# $MidnightBSD$ COMMENT = Ports related to the World Wide Web SUBDIR += analog SUBDIR += apache24 SUBDIR += aria2 SUBDIR += awstats SUBDIR += bluefish SUBDIR += bookmarkbridge SUBDIR += bozohttpd SUBDIR += browser SUBDIR += browser-esr SUBDIR += cherokee SUBDIR += chromium SUBDIR += codeigniter SUBDIR += dummyflash SUBDIR += drupal7 SUBDIR += drupal8 SUBDIR += epiphany SUBDIR += fcgi SUBDIR += furl SUBDIR += gnome-user-share SUBDIR += google-sitemapgen SUBDIR += gstreamer-plugins-neon SUBDIR += gstreamer1-plugins-neon SUBDIR += gtkhtml3 SUBDIR += joomla3 SUBDIR += libgtkhtml SUBDIR += libsocialweb SUBDIR += libwww SUBDIR += libxul SUBDIR += lighttpd SUBDIR += links SUBDIR += links1 SUBDIR += linux-firefox SUBDIR += linux-libgtkembedmoz SUBDIR += linux-opera SUBDIR += linux-seamonkey SUBDIR += lynx SUBDIR += man2web SUBDIR += mediawiki128 SUBDIR += midori SUBDIR += mod_dnssd SUBDIR += mod_fastcgi SUBDIR += mod_perl2 SUBDIR += mod_php56 SUBDIR += mod_php70 SUBDIR += mod_php71 SUBDIR += mod_python33 SUBDIR += mod_security SUBDIR += mod_wsgi4 SUBDIR += moinmoin SUBDIR += nanoblogger SUBDIR += neon SUBDIR += nghttp2 SUBDIR += nginx SUBDIR += npm SUBDIR += node SUBDIR += node012 SUBDIR += nspluginwrapper SUBDIR += p5-Apache-LogFormat-Compiler SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Ajax SUBDIR += p5-CGI SUBDIR += p5-CGI.pm SUBDIR += p5-Cookie-Baker SUBDIR += p5-FCGI SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Breadcrumbs SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Encoding SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Mason SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Pager SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Parser SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Scrubber SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Strip SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Table SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Tagset SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Template SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Tree SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Body SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Cookies SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Daemon SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Date SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-DAV SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Headers-Fast SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Message SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Negotiate SUBDIR += p5-LWP-MediaTypes SUBDIR += p5-LWP-Protocol-https SUBDIR += p5-Mozilla-CA SUBDIR += p5-Plack SUBDIR += p5-Router-Simple SUBDIR += p5-Template-GD SUBDIR += p5-Template-Toolkit SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Curl SUBDIR += p5-WWW-RobotRules SUBDIR += p5-libwww SUBDIR += pear-HTTP_Request SUBDIR += php56-opcache SUBDIR += php56-session SUBDIR += php56-tidy SUBDIR += php70-opcache SUBDIR += php70-session SUBDIR += php70-tidy SUBDIR += php71-opcache SUBDIR += php71-session SUBDIR += php71-tidy SUBDIR += pmwiki SUBDIR += polipo SUBDIR += privoxy SUBDIR += py-html5lib SUBDIR += py-httplib2 SUBDIR += py-requests SUBDIR += qt5-webchannel SUBDIR += qt5-websockets SUBDIR += seamonkey SUBDIR += serf SUBDIR += selfhtml-de SUBDIR += spawn-fcgi SUBDIR += spdylay SUBDIR += squid SUBDIR += thttpd SUBDIR += tidy SUBDIR += tidy-devel SUBDIR += tidy-lib SUBDIR += tomcat6 SUBDIR += tomcat7 SUBDIR += transmission-web SUBDIR += validator SUBDIR += varnish4 SUBDIR += w3m SUBDIR += webkit-gtk2 SUBDIR += webkit-gtk3 SUBDIR += webkit2-gtk3 SUBDIR += webkit-qt4 SUBDIR += webkit-qt5 SUBDIR += weblint SUBDIR += xsp SUBDIR += youtube_dl SUBDIR += yuicompressor SUBDIR += zend-framework .include