[Midnightbsd-cvs] mports: Worker.pm: Add Worker.pm

ctriv at midnightbsd.org ctriv at midnightbsd.org
Wed Oct 1 17:09:27 EDT 2008

Log Message:
Add Worker.pm

Added Files:
        Worker.pm (r1.1)

-------------- next part --------------
--- /dev/null
+++ Tools/lib/Magus/App/Slave/Worker.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+package Magus::App::Slave::Worker;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+sub run {
+  my ($class, %args) = @_;
+  local $SIG{CHLD} = 'DEFAULT';
+  local $SIG{INT}  = { die "SIGINT\n" };
+  my $self = bless \%args, $class;
+  eval {
+        $self->{port} = $self->{lock}->port;
+        $self->{port}->note_event(info => "Test Started");
+	$self->_prep_chroot();
+	$self->_inject_depends();
+  	$self->_run_test();
+  	$self->{port}->note_event($self->{port}->status => "Test complete.");
+  }; 
+  if ($@) {
+	if ($@ =~ m/DBI/ || $@ =~ m/SIGINT/) {
+		return;
+	} 
+	# we make sure we never have an uncaught exception!
+	eval { $self->{port}->set_result_internal("Exception thrown: $@"); };
+  }
+sub _prep_chroot {
+  my ($self) = @_;
+  report(debug => "Preping chroot $self->{worker_id}");
+  $self->{chroot} =  Magus::Chroot->new(
+    workerid => $self->{worker_id},
+    tarball  => $Magus::Config{ChrootTarBall},
+  );
+sub _inject_depends {
+  my ($self) = @_;
+  foreach my $depend ($self->{port}->all_depends) {
+    if ($depend->status eq 'pass' || $depend->status eq 'warn') {
+      # There should be a package that we can use to install the port.
+      $self->_inject_pkgfile($depend);
+      next;
+    }
+    die "Port was scheduled as ready to build, but $depend had not been built successfuly.\n";
+  }
+sub _inject_pkgfile {
+  my ($self) = @_;
+  my $port = $self->{port};
+  my $chroot = $self->{chroot};
+  my $file = sprintf("%s-%s.%s", $port->pkgname, $port->version, $Magus::Config{'PkgExtension'});
+  my $run  = $port->run->id;
+  my $dest = join('/', $chroot->root, $chroot->packages, 'All');
+  my $cmd = "/usr/bin/scp $Magus::Config{'PkgfilesRoot'}/$run/$file $dest";
+  report('debug', "downloading: $run/$file");
+  my $out = `$cmd 2>&1`;
+  if ($? != 0) {
+    die "$cmd returned non-zero: $out\n";
+  }
+sub _run_test {
+  my ($self) = @_;
+  my $port = $self->{port};
+  my $chroot = $self->{chroot};
+  # we fork so just the child chroots, then we can get out of the chroot.
+  my $pid = fork();
+  if ($pid) {
+    # Parent, we wait for the child to finish, and if we get sigint
+    # while we are waiting, we stop the child and then cleanup
+    local $SIG{INT} = sub { 
+      waitpid($pid, 0);
+      $self->{port}->reset;
+      exit(0);
+    };
+    waitpid($pid, 0);
+  } elsif (defined $pid) {
+    # child here; chroot and test the port
+    eval {
+      $chroot->do_chroot();
+      chdir($port->origin);
+      my $test = Magus::PortTest->new(port => $port, chroot => $chroot);
+      report('info', "Building $port");
+      my $results = $test->run;
+      $self->_insert_results($results);
+    };
+    if ($@) {
+      if ($@ =~ m/SIGINT/ || $@ =~ m/DBI/) {
+        exit(0);
+      }
+      # make sure we get to that exit() down there. 
+      eval { $port->set_result_internal("Exception thrown: $@"); };
+    }
+    exit(0);
+  } else {
+    die "Could not fork: $!\n";
+  } 
+  # Back to the parent here
+  if ($? == 0) {
+    # update our port object with new data from the database, as the child
+    # process probably changed stuff
+    $port->refresh;
+    if ($port->status eq 'pass' || $port->status eq 'warn') {
+        $self->_upload_pkgfile();
+    }
+  } else {
+    die "Child exited unexpectantly: $?\n";
+  }
+=head2 upload_pkgfile($port, $file)  
+Upload the built package of the current port to the master dir. 
+sub upload_pkgfile {
+  my ($self) = @_;
+  my ($port, $chroot) = ($self->{port}, $self->{chroot});
+  my $run  = $port->run->id;
+  my $file = sprintf("%s-%s.%s", $port->pkgname, $port->version, $Magus::Config{'PkgExtension'});
+  my $from = join('/', $chroot->root, $chroot->packages, 'All', $file);
+  my $cmd = "/usr/bin/scp $from $Magus::Config{'PkgfilesRoot'}/$run/$file";
+  report('debug', "uploading: $run/$file");
+  my $out = `$cmd 2>&1`;
+  if ($? != 0 ) {
+     die "$cmd returned non-zero: $out\n";
+  }

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