[Midnightbsd-cvs] mports: mports/dns: BIND 9.5 has a number of new features over previous

laffer1 at midnightbsd.org laffer1 at midnightbsd.org
Sat Jun 7 11:49:48 EDT 2008

Log Message:
BIND 9.5 has a number of new features over previous versions, including:

GSS-TSIG support (RFC 3645).

DHCID support.

Experimental http server and statistics support for named via xml.

More detailed statistics counters, compatible with the ones supported in BIND 8.

Faster ACL processing.

Use of Doxygen to generate internal documentation.

Efficient LRU cache cleaning mechanism.

NSID support (RFC 5001).

Modified Files:
        Makefile (r1.12 -> r1.13)

Added Files:
        Makefile (r1.1)
        distinfo (r1.1)
        pkg-descr (r1.1)
        pkg-message (r1.1)
        pkg-plist (r1.1)

-------------- next part --------------
Index: Makefile
RCS file: /home/cvs/mports/dns/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.12
retrieving revision 1.13
diff -L dns/Makefile -L dns/Makefile -u -r1.12 -r1.13
--- dns/Makefile
+++ dns/Makefile
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
     SUBDIR += ares
     SUBDIR += bind9
     SUBDIR += bind94
+    SUBDIR += bind95
     SUBDIR += c-ares
     SUBDIR += ddclient
     SUBDIR += ez-ipupdate
--- /dev/null
+++ dns/bind95/pkg-message
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+BIND 9 requires a good source of randomness to operate.
+It also requires configuration of rndc, including a
+"secret" key. 
+If you are running BIND 9 in a chroot environment, make
+sure that there is a /dev/random device in the chroot.
+The easiest, and most secure way to configure rndc is
+to run 'rndc-confgen -a' which will generate the proper
+conf file, with a new random key, and appropriate file
--- /dev/null
+++ dns/bind95/pkg-descr
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+BIND version 9 is a major rewrite of nearly all aspects of the underlying BIND
+architecture.  Some of the important features of BIND 9 are:
+DNS Security
+     DNSSEC (signed zones)
+     TSIG (signed DNS requests)
+IP version 6
+     Answers DNS queries on IPv6 sockets
+     IPv6 resource records (AAAA)
+     Experimental IPv6 Resolver Library
+DNS Protocol Enhancements
+     IXFR, DDNS, Notify, EDNS0
+     Improved standards conformance
+     One server process can provide multiple "views" of
+          the DNS namespace, e.g. an "inside" view to certain
+          clients, and an "outside" view to others.
+Multiprocessor Support, including working threads in this version
+WWW: http://www.isc.org/index.pl?/sw/bind/index.php
--- /dev/null
+++ dns/bind95/pkg-plist
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+%%PORTDOCS%%@dirrm %%DOCSDIR%%/arm
+%%PORTDOCS%%@dirrm %%DOCSDIR%%/misc
+%%PORTDOCS%%@dirrm %%DOCSDIR%%
+ at unexec rm -f %%BIND_DESTETC%%/rndc.conf.sample
+ at dirrm include/bind9
+ at dirrm include/dns
+ at dirrm include/dst
+ at dirrmtry include/isc
+ at dirrm include/isccc
+ at dirrm include/isccfg
+ at dirrm include/lwres
--- /dev/null
+++ dns/bind95/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+# New ports collection makefile for:	BIND 9.5.x
+# Date created:				28 January 2007
+# Whom:					dougb
+# $MidnightBSD: mports/dns/bind95/Makefile,v 1.1 2008/06/07 15:49:46 laffer1 Exp $
+# $FreeBSD: ports/dns/bind94/Makefile,v 1.76 2007/01/28 22:45:54 dougb Exp $
+PORTNAME=	bind95
+CATEGORIES=	dns net ipv6
+		http://dougbarton.us/Downloads/%SUBDIR%/
+MAINTAINER=	ports at MidnightBSD.org
+COMMENT=	The BIND DNS suite with updated DNSSEC and threads
+# ISC releases things like 9.4.0b3, which our versioning doesn't like
+CONFIGURE_ARGS=	--localstatedir=/var --disable-linux-caps \
+		--with-randomdev=/dev/random
+CONFLICTS=	bind94-9.4.* bind9-9.3.* bind9-dlz-* bind9-sdb-mysql-* host-*
+OPTIONS=	REPLACE_BASE "Replace base BIND with this version" off \
+		LARGE_FILE "64-bit file support" off \
+		IPV6 "IPv6 Support (autodetected by default)" off \
+		THREADS	"Compile with thread support" on
+.include <bsd.port.pre.mk>
+.if defined(WITH_OPENSSL_PORT)
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--with-openssl=${LOCALBASE}
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--with-openssl
+.if defined(WITH_LARGE_FILE)
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--enable-largefile
+.if defined(WITH_IPV6)
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--enable-ipv6
+.if !defined(WITHOUT_THREADS)
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--enable-threads
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--disable-threads
+.if defined(WITH_REPLACE_BASE)
+PREFIX=		/usr
+BIND_DESTETC=	/etc/namedb
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--prefix=${PREFIX} \
+			--sysconfdir=${BIND_DESTETC} \
+			--mandir=${MANPREFIX}/man
+MAN1=	dig.1 host.1 nslookup.1
+MAN3=	lwres.3 lwres_addr_parse.3 lwres_buffer.3 lwres_buffer_add.3 \
+	lwres_buffer_back.3 lwres_buffer_clear.3 lwres_buffer_first.3 \
+	lwres_buffer_forward.3 lwres_buffer_getmem.3 lwres_buffer_getuint16.3 \
+	lwres_buffer_getuint32.3 lwres_buffer_getuint8.3 lwres_buffer_init.3 \
+	lwres_buffer_invalidate.3 lwres_buffer_putmem.3 \
+	lwres_buffer_putuint16.3 lwres_buffer_putuint32.3 \
+	lwres_buffer_putuint8.3 lwres_buffer_subtract.3 lwres_conf_clear.3 \
+	lwres_conf_get.3 lwres_conf_init.3 lwres_conf_parse.3 \
+	lwres_conf_print.3 lwres_config.3 lwres_context.3 \
+	lwres_context_allocmem.3 lwres_context_create.3 \
+	lwres_context_destroy.3 lwres_context_freemem.3 \
+	lwres_context_initserial.3 lwres_context_nextserial.3 \
+	lwres_context_sendrecv.3 lwres_endhostent.3 lwres_endhostent_r.3 \
+	lwres_freeaddrinfo.3 lwres_freehostent.3 lwres_gabn.3 \
+	lwres_gabnrequest_free.3 lwres_gabnrequest_parse.3 \
+	lwres_gabnrequest_render.3 lwres_gabnresponse_free.3 \
+	lwres_gabnresponse_parse.3 lwres_gabnresponse_render.3 \
+	lwres_gai_strerror.3 lwres_getaddrinfo.3 lwres_getaddrsbyname.3 \
+	lwres_gethostbyaddr.3 lwres_gethostbyaddr_r.3 lwres_gethostbyname.3 \
+	lwres_gethostbyname2.3 lwres_gethostbyname_r.3 lwres_gethostent.3 \
+	lwres_gethostent_r.3 lwres_getipnode.3 lwres_getipnodebyaddr.3 \
+	lwres_getipnodebyname.3 lwres_getnamebyaddr.3 lwres_getnameinfo.3 \
+	lwres_getrrsetbyname.3 lwres_gnba.3 lwres_gnbarequest_free.3 \
+	lwres_gnbarequest_parse.3 lwres_gnbarequest_render.3 \
+	lwres_gnbaresponse_free.3 lwres_gnbaresponse_parse.3 \
+	lwres_gnbaresponse_render.3 lwres_herror.3 lwres_hstrerror.3 \
+	lwres_inetntop.3 lwres_lwpacket_parseheader.3 \
+	lwres_lwpacket_renderheader.3 lwres_net_ntop.3 lwres_noop.3 \
+	lwres_nooprequest_free.3 lwres_nooprequest_parse.3 \
+	lwres_nooprequest_render.3 lwres_noopresponse_free.3 \
+	lwres_noopresponse_parse.3 lwres_noopresponse_render.3 \
+	lwres_packet.3 lwres_resutil.3 lwres_sethostent.3 \
+	lwres_sethostent_r.3 lwres_string_parse.3
+MAN5=	named.conf.5 rndc.conf.5
+MAN8=	dnssec-keygen.8 dnssec-signzone.8 lwresd.8 named-checkconf.8 \
+	named-checkzone.8 named.8 nsupdate.8 rndc-confgen.8 rndc.8
+MLINKS=	named-checkzone.8 named-compilezone.8
+verify:	checksum
+	gpg --verify ${DISTDIR}/${DISTNAME}${EXTRACT_SUFX}.asc
+.for FILE in check/named-checkconf.8 named/named.8 nsupdate/nsupdate.8 \
+	rndc/rndc.8
+	@${MV} ${WRKSRC}/bin/${FILE} ${WRKSRC}/bin/${FILE}.Dist
+	@${SED} -e 's#/etc/named.conf#${BIND_DESTETC}/named.conf#g' \
+		-e 's#/etc/rndc.conf#${BIND_DESTETC}/rndc.conf#g' \
+		${WRKSRC}/bin/${FILE}.Dist > ${WRKSRC}/bin/${FILE}
+	${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/bin/rndc/rndc.conf \
+		${BIND_DESTETC}/rndc.conf.sample
+.if !defined(NOPORTDOCS)
+	${MKDIR} ${DOCSDIR}/arm ${DOCSDIR}/misc
+	${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/doc/arm/*.html ${DOCSDIR}/arm
+	${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/doc/arm/Bv9ARM.pdf ${DOCSDIR}/
+	${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/doc/misc/[a-z]* ${DOCSDIR}/misc
+.include <bsd.port.post.mk>
--- /dev/null
+++ dns/bind95/distinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+MD5 (bind-9.5.0.tar.gz) = 066484717db1d1b1b4092ddcf5d0eb6e
+SHA256 (bind-9.5.0.tar.gz) = fbb4c02c792a5298f8c71d617dfbab2acebbbdd51ea1d1e94d1aa66de48ddd61
+SIZE (bind-9.5.0.tar.gz) = 6749437
+MD5 (bind-9.5.0.tar.gz.asc) = 36b1c6c37e047cb2c1214fdc74a62b30
+SHA256 (bind-9.5.0.tar.gz.asc) = 6d83c4a6c0bc67472e998bb260c1b0cfc55825c9b707da409c5a200c38119a64
+SIZE (bind-9.5.0.tar.gz.asc) = 486

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