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File (rev) Last Change
usr.sbin/ 4268 (12 years ago) by laffer1: *** empty log message ***
usr.bin/ 4284 (12 years ago) by laffer1: we have strndup
tools/ 4184 (12 years ago) by laffer1: recoverdisk is part of the base system now
sys/ 4278 (12 years ago) by laffer1: Back this change out for now. I need to turn on c99 for sys first.
share/ 4282 (12 years ago) by laffer1: include top level directory
secure/ 3724 (13 years ago) by laffer1: Turn the version addendum back on.
sbin/ 4218 (12 years ago) by laffer1: Introduce boot partition for gpt and some support for zfs
rescue/ 3735 (13 years ago) by laffer1: turn of zfs and tar for now to unbreak world.
release/ 4271 (12 years ago) by laffer1: Remove freebsd legacy doc releaseng stuf. We'll handle docs in our own way.
nrelease/ 4160 (12 years ago) by laffer1: update web page for live cd
libexec/ 4285 (12 years ago) by laffer1: no ssp
lib/ 4286 (12 years ago) by laffer1: c99
kerberos5/ 4284 (12 years ago) by laffer1: we have strndup
include/ 3806 (13 years ago) by laffer1: Add restrict keyword to pthread_sigmask prototype and manpage.
gnu/ 4287 (12 years ago) by laffer1: gcc can't depend on ssp.. that's insane
games/ 3798 (13 years ago) by laffer1: Sync with other bsds
etc/ 4235 (12 years ago) by laffer1: update root zones to 2011060800
crypto/ 3847 (13 years ago) by laffer1: Patch for CVE-2011-0014
contrib/ 4276 (12 years ago) by laffer1: Add directions for import
cddl/ 2006 (15 years ago) by laffer1: $MidnightBSD$, fix paths
bin/ 3978 (12 years ago) by laffer1: get rid of irrelevant assignments as seen with llvm static analyzer
apache/ 4288 (12 years ago) by laffer1: not c99 friendly
UPDATING 4277 (12 years ago) by laffer1: introduce cflow
README 3889 (13 years ago) by laffer1: Document the apache directory. 3967 (12 years ago) by laffer1: Remove perl 5.10.x stuff from base as we've updated it recently
Makefile.inc1 4120 (12 years ago) by laffer1: change how libmagic is built. This allows us to get libmsearch to build properly.
Makefile 4023 (12 years ago) by laffer1: we don't have sun4v.. wtf
COPYRIGHT 3594 (13 years ago) by laffer1: Happy new year.
22 directories and 6 files shown