Programming language and compiler that converts Vala code into C code
Flavor | Version | Run | OSVersion | Arch | License | Restricted | Status | |
0.40.15,1 | 428 | 2.0 | amd64 | lgpl2.1 | 0 | untested |
Depends On
- devel/bison (build)
- devel/gmake (build)
- devel/pkgconf (build)
- graphics/graphviz (build)
- textproc/libxslt (build)
- devel/gettext-runtime (lib)
- devel/glib20 (lib)
- textproc/libxml2 (lib)
- graphics/graphviz (run)
Depend Of
- textproc/gtkspell3
- devel/py-libpeas
- security/gcr
- games/gnome-tetravex
- www/midori
- net/gtk-vnc
- textproc/ibus
- math/gnome-calculator
- games/gnome-sudoku
- editors/gedit
- games/gnome-2048
- multimedia/cheese
- deskutils/baobab
- games/gnome-nibbles
- games/iagno
- graphics/librsvg2
- editors/gedit-plugins
- multimedia/libmediaart
- net/grilo2
- games/gnome-taquin
- archivers/gcab
- devel/libgee
- devel/libical
- devel/libpeas
- games/quadrapassel
- x11-toolkits/vte3
- x11/gnome-terminal
- devel/dconf
- devel/py-libpeas
- games/gnome-mines
- games/swell-foop
- x11-toolkits/libdazzle
- x11-toolkits/gtksourceview3
- textproc/gspell
- devel/dee
- games/four-in-a-row
- net/gnome-online-accounts
- games/gnome-chess
- games/libgnome-games-support
- archivers/gnome-autoar
- deskutils/gnome-contacts
- security/libsecret
- devel/libgit2-glib
- games/gnome-klotski
- security/seahorse
- audio/gsound
- www/libsocialweb
- sysutils/zeitgeist
- graphics/gexiv2
- devel/dconf-editor
- databases/evolution-data-server
- x11/xapps
- devel/libgdata
- sysutils/tracker
- audio/rhythmbox
- sysutils/tracker-miners
- net-im/folks
- net/grilo
- devel/anjuta
- devel/anjuta
- net-im/telepathy-glib
- net-im/telepathy-glib
- net/uhttpmock
- net/libgweather
- games/gnome-mahjongg
- games/lightsoff