Extensible i/o abstraction for dealing with structured file formats
Flavor | Version | Run | OSVersion | Arch | License | Restricted | Status | |
1.14.44 | 397 | 1.2 | i386 | gpl2 | 0 | pass |
Machine | Type | Time | Message |
m1232 | info | 2020-01-11 11:33:54.514786 | Test Started |
m1232 | pass | 2020-01-11 11:35:24.796615 | Test complete. |
Depends On
- devel/gettext-tools (build)
- devel/gmake (build)
- devel/gobject-introspection (build)
- devel/pkgconf (build)
- textproc/intltool (build)
- devel/gettext-runtime (lib)
- devel/glib20 (lib)
- graphics/gdk-pixbuf2 (lib)
- graphics/jpeg-turbo (lib)
- textproc/libxml2 (lib)
Depend Of
- graphics/gegl
- textproc/ibus
- sysutils/tracker-miners
- editors/abiword
- math/gnumeric
- games/five-or-more
- deskutils/planner
- deskutils/xfce4-tumbler
- games/lightsoff
- games/gnome-chess
- games/iagno
- games/hitori
- games/gnome-klotski
- graphics/evas_generic_loaders-svg
- x11-wm/openbox
- x11-wm/compiz
- editors/emacs
- games/gnome-mahjongg
- games/tali
- textproc/wv
- multimedia/cheese
- graphics/eog
- games/four-in-a-row
- deskutils/glabels
- games/gnome-nibbles
- devel/goffice
- games/aisleriot
- games/gnome-tetravex
- games/gnome-robots
- games/gnome-taquin
- graphics/librsvg2
- x11-toolkits/gnome-sharp20
- devel/efl
- devel/monodevelop
- games/gnome-mines
- textproc/wv2
- sysutils/gnome-system-monitor
- x11-wm/afterstep
- devel/goffice010
- textproc/libwpd
- x11-themes/gnome-themes-extra
- games/quadrapassel
- Loading CVE information...