php${PHP_VER}-xml
-xmlreader_DEPENDS=	textproc/php${PHP_VER}-xmlreader
-xmlrpc_DEPENDS=	net/php${PHP_VER}-xmlrpc
-xmlwriter_DEPENDS=	textproc/php${PHP_VER}-xmlwriter
-xsl_DEPENDS=	textproc/php${PHP_VER}-xsl
-xslt_DEPENDS=	textproc/php${PHP_VER}-xslt
-yaz_DEPENDS=	net/pecl-yaz
-yp_DEPENDS=	net/php${PHP_VER}-yp
-zip_DEPENDS=	archivers/pecl-zip
-zlib_DEPENDS=	archivers/php${PHP_VER}-zlib
-.	for extension in ${USE_PHP}
-.		if ${_USE_PHP_VER${PHP_VER}:M${extension}} != ""
-.			if ${PHP_EXT_INC:M${extension}} == ""
-.				if defined(USE_PHP_BUILD)
-BUILD_DEPENDS+=	${LOCALBASE}/lib/php/${PHP_EXT_DIR}/${extension}.so:${PORTSDIR}/${${extension}_DEPENDS}
-.				endif
-RUN_DEPENDS+=	${LOCALBASE}/lib/php/${PHP_EXT_DIR}/${extension}.so:${PORTSDIR}/${${extension}_DEPENDS}
-.			endif
-.		else
-isyes=		${extension}
-.			if ${isyes:L} != "yes"
-				@${ECHO_CMD} "Unknown extension ${extension} for PHP ${PHP_VER}."
-				@${FALSE}
-.			endif
-.		endif
-.	endfor
--- Mk/bsd.gcc.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-#-*- mode: Fundamental; tab-width: 4; -*-
-# ex:ts=4
-# bsd.gcc.mk - Support for smarter USE_GCC usage.
-# Created by: Edwin Groothuis <edwin at freebsd.org>
-# For port developers:
-# If your port needs a specific version of GCC, you can easily specify
-# that with the "USE_GCC=" statement. If you need a certain minimal version,
-# but don't care if about the upperversion, just the + sign behind
-# the version.
-# For example:
-#	USE_GCC=	4.1		# port requires GCC 4.1 to build with.
-#	USE_GCC=	3.4+	# port requires GCC 3.4 or later to build with.
-# If you are wondering what your port exactly does, use "make test-gcc"
-# to see some debugging.
-# $MidnightBSD: mports/Mk/bsd.gcc.mk,v 1.6 2008/05/09 17:41:42 laffer1 Exp $
-# $FreeBSD: ports/Mk/bsd.gcc.mk,v 1.8 2006/07/05 02:18:08 linimon Exp $
-GCC_Include_MAINTAINER=		portmgr at MidnightBSD.org
-# All GCC versions supported by the ports framework.
-# Please keep them in ascending order.
-GCCVERSIONS=	030402 040100 040200 040300
-# Versions of GCC shipped.
-# The first field if the OSVERSION in which it appeared in the base system.
-# The second field is the OSVERSION in which it disappeared from
-# the base system.
-# The third field is the version as USE_GCC would use.
-GCCVERSION_030402=	502126 999999 3.4
-GCCVERSION_040100=	999999 999999 4.1
-GCCVERSION_040200=	999999 999999 4.2
-GCCVERSION_040300=	999999 999999 4.3
-# No configurable parts below this.
-# See if we can use a later version
-_USE_GCC:=	${USE_GCC:S/+//}
-.if ${USE_GCC} != ${_USE_GCC}
-_GCC_ORLATER:=	true
-# Extract the fields from GCCVERSION_ and check if USE_GCC points to a valid
-# version.
-.for v in ${GCCVERSIONS}
-. for j in ${GCCVERSION_${v}}
-.  if !defined(_GCCVERSION_${v}_L)
-_GCCVERSION_${v}_L=	${j}
-.  elif !defined(_GCCVERSION_${v}_R)
-_GCCVERSION_${v}_R=	${j}
-.  elif !defined(_GCCVERSION_${v}_V)
-_GCCVERSION_${v}_V=	${j}
-.   if ${_USE_GCC}==${j}
-.   endif
-.  endif
-. endfor
-.if !defined(_GCCVERSION_OKAY)
-IGNORE=	Unknown version of GCC specified (USE_GCC=${USE_GCC})
-# Determine current GCCVERSION
-.for v in ${GCCVERSIONS}
-. if exists(${LOCALBASE}/bin/gcc${_GCCVERSION_${v}_V:S/.//})
-_GCC_FOUND${v}=	port
-. endif
-. if ${OSVERSION} >= ${_GCCVERSION_${v}_L} && ${OSVERSION} < ${_GCCVERSION_${v}_R}
-_GCCVERSION:=		${v}
-_GCC_FOUND${v}:=	base
-. endif
-.if !defined(_GCCVERSION)
-IGNORE=		Couldn't find your current GCCVERSION (OSVERSION=${OSVERSION})
-# If the GCC package defined in USE_GCC does not exist, but a later
-# version is allowed (for example 3.4+), see if there is a later.
-# First check if the base installed version is good enough, otherwise
-# get the first available version.
-.if defined(_GCC_ORLATER)
-. for v in ${GCCVERSIONS}
-.  if ${_USE_GCC} == ${_GCCVERSION_${v}_V}
-_GCC_MIN1:=	true
-.  endif
-.  if defined(_GCC_MIN1) && defined(_GCC_FOUND${v}) && ${_GCC_FOUND${v}}=="base" && !defined(_GCC_FOUND)
-.  endif
-. endfor
-. for v in ${GCCVERSIONS}
-.  if ${_USE_GCC} == ${_GCCVERSION_${v}_V}
-_GCC_MIN2:=	true
-.  endif
-.  if defined(_GCC_MIN2) && defined(_GCC_FOUND${v}) && !defined(_GCC_FOUND)
-.  endif
-. endfor
-.if defined(_GCC_FOUND)
-# Determine if the installed OS already has this GCCVERSION, and if not
-# then set BUILD_DEPENDS, CC, CXX, F77, and FC.
-.for v in ${GCCVERSIONS}
-. if ${_USE_GCC} == ${_GCCVERSION_${v}_V}
-.  if ${OSVERSION} < ${_GCCVERSION_${v}_L} || ${OSVERSION} > ${_GCCVERSION_${v}_R}
-# If Fortran support is requested, regardless of the value of USE_GCC
-# we use lang/gcc42 which is the first release which features the new
-# Fortran frontend and has Fortran enabled by default.
-.   if defined(WITH_FORTRAN)
-V:=			42
-_GCC_PORT_DEPENDS:=	gfortran${V}
-V:=			${_GCCVERSION_${v}_V:S/.//}
-.   endif
-CC:=			gcc${V}
-CXX:=			g++${V}
-# Up to GCC 4.0, we had g77, g77-33, g77-34, and the like.  Starting
-# with GCC 4.0, we have gfortran, gfortran40, gfortran41, and the like.
-.   if ${_USE_GCC} < 4.0
-F77:=			g77-${V}
-FC:=			${F77}
-.   else
-FC:=			gfortran${V}
-F77:=			${FC}
-.   endif
-.  endif
-. endif
-.undef V
-.if defined(_GCC_BUILD_DEPENDS)
-MAKE_ENV+=	CC="${CC}" CXX="${CXX}" F77="${F77}" FC="${FC}"
-	@echo USE_GCC=${USE_GCC}
-.if defined(_GCC_ORLATER)
-	@echo Port can use later versions.
-	@echo Port cannot use later versions.
-.for v in ${GCCVERSIONS}
-	@echo -n "GCC version: ${_GCCVERSION_${v}_V} "
-.if defined(_GCC_FOUND${v})
-	@echo -n "(${_GCC_FOUND${v}}) "
-	@echo "- OSVERSION from ${_GCCVERSION_${v}_L} to ${_GCCVERSION_${v}_R}"
-#	@echo ${v} - ${_GCC_FOUND${v}} - ${_GCCVERSION_${v}_L} to ${_GCCVERSION_${v}_R} - ${_GCCVERSION_${v}_V}
-	@echo Using GCC version ${_USE_GCC}
-	@echo CC:${CC} - CXX:${CXX} - F77:${F77} - FC:${FC} - BUILD_DEPENDS:${BUILD_DEPENDS}
--- Mk/bsd.python.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,582 +0,0 @@
-# -*- mode: Makefile; tab-width: 4; -*-
-# ex: ts=4
-# $MidnightBSD: mports/Mk/bsd.python.mk,v 1.16 2008/10/02 20:05:46 laffer1 Exp $
-# $FreeBSD: ports/Mk/bsd.python.mk,v 1.81 2006/08/04 12:34:41 erwin Exp $
-.if !defined(_POSTMKINCLUDED) && !defined(Python_Pre_Include)
-Python_Pre_Include=			bsd.python.mk
-Python_Include_MAINTAINER=	ports at MidnightBSD.org
-# This file contains some variable definitions that are supposed to
-# make your life easier when dealing with ports related to the Python
-# language. It's automatically included when USE_PYTHON or PYTHON_VERSION
-# is defined in the ports' makefile. Define PYTHON_VERSION to override the
-# defaults that USE_PYTHON would give you. If your port requires only some
-# set of Python versions, you can define USE_PYTHON as [min]-[max] or
-# min+. (eg. 2.1-2.3, 2.0+ or -2.2)
-# The variables:
-# PYTHONBASE:	Python port's installation prefix.
-#				default: ${LOCALBASE}
-# PYTHON_CMD:	Python's command line file name, including the version
-#				number (used for dependencies).
-#				default: ${PYTHONBASE}/bin/${PYTHON_VERSION}
-# PYTHON_DISTFILE:	The ${DISTFILE} for your python version. Needed for
-#					extensions like Tkinter, py-gdbm and py-expat, which
-#					are built from sources contained in the Python
-#					distribution.
-# PYTHON_MASTER_SITES:	The ${MASTER_SITES} for your python version. (You must
-#						use this instead of ${MASTER_SITE_PYTHON} to support
-#						python-devel port.)
-#								version.
-# PYTHON_INCLUDEDIR:	Location of the Python include files.
-#						default: ${PYTHONBASE}/include/${PYTHON_VERSION}
-# PYTHON_LIBDIR:	Base of the python library tree
-#					default: ${PYTHONBASE}/lib/${PYTHON_VERSION}
-# PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX:	Use this as a ${PKGNAMEPREFIX} to distinguish
-#						packages for different Python versions.
-#						default: py${PYTHON_SUFFIX}-
-# PYTHON_PKGNAMESUFFIX:	If your port's name is more popular without `py-'
-#						prefix, use this as a ${PKGNAMESUFFIX} alternatively.
-#						default: -py${PYTHON_SUFFIX}
-# PYTHON_PLATFORM:	Python's idea of the OS release.
-#					XXX This is faked with ${OPSYS} and ${OSREL} until I
-#					find out how to delay defining a variable until after
-#					a certain target has been built.
-# PYTHON_PORTSDIR:	The source of your binary's port. Needed for the
-# PYTHON_PORTVERSION:	Version number suitable for ${PORTVERSION}.
-# PYTHON_REL:		Version number in numerical format, to ease
-#					comparison in makefiles
-# PYTHON_SITELIBDIR:	Location of the site-packages tree. Don't change,
-#					unless you know what you do.
-#						default: ${PYTHON_LIBDIR}/site-packages
-# PYTHON_SUFFIX:	Yet another short version number, primarily intended
-# PYTHON_VERSION:	Version of the python binary in your ${PATH}, in the
-#					format "python2.0".	Set this in your makefile in case you
-#					want to build extensions with an older binary.
-#					default: depends on the version of your python binary
-# PYTHON_WRKSRC:	The ${WRKSRC} for your python version. Needed for
-#					extensions like Tkinter, py-gdbm and py-expat, which
-#					are built from sources contained in the Python
-#					distribution.
-# There are PREFIX-clean variants of the PYTHON_*DIR variables above.
-# They are meant to be used in the installation targets.
-# PYDISTUTILS:	Dependency line for the distutils extension. As of Python-2.0,
-#				the distutils are in the base distribution.
-# PYNUMERIC:	Dependency line for the numeric extension. Py-Numeric-17
-#				is the last release that works with Python versions older
-#				than 1.6.
-# PYXML:		Dependency line for the XML extension. As of Python-2.0,
-#				this extension is in the base distribution.
-# USE_PYTHON_PREFIX:	Says that the port installs in ${PYTHONBASE}.
-# USE_PYDISTUTILS:	Use distutils as do-configure, do-build and do-install
-#					targets.
-# PYDISTUTILS_CONFIGURE_TARGET:	Pass this command to distutils on configure
-#								stage.	default: config
-# PYDISTUTILS_BUILD_TARGET:	Pass this command to distutils on build stage.
-#							default: build
-# PYDISTUTILS_INSTALL_TARGET:	Pass this command to distutils on install
-#								stage.	default: install
-# PYDISTUTILS_CONFIGUREARGS:	Arguments to config with distutils.
-#								default: <empty>
-# PYDISTUTILS_BUILDARGS:	Arguments to build with distutils.
-#							default: <empty>
-# PYDISTUTILS_INSTALLARGS:	Arguments to install with distutils.
-#							default: -c -O1 --prefix=${PREFIX}
-# PYSETUP:		Name of the setup script used by the distutils package.
-#				default: setup.py
-# USE_TWISTED:	If this option is just yes then build and run
-#				the dependence to twistedCore is added. Alternatively here
-#				can be listed specific components of twisted framework, 
-#				available components are: web, web2, lore, news, words, pair,
-#				mail, names, xish, runner, flow and conch. Note that 
-#				core component is required for any of this optional components.
-# USE_TWISTED_BUILD:		Same as previous but add only build dependency.
-# USE_TWISTED_RUN:			Same as USE_TWISTED but add only run dependency.
-# USE_ZOPE:		Use Zope - an object-based web application platform, this
-#				also sets up ZOPEBASEDIR - relative base directory of zope 
-#				server, SZOPEBASEDIR - absolute base directory of zope that
-#				is ${LOCALBASE}/${SZOPEBASEDIR} by default, 
-#				ZOPEPRODUCTDIR - directory, where products for zope can be 
-#				found.
-# ZOPE_VERSION:	Version of zope that will be used in the port. Set this in
-#				your /etc/make.conf in case you want to use a specific
-#				version of zope.
-## Default Python version set to 2.4
-_PYTHON_ALLBRANCHES=	2.4 2.5 2.3 # preferred first
-_ZOPE_ALLBRANCHES=		2.7 2.8 2.9 3.2
-# Determine version number of Zope to use
-.if defined(USE_ZOPE)
-.if defined(ZOPE_VERSION)
-# Validate Zope version whether it meets USE_ZOPE version restriction.
-_ZOPE_VERSION_CHECK:=		${USE_ZOPE:C/^([1-9]\.[0-9])$/\1-\1/}
-_ZOPE_VERSION_MINIMUM_TMP:=	${_ZOPE_VERSION_CHECK:C/([1-9]\.[0-9])[-+].*/\1/}
-.if !empty(_ZOPE_VERSION_MINIMUM) && ( \
-.elif !empty(_ZOPE_VERSION_MAXIMUM) && ( \
-# If we have an unsupported version of Zope, try another.
-.if defined(ZOPE_VERSION)
-					But you specified ${_ZOPE_VERSION}
-.for ver in ${_ZOPE_ALLBRANCHES}
-__VER=		${ver}
-.if !defined(_ZOPE_VERSION) && \
-	!(!empty(_ZOPE_VERSION_MINIMUM) && ( \
-		${__VER} < ${_ZOPE_VERSION_MINIMUM})) && \
-	!(!empty(_ZOPE_VERSION_MAXIMUM) && ( \
-_ZOPE_VERSION=	${ver}
-.if !defined(_ZOPE_VERSION)
-IGNORE=				needs an unsupported version of Zope
-_ZOPE_VERSION=	${_ZOPE_PORTBRANCH} # just to avoid version sanity checking.
-.endif	# defined(ZOPE_VERSION)
-.if ${ZOPE_VERSION} == "2.7"
-PYTHON_VERSION=         python2.3
-PYTHON_VERSION=         python2.4
-.endif	# defined(USE_ZOPE)
-# Determine version number of Python to use
-.if defined(PYTHON_VERSION)
-# Determine the currently installed version. If Python is not installed, a
-# default version number is substituted and the corresponding Python
-# distribution will be built through the dependency processing.
-.if defined(PYTHON_CMD)
-_PYTHON_CMD=		${LOCALBASE}/bin/python
-.	if defined(PACKAGE_BUILDING)
-.   else
-					'import sys; print sys.version[:3]' 2> /dev/null \
-					|| ${ECHO_CMD} ${_PYTHON_PORTBRANCH}) | ${TAIL} -n 1
-.	endif # defined(PACKAGE_BUILDING)
-.endif	# defined(PYTHON_VERSION)
-.if !defined(USE_PYTHON)
-.if defined(USE_PYTHON_BUILD)
-.elif defined(USE_PYTHON_RUN)
-.endif	# defined(USE_PYTHON_BUILD)
-.endif	# !defined(USE_PYTHON)
-# Validate Python version whether it meets USE_PYTHON version restriction.
-_PYTHON_VERSION_CHECK:=			${USE_PYTHON:C/^([1-9]\.[0-9])$/\1-\1/}
-.if !empty(_PYTHON_VERSION_MINIMUM) && ( \
-.elif !empty(_PYTHON_VERSION_MAXIMUM) && ( \
-# If we have an unsupported version of Python, try another.
-.if defined(PYTHON_VERSION) || defined(PYTHON_CMD)
-					But you specified ${_PYTHON_VERSION}
-.for ver in ${_PYTHON_ALLBRANCHES}
-__VER=		${ver}
-.if !defined(_PYTHON_VERSION) && \
-	!(!empty(_PYTHON_VERSION_MINIMUM) && ( \
-		${__VER} < ${_PYTHON_VERSION_MINIMUM})) && \
-	!(!empty(_PYTHON_VERSION_MAXIMUM) && ( \
-_PYTHON_CMD=		${LOCALBASE}/bin/python${ver}
-.if !defined(_PYTHON_VERSION)
-IGNORE=				needs an unsupported version of Python
-_PYTHON_VERSION=	${_PYTHON_PORTBRANCH} # just to avoid version sanity checking.
-.endif	# defined(PYTHON_VERSION) || defined(PYTHON_CMD)
-.if defined(PACKAGE_BUILDING)
-PYTHONBASE!=		(${PYTHON_CMD} -c 'import sys; print sys.prefix' \
-						2> /dev/null || ${ECHO_CMD} ${LOCALBASE}) | ${TAIL} -1
-_PYTHON_PORTVERSION!=	(${PYTHON_CMD} -c 'import string, sys; \
-							print string.split(sys.version)[0].replace("b",".b")' 2> /dev/null) | ${TAIL} -1
-# Propagate the chosen python version to submakes.
-# Python-2.5
-.if ${PYTHON_VERSION} == "python2.6"
-PYTHON_PORTSDIR=        ${PORTSDIR}/lang/python26
-PYTHON_REL=                     260
-PYTHON_SUFFIX=          26
-.elif ${PYTHON_VERSION} == "python2.5"
-PYTHON_REL=			252
-# Python-2.4
-.elif ${PYTHON_VERSION} == "python2.4"
-PYTHON_REL=			245
-# Python-2.3
-.elif ${PYTHON_VERSION} == "python2.3"
-PYTHON_REL=			237
-# Python versions in development
-.elif defined(FORCE_PYTHON_VERSION)
-PYTHON_REL!=		${PYTHON_CMD} -c 'import sys; h = "%x" % sys.hexversion; \
-						print h[0]+h[2]+h[4]'
-PYTHON_SUFFIX!=		${PYTHON_CMD} -c 'import sys; h = "%x" % sys.hexversion; \
-						print h[0]+h[2]'
-	@${ECHO} "Makefile error: bad value for PYTHON_VERSION: ${PYTHON_VERSION}."
-	@${ECHO} "Legal values are:"
-	@${ECHO} "  python2.3"
-	@${ECHO} "  python2.4 (default)"
-	@${ECHO} "  python2.5"
-	@${FALSE}
-.if defined(PYTHON_REL) && ${PYTHON_REL} == 250
-.elif defined(PYTHON_REL) && ${PYTHON_REL} == 260
-PYTHON_MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR=      ftp/python/2.6
-PYTHON_DISTFILE=                        Python-2.6.tar.bz2
-PYTHON_WRKSRC=                          ${WRKDIR}/Python-2.6
-.endif	# defined(PYTHON_REL) && ${PYTHON_REL} == 250
-PYSETUP?=				setup.py
-# Zope-related variables
-.if defined(USE_ZOPE)
-.if ${ZOPE_VERSION} == "3.2"
-SZOPEBASEDIR?=			www/Zope3
-.elif ${ZOPE_VERSION} == "2.9"
-SZOPEBASEDIR?=			www/Zope29
-ZOPE_PORTSDIR=			${PORTSDIR}/www/zope29
-.elif ${ZOPE_VERSION} == "2.8"
-SZOPEBASEDIR?=			www/Zope28
-ZOPE_PORTSDIR=			${PORTSDIR}/www/zope28
-.elif ${ZOPE_VERSION} == "2.7"
-SZOPEBASEDIR?=			www/Zope
-	@${ECHO} "Makefile error: bad value for ZOPE_VERSION: ${ZOPE_VERSION}."
-	@${ECHO} "Legal values are:	2.7 (default), 2.8, 2.9, 3.2"
-	@${FALSE}
-# Python 3rd-party modules
-PYNUMERIC=		${PYTHON_SITELIBDIR}/Numeric/Numeric.py:${PORTSDIR}/math/py-numeric
-PYXML=			${PYTHON_SITELIBDIR}/_xmlplus/__init__.py:${PORTSDIR}/textproc/py-xml
-.if defined(PYTHON_REL) && ${PYTHON_REL} < 232
-PYEXPAT=		${PYTHON_SITELIBDIR}/pyexpat.so:${PORTSDIR}/textproc/py-expat
-PYEXPAT=		${PYTHON_LIBDIR}/lib-dynload/pyexpat.so:${PYTHON_PORTSDIR}
-# dependencies
-.if defined(USE_PYTHON_BUILD)
-.if defined(USE_PYTHON_RUN)
-.endif		# ${PYTHON_NO_DEPENDS} == "NO"
-.if defined(USE_ZOPE)
-# set $PREFIX as Python's one
-.if defined(USE_PYTHON_PREFIX)
-# Substitutions for pkg-plist
-# Use a short form of the PYTHONPREFIX_*DIR variables; we don't need the
-# base directory in the plist file.
-# Zope specific substitutions
-.if defined(USE_ZOPE)
-# Twisted specific routines
-.if defined(USE_TWISTED) || defined(USE_TWISTED_BUILD) || defined(USE_TWISTED_RUN)
-.if defined(USE_TWISTED_BUILD) && defined(USE_TWISTED_RUN)
-IGNORE=	: USE_TWISTED_BUILD and USE_TWISTED_RUN must have equal values
-. endif
-.if defined(USE_TWISTED)
-. if defined(USE_TWISTED_BUILD)
-. endif
-. if defined(USE_TWISTED_RUN)
-. endif
-.if ${USE_TWISTED} == "20" || ${USE_TWISTED} == "yes"
-. if defined(TWISTED_BUILD_DEP)
-BUILD_DEPENDS+=		${PYTHON_SITELIBDIR}/twisted/__init__.py:${PORTSDIR}/devel/py-twistedCore
-. endif
-. if defined(TWISTED_RUN_DEP)
-RUN_DEPENDS+=		${PYTHON_SITELIBDIR}/twisted/__init__.py:${PORTSDIR}/devel/py-twistedCore
-. endif
-.elif ${USE_TWISTED} == "13"
-. if defined(TWISTED_BUILD_DEP)
-BUILD_DEPENDS+=		${PYTHON_SITELIBDIR}/twisted/__init__.py:${PORTSDIR}/devel/py-twisted
-. endif
-. if defined(TWISTED_RUN_DEP)
-RUN_DEPENDS+=		${PYTHON_SITELIBDIR}/twisted/__init__.py:${PORTSDIR}/devel/py-twisted
-. endif
-# Checking for twisted components 
-_TWISTED_COMPONENTS?=	web web2 lore news words pair mail names xish runner flow conch
-# XXX Should be here other dependencies types?
-web_DEPENDS=	${PYTHON_SITELIBDIR}/twisted/web/__init__.py:${PORTSDIR}/www/py-twistedWeb
-web2_DEPENDS=	${PYTHON_SITELIBDIR}/twisted/web2/__init__.py:${PORTSDIR}/www/py-twistedWeb2
-lor_DEPENDS=	${PYTHON_SITELIBDIR}/twisted/textproc/__init__.py:${PORTSDIR}/textproc/py-twistedLore
-news_DEPENDS=	${PYTHON_SITELIBDIR}/twisted/news/__init__.py:${PORTSDIR}/news/py-twistedNews
-words_DEPENDS=	${PYTHON_SITELIBDIR}/twisted/words/__init__.py:${PORTSDIR}/net-im/py-twistedWords
-pair_DEPENDS=	${PYTHON_SITELIBDIR}/twisted/pair/__init__.py:${PORTSDIR}/net/py-twistedPair
-mail_DEPENDS=	${PYTHON_SITELIBDIR}/twisted/mail/__init__.py:${PORTSDIR}/mail/py-twistedMail
-names_DEPENDS=	${PYTHON_SITELIBDIR}/twisted/names/__init__.py:${PORTSDIR}/dns/py-twistedNames
-xish_DEPENDS=	${PYTHON_SITELIBDIR}/twisted/xish/__init__.py:${PORTSDIR}/devel/py-twistedXish
-runner_RUN_DEPENDS=	${PYTHON_SITELIBDIR}/twisted/runner/__init__.py:${PORTSDIR}/devel/py-twistedRunner
-flow_DEPENDS=	${PYTHON_SITELIBDIR}/twisted/flow/__init__.py:${PORTSDIR}/devel/py-twistedFlow
-conch_DEPENDS=	${PYTHON_SITELIBDIR}/twisted/conch/__init__.py:${PORTSDIR}/security/py-twistedConch
-.for component in ${_TWISTED_COMPONENTS}
-_COMP_TEST=	${USE_TWISTED:M${component}}
-. if ${_COMP_TEST:S/${component}//}!=${_COMP_TEST:S/  / /g}
-.  if defined(TWISTED_BUILD_DEP)
-BUILD_DEPENDS+=	${${component}_DEPENDS}
-.  endif
-.  if defined(TWISTED_RUN_DEP)
-RUN_DEPENDS+=	${${component}_DEPENDS}
-.  endif
-. endif
-# Implicit dependency from core
-.if defined(TWISTED_BUILD_DEP)
-BUILD_DEPENDS+=	${PYTHON_SITELIBDIR}/twisted/__init__.py:${PORTSDIR}/devel/py-twistedCore
-.if defined(TWISTED_RUN_DEP)
-RUN_DEPENDS+=	${PYTHON_SITELIBDIR}/twisted/__init__.py:${PORTSDIR}/devel/py-twistedCore
-.endif # defined(USE_TWISTED)
-# XXX Hm, should I export some of the variables above to *_ENV?
-.endif		# !defined(_POSTMKINCLUDED) && !defined(Python_Pre_Include)
-.if defined(_POSTMKINCLUDED) && !defined(Python_Post_Include)
-Python_Post_Include=			bsd.python.mk
-# don't check precompiled python code.
-# py-distutils support
-.if defined(USE_PYDISTUTILS)
-.if !target(do-configure) && !defined(HAS_CONFIGURE) && !defined(GNU_CONFIGURE)
-.if !target(do-build)
-.if !target(do-install)
-.endif		# defined(USE_PYDISTUTILS)
-.endif		# defined(_POSTMKINCLUDED) && !defined(Python_Post_Include)
--- Mk/bsd.java.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,514 +0,0 @@
-#-*- mode: Fundamental; tab-width: 4; -*-
-# ex:ts=4
-# bsd.java.mk - Support for Java-based ports.
-# $MidnightBSD: mports/Mk/bsd.java.mk,v 1.19 2008/09/15 21:36:09 laffer1 Exp $ 
-# $FreeBSD: ports/Mk/bsd.java.mk,v 1.71 2006/04/24 18:27:45 glewis Exp $
-.if !defined(Java_Include)
-Java_Include=				bsd.java.mk
-Java_Include_MAINTAINER=	ports at MidnightBSD.org
-# Variables that each port can define:
-# USE_JAVA			Should be defined to the remaining variables to have any
-#					effect
-# JAVA_VERSION		List of space-separated suitable java versions for the
-#					port. An optional "+" allows you to specify a range of
-#					versions. (allowed values: 1.3[+] 1.4[+] 1.5[+] 1.6[+])
-# JAVA_OS			List of space-separated suitable JDK port operating systems
-#					for the port. (allowed values: native linux)
-# JAVA_VENDOR		List of space-separated suitable JDK port vendors for the
-#					port. (allowed values: freebsd bsdjava sun blackdown)
-# JAVA_BUILD		When set, it means that the selected JDK port should be
-#					added to build dependencies for the port.
-# JAVA_RUN			This variable works exactly the same as JAVA_BUILD but
-#					regarding run dependencies.
-# USE_JIKES			Whether the port should or should not use jikes(1) to build.
-#					See Stage 6 header for further detail.
-# USE_ANT			Should be defined when the port uses Apache Ant. Ant is thus
-#					considered to be the sub-make command. When no 'do-build'
-#					target is defined by the port, a default one will be set
-#					that simply runs Ant according to MAKE_ENV, MAKE_ARGS and
-#					ALL_TARGET. Read the documentation in bsd.port.mk for more
-#					information.
-# Variables defined for the port:
-# JAVA_PORT			The name of the JDK port. (e.g. 'java/jdk14')
-# JAVA_PORT_VERSION	The version of the JDK port. (e.g. '1.4')
-# JAVA_PORT_OS		The operating system used by the JDK port. (e.g. 'linux')
-# JAVA_PORT_VENDOR	The vendor of the JDK port. (e.g. 'sun')
-# JAVA_PORT_OS_DESCRIPTION		Description of the operating system used by the
-#								JDK port. (e.g. 'Linux')
-# JAVA_PORT_VENDOR_DESCRIPTION	Description of the vendor of the JDK port.
-#								(e.g. 'FreeBSD Foundation')
-# JAVA_HOME			Path to the installation directory of the JDK. (e.g.
-#					'/usr/local/jdk1.3.1')
-# JAVAC				Path to the Java compiler to use. (e.g.
-#					'/usr/local/jdk1.5.0/bin/javac' or '/usr/local/bin/jikes')
-# JAR				Path to the JAR tool to use. (e.g.
-#					'/usr/local/jdk1.5.0/bin/jar' or '/usr/local/bin/fastjar')
-# APPLETVIEWER		Path to the appletviewer utility. (e.g.
-#					'/usr/local/linux-jdk1.3.1/bin/appletviewer')
-# JAVA				Path to the java executable. Use this for executing Java
-#					programs. (e.g. '/usr/local/jdk1.3.1/bin/java')
-# JAVADOC			Path to the javadoc utility program.
-# JAVAH				Path to the javah program.
-# JAVAP				Path to the javap program.
-# JAVA_KEYTOOL		Path to the keytool utility program.
-# JAVA_N2A			Path to the native2ascii tool.
-# JAVA_POLICYTOOL	Path to the policytool program.
-# JAVA_SERIALVER	Path to the serialver utility program.
-# RMIC				Path to the RMI stub/skeleton generator, rmic.
-# RMIREGISTRY		Path to the RMI registry program, rmiregistry.
-# RMID				Path to the RMI daemon program.
-# JAVA_CLASSES		Path to the archive that contains the JDK class files. On
-#					most JDKs, this is ${JAVA_HOME}/jre/lib/rt.jar.
-# JAVASHAREDIR		The base directory for all shared Java resources.
-# JAVAJARDIR		The directory where a port should install JAR files.
-# JAVALIBDIR		The directory where JAR files installed by other ports
-#					are located.
-# HAVE_JIKES		Defined and set to "yes" whenever the port will effectively
-#					use Jikes. See stage 6 header for further detail.
-# Porter's hints
-# To retrieve the Major version number from JAVA_PORT_VERSION (e.g. "1.3"):
-#		-> ${JAVA_PORT_VERSION:C/^([0-9])\.([0-9])(.*)$/\1.\2/}
-# There are the following stages:
-# Stage 1: Define constants
-# Stage 2: Determine which JDK ports are installed and which JDK ports are
-#		   suitable
-# Stage 3: Decide the exact JDK to use (or install)
-# Stage 4: Add any dependencies if necessary
-# Stage 5: Define all settings for the port to use
-.	if defined(USE_JAVA)
-# Stage 1: Define constants
-# System-global directories
-# NB: If the value of JAVALIBDIR is altered here it must also be altered
-#	  in java/javavmwrapper/Makefile.
-JAVASHAREDIR?=	${PREFIX}/share/java
-JAVALIBDIR?=	${LOCALBASE}/share/java/classes
-# Add appropriate substitutions to PLIST_SUB and LIST_SUB
-.		if defined(JAVA_VERSION)
-.		endif
-.		if defined(JAVA_VENDOR)
-.		endif
-.		if defined(JAVA_OS)
-.		endif
-# The complete list of Java versions, os and vendors supported.
-__JAVA_VERSION_LIST=	1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6
-_JAVA_OS_LIST=			native linux
-_JAVA_VENDOR_LIST=		freebsd bsdjava sun blackdown
-# Set all meta-information about JDK ports:
-# port location, corresponding JAVA_HOME, JDK version, OS, vendor
-_JAVA_PORT_NATIVE_FREEBSD_JDK_1_5_INFO=		PORT=java/diablo-jdk15			HOME=${LOCALBASE}/diablo-jdk1.5.0 \
-											VERSION=1.5.0	OS=native	VENDOR=freebsd
-_JAVA_PORT_NATIVE_BSDJAVA_JDK_1_4_INFO=		PORT=java/jdk14					HOME=${LOCALBASE}/jdk1.4.2 \
-											VERSION=1.4.2	OS=native	VENDOR=bsdjava
-_JAVA_PORT_NATIVE_BSDJAVA_JDK_1_5_INFO=		PORT=java/jdk15					HOME=${LOCALBASE}/jdk1.5.0 \
-											VERSION=1.5.0	OS=native	VENDOR=bsdjava
-_JAVA_PORT_NATIVE_BSDJAVA_JDK_1_6_INFO=		PORT=java/jdk16					HOME=${LOCALBASE}/jdk1.6.0 \
-											VERSION=1.6.0	OS=native	VENDOR=bsdjava
-_JAVA_PORT_LINUX_BLACKDOWN_JDK_1_4_INFO=	PORT=java/linux-blackdown-jdk14	HOME=${LOCALBASE}/linux-blackdown-jdk1.4.2 \
-											VERSION=1.4.2	OS=linux	VENDOR=blackdown
-_JAVA_PORT_LINUX_SUN_JDK_1_3_INFO=			PORT=java/linux-sun-jdk13		HOME=${LOCALBASE}/linux-sun-jdk1.3.1 \
-											VERSION=1.3.1	OS=linux	VENDOR=sun
-_JAVA_PORT_LINUX_SUN_JDK_1_4_INFO=			PORT=java/linux-sun-jdk14		HOME=${LOCALBASE}/linux-sun-jdk1.4.2 \
-											VERSION=1.4.2	OS=linux	VENDOR=sun
-_JAVA_PORT_LINUX_SUN_JDK_1_5_INFO=			PORT=java/linux-sun-jdk15		HOME=${LOCALBASE}/linux-sun-jdk1.5.0 \
-											VERSION=1.5.0	OS=linux	VENDOR=sun
-_JAVA_PORT_LINUX_SUN_JDK_1_6_INFO=			PORT=java/linux-sun-jdk16		HOME=${LOCALBASE}/linux-sun-jdk1.6.0 \
-											VERSION=1.6.0	OS=linux	VENDOR=sun
-# Verbose description for each VENDOR
-_JAVA_VENDOR_freebsd=		"FreeBSD Foundation"
-_JAVA_VENDOR_bsdjava=		"BSD Java Porting Team"
-_JAVA_VENDOR_blackdown=		Blackdown
-_JAVA_VENDOR_sun=		Sun
-# Verbose description for each OS
-_JAVA_OS_native=	Native
-_JAVA_OS_linux=		Linux
-# Enforce preferred Java ports according to OS
-.		if (${ARCH} == "amd64") || (${ARCH} == "i386")
-.			if defined(PACKAGE_BUILDING) 
-.			else
-.			endif
-.		else
-.		endif
-# List all JDK ports
-					${__JAVA_PORTS_ALL}
-# Set the name of the file that indicates that a JDK is indeed installed, as a
-# relative path within the JAVA_HOME directory.
-# Set the path to Jikes and define the Jikes dependency
-_JIKES_PATH=	${LOCALBASE}/bin/jikes
-# Stage 2: Determine which JDK ports are suitable and which JDK ports are
-# suitable
-# From here, the port is using bsd.java.mk v2.0
-.			if defined(${variable})
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "${PKGNAME}: Environment error: \"${variable}\" should not be defined."
-	@${FALSE}
-.			endif
-.		endfor
-# Error checking: JAVA_VERSION
-								| ${GREP} -v "${_JAVA_VERSION_LIST_REGEXP}" || true
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "${PKGNAME}: Makefile error: \"${JAVA_VERSION}\" is not a valid value for JAVA_VERSION. It should be one or more of: ${__JAVA_VERSION_LIST} (with an optional \"+\" suffix.)";
-	@${FALSE}
-.		endif
-# Error checking: JAVA_VENDOR
-								| ${GREP} -v "${_JAVA_VENDOR_LIST_REGEXP}" || true
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "${PKGNAME}: Makefile error: \"${JAVA_VENDOR}\" is not a valid value for JAVA_VENDOR. It should be one or more of: ${_JAVA_VENDOR_LIST}";
-	@${FALSE}
-.		endif
-# Error checking: JAVA_OS
-_JAVA_OS_LIST_REGEXP!=		${ECHO_CMD} "${_JAVA_OS_LIST}" | ${SED} "s/ /\\\|/g"
-_ERROR_CHECKING_JAVA_OS!=	${ECHO_CMD} "${JAVA_OS}" | ${TR} " " "\n" \
-							| ${GREP} -v "${_JAVA_OS_LIST_REGEXP}" || true
-.		if (${_ERROR_CHECKING_JAVA_OS} != "")
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "${PKGNAME}: Makefile error: \"${JAVA_OS}\" is not a valid value for JAVA_OS. It should be one or more of: ${_JAVA_OS_LIST}";
-	@${FALSE}
-.		endif
-# Set default values for JAVA_BUILD and JAVA_RUN
-# When nothing is set, assume JAVA_BUILD=jdk and JAVA_RUN=jre
-# (unless NO_BUILD is set)
-.		if !defined(JAVA_EXTRACT) && !defined(JAVA_BUILD) && !defined(JAVA_RUN)
-.			if !defined(NO_BUILD)
-.			endif
-JAVA_RUN=	jre
-.		endif
-# JDK dependency setting
-.		if defined(JAVA_VERSION)
-_JAVA_VERSION=	${JAVA_VERSION:S/1.1+/1.3+/:S/1.2+/1.3+/:S/1.3+/1.3 1.4+/:S/1.4+/1.4 1.5+/:S/1.5+/1.5 1.6+/:S/1.6+/1.6/}
-.		else
-.		endif
-.		if defined(JAVA_OS)
-.		else
-.		endif
-.		if defined(JAVA_VENDOR)
-.		else
-.		endif
-A_JAVA_PORT_INFO:=			${A_JAVA_PORT:S/^/\${_/:S/$/_INFO}/}
-A_JAVA_PORT_VERSION=		${A_JAVA_PORT_INFO:MVERSION=*:C/VERSION=([0-9])\.([0-9])(.*)/\1.\2/}
-							&& ${ECHO_CMD} "${A_JAVA_PORT}" \
-							|| ${TRUE}
-							&& ${ECHO_CMD} "${_JAVA_OS}" | ${GREP} -q "${A_JAVA_PORT_OS}" \
-							&& ${ECHO_CMD} "${_JAVA_VENDOR}" | ${GREP} -q "${A_JAVA_PORT_VENDOR}" \
-							&& ${ECHO_CMD} "${A_JAVA_PORT}" \
-							|| ${TRUE}
-.		endfor
-# Stage 3: Decide the exact JDK to use (or install)
-# Find an installed JDK port that matches the requirements of the port
-									&& ${ECHO_CMD} "${A_JAVA_PORT}" || ${TRUE}
-.		endfor
-				| ${AWK} '{ print $$1 }'
-# If no installed JDK port fits, then pick one from the list of possible ones
-.		else
-				| ${AWK} '{ print $$1 }'
-.		endif
-_JAVA_PORT_INFO:=		${_JAVA_PORT:S/^/\${_/:S/$/_INFO}/}
-# Stage 4: Add any dependencies if necessary
-# Jikes support: If USE_JIKES is set to YES, then use Jikes. If USE_JIKES is
-# set to NO, then don't use it. If it is set to a different value, then fail
-# with an error message. Otherwise USE_JIKES is not set, in which case it is
-# checked if Jikes is already installed. If it is, then it will be used,
-# otherwise it will not be used.
-# As a result, HAVE_JIKES is defined and set to "yes" when Jikes is used by the
-# port according to the above policy.
-.		undef HAVE_JIKES
-# Enforce USE_JIKES=NO if not defined and using Java 1.5+
-# XXX: This is a temporary fix to be removed when Jikes supports Java 1.5
-.		if (${JAVA_PORT_VERSION:C/^([0-9])\.([0-9])(.*)$/\1.\2/} == "1.5") || \
-           (${JAVA_PORT_VERSION:C/^([0-9])\.([0-9])(.*)$/\1.\2/} == "1.6")
-.		endif
-# First test if USE_JIKES has a valid value
-.		if defined(USE_JIKES) && !(${USE_JIKES:U} == "YES") && !(${USE_JIKES:U} == "NO")
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "${PKGNAME}: Makefile error: \"${USE_JIKES}\" is not a valid value for USE_JIKES. It should be YES or NO, or it should be undefined.";
-	@${FALSE}
-.		endif
-# Then test if jikes is needed or available: -> HAVE_JIKES=yes
-.		if (exists(${_JIKES_PATH}) && (!defined(USE_JIKES) || (${USE_JIKES:U} == "YES"))) \
-			|| (defined(USE_JIKES) && (${USE_JIKES:U} == "YES"))
-.		endif
-# Add jikes port to the dependencies if needed
-.		if !defined(NO_BUILD) && defined(HAVE_JIKES)
-.		endif
-# Ant Support: USE_ANT --> JAVA_BUILD=jdk
-.		if defined(USE_ANT)
-.		endif
-# Add the JDK port to the dependencies
-.		if defined(JAVA_EXTRACT)
-.		endif
-.		if defined(JAVA_BUILD)
-.			if defined(NO_BUILD)
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "${PKGNAME}: Makefile error: JAVA_BUILD and NO_BUILD cannot be set at the same time.";
-	@${FALSE}
-.			endif
-.		endif
-.		if defined(JAVA_RUN)
-.		endif
-# Ant support: default do-build target
-.		if defined(USE_ANT)
-ANT?=				${LOCALBASE}/bin/ant
-.			if defined(HAVE_JIKES)
-MAKE_ARGS+=			-Dbuild.compiler=jikes
-.			endif
-BUILD_DEPENDS+=		${ANT}:${PORTSDIR}/devel/apache-ant
-.			if !target(do-build)
-					@(cd ${BUILD_WRKSRC}; \
-.			endif
-.		endif
-# Stage 5: Define all settings for the port to use
-# At this stage both JAVA_HOME and JAVA_PORT are definitely given a value.
-# Define the location of the Java compiler. If HAVE_JIKES is defined, then
-# use Jikes.
-# Only define JAVAC if a JDK is needed or USE_JIKES=yes
-.		undef JAVAC
-# Then test if a JAVAC has to be set (JAVA_BUILD==jdk)
-.		if defined(JAVA_BUILD)
-.			if (${JAVA_BUILD:U} == "JDK") && !defined(JAVAC)
-# Use jikes if available and not explicitly forbidden (see Stage 6)
-.				if defined(HAVE_JIKES)
-JAVAC?=			${_JIKES_PATH} -bootclasspath ${JAVA_CLASSES}
-# Otherwise use 'javac'
-.				else
-JAVAC?=			${JAVA_HOME}/bin/javac
-.				endif
-.			endif
-.		endif
-# Define the location of some more executables.
-APPLETVIEWER?=	${JAVA_HOME}/bin/appletviewer
-JAR?=			${JAVA_HOME}/bin/jar
-JAVA?=			${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java
-JAVADOC?=		${JAVA_HOME}/bin/javadoc
-JAVAH?=			${JAVA_HOME}/bin/javah
-JAVAP?=			${JAVA_HOME}/bin/javap
-JAVA_N2A?=		${JAVA_HOME}/bin/native2ascii
-RMIC?=			${JAVA_HOME}/bin/rmic
-RMIREGISTRY?=	${JAVA_HOME}/bin/rmiregistry
-JAVA_KEYTOOL?=		${JAVA_HOME}/bin/keytool
-JAVA_POLICYTOOL?=	${JAVA_HOME}/bin/policytool
-RMID?=				${JAVA_HOME}/bin/rmid
-# Set the location of the ZIP or JAR file with all standard Java classes.
-JAVA_CLASSES=	${JAVA_HOME}/jre/lib/rt.jar
-# Additional Java support
-# Debug target
-# Use it to check Java dependency while porting
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "# User specified parameters:"
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "JAVA_VERSION=                   ${JAVA_VERSION}	(${_JAVA_VERSION})"
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "JAVA_OS=                        ${JAVA_OS}	(${_JAVA_OS})"
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "JAVA_VENDOR=                    ${JAVA_VENDOR}	(${_JAVA_VENDOR})"
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "JAVA_BUILD=                     ${JAVA_BUILD}"
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "JAVA_RUN=                       ${JAVA_RUN}"
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "JAVA_EXTRACT=                   ${JAVA_EXTRACT}"
-	@${ECHO_CMD}
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "# JDK port dependency selection process:"
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "_JAVA_PORT=                     ${_JAVA_PORT}"
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "_JAVA_PORT_INFO=                ${_JAVA_PORT_INFO:S/\t/ /}"
-	@${ECHO_CMD}
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "# Selected JDK port:"
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "JAVA_PORT=                      ${JAVA_PORT}"
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "JAVA_HOME=                      ${JAVA_HOME}"
-	@${ECHO_CMD}
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "# Additional variables:"
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "JAVAC=                          ${JAVAC}"
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "JAVA_CLASSES=                   ${JAVA_CLASSES}"
-.	endif
--- Mk/bsd.database.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,411 +0,0 @@
-# -*- mode: Makefile; tab-width: 4; -*-
-# ex: ts=4
-# $MidnightBSD: mports/Mk/bsd.database.mk,v 1.15 2008/10/20 17:48:49 laffer1 Exp $ 
-# $FreeBSD: ports/Mk/bsd.database.mk,v 1.14 2006/07/05 02:18:08 linimon Exp $
-.if defined(_POSTMKINCLUDED) && !defined(Database_Post_Include)
-Database_Post_Include=			bsd.database.mk
-Database_Include_MAINTAINER=	ports at MidnightBSD.org
-# This file contains some routines to interact with different databases, such
-# as mysql, postgresql and berkley DB. For including this file define macro
-# USE_[DATABASE], for example USE_MYSQL. Defining macro like USE_[DATABASE]_VER
-# or WANT_[DATABSE]_VER will include this file too.
-# USE_MYSQL		- Add MySQL client dependency.
-#				  If no version is given (by the maintainer via the port or
-#				  by the user via defined variable), try to find the
-#				  currently installed version.  Fall back to default if
-#				  necessary (MySQL5.0 = 50).
-#				- MySQL default version. Can be overriden within a port.
-#				  Default: 50.
-#				- Maintainer can set an arbitrary version of MySQL by using it.
-#				- This variable can be defined if the ports doesn't support
-#				  one or more version of MySQL.
-#				- User defined variable to set MySQL version.
-#				- Detected MySQL version.
-# USE_PGSQL		- Add PostgreSQL client dependency.
-#				  If no version is given (by the maintainer via the port or
-#				  by the user via defined variable), try to find the
-#				  currently installed version.  Fall back to default if
-#				  necessary (PostgreSQL-8.2 = 82).
-#				- PostgreSQL default version. Can be overridden within a port.
-#				  Default: 82.
-#				- Maintainer can set an arbitrary version of PostgreSQL by
-#				  using it.
-#				- This variable can be defined if the ports doesn't support
-#				  one or more versions of PostgreSQL.
-#				- User defined variable to set PostgreSQL version.
-#				- Detected PostgreSQL version.
-# USE_BDB		- Add Berkeley DB library dependency.
-#				  If no version is given (by the maintainer via the port or
-#				  by the user via defined variable), try to find the
-#				  currently installed version.  Fall back to default if
-#				  necessary (db41+).
-#				- This variable can be defined when the port doesn't
-#				  support one or more versions of Berkeley DB.
-# WANT_BDB_VER	- Maintainer can set a version of Berkeley DB to always
-#				  build this port with (overrides WITH_BDB_VER).
-# WITH_BDB_VER	- User defined global variable to set Berkeley DB version
-#				- User defined port specific variable to set
-#				  Berkeley DB version
-#				- Use the highest installed version of Berkeley DB
-# BDB_LIB_NAME	- This variable is automatically set to the name of the
-#				  Berkeley DB library (default: db41)
-#				- This variable is automatically set to the name of the
-#				  Berkeley DB c++ library (default: db41_cxx)
-#				- This variable is automatically set to the location of
-#				  the Berkeley DB include directory.
-#				  (default: ${LOCALBASE}/include/db41)
-# BDB_LIB_DIR	- This variable is automatically set to the location of
-#				  the Berkeley DB library directory.
-# BDB_VER		- Detected Berkeley DB version.
-# USE_SQLITE	- Add dependency on sqlite library. Valid values are:
-#				  3 and 2. If version is not specified directly then
-#				  sqlite3 is used (if USE_SQLITE= yes).
-# SQLITE_VER		- Detected sqlite version.
-.if defined(USE_MYSQL)
-# MySQL client version currently supported.
-# Setting/finding MySQL version we want.
-.if exists(${LOCALBASE}/bin/mysql) && !defined(PACKAGE_BUILDING)
-_MYSQL_VER!=	${LOCALBASE}/bin/mysql --version | ${SED} -e 's/.*Distrib \([0-9]\)\.\([0-9]*\).*/\1\2/'
-.if defined(WANT_MYSQL_VER)
-IGNORE=		cannot install: the port wants mysql${WANT_MYSQL_VER}-client and you try to install mysql${WITH_MYSQL_VER}-client.
-.elif defined(WITH_MYSQL_VER)
-.if defined(_MYSQL_VER)
-.endif # WANT_MYSQL_VER
-.if defined(_MYSQL_VER)
-.if ${_MYSQL_VER} != ${MYSQL_VER}
-IGNORE=	cannot install: MySQL versions mismatch: mysql${_MYSQL_VER}-client is installed and wanted version is mysql${MYSQL_VER}-client
-# And now we are checking if we can use it
-.if defined(MYSQL${MYSQL_VER}_LIBVER)
-# compatability shim
-.if defined(BROKEN_WITH_MYSQL)
-.if defined(IGNORE_WITH_MYSQL)
-.		if (${MYSQL_VER} == "${VER}")
-IGNORE=		cannot install: doesn't work with MySQL version : ${MYSQL_VER} (Doesn't support MySQL ${IGNORE_WITH_MYSQL})
-.		endif
-.	endfor
-LIB_DEPENDS+=	mysqlclient.${MYSQL${MYSQL_VER}_LIBVER}:${PORTSDIR}/databases/mysql${MYSQL_VER}-client
-IGNORE=		cannot install: unknown MySQL version: ${MYSQL_VER}
-.endif # Check for correct libs
-.endif # USE_MYSQL
-.if defined(USE_PGSQL)
-PGSQL82_LIBVER=         5
-# Setting/finding PostgreSQL version we want.
-.if exists(${LOCALBASE}/bin/pg_config) && !defined(PACKAGE_BUILDING)
-_PGSQL_VER!=	${LOCALBASE}/bin/pg_config --version | ${SED} -n 's/PostgreSQL[^0-9]*\([0-9][0-9]*\)\.\([0-9][0-9]*\)[^0-9].*/\1\2/p'
-.if defined(WANT_PGSQL_VER)
-IGNORE=		cannot install: the port wants postgresql${WANT_PGSQL_VER}-client and you try to install postgresql${WITH_PGSQL_VER}-client.
-.elif defined(WITH_PGSQL_VER)
-.if defined(_PGSQL_VER)
-.endif # WANT_PGSQL_VER
-.if defined(_PGSQL_VER) && ${PGSQL_VER} != ${_PGSQL_VER}
-IGNORE=		cannot install: the port wants postgresql${PGSQL_VER}-client but you have postgresql${_PGSQL_VER}-client installed
-# And now we are checking if we can use it
-.if defined(PGSQL${PGSQL_VER}_LIBVER)
-# compatability shim
-.if defined(BROKEN_WITH_PGSQL)
-.if defined(IGNORE_WITH_PGSQL)
-.		if (${PGSQL_VER} == "${VER}")
-IGNORE=		cannot install: does not work with postgresql${PGSQL_VER}-client PostgresSQL (${IGNORE_WITH_PGSQL} not supported)
-.		endif
-.	endfor
-LIB_DEPENDS+=	pq.${PGSQL${PGSQL_VER}_LIBVER}:${PORTSDIR}/databases/postgresql${PGSQL_VER}-client
-IGNORE=		cannot install: unknown PostgreSQL version: ${PGSQL_VER}
-.endif # Check for correct version
-.endif # USE_PGSQL
-.if defined(USE_BDB)
-_DB_PORTS=	2 3 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 3+ 40+ 41+ 42+ 43+ 44+ 45+ 46+ 47+
-# Dependence lines for different db versions
-db2_DEPENDS=	db2.0:${PORTSDIR}/databases/db2
-db3_DEPENDS=	db3.3:${PORTSDIR}/databases/db3
-db40_DEPENDS=	db4.0:${PORTSDIR}/databases/db4
-db41_DEPENDS=	db41.1:${PORTSDIR}/databases/db41
-db42_DEPENDS=	db-4.2.2:${PORTSDIR}/databases/db42
-db43_DEPENDS=	db-4.3.0:${PORTSDIR}/databases/db43
-db44_DEPENDS=	db-4.4.0:${PORTSDIR}/databases/db44
-db45_DEPENDS=	db-4.5.0:${PORTSDIR}/databases/db45
-db46_DEPENDS=	db-4.6.0:${PORTSDIR}/databases/db46
-db47_DEPENDS=	db-4.7.0:${PORTSDIR}/databases/db47
-# Detect db versions by finding some files
-db3_FIND=	${LOCALBASE}/include/db3/db.h
-db40_FIND=	${LOCALBASE}/include/db4/db.h
-db41_FIND=	${LOCALBASE}/include/db41/db.h
-db42_FIND=	${LOCALBASE}/include/db42/db.h
-db43_FIND=	${LOCALBASE}/include/db43/db.h
-db44_FIND=	${LOCALBASE}/include/db44/db.h
-db45_FIND=	${LOCALBASE}/include/db45/db.h
-db46_FIND=	${LOCALBASE}/include/db46/db.h
-db47_FIND=	${LOCALBASE}/include/db47/db.h
-# For specifying [3, 40, 41, ..]+
-_DB_3P=		3 ${_DB_40P}
-_DB_40P=	40 ${_DB_41P}
-_DB_41P=	41 ${_DB_42P}
-_DB_42P=	42 ${_DB_43P}
-_DB_43P=	43 ${_DB_44P}
-_DB_44P=	44 ${_DB_45P}
-_DB_45P=	45 ${_DB_46P}
-_DB_46P=	46 ${_DB_47P}
-_DB_47P=	47
-# Override the global WITH_BDB_VER with the
-# port specific <UNIQUENAME>_WITH_BDB_VER
-.if defined(${UNIQUENAME:U:S,-,_,}_WITH_BDB_VER)
-.if defined(WITH_BDB_VER)
-. if ${WITH_BDB_VER} == 4
-USE_BDB=	40
-. elif ${WITH_BDB_VER} != 1
-. endif
-# Assume the default bdb version as 41
-.if ${USE_BDB:L} == "yes"
-# Detect bdb version
-_BDB_VER=	no
-# Override the user defined WITH_BDB_VER with the WANT_BDB_VER
-.if defined(WANT_BDB_VER)
-.for bdb in ${_DB_PORTS}
-.if ${WANT_BDB_VER} == "${bdb}" && ${_BDB_VER} == "no"
-.for bdb in ${_DB_PORTS}
-.if ${_WANT_BDB_VER} == "${bdb}" && ${_BDB_VER} == "no"
-_MATCHED_DB_VER:=	${bdb:S/+//}
-. if ${_MATCHED_DB_VER} == "${bdb}"
-# USE_BDB is exactly specified
-_BDB_VER=	${bdb}
-# USE_BDB is specified as VER+
-.  for dbx in ${_DB_${_MATCHED_DB_VER}P}
-.   if exists(${db${dbx}_FIND}) && !defined(PACKAGE_BUILDING)
-_BRKDB=	no
-# Skip versions we are incompatible with
-.    if defined(INVALID_BDB_VER)
-_CHK_BDB:=	${dbx}
-.     for BRKDB in ${INVALID_BDB_VER}
-.      if ${_CHK_BDB} == "${BRKDB}"
-_BRKDB= yes
-.      endif
-.     endfor
-.    endif
-.    if ${_BRKDB} == no
-.     if defined(WITH_BDB_HIGHEST)
-# Use the highest version of Berkeley DB found
-_BDB_VER=	${dbx}
-.     elif ${_BDB_VER} == no
-# Use the first Berkeley DB found
-_BDB_VER=	${dbx}
-.     endif
-.    endif
-.   endif
-.  endfor
-.  if ${_BDB_VER} == "no"
-# No existing db4 version is detected in system
-.  endif
-. endif
-# USE_BDB is specified incorrectly, so mark this as IGNORE
-.if ${_BDB_VER} == "no"
-IGNORE=	cannot install: unknown bdb version: ${USE_BDB}
-# Now check if we can use it
-. if defined(INVALID_BDB_VER)
-.  for VER in ${INVALID_BDB_VER}
-_CHK_PLUS:=	${VER:S/+//}
-# INVALID_BDB_VER is specified as VER+
-.   if ${_CHK_PLUS}  != "${VER}"
-.    if ${_BDB_VER} == "${_CHK_PLUS}"
-.    else
-.     for VER_P in ${_DB_${_CHK_PLUS}P}
-.      if ${_BDB_VER} == "${VER_P}"
-.      endif
-.     endfor
-.    endif
-.   elif ${_BDB_VER} == "${VER}"
-.   endif
-.  endfor
-. endif
-. if ${_BDB_IGNORE} == "yes"
-IGNORE= cannot install: does not work with bdb version: ${_BDB_VER} (${INVALID_BDB_VER} not supported)
-. else
-# Now add the dependancy on Berkeley DB ${_BDB_VER) version
-.if defined(BDB_BUILD_DEPENDS)
-BUILD_DEPENDS+=	${db${_BDB_VER}_FIND}:${db${_BDB_VER}_DEPENDS:C/^db.*://}
-.  if ${_BDB_VER} == 40
-BDB_LIB_CXX_NAME=	db4_cxx
-.  elif ${_BDB_VER} == 42
-BDB_LIB_NAME=		db-4.2
-BDB_LIB_CXX_NAME=	db_cxx-4.2
-BDB_LIB_DIR=		${LOCALBASE}/lib/db42
-.  elif ${_BDB_VER} == 43
-BDB_LIB_NAME=		db-4.3
-BDB_LIB_CXX_NAME=	db_cxx-4.3
-BDB_LIB_DIR=		${LOCALBASE}/lib/db43
-.  elif ${_BDB_VER} == 44
-BDB_LIB_NAME=		db-4.4
-BDB_LIB_CXX_NAME=	db_cxx-4.4
-BDB_LIB_DIR=		${LOCALBASE}/lib/db44
-.  elif ${_BDB_VER} == 45
-BDB_LIB_NAME=		db-4.5
-BDB_LIB_CXX_NAME=	db_cxx-4.5
-BDB_LIB_DIR=		${LOCALBASE}/lib/db45
-.  elif ${_BDB_VER} == 46
-BDB_LIB_NAME=		db-4.6
-BDB_LIB_CXX_NAME=	db_cxx-4.6
-BDB_LIB_DIR=		${LOCALBASE}/lib/db46
-.  endif
-. endif
-# Obsolete variables
-.if defined(OBSOLETE_BDB_VAR)
-. for var in ${OBSOLETE_BDB_VAR}
-.  if defined(${var})
-BAD_VAR+=	${var},
-.  endif
-. endfor
-. if defined(BAD_VAR)
-_IGNORE_MSG=	Obsolete variable(s) ${BAD_VAR} use WITH_BDB_VER or ${UNIQUENAME:U:S,-,_,}_WITH_BDB_VER to select Berkeley DB version
-.  if defined(IGNORE)
-.  else
-.  endif
-. endif
-.endif # USE_BDB
-# Handling sqlite dependency
-.if defined(USE_SQLITE)
-.if ${USE_SQLITE:L} == "yes"
-# USE_SQLITE is specified incorrectly, so mark this as IGNORE
-.if ${_SQLITE_VER} == "3"
-LIB_DEPENDS+=	sqlite${_SQLITE_VER}:${PORTSDIR}/databases/sqlite${_SQLITE_VER}
-.elif ${_SQLITE_VER} == "2"
-LIB_DEPENDS+=	sqlite.${_SQLITE_VER}:${PORTSDIR}/databases/sqlite${_SQLITE_VER}
-IGNORE=	cannot install: unknown sqlite version: ${_SQLITE_VER}
-.endif # defined(USE_SQLITE)
-.endif # defined(_POSTMKINCLUDED) && !defined(Database_Post_Include)
--- Mk/bsd.cmake.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-# $MidnightBSD: mports/Mk/bsd.cmake.mk,v 1.1 2008/10/17 19:47:48 laffer1 Exp $
-# USE_CMAKE			- If set, this port uses cmake.
-# CMAKE_ENV			- Environment passed to cmake.
-#					Default: ${CONFIGURE_ENV}
-# CMAKE_ARGS		- Arguments passed to cmake
-#					Default: see below
-# CMAKE_USE_PTHREAD	- Instruct cmake to use pthreads when 
-#					compiling/linking
-#					Default: not set
-# CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE	- Type of build (release, debug)
-#					Default: Release
-# CMAKE_VERBOSE		- Verbose build
-#					Default: not set
-# CMAKE_SOURCE_PATH	- Path to sourcedir for cmake
-#					Default: .
-# CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX	- prefix for cmake to use for installation.
-#					Default: ${PREFIX}
-CMAKE_MAINTAINER=  ports at MidnightBSD.org
-# CMAKE_BIN is the location where the cmake port installs the cmake
-# executable
-# CMAKE_PORT is where the cmake port is located in the ports tree
-CMAKE_BIN=		${LOCALBASE}/bin/cmake
-CMAKE_PORT=		${PORTSDIR}/devel/cmake
-# Make sure we depend on cmake
-# Default environment and arguments to cmake
-# Default build type and sourcedir
-# Instruct cmake to compile/link with pthreads
-.if defined(CMAKE_USE_PTHREAD)
-# Force DEBUG buildtype if needed
-.if defined(CMAKE_DEBUG) || defined(WITH_DEBUG)
-# Force makefile verbosity if needed
-.if defined(CMAKE_VERBOSE) || defined(BATCH)
-# Redefine do-configure target
-.if !target(do-configure)
--- Mk/bsd.wx.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,533 +0,0 @@
-#-*- mode: makefile; tab-width: 4; -*-
-# ex:ts=4
-# $MidnightBSD: mports/Mk/bsd.wx.mk,v 1.3 2007/08/02 09:25:18 laffer1 Exp $
-# $FreeBSD: ports/Mk/bsd.wx.mk,v 1.1 2006/07/05 02:13:12 linimon Exp $
-# bsd.wx.mk - Support for WxWidgets based ports.
-# Created by: Alejandro Pulver <alepulver at FreeBSD.org>
-# Please view me with 4 column tabs!
-# The following variables can be defined in a port that uses the WxWidgets
-# library, contributed libraries, WxPython and/or more WxWidgets related
-# components (with run and/or build dependencies). It can be used after and/or
-# before bsd.port.pre.mk, but Python components will only work if Python
-# variables (e.g. USE_PYTHON) are defined before it (this is a bsd.python.mk
-# limitation).
-# USE_WX		- Set to the list of WxWidgets versions that can be used by
-#				  the port. The syntax allows the following elements:
-#				  - Single version (e.g. "2.4").
-#				  - Range of versions (e.g. "2.4-2.6"). Must be ascending.
-#				  - Partial range: single version and upper (e.g. "2.4+").
-#				  - Partial range: single version and lower (e.g. "-2.6").
-#				  Multiple elements can be specified separated by spaces.
-# USE_WX_NOT	- Set to the list of WxWidgets versions that can't be used by
-#				  the port. In other words, it removes some versions from
-#				  USE_WX. If the latter is not defined, it will have the value
-#				  of all the possible versions. The syntax is like USE_WX.
-# WX_COMPS		- Set to the list of WxWidgets components the port uses.
-#				  Several components can be specified separated by spaces. By
-#				  default it will have the value of "wx". Suffixes in the form
-#				  "_xxx" may be added to the components to determine the
-#				  dependency type.
-#				  The available components are:
-#				  wx			- The WxWidgets library.
-#				  contrib		- The WxWidgets contributed libraries.
-#				  python		- The WxWidgets API for Python (WxPython).
-#				  mozilla		- WxMozilla (only for 2.4).
-#				  svg			- WxSVG (only for 2.6).
-#				  The available dependency types are:
-#				  build			- Requires component for building.
-#				  lib			- Requires component for building and running.
-#				  run			- Requires component for running.
-#				  If no suffix is present then "lib" will be used.
-# WX_CONF_ARGS	- Set to "absolute" or "relative" if the port needs configure
-#				  arguments in addition to the WX_CONFIG environment variable.
-#				  It determines the type of parameters that have to be passed
-#				  to the configure script. In the first case it adds
-#				  "--with-wx-config=${WX_CONFIG}" (absolute path of WX_CONFIG),
-#				  and in second one "--with-wx=${X11BASE}" and
-#				  "--with-wx-config=${WX_CONFIG:T} (prefix and name).
-# WX_UNICODE	- Set to "yes" (or anything) if the port needs the Unicode
-#				  version of the WxWidgets library and/or contributed
-#				  libraries.
-#				  NOTE: this should NOT be used for ports that can be compiled
-#				  with Unicode or not, but for the ones that require it. The
-#				  first case is handled by the user variable WITH_UNICODE.
-# WANT_WX		- Set to "yes" or a valid single version (no ranges, etc).
-#				  In both cases it will detect the installed WxWidgets
-#				  components and add them to the variable HAVE_WX. If a
-#				  version is selected, HAVE_WX will contain a list of
-#				  components in the other case it will contain a list of
-#				  "component-version" pairs (e.g. wx-2.6, contrib-2.4, etc).
-#				  It has to be used before bsd.port.pre.mk.
-# WANT_WX_VER	- Set to the prefered WxWidgets version for the port. It must
-#				  be present in USE_WX or missing in USE_WX_NOT. This is
-#				  overriden by the user variable WITH_WX_VER if set. It can
-#				  contain multiple versions in order of preference (last ones
-#				  are tried first).
-# The following variables are intended for the user and can be defined in
-# make.conf.
-# WITH_UNICODE	- If the variable is defined and both the running FreeBSD
-#				  version and the selected WxWidgets version support Unicode,
-#				  then the Unicode version of WxWidgets is used.
-# WITH_WX_VER	- If the variable is defined the version it contains will be
-#				  used as the default for ports that support multiple
-#				  WxWidgets versions. It can contain multiple versions, and
-#				  the last possible one will be used.
-# The following variables are defined by this file, to be read from the port.
-# WX_UNICODE	- If this variable is not defined by the port (which means it
-#				  requires the Unicode version of WxWidgets), it will be
-#				  defined in the case the Unicode version is used (enabled by
-#				  the user through WITH_UNICODE).
-# WX_VERSION	- The WxWidgets version that is going to be used.
-# HAVE_WX		- The list of WxWidgets components installed, if WANT_WX was
-#				  defined. The components will have version suffix if it was
-#				  set to "yes").
-# Examples:
-# - A port that needs WxWidgets 2.6 and contributed libraries with Unicode.
-#	USE_WX=		2.6
-#	WX_COMPS=	wx contrib
-#	WX_UNICODE=	yes
-# - A port that needs WxPython 2.4 for running.
-#	USE_PYTHON=	yes
-#	USE_WX=		2.4
-#	WX_COMPS=	python_run
-# - A port that needs WxPython 2.4 or 2.6 for building.
-#	USE_PYTHON=	yes
-#	USE_WX=		2.4 2.6
-#	WX_COMPS=	python_build
-# - A port that needs WxWidgets version 2.4 or higher and contributed
-#	libraries.
-#	USE_WX=		2.4+
-#	WX_COMPS=	wx contrib
-# - A port that needs WxWidgets of any version other than 2.4.
-#	USE_WX_NOT=	2.4
-# Notes:
-# - The version is processed on each inclusion, so USE_WX, USE_WX_NOT and
-#	WX_UNICODE can be modified before and after including bsd.port.pre.mk.
-#	After determining the version and Unicode, WX_CONFIG will be defined.
-WX_Include_MAINTAINER=	ports at MidnightBSD.org
-# Global definitions.
-.if !defined(_WX_Definitions_Done)
-_WX_Definitions_Done=	yes
-# Common variables:
-# _WX_COMPS_ALL			- List of valid components.
-# _WX_DEP_TYPES_ALL		- List of valid dependency types.
-# _WX_VERS_ALL			- List of supported versions.
-# _WX_VERS_UC_ALL		- List of Unicode capable versions.
-# _WX_CHANGE_VARS		- List of variables allowed to change between pre and
-#						  post inclusions (related to version).
-# _WX_LISTS_ORDER		- Reverse lists preference order.
-# _WX_AUTO_VARS			- Variables defined sometimes that may have to be
-#						  redefined later.
-_WX_COMPS_ALL=			wx contrib python mozilla svg
-_WX_DEP_TYPES_ALL=		build lib run
-_WX_VERS_ALL=			2.4 2.6
-_WX_VERS_UC_ALL=		2.6
-# Variables used to determine what is needed:
-# _WX_PORT_comp_ver		- Port directory.
-# _WX_LIB_comp_ver		- Name of the shared library (optional).
-# _WX_SHVER_comp_ver	- Shared library version (optional).
-# _WX_FILE_comp_ver		- File installed by that component.
-_WX_PORT_wx_2.4=		wxgtk24
-_WX_LIB_wx_2.4=			wx_gtk2-2.4
-_WX_PORT_contrib_2.4=	wxgtk24-contrib
-_WX_LIB_contrib_2.4=	wx_gtk2_canvas-2.4
-_WX_PORT_python_2.4=	py-wxPython24
-_WX_FILE_python_2.4=	${PYTHON_SITELIBDIR}/wx/__init__.py
-_WX_PORT_mozilla_2.4=	wxmozilla
-_WX_LIB_mozilla_2.4=	wxmozilla_gtk2-2.4
-_WX_PORT_wx_2.6=		wxgtk26${_WX_UCL}
-_WX_LIB_wx_2.6=			wx_base${_WX_UC}-2.6
-_WX_PORT_contrib_2.6=	wxgtk26${_WX_UCL}-contrib
-_WX_LIB_contrib_2.6=	wx_gtk2${_WX_UC}_animate-2.6
-_WX_PORT_python_2.6=	py-wxPython26${_WX_UCL}
-_WX_FILE_python_2.6=	${PYTHON_SITELIBDIR}/wx-2.6-gtk2${_WX_PYSUFX}/wx/__init__.py
-_WX_PORT_svg_2.6=		wxsvg
-_WX_LIB_svg_2.6=		wxsvg
-# Set _WX_SHVER_comp_ver to 0 and _WX_FILE_comp_ver for libs appropiately.
-.for comp in ${_WX_COMPS_ALL}
-.	for ver in ${_WX_VERS_ALL}
-.		if defined(_WX_LIB_${comp}_${ver})
-_WX_SHVER_${comp}_${ver}=	0
-_WX_FILE_${comp}_${ver}=	${X11BASE}/lib/lib${_WX_LIB_${comp}_${ver}}.so.${_WX_SHVER_${comp}_${ver}}
-.		endif
-.	endfor
-.endif		# !_WX_Defined_Done
-# Check for present components.
-.if !defined(AFTERPORTMK) && defined(WANT_WX)
-# Check if Unicode will be used.
-.	for __WANT_WX in ${WANT_WX}
-.		if defined(WITH_UNICODE) && \
-		   (${_WX_VERS_UC_ALL:M${__WANT_WX}} != "" || ${WANT_WX:L} == "yes")
-.		endif
-.	endfor
-# These variables are reprocessed later so they won't affect other parts.
-.	if defined(WX_UNICODE) || defined(_WX_WANT_UNICODE)
-_WX_UC=					u
-_WX_UCL=				-unicode
-_WX_PYSUFX=				-unicode
-.	else
-_WX_UC=					#
-_WX_UCL=				#
-_WX_PYSUFX=				-ansi
-.	endif
-# Fill HAVE_WX with the installed components.
-.	for __WANT_WX in ${WANT_WX}
-# Check if WANT_WX contains more than one word.
-.		if defined(HAVE_WX)
-IGNORE?=				selected multiple values for WANT_WX: ${WANT_WX}
-.		endif
-HAVE_WX=				#
-# Check for all versions.
-.		if ${WANT_WX:L} == "yes"
-.			for comp in ${_WX_COMPS_ALL}
-.				for ver in ${_WX_VER_FINAL}
-_WX_COMP=				_WX_FILE_${comp}_${ver}
-.					if defined(${_WX_COMP}) && exists(${${_WX_COMP}})
-HAVE_WX+=				${comp}-${ver}
-.					endif
-.				endfor
-.			endfor
-# Check for a specific version.
-.		elif ${_WX_VERS_ALL:M${__WANT_WX}}
-.			for comp in ${_WX_COMPS_ALL}
-.				if exists(${_WX_FILE_${comp}_${__WANT_WX}})
-HAVE_WX+=				${comp}
-.				endif
-.			endfor
-.		else
-IGNORE?=				selected an invalid value for WANT_WX: ${__WANT_WX}
-.		endif
-.	endfor
-.endif		# ! AFTERPORTMK && WANT_WX
-# Check if the version has changed between inclusions.
-.if defined(_WX_Version_Done)
-.	undef _WX_HAS_CHANGED
-.	for var in ${_WX_CHANGE_VARS}
-.		if (defined(${var}) && !defined(_WX_OLD_${var})) || \
-		   (!defined(${var}) && defined(_WX_OLD_${var})) || \
-		   (defined(_WX_OLD_${var}) && ${_WX_OLD_${var}} != ${${var}})
-.		endif
-.	endfor
-.endif		# _WX_Version_Done
-# Select WxWidgets version.
-.if (!defined(_WX_Version_Done) || defined(_WX_HAS_CHANGED)) && \
-	(defined(USE_WX) || defined(USE_WX_NOT))
-_WX_Version_Done=		yes
-# Handle automatic variables.
-.for var in ${_WX_AUTO_VARS}
-.	if defined(_WX_${var}_DEFINED)
-.		undef ${var}
-.	endif
-.	if !defined(${var})
-_WX_${var}_DEFINED=		yes
-.	endif
-# Reset old variable values.
-.if defined(_WX_HAS_CHANGED)
-.	undef _WX_VER
-.	undef _WX_IGNORE
-# Set defaults (if one isn't present).
-USE_WX?=				${_WX_VERS_ALL}
-USE_WX_NOT?=			#
-# Make lists of valid and invalid versions.
-# The following variables are used:
-# _WX_VER_CHECK			- If the version is a single one, express in a range.
-# _WX_VER_MIN			- Lower version of the range.
-# _WX_VER_MAX			- Higher version of the range.
-# _WX_VER_LIST			- List of requested versions.
-# _WX_VER_NOT_LIST		- List of disallowed versions.
-# _WX_VER_MERGED		- List of requested version without disallowed ones.
-.for list in VER VER_NOT
-_WX_${list}_LIST=		#
-.	for ver in ${USE_WX${list:C/VER//}}
-_WX_VER_CHECK:=			${ver:C/^([[:digit:]]+(\.[[:digit:]]+)*)$/\1-\1/}
-_WX_VER_MIN:=			${_WX_VER_CHECK:C/([[:digit:]]+(\.[[:digit:]]+)*)[-+].*/\1/}
-_WX_VER_MAX:=			${_WX_VER_CHECK:C/.*-([[:digit:]]+(\.[[:digit:]]+)*)/\1/}
-# Minimum version not specified.
-.		if ${_WX_VER_MIN} == ${_WX_VER_CHECK}
-.			undef _WX_VER_MIN
-.			for v in ${_WX_VERS_ALL}
-_WX_VER_MIN?=			${v}
-.			endfor
-.		endif
-# Maximum version not specified.
-.		if ${_WX_VER_MAX} == ${_WX_VER_CHECK}
-.			for v in ${_WX_VERS_ALL}
-_WX_VER_MAX=			${v}
-.			endfor
-.		endif
-# Expand versions and add valid ones to each list.
-.		for v in ${_WX_VERS_ALL}
-.			if ${_WX_VER_MIN} <= ${v} && ${_WX_VER_MAX} >= ${v} && \
-			   ${_WX_${list}_LIST:M${v}} == ""
-_WX_${list}_LIST+=		${v}
-.			endif
-.		endfor
-.	endfor
-# Merge the lists into a single list of valid versions.
-.for ver in ${_WX_VER_LIST}
-.	if ${_WX_VER_NOT_LIST:M${ver}} == ""
-_WX_VER_MERGED+=		${ver}
-.	endif
-# Check for a null version.
-.if empty(_WX_VER_MERGED)
-_WX_IGNORE?=			selected a null or invalid WxWidgets version
-# Unicode support.
-# Create a list of capable versions.
-_WX_VER_UC=				#
-.for ver in ${_WX_VER_MERGED}
-.	if ${_WX_VERS_UC_ALL:M${ver}} != ""
-_WX_VER_UC+=			${ver}
-.	endif
-# Requested by the user (optional).
-.if defined(WITH_UNICODE)
-.	for ver in ${_WX_VER_UC}
-.		if ${_WX_VERS_UC_ALL:M${ver}} != ""
-WX_UNICODE=				yes
-.		endif
-.	endfor
-# Requested by the port (mandatory).
-.if defined(WX_UNICODE)
-.	if empty(_WX_VER_UC)
-_WX_IGNORE?=			selected a WxWidgets version which does not support Unicode: ${_WX_VER_MERGED}
-.	endif
-# Set Unicode variables.
-.if defined(WX_UNICODE)
-_WX_UC=					u
-_WX_UCL=				-unicode
-_WX_PYSUFX=				-unicode
-_WX_UC=					#
-_WX_UCL=				#
-_WX_PYSUFX=				-ansi
-# Choose final version.
-# Check for the following (in order):
-# 1) WITH_WX_VER		- User preference.
-# 2) WANT_WX_VER		- Port preference.
-# 3) _WX_VER_FINAL		- Available versions.
-.for list in ${_WX_LISTS_ORDER}
-.	if defined(${list})
-.		for ver in ${${list}}
-.			if ${_WX_VER_FINAL:M${ver}} != ""
-_WX_VER=				${ver}
-.			endif
-.		endfor
-.	endif
-# Set variables.
-WX_CONFIG?=				${X11BASE}/bin/wxgtk2${_WX_UC}-${_WX_VER}-config
-# Define old values for detecting changes.
-.for var in ${_WX_CHANGE_VARS}
-.	if defined(${var})
-_WX_OLD_${var}:=		${${var}}
-.	endif
-.endif		# ! _WX_Version_Done || _WX_HAS_CHANGED
-# Process components list and add dependencies, variables, etc.
-.if !defined(BEFOREPORTMK)
-# Error check.
-.if defined(_WX_IGNORE)
-# Component parsing.
-# The variables used are:
-# _WX_COMP				- Component part.
-# _WX_DEP_TYPE			- Dependency type part.
-# _WX_COMP_NEW			- Component + dependency type.
-# _WX_COMPS_FINAL		- Final list of components with dependency types.
-# Default components.
-WX_COMPS?=				wx
-# Detect invalid and duplicated components.
-.for comp in ${WX_COMPS}
-_WX_COMP=				${comp:C/_([[:alpha:]]+)$//}
-_WX_DEP_TYPE=			${comp:C/.+_([[:alpha:]]+)$/\1/}
-.	if ${_WX_COMP} == ${comp}
-_WX_DEP_TYPE=			lib
-.	endif
-.	for __WX_COMP in ${_WX_COMP}
-.		if ${_WX_COMPS_ALL:M${__WX_COMP}} == ""
-IGNORE?=				selected an invalid WxWidgets component: ${__WX_COMP}
-.		endif
-.	endfor
-.	for __WX_DEP_TYPE in ${_WX_DEP_TYPE}
-.		if ${_WX_DEP_TYPES_ALL:M${__WX_DEP_TYPE}} == ""
-IGNORE?=				selected an invalid WxWidgets dependency type: ${__WX_DEP_TYPE}
-.		endif
-.	endfor
-.	if !defined(_WX_PORT_${_WX_COMP}_${_WX_VER})
-IGNORE?=				selected a WxWidgets component (${_WX_COMP}) which is not available for the selected version (${_WX_VER})
-.	endif
-.	for newcomp in ${_WX_COMP_NEW}
-.		if ${_WX_COMPS_FINAL:M${newcomp}} == ""
-_WX_COMPS_FINAL+=		${newcomp}
-.		endif
-.	endfor
-# Add dependencies.
-# The variable used are:
-# _WX_COMP		-		- Component part.
-# _WX_DEP_TYPE			- Dependency type part.
-.for comp in ${_WX_COMPS_FINAL}
-_WX_COMP=				${comp:C/_([[:alpha:]]+)$//}
-_WX_DEP_TYPE=			${comp:C/.+_([[:alpha:]]+)$/\1/}
-.	if ${_WX_DEP_TYPE} == "lib"
-.		if defined(_WX_LIB_${_WX_COMP}_${_WX_VER})
-LIB_DEPENDS+=			${_WX_LIB_${_WX_COMP}_${_WX_VER}}:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/${_WX_PORT_${_WX_COMP}_${_WX_VER}}
-.		else
-BUILD_DEPENDS+=			${_WX_FILE_${_WX_COMP}_${_WX_VER}}:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/${_WX_PORT_${_WX_COMP}_${_WX_VER}}
-RUN_DEPENDS+=			${_WX_FILE_${_WX_COMP}_${_WX_VER}}:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/${_WX_PORT_${_WX_COMP}_${_WX_VER}}
-.		endif
-.	else
-${_WX_DEP_TYPE:U}_DEPENDS+=	${_WX_FILE_${_WX_COMP}_${_WX_VER}}:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/${_WX_PORT_${_WX_COMP}_${_WX_VER}}
-.	endif
-# Set build related variables.
-.if defined(WX_CONF_ARGS)
-.	if ${WX_CONF_ARGS:L} == "absolute"
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+=		--with-wx-config=${WX_CONFIG}
-.	elif ${WX_CONF_ARGS:L} == "relative"
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+=		--with-wx=${X11BASE} \
-						--with-wx-config=${WX_CONFIG:T}
-.	else
-IGNORE?=				selected an invalid WxWidgets configure argument type: ${WX_CONF_ARGS}
-.	endif
-.endif		# ! BEFOREPORTMK

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