[Midnightbsd-cvs] mports: Mk/mport.inc: remove mport.inc dir.

ctriv at midnightbsd.org ctriv at midnightbsd.org
Tue Oct 28 18:45:07 EDT 2008

Log Message:
remove mport.inc dir.

Removed Files:

-------------- next part --------------
--- Mk/mport.inc/metadata.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
-# Metadata support for mports.  This file has the targets for displaying bits 
-# of metadata, such as `describe` and `describe-yaml`
-# $MidnightBSD
-# This target generates an index entry suitable for aggregation into
-# a large index.  Format is:
-# distribution-name|port-path|installation-prefix|comment| \
-#  description-file|maintainer|categories|extract-depends| \
-#  patch-depends|fetch-depends|build-depends|run-depends|www site
-# If this ever changes, portmgr should contact the portsnap maintainer
-# first to avoid gratuitous breakage.
-.if !target(describe)
-	@${ECHO_CMD} -n "${PKGNAME}|${.CURDIR}|${PREFIX}|"
-.if defined(COMMENT)
-	@${ECHO_CMD} -n ${COMMENT:Q}
-	@${ECHO_CMD} -n '** No Description'
-	@perl -e ' \
-		if ( -f q{${DESCR}} ) { \
-			print q{|${DESCR}}; \
-		} else { \
-			print q{|/dev/null}; \
-		} \
-		print q{|${MAINTAINER}|${CATEGORIES}|}; \
-		@edirs = map((split /:/)[1], split(q{ }, q{${EXTRACT_DEPENDS}})); \
-		@pdirs = map((split /:/)[1], split(q{ }, q{${PATCH_DEPENDS}})); \
-		@fdirs = map((split /:/)[1], split(q{ }, q{${FETCH_DEPENDS}})); \
-		@bdirs = map((split /:/)[1], split(q{ }, q{${BUILD_DEPENDS}})); \
-		@rdirs = map((split /:/)[1], split(q{ }, q{${RUN_DEPENDS}})); \
-		@ddirs = map((split /:/)[0], split(q{ }, q{${DEPENDS}})); \
-		@ldirs = map((split /:/)[1], split(q{ }, q{${LIB_DEPENDS}})); \
-		for my $$i (\@edirs, \@pdirs, \@fdirs, \@bdirs, \@rdirs, \@ddirs, \@ldirs) { \
-			my @dirs = @$$i; \
-			@$$i = (); \
-			for (@dirs) { \
-				if (-d $$_) { \
-					push @$$i, $$_; \
-				} else { \
-					print STDERR qq{${PKGNAME}: \"$$_\" non-existent -- dependency list incomplete\n}; \
-					exit(1); \
-				} \
-			} \
-		} \
-		for (@edirs, @ddirs) { \
-			$$xe{$$_} = 1; \
-		} \
-		print join(q{ }, sort keys %xe), q{|}; \
-		for (@pdirs, @ddirs) { \
-			$$xp{$$_} = 1; \
-		} \
-		print join(q{ }, sort keys %xp), q{|}; \
-		for (@fdirs, @ddirs) { \
-			$$xf{$$_} = 1; \
-		} \
-		print join(q{ }, sort keys %xf), q{|}; \
-		for (@bdirs, @ddirs, @ldirs) { \
-			$$xb{$$_} = 1; \
-		} \
-		print join(q{ }, sort keys %xb), q{|}; \
-		for (@rdirs, @ddirs, @ldirs) { \
-			$$xr{$$_} = 1; \
-		} \
-		print join(q{ }, sort keys %xr), q{|}; \
-		if (open(DESCR, q{${DESCR}})) { \
-			while (<DESCR>) { \
-				if (/^WWW:\s+(\S+)/) { \
-					print $$1; \
-					last; \
-				} \
-			} \
-		} \
-		print qq{\n};'
-# describe-yaml
-# Prints the port's description in YAML markup.  YAML is very human readable, and 
-# there are libraries in many languages for conversion to native data structures.
-# This target requires perl.
-.if !target(describe-yaml)
-	@perl -MYAML -e ' \
-		sub uniq (@) {  my %saw;  return grep(!$$saw{$$_}++, @_); } \
-		my %port = ( \
-			pkgname        => q(${PKGSUBNAME}), \
-			name           => q(${PKGORIGIN}), \
-			version        => q(${PKGVERSION}), \
-			description    => qq(${COMMENT:S/'/\x27/g}), \
-			license        => q(${LICENSE}), \
-			categories     => [qw(${CATEGORIES})], \
-			is_interactive => q(${IS_INTERACTIVE}) ? 1 : 0, \
-		); \
-		$$port{license} ||= undef; \
-		my %depends; \
-		$$depends{extract} = [ uniq map((split /:/)[1], qw{${EXTRACT_DEPENDS:S|${PORTSDIR}/||g}}) ]; \
-		$$depends{patch}   = [ uniq map((split /:/)[1], qw{${PATCH_DEPENDS:S|${PORTSDIR}/||}})   ]; \
-		$$depends{fetch}   = [ uniq map((split /:/)[1], qw{${FETCH_DEPENDS:S|${PORTSDIR}/||}})   ]; \
-		$$depends{build}   = [ uniq map((split /:/)[1], qw{${BUILD_DEPENDS:S|${PORTSDIR}/||}})   ]; \
-		$$depends{run}     = [ uniq map((split /:/)[1], qw{${RUN_DEPENDS:S|${PORTSDIR}/||}})     ]; \
-		$$depends{misc}	   = [ uniq map((split /:/)[0], qw{${DEPENDS:S|${PORTSDIR}/||}})         ]; \
-		$$depends{lib}     = [ uniq map((split /:/)[1], qw{${LIB_DEPENDS:S|${PORTSDIR}/||}})     ]; \
-		$$port{depends}  = \%depends; \
-		open(my $$desc, q(<), q(${DESCR})) || die qq(Could not open ${DESCR}: $$!\n); \
-		while (<$$desc>) { \
-			if (m/^WWW:\s+(\S+)/) { \
-				$$port{www} = $$1; \
-				last; \
-			} \
-		} \
-		$$port{www} ||= undef; \
-		print Dump(\%port);  '
-.if exists(${DESCR})
-	@${AWK} '$$1 ~ /^WWW:/ {print $$2}' ${DESCR} | ${HEAD} -1
-	@${ECHO_CMD}
-.if !target(readmes)
-readmes:	readme
-.if !target(readme)
-	@${RM} -f ${.CURDIR}/README.html
-	@cd ${.CURDIR} && ${MAKE} ${__softMAKEFLAGS} ${.CURDIR}/README.html
-	@${ECHO_MSG} "===>   Creating README.html for ${PKGNAME}"
-	@__softMAKEFLAGS='${__softMAKEFLAGS:S/'/'\''/g}'; \
-	${SED} -e 's|%%PORT%%|'$$(${ECHO_CMD} ${.CURDIR} | \
-							  ${SED} -e 's|.*/\([^/]*/[^/]*\)$$|\1|')'|g' \
-			-e 's|%%PKG%%|${PKGNAME}|g' \
-			-e 's|%%LICENSE%%|${LICENSE}|g' \
-			-e 's|%%COMMENT%%|'"$$(${ECHO_CMD} ${COMMENT:Q})"'|' \
-			-e '/%%COMMENT%%/d' \
-			-e 's|%%DESCR%%|'"$$(${ECHO_CMD} ${DESCR} | \
-								 ${SED} -e 's|${.CURDIR}/||')"'|' \
-			-e 's|%%EMAIL%%|'"$$(${ECHO_CMD} "${MAINTAINER}" | \
-								 ${SED} -e 's/([^)]*)//;s/.*<//;s/>.*//')"'|g' \
-			-e 's|%%MAINTAINER%%|${MAINTAINER}|g' \
-			-e 's|%%WEBSITE%%|'"$$(cd ${.CURDIR} && eval ${MAKE} \
-					$${__softMAKEFLAGS} pretty-print-www-site)"'|' \
-			-e 's|%%BUILD_DEPENDS%%|'"$$(cd ${.CURDIR} && eval ${MAKE} \
-					$${__softMAKEFLAGS} pretty-print-build-depends-list)"'|' \
-			-e 's|%%RUN_DEPENDS%%|'"$$(cd ${.CURDIR} && eval ${MAKE} \
-					$${__softMAKEFLAGS} pretty-print-run-depends-list)"'|' \
-			-e 's|%%TOP%%|'"$$(${ECHO_CMD} ${CATEGORIES} | \
-							   ${SED} -e 's| .*||' -e 's|[^/]*|..|g')"'/..|' \
-# The following two targets require an up-to-date INDEX in ${PORTSDIR}
-	if [ ! -r ${INDEXDIR}/${INDEXFILE} ] ; then \
-		${ECHO_MSG} "${.TARGET} requires an INDEX file (${INDEXFILE}). Please run make index or make fetchindex."; \
-	else \
-		target=${.TARGET:C/pretty-print-(.*)-depends-list/\1/} ; \
-		if [ "$$target" = "build" ] ; then fldnum=8 ; else fldnum=9 ; fi ; \
-		${ECHO_MSG} -n 'This port requires package(s) "' ; \
-		${ECHO_MSG} -n `${AWK} -F\| "\\$$1 ~ /^${PKGNAME}/ {print \\$$$${fldnum};}" ${INDEXDIR}/${INDEXFILE}` ; \
-		${ECHO_MSG} "\" to $$target."; \
-	fi;
-.if !target(pretty-print-build-depends-list)
-.if defined(EXTRACT_DEPENDS) || defined(PATCH_DEPENDS) || \
-	defined(FETCH_DEPENDS) || defined(BUILD_DEPENDS) || \
-	defined(LIB_DEPENDS) || defined(DEPENDS)
-.if !target(pretty-print-run-depends-list)
-.if defined(RUN_DEPENDS) || defined(LIB_DEPENDS) || \
-	defined(DEPENDS)
--- Mk/mport.inc/commands.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-#-*- mode: Fundamental; tab-width: 4; -*-
-# ex:ts=4
-# bsd.commands.mk - Common commands used within the ports infrastructure
-# $FreeBSD: ports/Mk/bsd.commands.mk,v 1.1 2007/08/04 11:37:23 gabor Exp $
-# $MidnightBSD: mports/Mk/mport.inc/commands.mk,v 1.1 2008/05/16 19:08:42 ctriv Exp $
-COMMANDS_Include_MAINTAINER=		ctriv at MidnightBSD.org
-_MAKE_CMD=	/usr/bin/make
-AWK?=		/usr/bin/awk
-BASENAME?=	/usr/bin/basename
-BRANDELF?=	/usr/bin/brandelf
-BZCAT?=		/usr/bin/bzcat
-BZIP2_CMD?=	/usr/bin/bzip2
-CAT?=		/bin/cat
-CHGRP?=		/usr/bin/chgrp
-CHMOD?=		/bin/chmod
-CHOWN?=		/usr/sbin/chown
-CHROOT?=	/usr/sbin/chroot
-COMM?=		/usr/bin/comm
-CP?=		/bin/cp
-GCPIO?=		${LOCALBASE}/bin/gcpio
-CPIO?=		/usr/bin/cpio
-CUT?=		/usr/bin/cut
-DC?=		/usr/bin/dc
-DIALOG?=	/usr/bin/dialog
-DIFF?=		/usr/bin/diff
-DIRNAME?=	/usr/bin/dirname
-EGREP?=		/usr/bin/egrep
-EXPR?=		/bin/expr
-FALSE?=		false				# Shell builtin
-FILE?=		/usr/bin/file
-FIND?=		/usr/bin/find
-FMT?=		/usr/bin/fmt
-GREP?=		/usr/bin/grep
-GUNZIP_CMD?=	/usr/bin/gunzip -f
-GZCAT?=		/usr/bin/gzcat
-GZIP?=		-9
-GZIP_CMD?=	/usr/bin/gzip -nf ${GZIP}
-HEAD?=		/usr/bin/head
-ID?=		/usr/bin/id
-IDENT?=		/usr/bin/ident
-LDCONFIG?=	/sbin/ldconfig
-LN?=		/bin/ln
-LS?=		/bin/ls
-MKDIR?=		/bin/mkdir -p
-MKTEMP?=	/usr/bin/mktemp
-MV?=		/bin/mv
-OBJCOPY?=	/usr/bin/objcopy
-OBJDUMP?=	/usr/bin/objdump
-PASTE?=		/usr/bin/paste
-PAX?=		/bin/pax
-PRINTF?=	/usr/bin/printf
-REALPATH?=	/bin/realpath
-RM?=		/bin/rm
-RMDIR?=		/bin/rmdir
-SED?=		/usr/bin/sed
-SETENV?=	/usr/bin/env
-SH?=		/bin/sh
-SORT?=		/usr/bin/sort
-STRIP_CMD?=	/usr/bin/strip
-SU_CMD?=	/usr/bin/su root -c
-SUDO?=		/usr/bin/sudo
-SYSCTL?=	/sbin/sysctl
-TAIL?=		/usr/bin/tail
-TEST?=		test				# Shell builtin
-TR?=		LANG=C /usr/bin/tr
-TRUE?=		true				# Shell builtin
-UNAME?=		/usr/bin/uname
-UNZIP_CMD?=	${LOCALBASE}/bin/unzip
-WHICH?=		/usr/bin/which
-XARGS?=		/usr/bin/xargs
-YACC?=		/usr/bin/yacc
-# ECHO is defined in /usr/share/mk/sys.mk, which can either be "echo",
-# or "true" if the make flag -s is given.  Use ECHO_CMD where you mean
-# the echo command.
-ECHO_CMD?=	echo				# Shell builtin
-# Used to print all the '===>' style prompts - override this to turn them off.

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