[Midnightbsd-cvs] src: src/etc: Remove ksh.kshrc which is no longer used.

laffer1 at midnightbsd.org laffer1 at midnightbsd.org
Sun Mar 2 14:15:46 EST 2008

Log Message:
Remove ksh.kshrc which is no longer used.

Modified Files:
        Makefile (r1.9 -> r1.10)

Removed Files:

-------------- next part --------------
Index: Makefile
RCS file: /home/cvs/src/etc/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.9
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -L etc/Makefile -L etc/Makefile -u -r1.9 -r1.10
--- etc/Makefile
+++ etc/Makefile
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 BIN1=	amd.map apmd.conf auth.conf \
-	crontab csh.cshrc ksh.kshrc csh.login csh.logout devd.conf \
+	crontab csh.cshrc csh.login csh.logout devd.conf \
 	devfs.conf dhclient.conf disktab fbtab ftpusers gettytab \
 	group hosts hosts.allow hosts.equiv hosts.lpd \
 	inetd.conf login.access login.conf \
--- etc/ksh.kshrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-#	$MidnightBSD: src/etc/ksh.kshrc,v 1.1 2007/03/29 20:05:06 archite Exp $
-#	$OpenBSD: ksh.kshrc,v 1.12 2005/02/07 06:08:10 david Exp $
-# NAME:
-#	ksh.kshrc - global initialization for ksh
-#	Each invocation of /bin/ksh processes the file pointed
-#	to by $ENV (usually $HOME/.kshrc).
-#	This file is intended as a global .kshrc file for the
-#	Korn shell.  A user's $HOME/.kshrc file simply requires
-#	the line:
-#		. /etc/ksh.kshrc
-#	at or near the start to pick up the defaults in this
-#	file which can then be overridden as desired.
-#	$HOME/.kshrc
-# RCSid:
-#	$From: ksh.kshrc,v 1.4 1992/12/05 13:14:48 sjg Exp $
-#	@(#)Copyright (c) 1991 Simon J. Gerraty
-#	This file is provided in the hope that it will
-#	be of use.  There is absolutely NO WARRANTY.
-#	Permission to copy, redistribute or otherwise
-#	use this file is hereby granted provided that
-#	the above copyright notice and this notice are
-#	left intact.
-case "$-" in
-*i*)	# we are interactive
-	# we may have su'ed so reset these
-	# NOTE: SCO-UNIX doesn't have whoami,
-	#	install whoami.sh
-	USER=`whoami 2>/dev/null`
-	USER=${USER:-`id | sed 's/^[^(]*(\([^)]*\)).*/\1/'`}
-	UID=`id -u`
-	case $UID in
-	0) PS1S='# ';;
-	esac
-	PS1S=${PS1S:-'$ '}
-	HOSTNAME=${HOSTNAME:-`uname -n`}
-	# $TTY is the tty we logged in on,
-	# $tty is that which we are in now (might by pty)
-	tty=`tty`
-	tty=`basename $tty`
-	TTY=${TTY:-$tty}
-	set -o emacs
-	alias ls='ls -CF'
-	alias h='fc -l | more'
-	# the PD ksh is not 100% compatible
-	case "$KSH_VERSION" in
-	*PD*)	# PD ksh
-		;;
-	*)	# real ksh ?
-		[ -r $HOME/.functions ] && . $HOME/.functions
-		set -o trackall
-		;;
-	esac
-	case "$TERM" in
-	sun*-s)
-		# sun console with status line
-		if [ "$tty" != "$console" ]; then
-			# ilabel
-			ILS='\033]L'; ILE='\033\\'
-			# window title bar
-			WLS='\033]l'; WLE='\033\\'
-		fi
-		;;
-	xterm*)
-		ILS='\033]1;'; ILE='\007'
-		WLS='\033]2;'; WLE='\007'
-		parent="`ps -ax 2>/dev/null | grep $PPID | grep -v grep`"
-		case "$parent" in
-		*telnet*)
-		export TERM=xterms;;
-		esac
-		;;
-	*)	;;
-	esac
-	# do we want window decorations?
-	if [ "$ILS" ]; then
-		ilabel () { print -n "${ILS}$*${ILE}">/dev/tty; }
-		label () { print -n "${WLS}$*${WLE}">/dev/tty; }
-		alias stripe='label "$USER@$HOST ($tty) - $PWD"'
-		alias istripe='ilabel "$USER@$HOST ($tty)"'
-		wftp () { ilabel "ftp $*"; "ftp" $*; eval istripe; }
-		wcd () { \cd "$@" && eval stripe; }
-		wssh ()
-		{
-			"ssh" "$@"
-			eval istripe
-			eval stripe
-		}
-		wtelnet ()
-		{
-			"telnet" "$@"
-			eval istripe
-			eval stripe
-		}
-		wrlogin ()
-		{
-			"rlogin" "$@"
-			eval istripe
-			eval stripe
-		}
-		wsu ()
-		{
-			"su" "$@"
-			eval istripe
-			eval stripe
-		}
-		alias su=wsu
-		alias cd=wcd
-		alias ftp=wftp
-		alias ssh=wssh
-		alias telnet=wtelnet
-		alias rlogin=wrlogin
-		eval stripe
-		eval istripe
-	fi
-	alias quit=exit
-	alias cls=clear
-	alias logout=exit
-	alias bye=exit
-	alias p='ps -l'
-	alias j=jobs
-	alias o='fg %-'
-	alias ls='ls -gCF'
-# add your favourite aliases here
-	OS=${OS:-`uname -s`}
-	case $OS in
-	HP-UX)
-		alias ls='ls -CF'
-		;;
-	*BSD)
-		alias df='df -k'
-		alias du='du -k'
-		;;
-	esac
-	alias rsize='eval `resize`'
-*)	# non-interactive
-# commands for both interactive and non-interactive shells
-# is $1 missing from $2 (or PATH) ?
-no_path () {
-  eval _v="\$${2:-PATH}"
-  case :$_v: in
-  *:$1:*) return 1;;		# no we have it
-  esac
-  return 0
-# if $1 exists and is not in path, append it
-add_path () {
-  [ -d ${1:-.} ] && no_path $* && eval ${2:-PATH}="\$${2:-PATH}:$1"
-# if $1 exists and is not in path, prepend it
-pre_path () {
-  [ -d ${1:-.} ] && no_path $* && eval ${2:-PATH}="$1:\$${2:-PATH}"
-# if $1 is in path, remove it
-del_path () {
-  no_path $* || eval ${2:-PATH}=`eval echo :'$'${2:-PATH}: |
-    sed -e "s;:$1:;:;g" -e "s;^:;;" -e "s;:\$;;"`

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