MidnightBSD Magus

Top Blockers for Run 503

Top blockers is a list of ports that were blocking the build of other ports.

Port Blocking
llvm10 1218
libevdev 590
openjdk8-bin 120
p5-IO-Socket-SSL 88
nspr 85
rust 75
boost-libs 49
gnupg 47
alsa-lib 39
vulkan-loader 35
python311 24
e2fsprogs-libuuid 21
llvm90 16
googletest 11
linux-enemyterritory 10
lsof 4
arj 3
doom-data 3
php82-ldap 3
ghc 3
php82-opcache 3
pdflib 3
php82-pear-Net_URL 2
p5-Compress-Raw-Zlib 2
flow-tools 2
tpm-emulator 2
rabbitmq 2
p5-MCE 2
linux-oracle-jdk18 2
php82-pear-channel-geshi 2
p5-IPC-ShareLite 2
php82-pear-Net_Socket 2
py38-mistune0 1
py38-tomlkit 1
py39-libvirt 1
krb5 1
e2fsprogs-libss 1
py38-python-gitlab 1
py38-ansible 1
py39-python-gitlab 1
lha 1
isc-dhcp44-client 1
rdesktop 1
yaz 1
t1utils 1
py39-tomlkit 1
libxmp 1
py39-mistune0 1
php82-pear-Text_Diff 1
libixp 1