[Midnightbsd-cvs] mports: mports/mail: get rid of mutt devel.

laffer1 at midnightbsd.org laffer1 at midnightbsd.org
Thu Apr 2 19:25:38 EDT 2009

Log Message:
get rid of mutt devel.  less ports == good.

Modified Files:
        Makefile (r1.51 -> r1.52)

Removed Files:

-------------- next part --------------
Index: Makefile
RCS file: /home/cvs/mports/mail/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.51
retrieving revision 1.52
diff -L mail/Makefile -L mail/Makefile -u -r1.51 -r1.52
--- mail/Makefile
+++ mail/Makefile
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@
     SUBDIR += milter-greylist
     SUBDIR += msmtp
     SUBDIR += mutt
-    SUBDIR += mutt-devel
     SUBDIR += p5-Email-Address
     SUBDIR += p5-Email-Date-Format
     SUBDIR += p5-Email-MIME
--- mail/mutt-devel/pkg-descr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-Mutt -- "The Mongrel of Mail User Agents" (part Elm, part Pine, part mh,
-part slrn, part everything else) is an interactive screen-oriented mailer
-program that supersedes Elm, Pine, mail and mailx.
-Features include color support, message threading, MIME support (including
-RFC1522 support for encoded headers), customizable key bindings, POP3,
-Delivery Status Notification (DSN) support, and PGP/MIME.
-WWW: http://www.mutt.org/
-Mutt User Information:	http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/mutt/
-	-- David	(obrien at cs.ucdavis.edu)
--- mail/mutt-devel/pkg-plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
- at comment $MidnightBSD: mports/mail/mutt-devel/pkg-plist,v 1.1 2007/10/29 18:38:36 laffer1 Exp $
- at dirrm share/doc/mutt/html
- at dirrm share/doc/mutt
- at dirrm share/examples/mutt/iconv
- at dirrm share/examples/mutt
- at dirrm share/locale/uk/LC_MESSAGES
- at dirrm share/locale/uk
- at dirrm share/locale/pl/LC_MESSAGES
- at dirrm share/locale/pl
- at dirrm share/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES
- at dirrm share/locale/cs
- at dirrm share/locale/sk/LC_MESSAGES
- at dirrm share/locale/sk
- at dirrm share/locale/ko/LC_MESSAGES
- at dirrm share/locale/ko
- at dirrm share/locale/el/LC_MESSAGES
- at dirrm share/locale/el
- at dirrm share/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES
- at dirrm share/locale/zh_TW
- at dirrm share/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES
- at dirrm share/locale/zh_CN
- at dirrm share/locale/gl/LC_MESSAGES
- at dirrm share/locale/gl
- at dirrm share/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES
- at dirrm share/locale/ca
--- mail/mutt-devel/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,574 +0,0 @@
-# ex:ts=8
-# Ports collection makefile for:  mutt development
-# Date created:			  6 Jun 2001
-# Whom:				  Udo Schweigert
-# $MidnightBSD: mports/mail/mutt-devel/Makefile,v 1.4 2008/06/23 01:51:46 laffer1 Exp $
-# $FreeBSD: ports/mail/mutt-devel/Makefile,v 1.289 2007/10/03 23:34:15 edwin Exp $
-# There are several knobs which are used to define additions to the core
-# mutt functionality.
-# As all of the knobs have a unique name which should not interfere with
-# other ports you can add them to /etc/make.conf, e.g. a line like
-# "WITH_MUTT_NNTP=yes" will enable mutt's nntp facilities.
-# In addition to the knobs listed below you can enable other configuration
-# options of mutt by adding them to the MUTT_CONFIGURE_ARGS variable. For
-# example you could say "MUTT_CONFIGURE_ARGS=--with-homespool=MyMail" to
-# configure a different file for mutt's homespool.
-# The two most important knobs are:
-# In general you can choose between using ncurses (WITH_MUTT_NCURSES)
-# and SLANG (WITH_MUTT_SLANG). Note that you may have to set the variables
-# COLORTERM=yes and COLORFGBG="color1;color2" in your environment to get slang
-# function properly.
-# The default version for slang is 1.x. Define WITH_MUTT_SLANG2 if you want
-# to use the slang version 2.x
-# The default version for ncurses is that which comes with the operating
-# system. If you want to use the ncurses supplied by the ports-system define
-# If you want to install the mutt documentation in html and ps format define:
-#  This is a default knob and can be disabled by WITHOUT_MUTT_HTML
-# If you do not want that the documentation is rebuilt using the xml tools
-# define:
-#    (this can only be stated if WITHOUT_MUTT_HTML is defined)
-# If you want to access compressed email folders define:
-#  This is a default knob and can be disabled by WITHOUT_MUTT_COMPRESSED_FOLDERS
-# If you do not want mutt to use the iconv library define:
-# If you want mutt to use the idn library define:
-# If you want to make use of the gpgme interface define:
-# If you want to enable extended quoting functions define:
-#  This is a default knob and can be disabled by WITHOUT_MUTT_QUOTE_PATCH
-# If you want to have the IMAP header cache define:
-# If you want to have the Maildir and the IMAP header cache define:
-# If you want to make SMIME outlook compatible define:
-#  This is a default knob and can be disabled by
-# If you want to read and post news with mutt define:
-# If you want to use the SASL2 authentication features with your email server
-# define
-# If you want mutt to use the GNU aspell spelling checker define:
-# If you want mutt to use the ispell spelling checker define:
-# If you want to use the signature menu define:
-# If you want to use the printf-like enhancement to the mbox-hook command
-# define:
-# If you want to use the ifdef feature define:
-# If you want to have the Maildir mtime patch define:
-# If you want to have the Mailbox Sidebar patch define:
-# If you do not want mutt to use the flock() function define:
-# If you want to enable the reverse_reply option define:
-# If you want to enable the `greeting' option define:
-# If you want to enable the internal SMTP relay support define:
-PORTNAME=	mutt-devel
-CATEGORIES+=	mail ipv6
-.if defined(WITH_MUTT_NNTP)
-MASTER_SITES=	ftp://ftp.mutt.org/mutt/devel/ \
-		ftp://ftp.fu-berlin.de/pub/unix/mail/mutt/devel/ \
-		ftp://ftp.demon.co.uk/pub/mirrors/mutt/devel/ \
-		ftp://ftp.parodius.com/pub/mutt/devel/ \
-		http://www.mutt.org.ua/download/mutt-${VVV_PATCH_VERSION}/:vvv \
-		http://www2.mutt.org.ua/download/mutt-${VVV_PATCH_VERSION}/:vvv \
-		http://www3.mutt.org.ua/download/mutt-${VVV_PATCH_VERSION}/:vvv \
-		ftp://ftp.mutt.org.ua/pub/mutt/mutt-${VVV_PATCH_VERSION}/:vvv \
-		ftp://ftp3.mutt.org.ua/pub/mutt/mutt-${VVV_PATCH_VERSION}/:vvv \
-		http://www.spinnaker.de/mutt/compressed/:rr \
-		http://cedricduval.free.fr/mutt/patches/download/:cd \
-		http://lunar-linux.org/~tchan/mutt/:tchan
-PATCH_SITES+=	http://www.mutt.org.ua/download/mutt-${VVV_PATCH_VERSION}/:vvv \
-		http://www2.mutt.org.ua/download/mutt-${VVV_PATCH_VERSION}/:vvv \
-		http://www3.mutt.org.ua/download/mutt-${VVV_PATCH_VERSION}/:vvv \
-		ftp://ftp.mutt.org.ua/pub/mutt/mutt-${VVV_PATCH_VERSION}/:vvv \
-		ftp://ftp3.mutt.org.ua/pub/mutt/mutt-${VVV_PATCH_VERSION}/:vvv \
-		http://cedricduval.free.fr/mutt/patches/download/:cd \
-		http://home.woolridge.ca/mutt/patches/:dw \
-		http://www.spinnaker.de/mutt/compressed/:rr \
-		http://www.emaillab.org/mutt/${AC_PATCH_VERSION}/:jp \
-		http://vc.org.ua/mutt/:vc \
-		http://yz.kiev.ua/mutt/:vc
-MAINTAINER?=	ports at MidnightBSD.org
-COMMENT?=	The Mongrel of Mail User Agents (development version)
-LICENSE=	gpl2
-CONFLICTS=	mutt-[0-9]*
-DOCSDIR?=	${PREFIX}/share/doc/mutt
-EXAMPLESDIR?=	${PREFIX}/share/examples/mutt
-DATADIR?=	${PREFIX}/share/mutt
-CONFIGURE_ARGS=	--disable-fcntl --with-ssl=${OPENSSLBASE} \
-		--with-sharedir=${PREFIX}/share/mutt --with-docdir=${DOCSDIR} \
-		--sysconfdir=${PREFIX}/etc --enable-external-dotlock \
-		--enable-pop --enable-imap --disable-warnings
-USE_AUTOTOOLS=	automake:19 autoconf:261
-PKGMESSAGE=	${WRKDIR}/pkg-message
-.include <bsd.port.pre.mk>
-.if !defined(VVV_PATCH_VERSION)
-.if !defined(CD_PATCH_VERSION)
-.if !defined(RR_PATCH_VERSION)
-.if !defined(DW_PATCH_VERSION)
-.if !defined(DW_MBOX_PATCH_VERSION)
-.if !defined(AC_PATCH_VERSION)
-.if !defined(VC_PATCH_VERSION)
-.if defined(WITH_MUTT_NNTP)
-IGNORE=	cannot install: the WITH_MUTT_SIDEBAR_PATCH and WITH_MUTT_NNTP are not compatible
-.if defined (MUTT_LITE)
-# XXX
-# this should be done automagically by aclocal but ....
-# for now, this will have to do
-	@${REINPLACE_CMD} -E -e "s|^(ACLOCAL = ).+|\1${ACLOCAL}|" \
-			-e "s|^(AUTOCONF = ).+|\1${AUTOCONF}|" \
-			-e "s|^(AUTOMAKE = ).+|\1${AUTOMAKE}|" \
-			-e "s|^(AUTOHEADER = ).+|\1${AUTOHEADER}|" \
-		${BUILD_WRKSRC}/Makefile
-RUN_DEPENDS+=	${LOCALBASE}/etc/mime.types:${PORTSDIR}/misc/mime-support
-.if !defined (MUTT_LITE)
-.if exists(${LOCALBASE}/bin/aspell) && !defined(WITH_MUTT_ISPELL)
-.elif exists(${LOCALBASE}/bin/ispell) && !defined(WITH_MUTT_ASPELL)
-.if defined(PACKAGE_BUILDING) && !defined(WITH_MUTT_ASPELL) && \
-	!defined(WITH_MUTT_ISPELL)
-.if defined(WITH_MUTT_ASPELL)
-BUILD_DEPENDS+=	aspell:${PORTSDIR}/textproc/aspell
-RUN_DEPENDS+=	aspell:${PORTSDIR}/textproc/aspell
-.elif defined(WITH_MUTT_ISPELL)
-BUILD_DEPENDS+=	ispell:${PORTSDIR}/textproc/ispell
-RUN_DEPENDS+=	ispell:${PORTSDIR}/textproc/ispell
-.if defined(PACKAGE_BUILDING)
-RUN_DEPENDS+=	urlview:${PORTSDIR}/textproc/urlview
-.if defined(WITH_MUTT_SLANG) || defined(WITH_SLANG)
-.if defined(WITH_MUTT_SLANG2)
-.if defined(WITH_MUTT_NCURSES) && !defined(MUTT_USES_SLANG)
-.if !defined(MUTT_USES_SLANG) && !defined(WITHOUT_MUTT_SLANG) && !defined(MUTT_USES_NCURSES)
-.if defined(SLANG_IS_DEFAULT)
-.elif defined(NCURSES_IS_DEFAULT)
-.if defined(WITHOUT_MUTT_XML)
-.if !defined(XML_USED)
-.if !defined(WITHOUT_NLS)
-.if !defined(WITHOUT_MUTT_ICONV)
-.if defined(NOPORTDOCS)
-.if defined(MUTT_USES_NCURSES)
-LIB_DEPENDS+=	ncurses.5:${PORTSDIR}/devel/ncurses
-CFLAGS+=	-I${LOCALBASE}/include/ncurses -I${LOCALBASE}/include
-.elif defined(MUTT_USES_SLANG1)
-LIB_DEPENDS+=	slang.1:${PORTSDIR}/devel/libslang
-.elif defined(MUTT_USES_SLANG2)
-LIB_DEPENDS+=	slang.2:${PORTSDIR}/devel/libslang2
-.if defined(WITH_MUTT_CYRUS_SASL2)
-LIB_DEPENDS+=	sasl2.2:${PORTSDIR}/security/cyrus-sasl2
-USE_BDB=	42+
-.if exists(${LOCALBASE}/lib/libidn.so)
-.if defined(WITH_MUTT_IDN)
-LIB_DEPENDS+=	idn:${PORTSDIR}/dns/libidn
-.if defined(WITH_MUTT_GPGME)
-LIB_DEPENDS+=	gpgme:${PORTSDIR}/security/gpgme
-	@${PATCH} ${PATCH_ARGS} < ${PATCHDIR}/extra-patch-smime-outlook
-IGNORE=	The WITH_MUTT_SIGNATURE_MENU does not work at the moment.
-	@${PATCH} ${PATCH_ARGS} -p1 < ${PATCHDIR}/extra-patch-signature-menu
-.if defined(WITH_MUTT_NNTP)
-	@${PATCH} ${PATCH_ARGS} < ${PATCHDIR}/extra-patch-maildir-mtime-nntp
-	@${PATCH} ${PATCH_ARGS} < ${PATCHDIR}/extra-patch-maildir-mtime
-.if defined(WITH_MUTT_ASPELL)
-	@${PATCH} ${PATCH_ARGS} < ${PATCHDIR}/extra-patch-aspell
-	@${PATCH} ${PATCH_ARGS} < ${PATCHDIR}/extra-patch-reverse_reply
-.if defined(WITHOUT_MUTT_FLOCK)
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--disable-flock
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--enable-flock
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--enable-locales-fix
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--with-curses=${LOCALBASE}
-.elif defined(MUTT_USES_SLANG)
-.if defined(WITH_MUTT_CYRUS_SASL2)
-.if defined(WITHOUT_NLS)
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--disable-nls
-.if defined(WITHOUT_MUTT_ICONV)
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--disable-iconv
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--with-libiconv-prefix=${LOCALBASE}
-.if defined(WITH_MUTT_IDN)
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--with-idn
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--without-idn
-.if defined(WITH_MUTT_GPGME)
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--enable-gpgme
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--disable-gpgme
-.if !defined(WITHOUT_GSSAPI)
-.if exists(${LOCALBASE}/bin/krb5-config)
-LIB_DEPENDS+=		gssapi_krb5:${PORTSDIR}/security/krb5
-.elif (defined(MAKE_KERBEROS5)) || exists(/usr/lib/libkrb5.a)
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--with-gss
-.if defined(WITH_MUTT_SMTP)
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--enable-smtp
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--disable-smtp
-DISTFILES+=	patch-${RR_PATCH_VERSION}.rr.compressed.2.gz:vvv
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--enable-compressed
-	@${GUNZIP_CMD} -c ${DISTDIR}/${DIST_SUBDIR}/patch-${RR_PATCH_VERSION}.rr.compressed.2.gz > ${WRKDIR}/patch-compressed
-	@${REINPLACE_CMD} -E '/^diff.*\/doc\/manual.txt$$/,/^diff/d' \
-		 ${WRKDIR}/patch-compressed
-	@${PATCH} ${PATCH_ARGS} -p1 < ${WRKDIR}/patch-compressed
-.if defined(WITH_MUTT_NNTP)
-DISTFILES+=	patch-${VVV_PATCH_VERSION}.vvv.nntp.3.gz:vvv
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--enable-nntp
-	@${GUNZIP_CMD} -c ${DISTDIR}/${DIST_SUBDIR}/patch-${VVV_PATCH_VERSION}.vvv.nntp.3.gz > ${WRKDIR}/patch-nntp
-	@${REINPLACE_CMD} -E '/^diff.*\/doc\/manual.txt$$/,/^diff/d' \
-		${WRKDIR}/patch-nntp
-	@${PATCH} ${PATCH_ARGS} -p1 < ${WRKDIR}/patch-nntp
-PATCHFILES+=	patch-${VVV_PATCH_VERSION}.vvv.initials.gz:vvv \
-		patch-${VVV_PATCH_VERSION}.vvv.quote.gz:vvv
-DISTFILES+=	patch-${CD_IFDEF_PATCH_VERSION}.cd.ifdef.1:cd
-	@${CAT} ${DISTDIR}/${DIST_SUBDIR}/patch-${CD_IFDEF_PATCH_VERSION}.cd.ifdef.1 > ${WRKDIR}/patch-ifdef
-	@${REINPLACE_CMD} -E '/^diff.*\/doc\/manual.sgml.head$$/,/^diff/d' \
-		 ${WRKDIR}/patch-ifdef
-	@${PATCH} ${PATCH_ARGS} -p1 < ${WRKDIR}/patch-ifdef
-PATCHFILES+=	p0-patch-${DW_MBOX_PATCH_VERSION}.dw.mbox-hook.1:dw
-SIDEBAR_PATCH=	patch-1.5.16.sidebar.20070704.txt
-	@${GUNZIP_CMD} -c ${DISTDIR}/${DIST_SUBDIR}/${SIDEBAR_PATCH} > ${WRKDIR}/patch-sidebar
-	@${REINPLACE_CMD} -E '/^diff.*\/Makefile.in$$/,/^diff/d' \
-		 ${WRKDIR}/patch-sidebar
-	@${PATCH} ${PATCH_ARGS} -p1 < ${WRKDIR}/patch-sidebar
-PATCHFILES+=	mutt-${VC_PATCH_VERSION}.vc.greeting:vc
-MAN1=		mutt.1 mutt_dotlock.1 flea.1 muttbug.1
-MAN5=		muttrc.5 mbox.5 mmdf.5
-	@${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's,/usr/bin/gpg,${LOCALBASE}/bin/gpg,g' \
-		${WRKSRC}/contrib/gpg.rc
-	@${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's,pgp6,pgp,g' \
-		${WRKSRC}/contrib/pgp6.rc
-	@${REINPLACE_CMD} -E -e 's|@samplesdir@|${EXAMPLESDIR}|g' \
-		${WRKSRC}/contrib/Makefile.am
-.if defined(USE_KRB5_SYS)
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "#define HAVE_HEIMDAL" >> ${WRKSRC}/config.h.in
-	@${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|<gssapi/gssapi\.h>|<gssapi.h>|' \
-		${WRKSRC}/imap/auth_gss.c
-.if defined(WITH_MUTT_NNTP)
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--enable-hcache --without-gdbm --with-bdb
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--disable-hcache
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	 --disable-inodesort --without-qdbm
-.if ! defined(WITHOUT_MUTT_HTML)
-.if !defined(WITHOUT_NLS)
-.if !defined(NOPORTDOCS)
-	@${PATCH} ${PATCH_ARGS} < ${PATCHDIR}/extra-patch-doc-ref
-	@${REINPLACE_CMD} -E -e 's|\$$\{PREFIX\}|${PREFIX}|g' \
-		-e 's|\$$\{DOCSDIR\}|${DOCSDIR}|g' \
-		-e 's|\$$\{EXAMPLESDIR\}|${EXAMPLESDIR}|g' \
-		${WRKSRC}/doc/mutt.man
-	@${REINPLACE_CMD} -E -e 's|\$$\{PREFIX\}|${PREFIX}|g' \
-		-e 's|\$$\{DOCSDIR\}|${DOCSDIR}|g' \
-		-e 's|\$$\{EXAMPLESDIR\}|${EXAMPLESDIR}|g' \
-		${WRKSRC}/doc/muttrc.man
-.if ! defined(WITHOUT_MUTT_HTML)
-XML_USED=	yes
-.if defined(XML_NEEDED) && !defined(WITHOUT_MUTT_XML)
-XML_USED=	yes
-.else 	# ! NOPORTDOCS
-	@${PATCH} ${PATCH_ARGS} < ${PATCHDIR}/extra-patch-nodoc-contrib
-.endif # ! NOPORTDOCS
-.if ${XML_USED} == yes
-BUILD_DEPENDS+=	xsltproc:${PORTSDIR}/textproc/libxslt \
-		${PREFIX}/share/xsl/docbook/html/docbook.xsl:${PORTSDIR}/textproc/docbook-xsl \
-		lynx:${PORTSDIR}/www/lynx
-	@${PATCH} ${PATCH_ARGS} < ${PATCHDIR}/extra-patch-doc-xml
-#	@${SETENV} ${SCRIPTS_ENV} ${SH} ${SCRIPTDIR}/generate-plist > ${PLIST}
-	${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/Muttrc ${PREFIX}/etc/Muttrc.dist
-.if !defined(NOPORTDOCS)
-	@${ECHO} "===>   Installing Mutt documentation"
-	@${MKDIR} ${DOCSDIR} && ${CHMOD} a+rx ${DOCSDIR}
-	@cd ${WRKSRC}/doc ; ${INSTALL_MAN} manual.txt PGP-Notes.txt \
-		../ABOUT-NLS ../contrib/language*  ${DOCSDIR}
-.if defined(WITH_MUTT_NNTP)
-	@cd ${WRKSRC} ; ${INSTALL_MAN} ChangeLog.nntp ${DOCSDIR}
-.if ! defined(WITHOUT_MUTT_HTML)
-	@${MKDIR} ${DOCSDIR}/html && ${CHMOD} a+rx ${DOCSDIR}/html
-	${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKSRC}/doc/*.html ${DOCSDIR}/html
-.if defined(MUTT_USES_SLANG)
-	@${ECHO} "=====================================================" >> ${PKGMESSAGE}
-	@${ECHO} "You have installed ${PORTNAME} with SLANG support." >> ${PKGMESSAGE}
-	@${ECHO} "This may work for a color terminal only when defining" >> ${PKGMESSAGE}
-	@${ECHO} "COLORTERM=yes and COLORFGBG=\"color1;color2\" in your" >> ${PKGMESSAGE}
-	@${ECHO} "environment." >> ${PKGMESSAGE}
-	@${ECHO} "=====================================================" >> ${PKGMESSAGE}
-.if !defined(BATCH)
-	@${ECHO}
-.include <bsd.port.post.mk>
--- mail/mutt-devel/distinfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-MD5 (mutt/mutt-1.5.16.tar.gz) = 10eff7024dbb7ce1f773d688a69ea9db
-SHA256 (mutt/mutt-1.5.16.tar.gz) = 825e920b394db6f56fa8deb45977c061331f59d953944e27ff595625bbad3e83
-SIZE (mutt/mutt-1.5.16.tar.gz) = 3534894
-MD5 (mutt/patch-1.5.16.rr.compressed.2.gz) = 555677215aae09cb48cae2dcf7a41182
-SHA256 (mutt/patch-1.5.16.rr.compressed.2.gz) = 64e119a50a6eb72ab6893ef8a1af8d196567116c123fbce7e0afc825c19aa65e
-SIZE (mutt/patch-1.5.16.rr.compressed.2.gz) = 10117
-MD5 (mutt/patch-1.5.16.vvv.nntp.3.gz) = 93a828111ce0b17d80ee9f6396708552
-SHA256 (mutt/patch-1.5.16.vvv.nntp.3.gz) = fe71626d7a91f85e0434a866c7a1b31cbd6866d6d006c5214b7a39d834b5ac16
-SIZE (mutt/patch-1.5.16.vvv.nntp.3.gz) = 55200
-MD5 (mutt/patch-1.5.4.cd.ifdef.1) = a545036cdb55519154d0b35465f52daa
-SHA256 (mutt/patch-1.5.4.cd.ifdef.1) = 7d11892bcc688bbc82b5996ca0fda2d4446d8e928bec50b2731f8a3a5d9be373
-SIZE (mutt/patch-1.5.4.cd.ifdef.1) = 3545
-MD5 (mutt/patch-1.5.16.vvv.initials.gz) = ff11da4b723127647c986cd027f7fdd2
-SHA256 (mutt/patch-1.5.16.vvv.initials.gz) = c6788b1092c0ab4f8d28d5e570804bbedf880a4172452b8231da5bed65bb74de
-SIZE (mutt/patch-1.5.16.vvv.initials.gz) = 679
-MD5 (mutt/patch-1.5.16.vvv.quote.gz) = 41f8945f5114687974e2a86bcf415f27
-SHA256 (mutt/patch-1.5.16.vvv.quote.gz) = b08db26c185693aefd0d398eef9cfd8a90a01d627dc5e2223cee2076d2ed0ef3
-SIZE (mutt/patch-1.5.16.vvv.quote.gz) = 2036
-MD5 (mutt/p0-patch-1.5.6.dw.mbox-hook.1) = 9e29a6778ab07a4de3442691e4573fea
-SHA256 (mutt/p0-patch-1.5.6.dw.mbox-hook.1) = ec9511b86a595f9b4f1f96b05d9e9e12e997bc62b0a0f2b5a36e2817dee61406
-SIZE (mutt/p0-patch-1.5.6.dw.mbox-hook.1) = 6405
-MD5 (mutt/mutt-1.5.16.vc.greeting) = 4bd9beeb74d075e4418e86e8ed887aa0
-SHA256 (mutt/mutt-1.5.16.vc.greeting) = cf05aeab5f1813864aa72b68f59a579c46dacf2fbd8e5fd064b920012320b986
-SIZE (mutt/mutt-1.5.16.vc.greeting) = 4526
-MD5 (mutt/patch-1.5.16.sidebar.20070704.txt) = e6e1a6e258ec6ce6ee489b0f3ff8e2cf
-SHA256 (mutt/patch-1.5.16.sidebar.20070704.txt) = 49123e14bebd33d0e8c7733cab319f3e5bfa591d5f5d74a3dd8964b44bf34ae7
-SIZE (mutt/patch-1.5.16.sidebar.20070704.txt) = 51103
--- mail/mutt-devel/files/extra-patch-signature-menu
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,729 +0,0 @@
---- mutt-1.5.11/PATCHES Dec 2002 17:44:54 -0000	3.6
-+++ mutt-1.5.11/PATCHES Feb 2004 13:19:42 -0000
-@@ -0,0 +1 @@
---- mutt-1.5.11/Makefile.am.orig	Thu Aug 11 23:27:28 2005
-+++ mutt-1.5.11/Makefile.am	Sat Mar 11 21:47:55 2006
-@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
- 	main.c mbox.c menu.c mh.c mx.c pager.c parse.c pattern.c \
- 	postpone.c query.c recvattach.c recvcmd.c \
- 	rfc822.c rfc1524.c rfc2047.c rfc2231.c \
--	score.c send.c sendlib.c signal.c sort.c \
-+	score.c send.c sendlib.c signal.c signature.c sort.c \
- 	status.c system.c thread.c charset.c history.c lib.c \
- 	muttlib.c editmsg.c utf8.c mbyte.c wcwidth.c \
- 	url.c ascii.c mutt_idna.c crypt-mod.c crypt-mod.h
---- mutt-1.5.12/Makefile.in.orig	Mon Jul 17 16:29:15 2006
-+++ mutt-1.5.12/Makefile.in	Mon Jul 17 16:30:26 2006
-@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
- 	query.$(OBJEXT) recvattach.$(OBJEXT) recvcmd.$(OBJEXT) \
- 	rfc822.$(OBJEXT) rfc1524.$(OBJEXT) rfc2047.$(OBJEXT) \
- 	rfc2231.$(OBJEXT) score.$(OBJEXT) send.$(OBJEXT) \
--	sendlib.$(OBJEXT) signal.$(OBJEXT) sort.$(OBJEXT) \
-+	sendlib.$(OBJEXT) signal.$(OBJEXT) signature.$(OBJEXT) sort.$(OBJEXT) \
- 	status.$(OBJEXT) system.$(OBJEXT) thread.$(OBJEXT) \
- 	charset.$(OBJEXT) history.$(OBJEXT) lib.$(OBJEXT) \
- 	muttlib.$(OBJEXT) editmsg.$(OBJEXT) utf8.$(OBJEXT) \
-@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@
- 	main.c mbox.c menu.c mh.c mx.c pager.c parse.c pattern.c \
- 	postpone.c query.c recvattach.c recvcmd.c \
- 	rfc822.c rfc1524.c rfc2047.c rfc2231.c \
--	score.c send.c sendlib.c signal.c sort.c \
-+	score.c send.c sendlib.c signal.c signature.c sort.c \
- 	status.c system.c thread.c charset.c history.c lib.c \
- 	muttlib.c editmsg.c utf8.c mbyte.c wcwidth.c \
- 	url.c ascii.c mutt_idna.c crypt-mod.c crypt-mod.h
---- mutt-1.5.11/OPS.orig	Sun Jul 24 18:56:42 2005
-+++ mutt-1.5.11/OPS	Sat Mar 11 21:47:55 2006
-@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
- OP_COMPOSE_POSTPONE_MESSAGE "save this message to send later"
- OP_COMPOSE_RENAME_FILE "rename/move an attached file"
- OP_COMPOSE_SEND_MESSAGE "send the message"
-+OP_COMPOSE_SIG "choose a signature"
- OP_COMPOSE_TOGGLE_DISPOSITION "toggle disposition between inline/attachment"
- OP_COMPOSE_TOGGLE_UNLINK "toggle whether to delete file after sending it"
- OP_COMPOSE_UPDATE_ENCODING "update an attachment's encoding info"
-@@ -131,6 +132,7 @@
- OP_NEXT_ENTRY "move to the next entry"
- OP_NEXT_LINE "scroll down one line"
- OP_NEXT_PAGE "move to the next page"
-+OP_NEXT_SIG "move to the next signature"
- OP_PAGER_BOTTOM "jump to the bottom of the message"
- OP_PAGER_HIDE_QUOTED "toggle display of quoted text"
- OP_PAGER_SKIP_QUOTED "skip beyond quoted text"
-@@ -139,10 +141,12 @@
- OP_PREV_ENTRY "move to the previous entry"
- OP_PREV_LINE "scroll up one line"
- OP_PREV_PAGE "move to the previous page"
-+OP_PREV_SIG "move to the previous signature"
- OP_PRINT "print the current entry"
- OP_QUERY "query external program for addresses"
- OP_QUERY_APPEND "append new query results to current results"
- OP_QUIT "save changes to mailbox and quit"
-+OP_RANDOM_SIG "pick a signature at random"
- OP_RECALL_MESSAGE "recall a postponed message"
- OP_REDRAW "clear and redraw the screen"
- OP_REFORMAT_WINCH "{internal}"
-@@ -156,6 +160,7 @@
- OP_SEARCH_OPPOSITE "search for next match in opposite direction"
- OP_SEARCH_TOGGLE "toggle search pattern coloring"
- OP_SHELL_ESCAPE "invoke a command in a subshell"
-+OP_SIG_SEARCH "search signatures matching a pattern"
- OP_SORT "sort messages"
- OP_SORT_REVERSE "sort messages in reverse order"
- OP_TAG "tag the current entry"
---- mutt-1.5.11/compose.c.orig	Thu Aug 11 21:37:23 2005
-+++ mutt-1.5.11/compose.c	Sat Mar 11 21:47:55 2006
-@@ -1128,6 +1128,12 @@
-         /* no send2hook, since this doesn't modify the message */
- 	break;
-+      case OP_COMPOSE_SIG:
-+	mutt_signature(msg->content->filename);
-+	MAYBE_REDRAW (menu->redraw);
-+	mutt_update_encoding (msg->content);
-+	break;
-       case OP_PIPE:
-       case OP_FILTER:
-         CHECK_COUNT;
---- mutt-1.5.12/doc/manual.xml.head.orig	Mon Jul 17 16:21:01 2006
-+++ mutt-1.5.12/doc/manual.xml.head	Mon Jul 17 16:24:46 2006
-@@ -999,6 +999,7 @@
- <row><entry>c</entry><entry>edit-cc</entry><entry>edit the Cc field</entry></row>
- <row><entry>b</entry><entry>edit-bcc</entry><entry>edit the Bcc field</entry></row>
- <row><entry>y</entry><entry>send-message</entry><entry>send the message</entry></row>
-+<row><entry>ESC s</entry><entry>signature-menu</entry><entry>select a signature and append it to your mail</entry></row>
- <row><entry>s</entry><entry>edit-subject</entry><entry>edit the Subject</entry></row>
- <row><entry>S</entry><entry>smime-menu</entry><entry>select S/MIME options</entry></row>
- <row><entry>f</entry><entry>edit-fcc</entry><entry>specify an ``Fcc'' mailbox</entry></row>
---- mutt-1.5.11/functions.h.orig	Sun Jul 24 18:56:42 2005
-+++ mutt-1.5.11/functions.h	Sat Mar 11 21:48:05 2006
-@@ -311,6 +311,7 @@
-   { "view-attach",	OP_VIEW_ATTACH,			M_ENTER_S },
-   { "send-message",	OP_COMPOSE_SEND_MESSAGE,	"y" },
-   { "pipe-entry",	OP_PIPE,			"|" },
-+  { "signature-menu",	OP_COMPOSE_SIG,			"\033s" },
-   { "attach-key",	OP_COMPOSE_ATTACH_KEY,		"\033k" },
-   { "pgp-menu",		OP_COMPOSE_PGP_MENU,		"p" 	},
-@@ -368,6 +369,19 @@
-   { "mail",		OP_MAIL,		"m" },
-   { "query",		OP_QUERY,		"Q" },
-   { "query-append",	OP_QUERY_APPEND,	"A" },
-+  { NULL,		0,			NULL }
-+/* Signature Menu */
-+struct binding_t OpSig[] = {
-+  { "next-sig",		OP_NEXT_SIG,		"j" },
-+  { "previous-sig",	OP_PREV_SIG,		"k" },
-+  { "random-sig",	OP_RANDOM_SIG,		"r" },
-+  { NULL,		0,			NULL }
-+struct binding_t OpSigDir[] = {
-+  { "search-sig",	OP_SIG_SEARCH,		"/" },
-   { NULL,		0,			NULL }
- };
---- mutt-1.5.11/globals.h.orig	Thu Sep 15 16:19:54 2005
-+++ mutt-1.5.11/globals.h	Sat Mar 11 21:48:05 2006
-@@ -109,6 +109,7 @@
- WHERE char *Sendmail;
- WHERE char *Shell;
- WHERE char *Signature;
-+WHERE char *SigDirectory;
- WHERE char *SimpleSearch;
- WHERE char *Spoolfile;
- WHERE char *SpamSep;
---- mutt-1.5.11/init.h.orig	Thu Sep 15 16:19:54 2005
-+++ mutt-1.5.11/init.h	Sat Mar 11 21:48:05 2006
-@@ -2457,6 +2457,14 @@
-   ** assumed that filename is a shell command and input should be read from
-   ** its stdout.
-   */
-+  { "signatures_directory",	DT_PATH, R_NONE, UL &SigDirectory, UL "" },
-+  /*
-+  ** .pp
-+  ** Specifies the path where your signatures are located. In the files of
-+  ** this directory, the signatures are separated by blank lines and/or
-+  ** sig_dashes (``-- '').
-+  ** You can choose between these signatures from the compose menu.
-+  */
-   { "simple_search",	DT_STR,	 R_NONE, UL &SimpleSearch, UL "~f %s | ~s %s" },
-   /*
-   ** .pp
---- mutt-1.5.11/keymap.c.orig	Wed Sep  7 10:19:43 2005
-+++ mutt-1.5.11/keymap.c	Sat Mar 11 21:48:05 2006
-@@ -55,6 +55,8 @@
-  { "query",	MENU_QUERY },
-+ { "signature",	MENU_SIG },
-+ { "sig_directory",	MENU_SIG_DIR },
-  { "generic",	MENU_GENERIC },
-  { NULL,	0 }
- };
-@@ -560,6 +562,8 @@
-   create_bindings (OpPost, MENU_POST);
-   create_bindings (OpQuery, MENU_QUERY);
-   create_bindings (OpAlias, MENU_ALIAS);
-+  create_bindings (OpSig, MENU_SIG);
-+  create_bindings (OpSigDir, MENU_SIG_DIR);
-   if ((WithCrypto & APPLICATION_PGP))
-@@ -658,6 +662,9 @@
-   km_bindkey ("<enter>", MENU_ATTACH, OP_VIEW_ATTACH);
-   km_bindkey ("<enter>", MENU_COMPOSE, OP_VIEW_ATTACH);
-+  km_bindkey ("<up>", MENU_SIG, OP_PREV_SIG);
-+  km_bindkey ("<down>", MENU_SIG, OP_NEXT_SIG);
-   /* edit-to (default "t") hides generic tag-entry in Compose menu
-      This will bind tag-entry to  "T" in the Compose menu */
-   km_bindkey ("T", MENU_COMPOSE, OP_TAG);
-@@ -793,6 +800,10 @@
-       return OpEditor;
-     case MENU_QUERY:
-       return OpQuery;
-+    case MENU_SIG:
-+      return OpSig;
-+    case MENU_SIG_DIR:
-+      return OpSigDir;
-     case MENU_PGP:
-       return (WithCrypto & APPLICATION_PGP)? OpPgp:NULL;
---- mutt-1.5.11/keymap.h.orig	Thu Jun 17 22:33:04 2004
-+++ mutt-1.5.11/keymap.h	Sat Mar 11 21:48:05 2006
-@@ -62,6 +62,8 @@
-@@ -108,6 +110,8 @@
- extern struct binding_t OpEditor[];
- extern struct binding_t OpQuery[];
- extern struct binding_t OpAlias[];
-+extern struct binding_t OpSig[];
-+extern struct binding_t OpSigDir[];
- extern struct binding_t OpPgp[];
---- mutt-1.5.11/protos.h.orig	Wed Sep  7 10:19:43 2005
-+++ mutt-1.5.11/protos.h	Sat Mar 11 21:48:05 2006
-@@ -242,6 +242,7 @@
- void mutt_shell_escape (void);
- void mutt_show_error (void);
- void mutt_signal_init (void);
-+void mutt_signature (char *);
- void mutt_stamp_attachment (BODY *a);
- void mutt_tabs_to_spaces (char *);
- void mutt_tag_set_flag (int, int);
---- mutt-1.5.11/signature.c.orig	Sat Mar 11 21:58:38 2006
-+++ mutt-1.5.11/signature.c	Sat Mar 11 22:07:31 2006
-@@ -0,0 +1,499 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 2001 Cedric Duval <cedricduval at free.fr>
-+ * 
-+ *     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-+ *     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-+ *     the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-+ *     (at your option) any later version.
-+ * 
-+ *     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+ *     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+ *     GNU General Public License for more details.
-+ * 
-+ *     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-+ *     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-+ *     Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111, USA.
-+ */
-+# include "config.h"
-+#include "mutt.h"
-+#include "mutt_menu.h"
-+#include "mapping.h"
-+#include "mutt_curses.h"
-+#include <stdio.h>
-+#include <string.h>
-+#include <stdlib.h>
-+#include <dirent.h>
-+#include <sys/stat.h>
-+#define SEPARATOR(x) ((*x == '\n') || (mutt_strcmp (x, "-- \n") == 0))
-+#define SIG_ADD_LINE(x,y) mutt_add_list (x, strtok (y, "\n"))
-+typedef struct sig_list
-+  struct sig_list *next;
-+  LIST *sig;
-+typedef struct sig_dir
-+  struct sig_dir *next;
-+  char *name;
-+} SIG_DIR;
-+typedef LIST * ENTRY;
-+typedef struct entry_dir
-+  int tagged;
-+  SIG_DIR *data;
-+static struct mapping_t SigHelp[] = {
-+  { N_("Exit"),   OP_EXIT },
-+  { N_("Search"), OP_SEARCH },
-+  { N_("Random"), OP_RANDOM_SIG },
-+  { N_("Help"),   OP_HELP },
-+  { NULL }
-+static struct mapping_t SigDirHelp[] = {
-+  { N_("Exit"),   OP_EXIT },
-+  { N_("Search signature"), OP_SIG_SEARCH },
-+  { N_("Help"),   OP_HELP },
-+  { NULL }
-+void menu_next_entry (MUTTMENU *menu);
-+void menu_prev_entry (MUTTMENU *menu);
-+static int sig_match (LIST *s, regex_t *re)
-+  while (s)
-+  {
-+    if (regexec (re, s->data, (size_t)0, NULL, (int)0) == 0)
-+      return 1;
-+    s = s->next;
-+  }
-+  return 0;
-+static void read_sig_file (char *name, SIG_LIST **begin, regex_t *re)
-+  FILE *fp;
-+  char buf[STRING];
-+  LIST *sig = NULL;
-+  SIG_LIST *first, *cur;
-+  int append = 0;
-+  if (!(fp = safe_fopen (name, "r")))
-+  {
-+    mutt_error (_("Can't open signature file %s"), name);
-+    return;
-+  }
-+  for (first = *begin; first && first->next; first = first->next, append++)
-+    ; /* append results to an existing list */
-+  cur = first;
-+  while (fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), fp))
-+  {
-+    if (buf[0] && !SEPARATOR (buf))
-+    {
-+      sig = SIG_ADD_LINE (NULL, buf);
-+      while (fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), fp) && buf[0] && !SEPARATOR (buf))
-+	SIG_ADD_LINE (sig, buf);
-+      if (re && !sig_match (sig, re))
-+	mutt_free_list (&sig); /* previous sig didn't match the regexp */
-+      else
-+      {
-+	/* add signature */
-+	if (first == NULL)
-+	  first = cur = (SIG_LIST *) safe_calloc (1, sizeof (SIG_LIST));
-+	else
-+	{
-+	  cur->next = (SIG_LIST *) safe_calloc (1, sizeof (SIG_LIST));
-+	  cur = cur->next;
-+	}
-+	cur->sig = sig;
-+	cur->next = NULL;
-+      }
-+    }
-+  }
-+  if (!append)
-+    *begin = first;
-+  safe_fclose (&fp);
-+static void sig_make_entry (char *s, size_t slen, MUTTMENU *menu, int num)
-+  ENTRY *table = (ENTRY *) menu->data;
-+  snprintf (s, slen, "%3d %s",
-+	    num + 1,
-+	    table[num]->data);
-+static int sig_menu_search (MUTTMENU *menu, regex_t *re, int num)
-+  return (sig_match (((ENTRY *)menu->data)[num], re) ? 0 : REG_NOMATCH);
-+static void draw_sig_frame (LIST *s)
-+  int i;
-+  for (i = 1; i <= SIG_DISPLAY_LINES; i++)
-+  {
-+    if (s)
-+    {
-+      mvaddstr (i, 0, s->data);
-+      s = s->next;
-+    }
-+    else
-+      move (i, 0);
-+    clrtoeol ();
-+  }
-+  mvaddstr (SIG_DISPLAY_LINES + 1, 0, _("-- Signature"));
-+  clrtoeol ();
-+static void free_sig_list (SIG_LIST **sigs)
-+  SIG_LIST *cur;
-+  while (*sigs)
-+  {
-+    cur = *sigs;
-+    *sigs = (*sigs)->next;
-+    mutt_free_list (&cur->sig);
-+    safe_free ((void **)&cur);
-+  }
-+static void append_signature (char *msg_file, LIST *s)
-+  FILE *fp;
-+  if ((fp = safe_fopen (msg_file, "a")) == 0)
-+    mutt_perror (msg_file);
-+  else
-+  {
-+    if (option (OPTSIGDASHES))
-+      fputs ("\n-- \n", fp);
-+    for (; s; s = s->next)
-+      fprintf (fp, "%s\n", s->data);
-+    mutt_message (_("Signature appended to your mail"));
-+    safe_fclose (&fp);
-+  }
-+static LIST *sig_list_menu (char *file, SIG_LIST *list)
-+  LIST *result = NULL;
-+  SIG_LIST *sigl;
-+  MUTTMENU *menu;
-+  ENTRY *SigTable;
-+  char helpstr[SHORT_STRING], title[SHORT_STRING];
-+  int i, done = 0;
-+  snprintf (title, sizeof (title), _("Signature : %s"), file);
-+  menu = mutt_new_menu ();
-+  menu->make_entry = sig_make_entry;
-+  menu->tag = NULL;
-+  menu->search = sig_menu_search;
-+  menu->menu = MENU_SIG;
-+  menu->title = title;
-+  menu->help = mutt_compile_help (helpstr, sizeof (helpstr),
-+				  MENU_SIG, SigHelp);
-+  menu->offset = SIG_DISPLAY_LINES + 2;
-+  menu->pagelen = LINES - SIG_DISPLAY_LINES - 4;
-+  for (sigl = list; sigl; sigl = sigl->next)
-+    menu->max++;
-+  menu->data = SigTable = (ENTRY *) safe_calloc (menu->max, sizeof (ENTRY));
-+  for (i = 0, sigl = list; sigl; i++, sigl = sigl->next)
-+    SigTable[i] = sigl->sig;
-+  while (!done)
-+  {
-+    switch (mutt_menuLoop (menu))
-+    {
-+        result = SigTable[menu->current];
-+	done = 1;
-+	break;
-+      case OP_PREV_SIG:
-+	menu_prev_entry (menu);
-+	draw_sig_frame (SigTable[menu->current]);
-+	break;
-+      case OP_NEXT_SIG:
-+	menu_next_entry (menu);
-+	draw_sig_frame (SigTable[menu->current]);
-+	break;
-+      case OP_REDRAW:
-+	menu->offset = SIG_DISPLAY_LINES + 2;
-+	menu->pagelen = LINES - SIG_DISPLAY_LINES - 4;
-+	draw_sig_frame (SigTable[menu->current]);
-+	break;
-+      case OP_RANDOM_SIG:
-+	menu->current = LRAND () % menu->max;
-+	draw_sig_frame (SigTable[menu->current]);
-+	menu->redraw |= REDRAW_MOTION;
-+	break;
-+      case OP_EXIT:
-+	set_option (OPTNEEDREDRAW);
-+        done = 1;
-+        break;
-+    }
-+  }
-+  mutt_menuDestroy (&menu);
-+  safe_free ((void **)&SigTable);
-+  return result;
-+static SIG_LIST *sig_search_filter (MUTTMENU *menu, char *path)
-+  regex_t re;
-+  char buf[STRING];
-+  SIG_LIST *result = NULL;
-+  int i;
-+  snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), menu->searchBuf ? menu->searchBuf : "");
-+  if (mutt_get_field (_("Search for: "), buf,
-+		      sizeof (buf), M_CLEAR) != 0 || !buf[0])
-+    return (NULL);
-+  mutt_str_replace (&menu->searchBuf, buf);
-+  if ((i = regcomp (&re, menu->searchBuf, REG_NOSUB | REG_EXTENDED | REG_WORDS
-+		    | mutt_which_case (menu->searchBuf))) != 0)
-+  {
-+    regerror (i, &re, buf, sizeof (buf));
-+    regfree (&re);
-+    mutt_error ("%s", buf);
-+    return (NULL);
-+  }
-+  /* building list of sigs matching the regexp */
-+  for (i = 0; i < menu->max; i++)
-+  {
-+    /* search in every file if none is tagged */
-+    if (((ENTRY_DIR *) menu->data)[i].tagged || (menu->tagged == 0))
-+    {
-+      snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%s/%s", path,
-+		((ENTRY_DIR *) menu->data)[i].data->name);
-+      read_sig_file (buf, &result, &re);
-+    }
-+  }
-+  regfree (&re);
-+  if (!result)
-+    mutt_error (_("Not found."));
-+  return (result);
-+/* returns the list of files in this directory */
-+static SIG_DIR *sig_directory (char *path)
-+  DIR *dp;
-+  struct dirent *de;
-+  struct stat s;
-+  SIG_DIR *first = NULL, *cur = NULL;
-+  char file[_POSIX_PATH_MAX + SHORT_STRING];
-+  if ((dp = opendir (path)) == NULL)
-+  {
-+    mutt_perror (path);
-+    return (NULL);
-+  }
-+  while ((de = readdir (dp)))
-+  {
-+    if ((de->d_name)[0] == '.') /* no hidden files */
-+      continue;
-+    snprintf (file, sizeof (file), "%s/%s", path, de->d_name);
-+    if (lstat (file, &s) == -1)
-+      continue;
-+    if ((!S_ISREG (s.st_mode)) && (!S_ISLNK (s.st_mode)))
-+      continue;
-+    if (first == NULL)
-+      cur = first = safe_calloc (1, sizeof (SIG_DIR));
-+    else
-+    {
-+      cur->next = safe_calloc (1, sizeof (SIG_DIR));
-+      cur = cur->next;
-+    }
-+    cur->name = safe_strdup (de->d_name);
-+    cur->next = NULL;
-+  }
-+  closedir (dp);
-+  return first;
-+static void sig_dir_make_entry (char *s, size_t slen, MUTTMENU *menu, int num)
-+  ENTRY_DIR *table = (ENTRY_DIR *) menu->data;
-+  snprintf (s, slen, "%c %3d - %s",
-+	    table[num].tagged ? '*' : ' ',
-+	    num + 1,
-+	    table[num].data->name);
-+static int sig_dir_tag (MUTTMENU *menu, int n, int m)
-+  ENTRY_DIR *cur = &((ENTRY_DIR *) menu->data)[n];
-+  int ot = cur->tagged;
-+  cur->tagged = m >= 0 ? m : !cur->tagged;
-+  return cur->tagged - ot;
-+static int sig_dir_sort (const void *a, const void *b)
-+  ENTRY_DIR *pa = (ENTRY_DIR *) a;
-+  ENTRY_DIR *pb = (ENTRY_DIR *) b;
-+  return (mutt_strcmp (pa->data->name, pb->data->name));
-+static int sig_dir_menu (char *path, char *msg_file)
-+  MUTTMENU *menu;
-+  SIG_LIST *sigl;
-+  LIST *result = NULL;
-+  ENTRY_DIR *FileTable;
-+  SIG_DIR *list, *files;
-+  char buf[STRING], helpstr[SHORT_STRING], title[SHORT_STRING];
-+  int i, done = 0;
-+  if ((list = sig_directory (path)) == NULL)
-+    return -1;
-+  snprintf (title, sizeof (title), "Signature directory : %s", path);
-+  menu = mutt_new_menu ();
-+  menu->make_entry = sig_dir_make_entry;
-+  menu->search = NULL; /* search within files with sig_search_filter() */
-+  menu->tag = sig_dir_tag;
-+  menu->menu = MENU_SIG_DIR;
-+  menu->title = title;
-+  menu->help = mutt_compile_help (helpstr, sizeof (helpstr),
-+				  MENU_SIG_DIR, SigDirHelp);
-+  for (files = list; files; files = files->next)
-+    menu->max++;
-+  menu->data = FileTable = (ENTRY_DIR *) safe_calloc (menu->max,
-+						      sizeof (ENTRY_DIR));
-+  for (i = 0, files = list; files; i++, files = files->next)
-+    FileTable[i].data = files;
-+  qsort (FileTable, menu->max, sizeof (ENTRY_DIR), sig_dir_sort);
-+  while (!done)
-+  {
-+    switch (mutt_menuLoop (menu))
-+    {
-+      case OP_SIG_SEARCH:
-+	sigl = sig_search_filter (menu, path);
-+	if (sigl)
-+	{
-+	  if ((result = sig_list_menu (_("query results"), sigl)) != NULL)
-+	  {
-+	    append_signature (msg_file, result);
-+	    done = 1;
-+	  }
-+	  MAYBE_REDRAW (menu->redraw);
-+	  free_sig_list (&sigl);
-+	}
-+	break;
-+	snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%s/%s", path,
-+		  FileTable[menu->current].data->name);
-+	sigl = NULL;
-+	read_sig_file (buf, &sigl, NULL);
-+	if (sigl)
-+	{
-+	  if ((result = sig_list_menu (buf, sigl)) != NULL)
-+	  {
-+	    append_signature (msg_file, result);
-+	    done = 1;
-+	  }
-+	  MAYBE_REDRAW (menu->redraw);
-+	  free_sig_list (&sigl);
-+      	}
-+	break;
-+      case OP_EXIT:
-+        done = 1;
-+        break;
-+    }
-+  }
-+  while (list)
-+  {
-+    safe_free ((void **)&list->name);
-+    files = list;
-+    list = list->next;
-+    safe_free ((void **)&files);
-+  }
-+  safe_free ((void **)&FileTable);
-+  mutt_menuDestroy (&menu);
-+  return 0;
-+void mutt_signature (char *msg_file)
-+  if (!SigDirectory)
-+  {
-+    mutt_error (_("variable 'signatures_directory' is unset"));
-+    return;
-+  }
-+  if (sig_dir_menu (SigDirectory, msg_file) == -1)
-+    mutt_error (_("%s: no files in this directory"), SigDirectory);
-+  else
-+    set_option (OPTNEEDREDRAW);
--- mail/mutt-devel/files/patch-pop_auth.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
---- pop_auth.c.orig	Thu Jul 17 19:42:53 2003
-+++ pop_auth.c	Thu Jul 17 19:46:01 2003
-@@ -206,12 +206,12 @@
-   mutt_message _("Authenticating (APOP)...");
-   /* Compute the authentication hash to send to the server */
--  MD5Init (&mdContext);
--  MD5Update (&mdContext, (unsigned char *)pop_data->timestamp,
-+  MD5_Init (&mdContext);
-+  MD5_Update (&mdContext, (unsigned char *)pop_data->timestamp,
- 	     strlen (pop_data->timestamp));
--  MD5Update (&mdContext, (unsigned char *)pop_data->conn->account.pass,
-+  MD5_Update (&mdContext, (unsigned char *)pop_data->conn->account.pass,
- 	     strlen (pop_data->conn->account.pass));
--  MD5Final (digest, &mdContext);
-+  MD5_Final (digest, &mdContext);
-   for (i = 0; i < sizeof (digest); i++)
-     sprintf (hash + 2 * i, "%02x", digest[i]);
--- mail/mutt-devel/files/patch-examples
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
---- contrib/Makefile.am.orig	Tue Jul 18 20:04:14 2006
-+++ contrib/Makefile.am	Wed Aug 30 16:05:33 2006
-@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
- # $Id: Makefile.am,v 3.1 2006/07/18 18:04:14 brendan Exp $
- subdir = contrib
-+samplesdir = @samplesdir@
- SAMPLES = Mush.rc Pine.rc gpg.rc pgp2.rc pgp5.rc pgp6.rc Tin.rc \
- 	sample.muttrc  sample.mailcap sample.muttrc-tlr \
-@@ -14,12 +15,12 @@
- 	iconv/make.sh
- install-data-local:
--	$(top_srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/samples $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/samples/iconv
-+	$(top_srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(DESTDIR)$(samplesdir) $(DESTDIR)$(samplesdir)/iconv
- 	for f in $(SAMPLES) ; do \
--		$(INSTALL) -m 644 $(srcdir)/$$f $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/samples ;	\
-+		$(INSTALL) -m 644 $(srcdir)/$$f $(DESTDIR)$(samplesdir) ;	\
- 	done
- 	for f in $(srcdir)/iconv/*.rc ; do					\
--		$(INSTALL) -m 644 $$f $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/samples/iconv	  ;	\
-+		$(INSTALL) -m 644 $$f $(DESTDIR)$(samplesdir)/iconv  ;	\
- 	done
- uninstall-local:
---- init.h.orig	Tue Mar  4 10:28:12 2003
-+++ init.h	Wed Mar 26 15:41:19 2003
-@@ -1455,8 +1455,8 @@
-   ** .pp
-   ** For examples on how to configure these formats for the various versions
-   ** of PGP which are floating around, see the pgp*.rc and gpg.rc files in
--  ** the samples/ subdirectory which has been installed on your system
--  ** alongside the documentation.
-+  ** the share/examples/mutt subdirectory which has been installed on your
-+  ** system.
-   ** (PGP only)
-   */
-   { "pgp_getkeys_command",	DT_STR, R_NONE, UL &PgpGetkeysCommand, 0},
-@@ -1628,8 +1628,8 @@
-   ** .de
-   ** .pp
-   ** For examples on how to configure these formats, see the smime.rc in
--  ** the samples/ subdirectory which has been installed on your system
--  ** alongside the documentation.
-+  ** the share/examples/mutt subdirectory which has been installed on your
-+  ** system.
-   ** (S/MIME only)
-   */
-   { "smime_verify_command", 	DT_STR, R_NONE, UL &SmimeVerifyCommand, 0},
---- Makefile.am.orig	Mon Apr  9 15:21:50 2007
-+++ Makefile.am	Mon Apr  9 15:24:06 2007
-@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
- bin_SCRIPTS = muttbug flea @SMIMEAUX_TARGET@
--BUILT_SOURCES = keymap_defs.h patchlist.c reldate.h hcversion.h
-+BUILT_SOURCES = keymap_defs.h patchlist.c reldate.h hcversion.h Muttrc
---- INSTALL.orig	Mon Nov 25 15:16:46 2002
-+++ INSTALL	Wed Mar 26 15:59:57 2003
-@@ -225,13 +225,13 @@
- need to tell mutt about implementation-defined names for some
- character sets.  Sample configuration files for various systems can
- be found in the directory contrib/iconv/ in this source
--distribution, and will be installed in the samples/iconv directory
-+distribution, and will be installed in the share/examples/mutt/iconv directory
- as part of mutt's documentation.
- In order to use these sample configuration files, just put a line
- like
--     source /usr/local/doc/mutt/samples/iconv/iconv.osf1-4.0d.rc
-+     source /usr/local/share/examples/mutt/iconv/iconv.osf1-4.0d.rc
- into your system's global Muttrc, which normally resides in /etc or
- /usr/local/etc.
---- doc/manual.txt.orig	Fri Feb 23 18:15:51 2007
-+++ doc/manual.txt	Wed Feb 28 14:30:48 2007
-@@ -6219,8 +6219,8 @@
-    For examples on how to configure these formats for the various
-    versions of PGP which are floating around, see the pgp*.rc and gpg.rc
--   files in the samples/ subdirectory which has been installed on your
--   system alongside the documentation. (PGP only)
-+   files in the share/examples/mutt/ subdirectory which has been installed
-+   on your system alongside the documentation. (PGP only)
- 3.163. pgp_getkeys_command
-@@ -6418,8 +6418,8 @@
-           $$ssmmiimmee__ccaa__llooccaattiioonn" or "-CAfile $$ssmmiimmee__ccaa__llooccaattiioonn".
-    For examples on how to configure these formats, see the smime.rc in
--   the samples/ subdirectory which has been installed on your system
--   alongside the documentation. (S/MIME only)
-+   the share/examples/mutt/ subdirectory which has been installed on your
-+   system alongside the documentation. (S/MIME only)
- 3.182. smime_verify_command
--- mail/mutt-devel/files/extra-patch-smime-outlook
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- crypt.c.orig	Fri Mar  7 09:23:44 2003
-+++ crypt.c	Fri Mar 21 00:06:48 2003
-@@ -440,7 +440,7 @@
-     {
-       len++;
-       if (!ascii_strcasecmp ((t+len), "p7m"))
--#if 0
-+#if 1
-        return SMIMEENCRYPT;
- #else
-       /* Not sure if this is the correct thing to do, but 
--- mail/mutt-devel/files/patch-color-eol
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
---- mutt.h.orig	Fri Jun  4 13:35:59 2004
-+++ mutt.h	Fri Jun  4 13:49:26 2004
-@@ -350,6 +350,7 @@
---- init.h.orig	Fri Jun  4 13:35:56 2004
-+++ init.h	Fri Jun  4 13:45:43 2004
-@@ -315,6 +315,12 @@
-   ** \fIcheck_new\fP is \fIunset\fP, no check for new mail is performed
-   ** while the mailbox is open.
-   */
-+  { "color_after_eol",	DT_BOOL, R_NONE, OPTCOLORAFTEREOL, 1 },
-+  /*
-+  ** .pp
-+  ** When \fIset\fP, Mutt will color a line after the last character extending
-+  ** to the end of the window.
-+  */
-   { "collapse_unread",	DT_BOOL, R_NONE, OPTCOLLAPSEUNREAD, 1 },
-   /*
-   ** .pp
---- pager.c.orig	Sat Jun  5 09:13:33 2004
-+++ pager.c	Sat Jun  5 09:12:31 2004
-@@ -1392,7 +1392,7 @@
-    * ncurses does an implicit clrtoeol() when you do addch('\n') so we have
-    * to make sure to reset the color *after* that
-    */
--  if (flags & M_SHOWCOLOR)
-+  if (option (OPTCOLORAFTEREOL) && (flags & M_SHOWCOLOR))
-   {
-     m = ((*lineInfo)[n].continuation) ? ((*lineInfo)[n].syntax)[0].first : n;
-     if ((*lineInfo)[m].type == MT_COLOR_HEADER)
-@@ -1406,6 +1406,16 @@
- #endif
-   }
-+  /*
-+   * reset the color back to normal.  This *must* come before the
-+   * addch('\n') for the color not to be filled to the right margin.
-+   */
-+  if (!option (OPTCOLORAFTEREOL) && (flags & M_SHOWCOLOR))
-+  {
-+  }
-   /* ncurses always wraps lines when you get to the right side of the
-    * screen, but S-Lang seems to only wrap if the next character is *not*
-    * a newline (grr!).
-@@ -1420,7 +1430,7 @@
-    * addch('\n'), otherwise the color for this line will not be
-    * filled to the right margin.
-    */
--  if (flags & M_SHOWCOLOR)
-+  if (option (OPTCOLORAFTEREOL) && (flags & M_SHOWCOLOR))
-   {
--- mail/mutt-devel/files/extra-patch-doc-xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- doc/Makefile.am.orig2	Tue Mar  6 17:40:41 2007
-+++ doc/Makefile.am	Tue Mar  6 17:42:51 2007
-@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
- all: ../makedoc$(EXEEXT)
- 	$(MAKE) makedoc-all
--makedoc-all: mutt.1 muttrc.man
-+makedoc-all: mutt.1 muttrc.man manual.html stamp-doc-chunked manual.txt
- install-data-local: makedoc-all instdoc
- 	$(top_srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1
--- mail/mutt-devel/files/extra-patch-pgp-dw
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1039 +0,0 @@
---- PATCHES Dec 2002 17:44:54 -0000	3.6
-+++ PATCHES Feb 2004 06:07:13 -0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
---- compose.c Oct 2003 20:34:59 -0000	3.14
-+++ compose.c Feb 2004 06:07:13 -0000
-@@ -133,2 +133,9 @@ static void redraw_crypt_lines (HEADER *
-     addstr (_("Clear"));
-+  if ((WithCrypto & APPLICATION_PGP))
-+    if ((msg->security & (ENCRYPT | SIGN)))
-+      if ((msg->security & INLINE))
-+	addstr (_(" (inline)"));
-+      else
-+	addstr (_(" (PGP/MIME)"));
-   clrtoeol ();
-@@ -158,2 +165,3 @@ static int pgp_send_menu (HEADER *msg, i
- {
-+  int use_autoinline = 0;
-   pgp_key_t p;
-@@ -164,7 +172,10 @@ static int pgp_send_menu (HEADER *msg, i
--  switch (mutt_multi_choice (_("PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, or (f)orget it? "),
--			     N_("esabf")))
-+  if (!(msg->security & (SIGN | ENCRYPT)))
-+    use_autoinline = 1;
-+  switch (mutt_multi_choice (_("PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, (i)nline, or (f)orget it? "),
-+			     N_("esabif")))
-   {
-   case 1: /* (e)ncrypt */
--    msg->security |= ENCRYPT;
-+    msg->security ^= ENCRYPT;
-     break;
-@@ -172,3 +183,3 @@ static int pgp_send_menu (HEADER *msg, i
-   case 2: /* (s)ign */
--    msg->security |= SIGN;
-+    msg->security ^= SIGN;
-     break;
-@@ -199,6 +210,16 @@ static int pgp_send_menu (HEADER *msg, i
-   case 4: /* (b)oth */
--    msg->security = ENCRYPT | SIGN;
-+    if ((msg->security & (ENCRYPT | SIGN)) == (ENCRYPT | SIGN))
-+      msg->security = 0;
-+    else
-+      msg->security |= (ENCRYPT | SIGN);
-     break;
--  case 5: /* (f)orget it */
-+  case 5: /* (i)nline */
-+    if ((msg->security & (ENCRYPT | SIGN)))
-+      msg->security ^= INLINE;
-+    else
-+      msg->security &= ~INLINE;
-+    break;
-+  case 6: /* (f)orget it */
-     msg->security = 0;
-@@ -207,6 +228,16 @@ static int pgp_send_menu (HEADER *msg, i
--  if (msg->security && msg->security != APPLICATION_PGP)
--    msg->security |= APPLICATION_PGP;
--  else
--    msg->security = 0;
-+  if (msg->security)
-+  {
-+    if (!(msg->security & (ENCRYPT | SIGN)))
-+    {
-+      msg->security = 0;
-+    }
-+    else
-+    {
-+      msg->security |= APPLICATION_PGP;
-+      if (use_autoinline && option (OPTPGPAUTOINLINE))
-+	msg->security |= INLINE;
-+    }
-+  }
---- crypt.c Jan 2004 19:59:38 -0000	3.22
-+++ crypt.c Feb 2004 06:07:13 -0000
-@@ -161,3 +161,3 @@ int crypt_valid_passphrase(int flags)
--int mutt_protect (HEADER *msg, HEADER *cur, char *keylist)
-+int mutt_protect (HEADER *msg, char *keylist)
- {
-@@ -166,3 +166,2 @@ int mutt_protect (HEADER *msg, HEADER *c
-   BODY *tmp_pgp_pbody = NULL;
--  int traditional = 0;
-   int flags = (WithCrypto & APPLICATION_PGP)? msg->security: 0;
-@@ -176,29 +175,9 @@ int mutt_protect (HEADER *msg, HEADER *c
--  if ((WithCrypto & APPLICATION_PGP) && (msg->security & APPLICATION_PGP))
-+  if ((WithCrypto & APPLICATION_PGP) && ((msg->security & PGPINLINE) == PGPINLINE))
-   {
--    if ((msg->content->type == TYPETEXT) &&
--	!ascii_strcasecmp (msg->content->subtype, "plain"))
--    {
--      if (cur && cur->security && option (OPTPGPAUTOTRAD)
--	      || option (OPTCRYPTREPLYSIGN)
--	{
--	  if(mutt_is_application_pgp(cur->content))
--	    traditional = 1;
--	}
--      else
--	{
--	  if ((i = query_quadoption (OPT_PGPTRADITIONAL, _("Create a traditional (inline) PGP message?"))) == -1)
--	    return -1;
--	  else if (i == M_YES)
--	    traditional = 1;
--	}
--    }
--    if (traditional)
-+    /* they really want to send it inline... go for it */
-+    if (!isendwin ()) mutt_endwin _("Invoking PGP...");
-+    pbody = crypt_pgp_traditional_encryptsign (msg->content, flags, keylist);
-+    if (pbody)
-     {
--      if (!isendwin ()) mutt_endwin _("Invoking PGP...");
--      if (!(pbody = crypt_pgp_traditional_encryptsign (msg->content, flags, keylist)))
--	return -1;
-       msg->content = pbody;
-@@ -206,2 +185,8 @@ int mutt_protect (HEADER *msg, HEADER *c
-     }
-+    /* otherwise inline won't work...ask for revert */
-+    if ((i = query_quadoption (OPT_PGPMIMEASK, _("Message can't be sent inline.  Revert to using PGP/MIME?"))) != M_YES)
-+      return -1;
-+    /* go ahead with PGP/MIME */
-   }
-@@ -393,2 +378,5 @@ int mutt_is_application_pgp (BODY *m)
-   }
-+  if (t)
-+    t |= PGPINLINE;
-   return t;
---- hook.c Jan 2004 09:52:55 -0000	3.8
-+++ hook.c Feb 2004 06:07:13 -0000
-@@ -119,3 +119,7 @@ int mutt_parse_hook (BUFFER *buf, BUFFER
-     {
-+#ifdef M_CRYPTHOOK
-       {
-@@ -445,5 +449,21 @@ char *mutt_iconv_hook (const char *chs)
--char *mutt_crypt_hook (ADDRESS *adr)
-+LIST *mutt_crypt_hook (ADDRESS *adr)
- {
--  return _mutt_string_hook (adr->mailbox, M_CRYPTHOOK);
-+  HOOK *hook;
-+  LIST *key_list = NULL;
-+  if (!adr && !adr->mailbox)
-+    return (NULL);
-+  for (hook = Hooks; hook; hook = hook->next)
-+  {
-+    if (!hook->command)
-+      continue;
-+    if (!(hook->type & M_CRYPTHOOK))
-+      continue;
-+    if ((regexec (hook->rx.rx, adr->mailbox, 0, NULL, 0) == 0) ^ hook->rx.not)
-+      key_list = mutt_add_list (key_list, hook->command);
-+  }
-+  return (key_list);
- }
---- init.h Feb 2004 17:10:43 -0000	3.43
-+++ init.h Feb 2004 06:07:14 -0000
-@@ -1205,2 +1205,12 @@ struct option_t MuttVars[] = {
-   */
-+  { "pgp_autoselectkey",	DT_SYN,  R_NONE, UL "crypt_autoselectkey", 0 },
-+  { "crypt_autoselectkey",	DT_BOOL, R_NONE, OPTCRYPTAUTOSELECT, 0 },
-+  /*
-+  ** .pp
-+  ** If set, then a list of keys is not presented for selection when only
-+  ** one matching key is available.  This may be useful in conjunction with
-+  ** the \fIcrypt-hook\fP command.
-+  */
-   { "pgp_autosign", 	DT_SYN,  R_NONE, UL "crypt_autosign", 0 },
-@@ -1230,2 +1240,11 @@ struct option_t MuttVars[] = {
-   */
-+  { "pgp_confirmhook",		DT_SYN, R_NONE, UL "crypt_confirmhook", 1 },
-+  { "crypt_confirmhook",	DT_BOOL, R_NONE, OPTCRYPTCONFIRMHOOK, 1 },
-+  /*
-+  ** .pp
-+  ** If set, then you will be prompted for confirmation of keys when using
-+  ** the \fIcrypt-hook\fP command.  If unset, no such confirmation prompt will
-+  ** be presented.  This is generally considered unsafe, especially where
-+  ** typos are concerned.
-+  */
-   { "pgp_ignore_subkeys", DT_BOOL, R_NONE, OPTPGPIGNORESUB, 1},
-@@ -1374,2 +1393,44 @@ struct option_t MuttVars[] = {
-   */
-+  { "pgp_create_traditional",	DT_SYN, R_NONE, UL "pgp_autoinline", 0 },
-+  { "pgp_autoinline",		DT_BOOL, R_NONE, OPTPGPAUTOINLINE, 0 },
-+  /*
-+  ** .pp
-+  ** This option controls whether Mutt generates old-style inline
-+  ** (traditional) PGP encrypted or signed messages under certain
-+  ** circumstances.  This can be overridden by use of the \fIpgp-menu\fP,
-+  ** when inline is not required.
-+  ** .pp
-+  ** Note that Mutt might automatically use PGP/MIME for messages
-+  ** which consist of more than a single MIME part.  Mutt can be
-+  ** configured to ask before sending PGP/MIME messages when inline
-+  ** (traditional) would not work.
-+  ** See also: ``$$pgp_mime_ask''.
-+  ** .pp
-+  ** Also note that using the old-style PGP message format is \fBstrongly\fP
-+  ** \fBdeprecated\fP.
-+  ** (PGP only)
-+  */
-+  { "pgp_auto_traditional",	DT_SYN, R_NONE, UL "pgp_replyinline", 0 },
-+  { "pgp_replyinline",		DT_BOOL, R_NONE, OPTPGPREPLYINLINE, 0 },
-+  /*
-+  ** .pp
-+  ** Setting this variable will cause Mutt to always attempt to
-+  ** create an inline (traditional) message when replying to a
-+  ** message which is PGP encrypted/signed inline.  This can be
-+  ** overridden by use of the \fIpgp-menu\fP, when inline is not
-+  ** required.  This option does not automatically detect if the
-+  ** (replied-to) message is inline; instead it relies on Mutt
-+  ** internals for previously checked/flagged messages.
-+  ** .pp
-+  ** Note that Mutt might automatically use PGP/MIME for messages
-+  ** which consist of more than a single MIME part.  Mutt can be
-+  ** configured to ask before sending PGP/MIME messages when inline
-+  ** (traditional) would not work.
-+  ** See also: ``$$pgp_mime_ask''.
-+  ** .pp
-+  ** Also note that using the old-style PGP message format is \fBstrongly\fP
-+  ** \fBdeprecated\fP.
-+  ** (PGP only)
-+  ** 
-+  */
-   { "pgp_show_unusable", DT_BOOL, R_NONE, OPTPGPSHOWUNUSABLE, 1 },
-@@ -1423,11 +1484,8 @@ struct option_t MuttVars[] = {
-   */
--  { "pgp_create_traditional", DT_QUAD, R_NONE, OPT_PGPTRADITIONAL, M_NO },
-+  { "pgp_mime_ask", DT_QUAD, R_NONE, OPT_PGPMIMEASK, M_NO },
-   /*
-   ** .pp
--  ** This option controls whether Mutt generates old-style inline PGP
--  ** encrypted or signed messages.
--  ** .pp
--  ** Note that PGP/MIME will be used automatically for messages which have
--  ** a character set different from us-ascii, or which consist of more than
--  ** a single MIME part.
-+  ** This option controls whether Mutt will prompt you for
-+  ** automatically sending a (signed/encrypted) message using
-+  ** PGP/MIME when inline (traditional) fails (for any reason).
-   ** .pp
-@@ -1435,19 +1493,2 @@ struct option_t MuttVars[] = {
-   ** \fBdeprecated\fP.
--  ** (PGP only)
--  */
--  { "pgp_auto_traditional", DT_BOOL, R_NONE, OPTPGPAUTOTRAD, 0 },
--  /*
--  ** .pp
--  ** This option causes Mutt to generate an old-style inline PGP
--  ** encrypted or signed message when replying to an old-style
--  ** message, and a PGP/MIME message when replying to a PGP/MIME
--  ** message.  Note that this option is only meaningful when using
--  ** ``$$crypt_replyencrypt'', ``$$crypt_replysign'', or
--  ** ``$$crypt_replysignencrypted''.
--  ** .pp
--  ** Also note that PGP/MIME will be used automatically for messages
--  ** which have a character set different from us-ascii, or which
--  ** consist of more than a single MIME part.
--  ** .pp
--  ** This option overrides ``$$pgp_create_traditional''
-   ** (PGP only)
---- mutt.h Feb 2004 17:10:43 -0000	3.23
-+++ mutt.h Feb 2004 06:07:14 -0000
-@@ -278,3 +278,2 @@ enum
--  OPT_PGPTRADITIONAL, /* create old-style PGP messages */
- #ifdef USE_POP
-@@ -284,2 +283,3 @@ enum
-+  OPT_PGPMIMEASK,     /* ask to revert to PGP/MIME when inline fails */
-@@ -431,2 +431,3 @@ enum
-@@ -442,2 +443,3 @@ enum
-@@ -445,3 +447,2 @@ enum
- #if 0
-@@ -453,2 +454,4 @@ enum
-@@ -642,4 +645,4 @@ typedef struct header
- {
--  unsigned int security : 9;  /* bit 0-6: flags, bit 7,8: application.
--				 see: crypt.h pgplib.h, smime.h */
-+  unsigned int security : 10;  /* bit 0-7: flags, bit 8,9: application.
-+				 see: mutt_crypt.h */
---- mutt_crypt.h Dec 2003 13:04:20 -0000	3.5
-+++ mutt_crypt.h Feb 2004 06:07:14 -0000
-@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
- #define SIGNOPAQUE (1 << 5)
--/* (1 << 6) is used by PGPKEY below. */
-+#define KEYBLOCK   (1 << 6) /* KEY too generic? */
-+#define INLINE     (1 << 7)
--#define APPLICATION_PGP    (1 << 7) 
--#define APPLICATION_SMIME  (1 << 8)
-+#define APPLICATION_PGP    (1 << 8) 
-+#define APPLICATION_SMIME  (1 << 9)
-@@ -46,3 +47,4 @@
--#define PGPKEY      (APPLICATION_PGP | (1 << 6)) 
-@@ -105,3 +107,3 @@ typedef struct pgp_keyinfo *pgp_key_t;
--int mutt_protect (HEADER *, HEADER *, char *);
-+int mutt_protect (HEADER *, char *);
---- pgp.c Sep 2003 13:03:26 -0000	3.26
-+++ pgp.c Feb 2004 06:07:14 -0000
-@@ -1018,2 +1018,4 @@ char *pgp_findKeys (ADDRESS *to, ADDRESS
-   size_t keylist_used = 0;
-+  LIST *hook_list = NULL;
-+  LIST *hook = NULL;
-   ADDRESS *tmp = NULL, *addr = NULL;
-@@ -1051,66 +1053,93 @@ char *pgp_findKeys (ADDRESS *to, ADDRESS
-     q = p;
--    k_info = NULL;
--    if ((keyID = mutt_crypt_hook (p)) != NULL)
-+    /*
-+     * grab the list of matching hooks (matching on recipient address)
-+     * process each entry singly so that auto key selection still works
-+     */
-+    hook_list = mutt_crypt_hook (p);
-+    hook = hook_list;
-+    while (1)
-     {
-       int r;
--      snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), _("Use keyID = \"%s\" for %s?"), keyID, p->mailbox);
--      if ((r = mutt_yesorno (buf, M_YES)) == M_YES)
-+      k_info = NULL;
-+      key = NULL;
-+      if (hook)
-       {
--	if (is_numerical_keyid (keyID))
-+	keyID = (char *)hook->data;
-+	snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), _("Use keyID = \"%s\" for %s?"), keyID, p->mailbox);
-+	if (!option(OPTCRYPTCONFIRMHOOK) || (r = mutt_yesorno (buf, M_YES)) == M_YES)
- 	{
--	  if (strncmp (keyID, "0x", 2) == 0)
--	    keyID += 2;
--	  goto bypass_selection;		/* you don't see this. */
-+	  if (is_numerical_keyid (keyID))
-+	  {
-+	    if (strncmp (keyID, "0x", 2) == 0)
-+	      keyID += 2;
-+	    goto bypass_selection;		/* you don't see this. */
-+	  }
-+	  /* check for e-mail address */
-+	  if ((t = strchr (keyID, '@')) && 
-+	      (addr = rfc822_parse_adrlist (NULL, keyID)))
-+	  {
-+	    if (fqdn) rfc822_qualify (addr, fqdn);
-+	    q = addr;
-+	  }
-+	  else
-+	    k_info = pgp_getkeybystr (keyID, KEYFLAG_CANENCRYPT, PGP_PUBRING);
- 	}
--	/* check for e-mail address */
--	if ((t = strchr (keyID, '@')) && 
--	    (addr = rfc822_parse_adrlist (NULL, keyID)))
-+	else if (r == -1)
- 	{
--	  if (fqdn) rfc822_qualify (addr, fqdn);
--	  q = addr;
-+	  /*
-+	   * yes, this implies that if one key fails they all do
-+	   */
-+	  FREE (&keylist);
-+	  rfc822_free_address (&tmp);
-+	  rfc822_free_address (&addr);
-+	  mutt_free_list (&hook_list);
-+	  return NULL;
- 	}
--	else
--	  k_info = pgp_getkeybystr (keyID, KEYFLAG_CANENCRYPT, PGP_PUBRING);
-       }
--      else if (r == -1)
--      {
--	FREE (&keylist);
--	rfc822_free_address (&tmp);
--	rfc822_free_address (&addr);
--	return NULL;
--      }
--    }
--    if (k_info == NULL)
--      pgp_invoke_getkeys (q);
--    if (k_info == NULL && (k_info = pgp_getkeybyaddr (q, KEYFLAG_CANENCRYPT, PGP_PUBRING)) == NULL)
--    {
--      snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), _("Enter keyID for %s: "), q->mailbox);
-+      if (k_info == NULL)
-+	pgp_invoke_getkeys (q);
--      if ((key = pgp_ask_for_key (buf, q->mailbox,
-+      if (k_info == NULL && (k_info = pgp_getkeybyaddr (q, KEYFLAG_CANENCRYPT, PGP_PUBRING)) == NULL)
-       {
--	FREE (&keylist);
--	rfc822_free_address (&tmp);
--	rfc822_free_address (&addr);
--	return NULL;
-+	snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), _("Enter keyID for %s: "), q->mailbox);
-+	if ((key = pgp_ask_for_key (buf, q->mailbox,
-+	{
-+	  FREE (&keylist);
-+	  rfc822_free_address (&tmp);
-+	  rfc822_free_address (&addr);
-+	  mutt_free_list (&hook_list);
-+	  return NULL;
-+	}
-       }
--    }
--    else
--      key = k_info;
-+      else
-+	key = k_info;
--    keyID = pgp_keyid (key);
-+      keyID = pgp_keyid (key);
-   bypass_selection:
--    keylist_size += mutt_strlen (keyID) + 4;
--    safe_realloc (&keylist, keylist_size);
--    sprintf (keylist + keylist_used, "%s0x%s", keylist_used ? " " : "",	/* __SPRINTF_CHECKED__ */
--	     keyID);
--    keylist_used = mutt_strlen (keylist);
-+      keylist_size += mutt_strlen (keyID) + 4;
-+      safe_realloc (&keylist, keylist_size);
-+      sprintf (keylist + keylist_used, "%s0x%s", keylist_used ? " " : "",	/* __SPRINTF_CHECKED__ */
-+	       keyID);
-+      keylist_used = mutt_strlen (keylist);
--    pgp_free_key (&key);
--    rfc822_free_address (&addr);
-+      pgp_free_key (&key);
-+      rfc822_free_address (&addr);
-+      if (!hook_list)
-+	break;
-+      hook = hook->next;
-+      if (!hook)
-+	break;
-+    }
-+    mutt_free_list (&hook_list);
---- pgpkey.c Oct 2003 19:55:39 -0000	3.8
-+++ pgpkey.c Feb 2004 06:07:14 -0000
-@@ -437,4 +437,9 @@ static int pgp_id_matches_addr (ADDRESS 
-+#define pgp_trusted_id(uid) (!option(OPTPGPCHECKTRUST) \
-+			     || (pgp_id_is_valid((uid)) \
-+				 && pgp_id_is_strong((uid))))
- static pgp_key_t pgp_select_key (pgp_key_t keys,
--                                 ADDRESS * p, const char *s)
-+				  ADDRESS * p, const char *s)
- {
-@@ -452,2 +457,3 @@ static pgp_key_t pgp_select_key (pgp_key
-+  int keymatch = 0;		/* count matching keys */
-   int unusable = 0;
-@@ -481,2 +487,3 @@ static pgp_key_t pgp_select_key (pgp_key
-     }
-+    keymatch++;
-   }
-@@ -489,2 +496,17 @@ static pgp_key_t pgp_select_key (pgp_key
-   }
-+  else if (keymatch == 1 && option(OPTCRYPTAUTOSELECT))
-+  {
-+    /*
-+     * Only one matching key...see if there's an id with enough trust to auto-select
-+     */
-+    kp = KeyTable[0]->parent;
-+    for (a = kp->address; a; a = a->next)
-+    {
-+      if (pgp_trusted_id(a))
-+      {
-+	safe_free ((void **) &KeyTable);
-+	return (kp);
-+      }
-+    }
-+  }
-@@ -599,5 +621,3 @@ static pgp_key_t pgp_select_key (pgp_key
--      if (option (OPTPGPCHECKTRUST) &&
--	  (!pgp_id_is_valid (KeyTable[menu->current])
--	   || !pgp_id_is_strong (KeyTable[menu->current])))
-+      if (!pgp_trusted_id(KeyTable[menu->current]))
-       {
---- postpone.c Sep 2003 17:22:09 -0000	3.9
-+++ postpone.c Feb 2004 06:07:14 -0000
-@@ -486,2 +486,7 @@ int mutt_parse_crypt_hdr (char *p, int s
-+      case 'i':
-+      case 'I':
-+	pgp |= INLINE;
-+	break;
-       default:
---- protos.h Feb 2004 17:10:43 -0000	3.19
-+++ protos.h Feb 2004 06:07:14 -0000
-@@ -131,3 +131,3 @@ const char *mutt_get_name (ADDRESS *);
- char *mutt_get_parameter (const char *, PARAMETER *);
--char *mutt_crypt_hook (ADDRESS *);
-+LIST *mutt_crypt_hook (ADDRESS *);
- char *mutt_make_date (char *, size_t);
---- send.c Jan 2004 10:03:46 -0000	3.29
-+++ send.c Feb 2004 06:07:14 -0000
-@@ -1258,2 +1258,9 @@ ci_send_message (int flags,		/* send mod
- 	msg->security |= SIGN;
-+      if ((WithCrypto & APPLICATION_PGP) && (msg->security & (ENCRYPT | SIGN)))
-+      {
-+	if (option (OPTPGPAUTOINLINE))
-+	  msg->security |= INLINE;
-+	if (option (OPTPGPREPLYINLINE) && cur && (cur->security & INLINE))
-+	  msg->security |= INLINE;
-+      }
-     }      
-@@ -1496,3 +1503,3 @@ main_loop:
-       if ((crypt_get_keys (msg, &pgpkeylist) == -1) ||
--          mutt_protect (msg, cur, pgpkeylist) == -1)
-+          mutt_protect (msg, pgpkeylist) == -1)
-       {
-@@ -1576,3 +1583,3 @@ main_loop:
--	  if (mutt_protect (msg, cur, pgpkeylist) == -1)
-+	  if (mutt_protect (msg, pgpkeylist) == -1)
- 	  {
---- sendlib.c Sep 2003 13:03:26 -0000	3.24
-+++ sendlib.c Feb 2004 06:07:14 -0000
-@@ -2407,2 +2407,4 @@ int mutt_write_fcc (const char *path, HE
-     }
-+    if (hdr->security & INLINE)
-+      fputc ('I', msg->fp);
-     fputc ('\n', msg->fp);
---- doc/manual.sgml.head Feb 2004 17:45:33 -0000	3.26
-+++ doc/manual.sgml.head Feb 2004 06:07:15 -0000
-@@ -1450,3 +1450,5 @@ normally use.  The crypt-hook command pr
- specify the ID of the public key to be used when encrypting messages to
--a certain recipient.
-+a certain recipient.  You may use multiple pgp-hook's with the same
-+pattern; multiple matching pgp-hook's result in the use of multiple
-+keyids for recipient.
---- doc/muttrc.man.head Feb 2004 17:10:43 -0000	3.10
-+++ doc/muttrc.man.head Feb 2004 06:07:15 -0000
-@@ -297,3 +297,6 @@ to a certain recipient.  The meaning of 
- broadly: This can be a different e-mail address, a numerical key ID,
--or even just an arbitrary search string.
-+or even just an arbitrary search string.  You may use multiple
-+\fBpgp-hook\fPs with the same \fIpattern\fP; multiple matching
-+\fBpgp-hook\fPs result in the use of multiple \fIkey-id\fPs for
- .TP
---- po/ca.po Feb 2004 18:26:11 -0000	3.13
-+++ po/ca.po Feb 2004 06:07:15 -0000
-@@ -603,10 +603,10 @@ msgstr "Xifra amb: "
- #: compose.c:165
--msgid "PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, or (f)orget it? "
--msgstr "PGP: (x)ifra, (s)igna, si(g)na com a, (a)mbdós, o en (c)lar? "
-+msgid "PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, (i)nline, or (f)orget it? "
-+msgstr "PGP: (x)ifra, (s)igna, s(i)gna com a, (a)mbdós, en (l)ínia, o en (c)lar? "
- # ivb (2003/03/26)
--# ivb  (x)ifra, (s)igna, si(g)na com a, (a)mbdós, (c)lar
-+# ivb  (x)ifra, (s)igna, s(i)gna com a, (a)mbdós, en (l)ínia, o en (c)lar
- #: compose.c:166
--msgid "esabf"
--msgstr "xsgac"
-+msgid "esabif"
-+msgstr "xsialc"
---- po/cs.po Feb 2004 18:26:11 -0000	3.12
-+++ po/cs.po Feb 2004 06:07:16 -0000
-@@ -683,4 +683,4 @@ msgstr "Za¹ifrovat pomocí:"
- #: compose.c:165
--msgid "PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, or (f)orget it? "
--msgstr "PGP - (¹)ifrovat, (p)odepsat, podepsat (j)ako, (o)bojí, èi (n)ic?"
-+msgid "PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, (i)nline, or (f)orget it? "
-+msgstr "PGP - (¹)ifrovat, (p)odepsat, podepsat (j)ako, (o)bojí, pøí(m)ý, èi (n)ic?"
-@@ -688,4 +688,4 @@ msgstr "PGP - (¹)ifrovat, (p)odepsat, po
- #: compose.c:166
--msgid "esabf"
--msgstr "¹pjon"
-+msgid "esabif"
-+msgstr "¹pjomn"
---- po/da.po Feb 2004 18:26:11 -0000	3.11
-+++ po/da.po Feb 2004 06:07:16 -0000
-@@ -578,8 +578,8 @@ msgstr "Kryptér"
- #, fuzzy
--msgid "PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, or (f)orget it? "
--msgstr "(k)ryptér, (u)nderskriv, underskriv (s)om, (b)egge, (i)ngen PGP"
-+msgid "PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, (i)nline, or (f)orget it? "
-+msgstr "(k)ryptér, (u)nderskriv, underskriv (s)om, (b)egge, i(n)tegreret, (i)ngen PGP"
- #: compose.c:166
--msgid "esabf"
--msgstr "kusbi"
-+msgid "esabif"
-+msgstr "kusbni"
---- po/de.po Feb 2004 18:26:11 -0000	3.15
-+++ po/de.po Feb 2004 06:07:16 -0000
-@@ -569,8 +569,8 @@ msgstr "Verschlüsseln mit: "
- #: compose.c:165
--msgid "PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, or (f)orget it? "
--msgstr "PGP (v)erschl., (s)ign., sign. (a)ls, (b)eides, (k)ein PGP? "
-+msgid "PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, (i)nline, or (f)orget it? "
-+msgstr "PGP (v)erschl., (s)ign., sign. (a)ls, (b)eides, (i)nline, (k)ein PGP? "
- #: compose.c:166
--msgid "esabf"
--msgstr "vsabk"
-+msgid "esabif"
-+msgstr "vsabik"
---- po/el.po Feb 2004 18:26:11 -0000	3.12
-+++ po/el.po Feb 2004 06:07:17 -0000
-@@ -700,4 +700,4 @@ msgstr "ÊñõðôïãñÜöçóç ìå: "
- #: compose.c:165
--msgid "PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, or (f)orget it? "
--msgstr "PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, Þ (f)orget it? "
-+msgid "PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, (i)nline, or (f)orget it? "
-+msgstr "PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, (i)êåßìåíï, Þ (f)orget it? "
-@@ -706,4 +706,4 @@ msgstr "PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s
- #: compose.c:166
--msgid "esabf"
--msgstr "esabf"
-+msgid "esabif"
-+msgstr "esabif"
---- po/eo.po Feb 2004 18:26:11 -0000	3.13
-+++ po/eo.po Feb 2004 06:07:17 -0000
-@@ -571,8 +571,8 @@ msgstr "Æifri per: "
- #: compose.c:165
--msgid "PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, or (f)orget it? "
--msgstr "PGP æ(i)fri, (s)ubskribi, subskribi (k)iel, (a)mbaý, aý (f)orgesi? "
-+msgid "PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, (i)nline, or (f)orget it? "
-+msgstr "PGP æ(i)fri, (s)ubskribi, subskribi (k)iel, (a)mbaý, \"i(n)line\", aý (f)orgesi? "
- #: compose.c:166
--msgid "esabf"
--msgstr "iskaf"
-+msgid "esabif"
-+msgstr "iskanf"
---- po/es.po Feb 2004 18:26:11 -0000	3.14
-+++ po/es.po Feb 2004 06:07:17 -0000
-@@ -576,4 +576,4 @@ msgstr "Cifrar"
- #, fuzzy
--msgid "PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, or (f)orget it? "
--msgstr "¿co(d)ificar, f(i)rmar (c)omo, amb(o)s o ca(n)celar? "
-+msgid "PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, (i)nline, or (f)orget it? "
-+msgstr "¿co(d)ificar, f(i)rmar (c)omo, amb(o)s, inc(l)uido, o ca(n)celar? "
-@@ -581,4 +581,4 @@ msgstr "¿co(d)ificar, f(i)rmar (c)omo, a
- #, fuzzy
--msgid "esabf"
--msgstr "dicon"
-+msgid "esabif"
-+msgstr "dicoln"
---- po/et.po Feb 2004 18:26:11 -0000	3.13
-+++ po/et.po Feb 2004 06:07:18 -0000
-@@ -571,8 +571,8 @@ msgstr "Krüpti kasutades: "
- #: compose.c:165
--msgid "PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, or (f)orget it? "
--msgstr "PGP (k)rüpti, (a)llkiri, allk. ku(i), (m)õlemad või (u)nusta? "
-+msgid "PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, (i)nline, or (f)orget it? "
-+msgstr "PGP (k)rüpti, (a)llkiri, allk. ku(i), (m)õlemad, k(e)hasse, või (u)nusta? "
- #: compose.c:166
--msgid "esabf"
--msgstr "kaimu"
-+msgid "esabif"
-+msgstr "kaimeu"
---- po/fr.po Feb 2004 18:26:11 -0000	3.23
-+++ po/fr.po Feb 2004 06:07:18 -0000
-@@ -596,8 +596,8 @@ msgstr "Chiffrer avec : "
- #: compose.c:165
--msgid "PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, or (f)orget it? "
--msgstr "(c)hiffrer PGP, (s)igner, (e)n tant que, les (d)eux, ou (o)ublier ? "
-+msgid "PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, (i)nline, or (f)orget it? "
-+msgstr "(c)hiffrer PGP, (s)igner, (e)n tant que, les (d)eux, en (l)igne, ou (o)ublier ? "
- #: compose.c:166
--msgid "esabf"
--msgstr "csedo"
-+msgid "esabif"
-+msgstr "csedlo"
---- po/gl.po Feb 2004 18:26:11 -0000	3.11
-+++ po/gl.po Feb 2004 06:07:18 -0000
-@@ -580,8 +580,8 @@ msgstr "Encriptar"
- #, fuzzy
--msgid "PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, or (f)orget it? "
--msgstr "¿(e)ncriptar, (f)irmar, firmar (c)omo, (a)mbas ou (o)lvidar? "
-+msgid "PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, (i)nline, or (f)orget it? "
-+msgstr "¿(e)ncriptar, (f)irmar, firmar (c)omo, (a)mbas, (i)nterior, ou (o)lvidar? "
- #: compose.c:166
--msgid "esabf"
--msgstr "efcao"
-+msgid "esabif"
-+msgstr "efcaio"
---- po/hu.po Feb 2004 18:26:11 -0000	3.12
-+++ po/hu.po Feb 2004 06:07:19 -0000
-@@ -571,8 +571,8 @@ msgstr "Titkosítás: "
- #: compose.c:165
--msgid "PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, or (f)orget it? "
--msgstr "PGP (t)itkosít, (a)láír, aláír (m)int, titkosít é(s) aláír, mé(g)se? "
-+msgid "PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, (i)nline, or (f)orget it? "
-+msgstr "PGP (t)itkosít, (a)láír, aláír (m)int, titkosít é(s) aláír, (b)eágyazott, mé(g)se? "
- #: compose.c:166
--msgid "esabf"
--msgstr "tamsg"
-+msgid "esabif"
-+msgstr "tamsbg"
---- po/id.po Feb 2004 18:26:12 -0000	3.14
-+++ po/id.po Feb 2004 06:07:19 -0000
-@@ -572,8 +572,8 @@ msgstr "Enkrip dengan: "
- #: compose.c:165
--msgid "PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, or (f)orget it? "
--msgstr "PGP (e)nkrip, (t)andatangan, tandatangan (s)bg, ke(d)uanya, (b)atal? "
-+msgid "PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, (i)nline, or (f)orget it? "
-+msgstr "PGP (e)nkrip, (t)andatangan, tandatangan (s)bg, ke(d)uanya, (i)nline, (b)atal? "
- #: compose.c:166
--msgid "esabf"
--msgstr "etsdb"
-+msgid "esabif"
-+msgstr "etsdib"
---- po/it.po Feb 2004 18:26:12 -0000	3.11
-+++ po/it.po Feb 2004 06:07:19 -0000
-@@ -582,8 +582,8 @@ msgstr "Crittografa"
- #, fuzzy
--msgid "PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, or (f)orget it? "
--msgstr "cifra(e), firma(s), firma come(a), entrambi(b), annulla(f) "
-+msgid "PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, (i)nline, or (f)orget it? "
-+msgstr "cifra(e), firma(s), firma come(a), entrambi(b), in l(i)nea , annulla(f) "
- #: compose.c:166
--msgid "esabf"
--msgstr "esabf"
-+msgid "esabif"
-+msgstr "esabif"
---- po/ja.po Feb 2004 18:26:12 -0000	3.21
-+++ po/ja.po Feb 2004 06:07:20 -0000
-@@ -569,8 +569,8 @@ msgstr "  °Å¹æ²½Êý¼°: "
- #: compose.c:165
--msgid "PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, or (f)orget it? "
--msgstr "PGP (e)°Å¹æ²½,(s)½ð̾,(a)..¤È¤·¤Æ½ð̾,(b)ξ¼Ô,(f)²ò½ü?"
-+msgid "PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, (i)nline, or (f)orget it? "
-+msgstr "PGP (e)°Å¹æ²½,(s)½ð̾,(a)..¤È¤·¤Æ½ð̾,(b)ξ¼Ô,(i)nline,(f)²ò½ü?"
- #: compose.c:166
--msgid "esabf"
--msgstr "esabf"
-+msgid "esabif"
-+msgstr "esabif"
---- po/ko.po Feb 2004 18:26:12 -0000	3.15
-+++ po/ko.po Feb 2004 06:07:20 -0000
-@@ -570,8 +570,8 @@ msgstr "¾Ïȣȭ ¹æ½Ä: "
- #: compose.c:165
--msgid "PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, or (f)orget it? "
--msgstr "PGP ¾Ïȣȭ(e), ¼­¸í(s), »ç¿ë ¼­¸í(a), µÑ ´Ù(b), Ãë¼Ò(f)? "
-+msgid "PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, (i)nline, or (f)orget it? "
-+msgstr "PGP ¾Ïȣȭ(e), ¼­¸í(s), »ç¿ë ¼­¸í(a), µÑ ´Ù(b), (i)nline, Ãë¼Ò(f)? "
- #: compose.c:166
--msgid "esabf"
--msgstr "esabf"
-+msgid "esabif"
-+msgstr "esabif"
---- po/lt.po Feb 2004 18:26:12 -0000	3.11
-+++ po/lt.po Feb 2004 06:07:20 -0000
-@@ -578,5 +578,5 @@ msgstr "Uþðifruoti"
- #, fuzzy
--msgid "PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, or (f)orget it? "
-+msgid "PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, (i)nline, or (f)orget it? "
- msgstr ""
--"(u)þðifruot, pa(s)iraðyt, pasiraðyt k(a)ip, a(b)u, rinktis (m)ic algoritmà, "
-+"(u)þðifruot, pa(s)iraðyt, pasiraðyt k(a)ip, a(b)u, (l)aiðke, "
- "ar (p)amirðti?"
-@@ -585,4 +585,4 @@ msgstr ""
- #, fuzzy
--msgid "esabf"
--msgstr "usabmp"
-+msgid "esabif"
-+msgstr "usablp"
-@@ -598,4 +598,3 @@ msgid ""
- msgstr ""
--"(u)þðifruot, pa(s)iraðyt, pasiraðyt k(a)ip, a(b)u, rinktis (m)ic algoritmà, "
--"ar (p)amirðti?"
-+"(u)þðifruot, pa(s)iraðyt, uþðifruo(t) su, pasiraðyt k(a)ip, a(b)u, ar (p)amirðti?"
-@@ -604,3 +603,3 @@ msgstr ""
- msgid "eswabf"
--msgstr "usabmp"
-+msgstr "ustabp"
---- po/nl.po Feb 2004 18:26:12 -0000	3.16
-+++ po/nl.po Feb 2004 06:07:21 -0000
-@@ -568,8 +568,8 @@ msgstr "Versleutelen met: "
- #: compose.c:165
--msgid "PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, or (f)orget it? "
--msgstr "PGP (v)ersleutel, (o)ndertekenen, ondert. (a)ls, (b)eiden, (g)een? "
-+msgid "PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, (i)nline, or (f)orget it? "
-+msgstr "PGP (v)ersleutel, (o)ndertekenen, ondert. (a)ls, (b)eiden, ber(i)cht, (g)een? "
- #: compose.c:166
--msgid "esabf"
--msgstr "voabg"
-+msgid "esabif"
-+msgstr "voabig"
---- po/pl.po Feb 2004 18:26:12 -0000	3.17
-+++ po/pl.po Feb 2004 06:07:21 -0000
-@@ -571,8 +571,8 @@ msgstr "Zaszyfruj u¿ywaj±c: "
- #: compose.c:165
--msgid "PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, or (f)orget it? "
--msgstr "PGP: (z)aszyfruj, podpi(s)z, podpisz j(a)ko, o(b)a, b(e)z PGP? "
-+msgid "PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, (i)nline, or (f)orget it? "
-+msgstr "PGP: (z)aszyfruj, podpi(s)z, podpisz j(a)ko, o(b)a, (i)nline, b(e)z PGP? "
- #: compose.c:166
--msgid "esabf"
--msgstr "zsabe"
-+msgid "esabif"
-+msgstr "zsabie"
---- po/pt_BR.po Feb 2004 18:26:13 -0000	3.12
-+++ po/pt_BR.po Feb 2004 06:07:21 -0000
-@@ -581,5 +581,5 @@ msgstr "Encriptar"
- #, fuzzy
--msgid "PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, or (f)orget it? "
-+msgid "PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, (i)nline, or (f)orget it? "
- msgstr ""
--"(e)ncripa, a(s)sina, assina (c)omo, (a)mbos, escolhe (m)ic, ou es(q)uece? "
-+"(e)ncripa, a(s)sina, assina (c)omo, (a)mbos, em l(i)nha, ou es(q)uece? "
-@@ -587,4 +587,4 @@ msgstr ""
- #, fuzzy
--msgid "esabf"
--msgstr "escamq"
-+msgid "esabif"
-+msgstr "escaiq"
-@@ -600,3 +600,3 @@ msgid ""
- msgstr ""
--"(e)ncripa, a(s)sina, assina (c)omo, (a)mbos, escolhe (m)ic, ou es(q)uece? "
-+"(e)ncripa, a(s)sina, e(n)cripa com, assina (c)omo, (a)mbos, ou es(q)uece? "
-@@ -605,3 +605,3 @@ msgstr ""
- msgid "eswabf"
--msgstr "escamq"
-+msgstr "esncaq"
---- po/ru.po Feb 2004 18:26:13 -0000	3.19
-+++ po/ru.po Feb 2004 06:07:22 -0000
-@@ -577,8 +577,8 @@ msgstr "úÁÛÉÆÒÏ×ÁÔØ: "
- #: compose.c:165
--msgid "PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, or (f)orget it? "
--msgstr "PGP (e)ÛÉÆÒ, (s)ÐÏÄÐÉÓØ, (a)ÐÏÄÐÉÓØ ËÁË, (b)ÏÂÁ, (f)ÏÔËÁÚÁÔØÓÑ? "
-+msgid "PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, (i)nline, or (f)orget it? "
-+msgstr "PGP (e)ÛÉÆÒ, (s)ÐÏÄÐÉÓØ, (a)ÐÏÄÐÉÓØ ËÁË, (b)ÏÂÁ, (i)nline, (f)ÏÔËÁÚÁÔØÓÑ? "
- #: compose.c:166
--msgid "esabf"
--msgstr "esabf"
-+msgid "esabif"
-+msgstr "esabif"
---- po/sk.po Feb 2004 18:26:13 -0000	3.11
-+++ po/sk.po Feb 2004 06:07:22 -0000
-@@ -586,5 +586,5 @@ msgstr "Za¹ifruj"
- #, fuzzy
--msgid "PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, or (f)orget it? "
-+msgid "PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, (i)nline, or (f)orget it? "
- msgstr ""
--"(e)-¹ifr, (s)-podp, podp (a)ko, o(b)e, oznaè alg. mi(c), alebo (f)-zabudnú» "
-+"(e)-¹ifr, (s)-podp, podp (a)ko, o(b)e, (i)nline, alebo (f)-zabudnú» "
- "na to? "
-@@ -593,4 +593,4 @@ msgstr ""
- #, fuzzy
--msgid "esabf"
--msgstr "esabmf"
-+msgid "esabif"
-+msgstr "esabif"
-@@ -606,4 +606,3 @@ msgid ""
- msgstr ""
--"(e)-¹ifr, (s)-podp, podp (a)ko, o(b)e, oznaè alg. mi(c), alebo (f)-zabudnú» "
--"na to? "
-+"(e)-¹ifr, (s)-podp, (w)-¹ifr s, podp (a)ko, o(b)e, alebo (f)-zabudnú» na to? "
-@@ -612,3 +611,3 @@ msgstr ""
- msgid "eswabf"
--msgstr "esabmf"
-+msgstr "eswabf"
---- po/sv.po Feb 2004 18:26:13 -0000	3.12
-+++ po/sv.po Feb 2004 06:07:22 -0000
-@@ -568,8 +568,8 @@ msgstr "Kryptera med: "
- #: compose.c:165
--msgid "PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, or (f)orget it? "
--msgstr "PGP: (k)ryptera, (s)ignera, signera s(o)m, (b)åda, eller sk(i)ppa det?"
-+msgid "PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, (i)nline, or (f)orget it? "
-+msgstr "PGP: (k)ryptera, (s)ignera, signera s(o)m, (b)åda, i(n)fogat, eller sk(i)ppa det?"
- #: compose.c:166
--msgid "esabf"
--msgstr "ksobi"
-+msgid "esabif"
-+msgstr "ksobni"
---- po/tr.po Feb 2004 18:26:13 -0000	3.11
-+++ po/tr.po Feb 2004 06:07:22 -0000
-@@ -577,5 +577,5 @@ msgstr "Þifrele"
- #, fuzzy
--msgid "PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, or (f)orget it? "
-+msgid "PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, (i)nline, or (f)orget it? "
- msgstr ""
--"þ(i)frele, i(m)zala, (f)arklý imzala, i(k)isi de, mi(c) algoritmini seç "
-+"þ(i)frele, i(m)zala, (f)arklý imzala, i(k)isi de, (i)nline, "
- "yoksa i(p)talmý? "
-@@ -583,4 +583,4 @@ msgstr ""
- #: compose.c:166
--msgid "esabf"
--msgstr "imfkcp"
-+msgid "esabif"
-+msgstr "imfkip"
---- po/uk.po Feb 2004 18:26:13 -0000	3.12
-+++ po/uk.po Feb 2004 06:07:23 -0000
-@@ -572,8 +572,8 @@ msgstr "ûÉÆÒÕ×ÁÎÎÑ"
- #, fuzzy
--msgid "PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, or (f)orget it? "
--msgstr "ÛÉÆÒ.(e), ЦÄÐ.(s), ЦÄÐ. ÑË(a), ÕÓÅ(b) ÞÉ ×¦ÄͦÎÁ(f)? "
-+msgid "PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, (i)nline, or (f)orget it? "
-+msgstr "ÛÉÆÒ.(e), ЦÄÐ.(s), ЦÄÐ. ÑË(a), ÕÓÅ(b), (i)nline ÞÉ ×¦ÄͦÎÁ(f)? "
- #: compose.c:166
--msgid "esabf"
--msgstr ""
-+msgid "esabif"
-+msgstr "esabif"
---- po/zh_CN.po Feb 2004 18:26:13 -0000	3.11
-+++ po/zh_CN.po Feb 2004 06:07:23 -0000
-@@ -585,5 +585,5 @@ msgstr "¼ÓÃÜ"
- #, fuzzy
--msgid "PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, or (f)orget it? "
-+msgid "PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, (i)nline, or (f)orget it? "
- msgstr ""
--"(e)¼ÓÃÜ, (s)Ç©Ãû, (a)ÓñðµÄÉí·ÝÇ©, (b)Á½Õß½ÔÒª, Ñ¡Ôñ (m)ic ÑÝËã·¨ »ò (f)·Å"
-+"(e)¼ÓÃÜ, (s)Ç©Ãû, (a)ÓñðµÄÉí·ÝÇ©, (b)Á½Õß½ÔÒª, (i)nline, »ò (f)·Å"
- "Æú£¿"
-@@ -591,4 +591,4 @@ msgstr ""
- #: compose.c:166
--msgid "esabf"
--msgstr ""
-+msgid "esabif"
-+msgstr "esabif"
---- po/zh_TW.po Feb 2004 18:26:13 -0000	3.11
-+++ po/zh_TW.po Feb 2004 06:07:24 -0000
-@@ -577,3 +577,3 @@ msgstr "加密"
- #, fuzzy
--msgid "PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, or (f)orget it? "
-+msgid "PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, (i)nline, or (f)orget it? "
- msgstr "(1)加密, (2)簽名, (3)用別的身份簽, (4)兩者皆要, 或 (5)放棄?"
-@@ -581,4 +581,4 @@ msgstr "(1)加密, (2)簽名, (3)用別ç
- #: compose.c:166
--msgid "esabf"
--msgstr "12345"
-+msgid "esabif"
-+msgstr "1234i5"
--- mail/mutt-devel/files/patch-Makefile.am
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
---- Makefile.am.orig	Wed Feb 28 14:24:22 2007
-+++ Makefile.am	Wed Feb 28 14:26:20 2007
-@@ -146,16 +146,12 @@
- install-data-local: Muttrc
- 	$(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)
- 	$(INSTALL) -m 644 Muttrc $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)/Muttrc.dist
--	$(INSTALL) -m 644 $(srcdir)/mime.types $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)/mime.types.dist
- 	-if [ -f $(DESTDIR)$(pkgdatadir)/Muttrc ] ; then \
- 		mv $(DESTDIR)$(pkgdatadir)/Muttrc* $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir) ; \
- 	elif [ -f $(DESTDIR)$(pkgdatadir)/../Muttrc ] ; then \
- 	 	mv $(DESTDIR)$(pkgdatadir)/../Muttrc* $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir) ; \
- 	elif [ ! -f $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)/Muttrc ] ; then \
- 		$(INSTALL) -m 644 Muttrc $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir) ; \
--	fi
--	-if [ ! -f $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)/mime.types ]; then \
--		$(INSTALL) -m 644 $(srcdir)/mime.types $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir); \
- 	fi
- uninstall-local:
--- mail/mutt-devel/files/patch-contrib-Makefile.am
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- contrib/Makefile.am.orig	Tue Jul 18 20:04:14 2006
-+++ contrib/Makefile.am	Wed Aug 30 16:15:04 2006
-@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- subdir = contrib
--SAMPLES = Mush.rc Pine.rc gpg.rc pgp2.rc pgp5.rc pgp6.rc Tin.rc \
-+SAMPLES = Mush.rc Pine.rc gpg.rc pgp2.rc pgp6.rc Tin.rc \
- 	sample.muttrc  sample.mailcap sample.muttrc-tlr \
- 	colors.default colors.linux smime.rc \
- 	ca-bundle.crt smime_keys_test.pl
--- mail/mutt-devel/files/extra-patch-aspell
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- Muttrc.head.orig	Thu Jan 24 13:10:47 2002
-+++ Muttrc.head	Tue Nov  9 08:53:14 2004
-@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
- macro index   <f1> "!less @docdir@/manual.txt\n" "Show Mutt documentation"
- macro pager   <f1> "!less @docdir@/manual.txt\n" "Show Mutt documentation"
-+set ispell="/usr/local/bin/aspell --mode=email check"
- # If Mutt is unable to determine your site's domain name correctly, you can
- # set the default here.
- #
--- mail/mutt-devel/files/patch-smime-sender
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
---- commands.c.orig	Thu Mar 20 20:37:21 2003
-+++ commands.c	Thu Mar 20 20:40:29 2003
-@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@
-     {
-       if (cur->security & GOODSIGN)
-       {
--	if (!crypt_smime_verify_sender(cur))
-+	if (option(OPTSMIMENOSENDER) || !crypt_smime_verify_sender(cur))
- 	  mutt_message ( _("S/MIME signature successfully verified."));
- 	else
- 	  mutt_error ( _("S/MIME certificate owner does not match sender."));
---- init.h.orig2	Fri May 31 10:14:05 2002
-+++ init.h	Fri May 31 10:54:55 2002
-@@ -1435,6 +1435,15 @@
-   ** This flag controls wether you want to be asked to enter a label for a certificate
-   ** about to be added to the database or not. It is set by default.
-   */
-+  { "smime_dont_check_sender",	DT_BOOL, R_NONE, OPTSMIMENOSENDER, 0 },
-+  /*
-+  ** .pp
-+  ** This flag controls wether you want the skip the check for the sender's
-+  ** email address against the email address stored in the certificate. 
-+  ** This can be useful if most of your email senders use SMIMEv3 which no
-+  ** longer needs email-addresses as part of the certificates.
-+  ** It is not set by default.
-+  */
-   { "smime_decrypt_use_default_key",	DT_BOOL, R_NONE, OPTSDEFAULTDECRYPTKEY, 1 },
-   /*
-   ** .pp
---- mutt.h.orig2	Fri May 31 10:14:06 2002
-+++ mutt.h	Fri May 31 10:24:03 2002
-@@ -453,6 +453,7 @@
- #ifdef HAVE_SMIME
- #endif
- #ifdef HAVE_PGP
---- contrib/smime.rc.orig	Sat Oct 25 17:57:35 2003
-+++ contrib/smime.rc	Sat Oct 25 17:57:35 2003
-@@ -6,8 +6,11 @@
- # will be the default method unless the following option is set
- set smime_is_default
--# Uncoment this if you don't want to set labels for certificates you add.
-+# Uncomment this if you don't want to set labels for certificates you add.
- # unset smime_ask_cert_label
-+# Uncomment this if you don't want to check for sender's email address
-+# set smime_dont_check_sender = yes
- # Passphrase expiration
- set smime_timeout=300
--- mail/mutt-devel/files/patch-08
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
---- Muttrc.orig	Sat May 13 08:30:44 2000
-+++ Muttrc	Sat May 13 08:32:05 2000
-@@ -629,6 +629,7 @@
- # Type: boolean
- # Default: yes
- # 
-+set followup_to=no
- # 
- # Controls whether or not the Mail-Followup-To header field is
- # generated when sending mail.  When set, Mutt will generate this
--- mail/mutt-devel/files/patch-init.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
---- init.c.orig	Wed Jul 24 10:41:29 2002
-+++ init.c	Sat May  3 08:46:29 2003
-@@ -1707,7 +1707,11 @@
- void mutt_init (int skip_sys_rc, LIST *commands)
- {
-   struct passwd *pw;
-+#if __FreeBSD_version < 500000
-+  char nodename[STRING];
-   struct utsname utsname;
-   char *p, buffer[STRING], error[STRING];
-   int i, default_rc = 0, need_pause = 0;
-   BUFFER err;
-@@ -1765,16 +1769,21 @@
- #endif
-   /* And about the host... */
-+#if __FreeBSD_version < 500000
-+  gethostname(nodename, sizeof (nodename));
-   uname (&utsname);
-+  strfcpy (nodename, utsname.nodename, sizeof (nodename));
-   /* some systems report the FQDN instead of just the hostname */
--  if ((p = strchr (utsname.nodename, '.')))
-+  if ((p = strchr (nodename, '.')))
-   {
--    Hostname = mutt_substrdup (utsname.nodename, p);
-+    Hostname = mutt_substrdup (nodename, p);
-     p++;
-     strfcpy (buffer, p, sizeof (buffer)); /* save the domain for below */
-   }
-   else
--    Hostname = safe_strdup (utsname.nodename);
-+    Hostname = safe_strdup (nodename);
- #ifndef DOMAIN
- #define DOMAIN buffer
--- mail/mutt-devel/files/patch-mktemp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
---- muttlib.c.orig	Fri Feb  4 08:09:25 2005
-+++ muttlib.c	Fri Feb  4 08:13:37 2005
-@@ -664,7 +664,11 @@
- void _mutt_mktemp (char *s, const char *src, int line)
- {
--  snprintf (s, _POSIX_PATH_MAX, "%s/mutt-%s-%d-%d-%d", NONULL (Tempdir), NONULL(Hostname), (int) getuid(), (int) getpid (), Counter++);
-+  char t[7];
-+  snprintf (t, 7, "-%05d", Counter++);
-+  snprintf (s, _POSIX_PATH_MAX-6, "%s/mutt-%s-XXXXXXXX", NONULL(Tempdir), NONULL(Hostname));
-+  mktemp (s);
-+  strncat(s, t, 6);
-   dprint (1, (debugfile, "%s:%d: mutt_mktemp returns \"%s\".\n", src, line, s));
-   unlink (s);
- }
--- mail/mutt-devel/files/extra-patch-reverse_reply
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-@@ -0,0 +1 @@
---- init.h.orig	2005-03-01 16:56:02.000000000 +0100
-+++ init.h	2005-05-25 18:20:57.000000000 +0200
-@@ -2257,6 +2257,13 @@
-   ** possibly including eventual real names.  When it is unset, mutt will
-   ** override any such real names with the setting of the $realname variable.
-   */
-+  { "reverse_reply",	DT_BOOL, R_NONE, OPTREVREPLY, 0 },
-+  /*
-+  ** .pp
-+  ** When set, this variable uses the name from your aliases in the To and Cc
-+  ** headers of reply mails you send, like $reverse_alias does in the index.
-+  ** When unset, the headers taken from the original mail are left unchanged.
-+  */
-   { "rfc2047_parameters", DT_BOOL, R_NONE, OPTRFC2047PARAMS, 0 },
-   /*
-   ** .pp
---- mutt.h.orig	2005-02-28 16:13:57.000000000 +0100
-+++ mutt.h	2005-05-25 18:20:57.000000000 +0200
-@@ -410,6 +410,7 @@
---- protos.h.orig	Wed Jul 12 01:32:28 2006
-+++ protos.h	Mon Jul 17 16:14:16 2006
-@@ -92,6 +92,7 @@
- ADDRESS *mutt_lookup_alias (const char *s);
- ADDRESS *mutt_remove_duplicates (ADDRESS *);
- ADDRESS *mutt_remove_xrefs (ADDRESS *, ADDRESS *);
-+ADDRESS *mutt_reverse_address (ADDRESS *);
- ADDRESS *mutt_expand_aliases (ADDRESS *);
- ADDRESS *mutt_parse_adrlist (ADDRESS *, const char *);
---- send.c.orig	2005-02-03 19:47:53.000000000 +0100
-+++ send.c	2005-05-25 18:20:57.000000000 +0200
-@@ -588,6 +588,10 @@
-   /* the CC field can get cluttered, especially with lists */
-   env->to = mutt_remove_duplicates (env->to);
-   env->cc = mutt_remove_duplicates (env->cc);
-+  if (option (OPTREVREPLY)){
-+	env->to = mutt_reverse_address (env->to);
-+	env->cc = mutt_reverse_address (env->cc);
-+  }
-   env->cc = mutt_remove_xrefs (env->to, env->cc);
- }
---- sendlib.c.orig	2005-02-21 05:45:57.000000000 +0100
-+++ sendlib.c	2005-05-25 18:20:57.000000000 +0200
-@@ -2341,6 +2341,35 @@
-   }
- }
-+/* given a list of addresses, return a list of reverse_alias'ed addresses */
-+ADDRESS *mutt_reverse_address (ADDRESS *addr)
-+  ADDRESS *top,*tmp,*alias;
-+  if (addr == NULL)
-+    return NULL;
-+  if ((alias = alias_reverse_lookup (addr)) && alias->personal) {
-+    tmp = rfc822_cpy_adr_real(alias);
-+    tmp->next = addr->next;
-+    addr->next = NULL;
-+    rfc822_free_address(&addr);
-+    addr = tmp;
-+  }
-+  for (top = addr; top->next != NULL; top = tmp) {
-+    tmp = top->next;
-+    if ((alias = alias_reverse_lookup (tmp)) && alias->personal) {
-+      top->next = rfc822_cpy_adr_real(alias);
-+      top->next->next = tmp->next;
-+      tmp->next = NULL;
-+      rfc822_free_address(&tmp);
-+      tmp = top->next;
-+    }
-+  }
-+  return addr;
- int mutt_write_fcc (const char *path, HEADER *hdr, const char *msgid, int post, char *fcc)
- {
-   CONTEXT f;
--- mail/mutt-devel/files/patch-doc-manual.xml.head
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
---- doc/manual.xml.head.orig	Mon Jul 17 15:23:46 2006
-+++ doc/manual.xml.head	Mon Jul 17 15:30:23 2006
-@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- <?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
- <!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN"
--  "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.2/docbookx.dtd">
-+  "/usr/local/share/xml/docbook/4.2/docbookx.dtd">
- <book>
- <bookinfo>
--- mail/mutt-devel/files/patch-05
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
---- curs_lib.c.old	Wed Sep  1 19:39:20 1999
-+++ curs_lib.c	Sun Sep 26 23:47:03 1999
-@@ -156,6 +156,16 @@
-       def = 0;
-       break;
-     }
-+    else if (tolower(ch.ch) == 'y')
-+    {
-+      def = 1;
-+      break;
-+    }
-+    else if (tolower(ch.ch) == 'n')
-+    {
-+      def = 0;
-+      break;
-+    }
-     else
-     {
-       BEEP();
-@@ -413,8 +423,9 @@
- {
-   event_t ch;
-   int choice;
--  char *p;
-+  char *p, *nletters;
-+  nletters = _(letters);
-   mvaddstr (LINES - 1, 0, prompt);
-   clrtoeol ();
-@@ -428,6 +439,12 @@
-     }
-     else
-     {
-+      p = strchr (nletters, ch.ch);
-+      if (p)
-+      {
-+	choice = p - nletters + 1;
-+	break;
-+      }
-       p = strchr (letters, ch.ch);
-       if (p)
-       {
--- mail/mutt-devel/files/extra-patch-doc-ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
---- doc/mutt.man.orig	Wed Apr  4 07:37:13 2007
-+++ doc/mutt.man	Mon Apr  9 15:39:36 2007
-@@ -57,7 +57,8 @@
- .PP
- Mutt is a small but very powerful text based program for reading and sending electronic
- mail under unix operating systems, including support for color terminals, MIME,
--OpenPGP, and a threaded sorting mode.
-+OpenPGP, and a threaded sorting mode. Details of how to use all of this is
-+available in \fI${DOCSDIR}\fP.
- .PP
- .IP "-A \fIalias\fP"
--- mail/mutt-devel/files/patch-02
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
---- doc/Makefile.am.orig	Wed Jun 13 10:15:07 2007
-+++ doc/Makefile.am	Wed Jun 13 10:17:15 2007
-@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
- all:
- 	$(MAKE) makedoc-all
--makedoc-all: mutt.1 muttrc.man manual.html stamp-doc-chunked manual.txt
-+makedoc-all: mutt.1 muttrc.man
- install-data-local: makedoc-all instdoc
- 	$(top_srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1
-@@ -62,9 +62,6 @@
- 		$(INSTALL) -m 644 $(srcdir)/$$f $(DESTDIR)$(docdir) ; \
- 	done
- 	-$(INSTALL) -m 644 manual.txt $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)
--	-for f in $(HTML_DOCFILES) ; do \
--		$(INSTALL) -m 644 $$f $(DESTDIR)$(docdir) ; \
--	done
- uninstall-local:
- 	for f in mutt.1 mutt_dotlock.1 flea.1 muttbug.1 ; do \
-@@ -81,9 +78,7 @@
- check:
- manual.txt: manual.html
--	-lynx -dump -nolist -with_backspaces $^ > $@ || \
--	w3m -dump $^ > $@ || \
--	elinks -dump -no-numbering -no-references $^ > $@
-+	-lynx -dump -nolist -with_backspaces manual.html > $@
- manual.html: $(srcdir)/html.xsl stamp-doc-xml
- 	-xsltproc --nonet -o $@ $(srcdir)/html.xsl manual.xml
--- mail/mutt-devel/files/patch-threadcomplete
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
---- mutt.h.orig2	Mon Sep  6 09:24:17 2004
-+++ mutt.h	Mon Sep  6 09:27:04 2004
-@@ -212,6 +212,7 @@
-   M_LIMIT,
-   /* actions for mutt_pattern_comp/mutt_pattern_exec */
-   M_AND,
---- pattern.c.orig2	Sun Sep 18 15:17:46 2005
-+++ pattern.c	Sun Sep 18 15:19:48 2005
-@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@
- }
- Flags[] =
- {
-+  { 'a', M_THREADCOMPLETE,	0,		NULL },
-   { 'A', M_ALL,			0,		NULL },
-   { 'b', M_BODY,		M_FULL_MSG,	eat_regexp },
-   { 'B', M_WHOLE_MSG,		M_FULL_MSG,	eat_regexp },
-@@ -1139,6 +1140,16 @@
-                                              2, h->env->to, h->env->cc));
-     case M_LIST:	/* known list, subscribed or not */
-       return (pat->not ^ mutt_is_list_cc (pat->alladdr, h->env->to, h->env->cc));
-+      { static pattern_t tmp;
-+        static short pattern_set = 0;
-+        if(! pattern_set) {
-+          memset (&tmp, 0, sizeof (tmp));
-+          tmp.op = M_TAG;
-+          pattern_set = 1;
-+        }
-+        return (pat->not ^ (h->env && match_threadcomplete(&tmp, flags, ctx, h->thread, 1, 1, 1, 1)));
-+      } 
-       return (pat->not ^ mutt_is_list_recipient (pat->alladdr, h->env->to, h->env->cc));
-     case M_PERSONAL_RECIP:
--- mail/mutt-devel/files/extra-patch-maildir-mtime-nntp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
---- PATCHES Dec 2002 17:44:54 -0000	3.6
-+++ PATCHES Feb 2004 13:19:42 -0000
-@@ -0,0 +1 @@
---- browser.c.orig	Tue Feb  8 10:29:57 2005
-+++ browser.c	Tue Feb  8 10:29:58 2005
-@@ -31,4 +31,5 @@
- #include "nntp.h"
- #endif
-+#include "mx.h"
- #include <stdlib.h>
-@@ -473,4 +474,19 @@
- }
-+static void check_maildir_times (BUFFY *buf, struct stat *st)
-+  char buffer[_POSIX_PATH_MAX + SHORT_STRING];
-+  struct stat s;
-+  if(!buf || buf->magic != M_MAILDIR)
-+    return;
-+  snprintf (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "%s/tmp", buf->path);
-+  if (lstat (buffer, &s) != 0)
-+    return;
-+  st->st_mtime = s.st_mtime;
- /* get list of all files/newsgroups with mask */
- static int examine_directory (MUTTMENU *menu, struct browser_state *state,
-@@ -562,4 +578,5 @@
-     while (tmp && mutt_strcmp (buffer, tmp->path))
-       tmp = tmp->next;
-+    check_maildir_times (tmp, &s);
-     add_folder (menu, state, de->d_name, &s, NULL, (tmp) ? tmp->new : 0);
-   }
-@@ -637,4 +654,5 @@
-     mutt_pretty_mailbox (buffer);
-+    check_maildir_times (tmp, &s);
-     add_folder (menu, state, buffer, &s, NULL, tmp->new);
-   }
--- mail/mutt-devel/files/extra-patch-nodoc-contrib
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
---- Makefile.am.orig	Fri Feb 11 14:54:08 2005
-+++ Makefile.am	Fri Feb 11 14:55:33 2005
-@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
- IMAP_INCLUDES = -I$(top_srcdir)/imap
- endif
--SUBDIRS = m4 po intl contrib $(IMAP_SUBDIR) . doc
-+SUBDIRS = m4 po intl $(IMAP_SUBDIR) . doc
- bin_SCRIPTS = muttbug flea @SMIMEAUX_TARGET@
---- doc/Makefile.am.orig3	Tue Mar  6 17:51:02 2007
-+++ doc/Makefile.am	Tue Mar  6 17:51:45 2007
-@@ -55,14 +55,6 @@
- 	./instdoc muttrc.man $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man5/muttrc.5
- 	./instdoc $(srcdir)/mbox.man $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man5/mbox.5
- 	./instdoc $(srcdir)/mmdf.man $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man5/mmdf.5
--	$(top_srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)
--	for f in $(topsrcdir_DOCFILES) ; do \
--		$(INSTALL) -m 644 $(top_srcdir)/$$f $(DESTDIR)$(docdir) ; \
--	done
--	for f in $(srcdir_DOCFILES) ; do \
--		$(INSTALL) -m 644 $(srcdir)/$$f $(DESTDIR)$(docdir) ; \
--	done
--	-$(INSTALL) -m 644 manual.txt $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)
- uninstall-local:
- 	for f in mutt.1 mutt_dotlock.1 flea.1 muttbug.1 ; do \
--- mail/mutt-devel/files/extra-patch-maildir-mtime
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
---- PATCHES Dec 2002 17:44:54 -0000	3.6
-+++ PATCHES Feb 2004 13:19:42 -0000
-@@ -0,0 +1 @@
---- browser.c.orig	Wed Jan 26 13:41:04 2005
-+++ browser.c	Wed Feb  9 09:20:14 2005
-@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
- #ifdef USE_IMAP
- #include "imap.h"
- #endif
-+#include "mx.h"
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <dirent.h>
-@@ -346,6 +347,21 @@
-     menu->data = state->entry;
- }
-+static void check_maildir_times (BUFFY *buf, struct stat *st)
-+  char buffer[_POSIX_PATH_MAX + SHORT_STRING];
-+  struct stat s;
-+  if(!buf || buf->magic != M_MAILDIR)
-+    return;
-+  snprintf (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "%s/tmp", buf->path);
-+  if (lstat (buffer, &s) != 0)
-+    return;
-+  st->st_mtime = s.st_mtime;
- static int examine_directory (MUTTMENU *menu, struct browser_state *state,
- 			      char *d, const char *prefix)
- {
-@@ -409,6 +425,7 @@
-     tmp = Incoming;
-     while (tmp && mutt_strcmp (buffer, tmp->path))
-       tmp = tmp->next;
-+    check_maildir_times (tmp, &s);
-     add_folder (menu, state, de->d_name, &s, (tmp) ? tmp->new : 0);
-   }
-   closedir (dp);  
-@@ -454,6 +471,7 @@
-     strfcpy (buffer, NONULL(tmp->path), sizeof (buffer));
-     mutt_pretty_mailbox (buffer);
-+    check_maildir_times (tmp, &s);
-     add_folder (menu, state, buffer, &s, tmp->new);
-   }
-   while ((tmp = tmp->next));
--- mail/mutt-devel/files/patch-smime-self
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-Base: http://descolada.dartmouth.edu/mutt/patch-1.5.4+-ow.smime-encrypt-self.2
---- crypt.c	7 Mar 2003 08:23:27 -0000	3.17
-+++ crypt.c	7 May 2003 14:57:00 -0000
-@@ -246,8 +246,18 @@
-     if ((WithCrypto & APPLICATION_SMIME)
-         && (msg->security & APPLICATION_SMIME))
-     {
--      if (!(tmp_pbody = crypt_smime_build_smime_entity (tmp_smime_pbody,
--                                                        keylist)))
-+	   char *new_keylist = keylist;
-+		 if (SmimeDefaultKey && query_quadoption(OPT_SMIMEENCRYPTSELF, _("Encrypt message to S/MIME Default Key also?")) == M_YES)
-+		 {
-+			int size = mutt_strlen(keylist) + mutt_strlen (SmimeDefaultKey) + 2; /* +1 for NULL, +1 for \n */
-+			new_keylist = safe_malloc(size);
-+			snprintf(new_keylist, size, "%s%s\n", keylist, SmimeDefaultKey);
-+	   }
-+	  tmp_pbody = crypt_smime_build_smime_entity (tmp_smime_pbody, new_keylist);
-+	  safe_free((void **)&new_keylist);
-+	  if (!tmp_pbody)
-       {
- 	/* signed ? free it! */
- 	return (-1);
---- init.h	14 Apr 2003 09:09:53 -0000	3.38
-+++ init.h	7 May 2003 14:57:02 -0000
-@@ -1585,6 +1585,11 @@
-   /*
-   */
-+  { "smime_encrypt_self",		DT_QUAD,	 R_NONE, OPT_SMIMEENCRYPTSELF, M_YES },
-+  /*
-+  ** .pp
-+  ** Encrypt the message to smime_default_key too.
-+  */
-   { "smime_timeout",		DT_NUM,	 R_NONE, UL &SmimeTimeout, 300 },
-   /*
-   ** .pp
-diff -u -d -b -B -r3.18 mutt.h
---- mutt.h.orig	Thu Nov  6 08:15:51 2003
-+++ mutt.h	Thu Nov  6 08:16:43 2003
-@@ -275,6 +275,7 @@
---- contrib/smime.rc.orig	Sat Mar  2 13:11:35 2002
-+++ contrib/smime.rc	Sat Oct 25 17:56:28 2003
-@@ -23,9 +23,12 @@
- # The (default) keyfile for signing/decrypting.  Uncomment the following
- # line and replace the keyid with your own.
--set smime_default_key="12345678.0"
-+# set smime_default_key="12345678.0"
-+# Uncomment the following line in addition to the one above, if you want that
-+# all encrypted messages are also encrypted with your default key.
-+# set smime_encrypt_self = yes
--# Uncommen to make mutt ask what key to use when trying to decrypt a message.
-+# Uncomment to make mutt ask what key to use when trying to decrypt a message.
- # It will use the default key above (if that was set) else.
- # unset smime_decrypt_use_default_key
--- mail/mutt-devel/files/patch-date-conditional
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
---- PATCHES~	never
-+++ PATCHES	Thu Jun 13 16:25:05 CDT 2002
-@@ -1,0 +1 @@
-diff -Pur mutt-1.5.1-base/muttlib.c mutt-1.5.1/muttlib.c
---- muttlib.c	Tue Mar 26 16:47:06 2002
-+++ muttlib.c	Thu Jun 13 15:28:20 2002
-@@ -978,6 +978,12 @@
- 	count = 0;
-         while (count < sizeof (ifstring) && *src && *src != '?' && *src != '&')
- 	{
-+	  if (*src == '\\')
-+	  {
-+	    src++;
-+	    if (!*src)
-+	      break;
-+	  }
-           *cp++ = *src++;
- 	  count++;
- 	}
-@@ -990,7 +996,13 @@
- 	count = 0;
- 	while (count < sizeof (elsestring) && *src && *src != '?')
- 	{
--	  *cp++ = *src++;
-+	  if (*src == '\\')
-+	  {
-+	    src++;
-+	    if (!*src)
-+	      break;
-+	  }
-+          *cp++ = *src++;
- 	  count++;
- 	}
- 	*cp = 0;
---- PATCHES	(revision 22)
-+++ PATCHES	(revision 22)
-@@ -1,0 +1 @@
-Index: muttlib.c
---- muttlib.c	(revision 22)
-+++ muttlib.c	(revision 22)
-@@ -944,7 +944,16 @@
-       if (*src == '?')
-       {
- 	flags |= M_FORMAT_OPTIONAL;
--	src++;
-+	ch = *(++src); /* save the character to switch on */
-+	cp = prefix;
-+	++src;
-+	count = 0;
-+	while (count < sizeof (prefix) && *src != '?')
-+	{
-+	  *cp++ = *src++;
-+	  count++;
-+	}
-+	*cp = 0;
-       }
-       else
-       {
-@@ -960,12 +969,12 @@
- 	  count++;
- 	}
- 	*cp = 0;
--      }
--      if (!*src)
--	break; /* bad format */
-+	if (!*src)
-+	  break; /* bad format */
--      ch = *src++; /* save the character to switch on */
-+	ch = *src++; /* save the character to switch on */
-+      }
-       if (flags & M_FORMAT_OPTIONAL)
-       {
---- hdrline.c.orig	Tue Jun 29 15:01:28 2004
-+++ hdrline.c	Tue Jun 29 15:02:59 2004
-@@ -316,6 +316,64 @@
- 	const char *cp;
- 	struct tm *tm; 
- 	time_t T;
-+	int i = 0, invert = 0;
-+	if (optional && (op == '[' || op == '(')) {
-+	  char *is;
-+          int d;
-+	  T = time(NULL);
-+	  tm = localtime(&T);
-+	  d = (T + tm->tm_gmtoff) % 86400;
-+	  T -= (op == '(') ? hdr->received : hdr->date_sent;
-+	  is = (char *)prefix;
-+	  if( *is == '>' ) {
-+	    invert = 1;
-+	    ++is;
-+	  }
-+	  while( *is && *is != '?' ) {
-+	    int t = strtol (is, &is, 10);
-+	    switch (*(is++)) {
-+	      case '?':
-+		break;
-+	      case 'y':
-+		t *= 365 * 24 * 60 * 60;
-+		break;
-+	      case 'M':
-+		t *= 30 * 24 * 60 * 60;
-+		break;
-+	      case 'w':
-+		t *= 7 * 24 * 60 * 60;
-+		break;
-+	      case 'd':
-+		t *= 24 * 60 * 60;
-+		break;
-+	      case 't':
-+		if (t > 1) {
-+		  t = (t-1) * 24 * 60 * 60;
-+		} else {
-+		  t = 0;
-+		}
-+		t += d;
-+		break;
-+	      case 'h':
-+		t *= 60 * 60;
-+		break;
-+	      case 'm':
-+		t *= 60;
-+		break;
-+	    }
-+	    i += t;
-+	  }
-+	  if (i < 0)
-+	    i *= -1;
-+	  if( (T > i || T < -1*i) ^ invert )
-+	    optional = 0;
-+	  break;
-+	}
- 	p = dest;
--- mail/mutt-devel/files/patch-Makefile.am.doc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- Makefile.am.orig2	Mon Feb  7 10:20:52 2005
-+++ Makefile.am	Mon Feb  7 10:29:41 2005
-@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
- IMAP_INCLUDES = -I$(top_srcdir)/imap
- endif
--SUBDIRS = m4 po intl doc contrib $(IMAP_SUBDIR)
-+SUBDIRS = m4 po intl contrib $(IMAP_SUBDIR) . doc
- bin_SCRIPTS = muttbug flea @SMIMEAUX_TARGET@
--- mail/mutt-devel/scripts/generate-plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-# $FreeBSD: ports/mail/mutt-devel/scripts/generate-plist,v 1.38 2007/04/11 20:11:51 miwi Exp $
-# set -x
-trap ' cleanup ' 0
-trap ' echo_signal; exit 1' 1 2 3 15
-tmp_first=$(mktemp ${WRKDIR:=/tmp}/.plist-first.XXXXXXXXXX)
-tmp_last=$(mktemp ${WRKDIR}/.plist-last.XXXXXXXXXX)
-cleanup() {
-  rm -f $tmp_first $tmp_last
-echo_signal() {
-  echo "Got Signal -- aborting `basename $0`"
-cat > $tmp_first <<EOF
-if [ "$MUTT_NLS" = "yes" ]; then
-  cat >> $tmp_first <<EOF
-if [ "$MUTT_PORTDOCS" = "yes" ]; then
-  cat >> $tmp_first <<EOF
-  if [ "$MUTT_NNTP" = "yes" ]; then
-    echo "%%DOCSDIR%%/ChangeLog.nntp" >> $tmp_first
-  fi
-  if [ "$MUTT_HTML" = "yes" ]; then
-    echo "%%DOCSDIR%%/html/advancedusage.html" >> $tmp_first
-    echo "%%DOCSDIR%%/html/configuration.html" >> $tmp_first
-    echo "%%DOCSDIR%%/html/gettingstarted.html" >> $tmp_first
-    echo "%%DOCSDIR%%/html/index.html" >> $tmp_first
-    echo "%%DOCSDIR%%/html/intro.html" >> $tmp_first
-    echo "%%DOCSDIR%%/html/manual.html" >> $tmp_first
-    echo "%%DOCSDIR%%/html/mimesupport.html" >> $tmp_first
-    echo "%%DOCSDIR%%/html/miscellany.html" >> $tmp_first
-    echo "%%DOCSDIR%%/html/reference.html" >> $tmp_first
-    echo "%%DOCSDIR%%/html/tuning.html" >> $tmp_first
-    if [ "$MUTT_COMPRESSED_FOLDERS" = "yes" ]; then
-      echo "%%DOCSDIR%%/html/compressed-folders.html" >> $tmp_first
-    fi
-    echo "@dirrm %%DOCSDIR%%/html" >> $tmp_last
-  fi
-  cat >> $tmp_last <<EOF
- at dirrm %%EXAMPLESDIR%%/iconv
- at dirrm %%EXAMPLESDIR%%
- at dirrm %%DOCSDIR%%
-sort -u $tmp_first
- at unexec if cmp -s %D/etc/Muttrc.dist %D/etc/Muttrc; then rm -f %D/etc/Muttrc; fi
- at exec if [ ! -f %D/etc/Muttrc ]; then install -m 644 %D/etc/Muttrc.dist %D/etc/Muttrc; fi
-cat $tmp_last

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