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File (rev) Last Change
support/ 248 (15 years ago) by laffer1: remove copyright directory (smultron renamed it legal :( Goto SSI menus.
soc/ 252 (15 years ago) by laffer1: double header.. fix that.
sitemap/ 248 (15 years ago) by laffer1: remove copyright directory (smultron renamed it legal :( Goto SSI menus.
shadowbox/ 230 (15 years ago) by laffer1: binary
security/ 310 (15 years ago) by laffer1: 0.2.1-RELEASE-p7
screenshots/ 248 (15 years ago) by laffer1: remove copyright directory (smultron renamed it legal :( Goto SSI menus.
ru/ 100 (16 years ago) by laffer1: utf-8, link
notes/ 317 (15 years ago) by laffer1: these are place holders
news/ 248 (15 years ago) by laffer1: remove copyright directory (smultron renamed it legal :( Goto SSI menus.
legal/ 248 (15 years ago) by laffer1: remove copyright directory (smultron renamed it legal :( Goto SSI menus.
js/ 2 (17 years ago) by laffer1: Initial import of website
images/ 291 (15 years ago) by smultron: add xfce to featured
icons/ 2 (17 years ago) by laffer1: Initial import of website
featured/ 295 (15 years ago) by smultron: xfce description fix (again)
download/ 306 (15 years ago) by laffer1: change vmware availability. (i need to make new ones soon)
donate/ 290 (15 years ago) by laffer1: donation link
documentation/ 344 (14 years ago) by laffer1: add extra targets
developers/ 261 (15 years ago) by laffer1: Add atom feed for CVS commits
de/ 95 (16 years ago) by laffer1: Update german versions: $MidnightBSD$ in head just journal blog link DE EN RU links footer include
css/ 242 (15 years ago) by laffer1: ok i think this will "fix" the featured problems on the front page.
community/ 257 (15 years ago) by laffer1: mail main?
bin/ 245 (15 years ago) by laffer1: stop truncating the text
assets/ 82 (16 years ago) by laffer1: header with light blue background.
art/ 308 (15 years ago) by laffer1: add orb by bsdgurl
about/ 254 (15 years ago) by laffer1: try to fix the footer
robots.txt 272 (15 years ago) by laffer1: add a robots.txt file. We'll deal with this later. I'm tired of the 404s
menu.html 346 (14 years ago) by laffer1: also put bug reports on the support menu. It's redundant but users won't see it under developers most likely.
index.html 349 (14 years ago) by laffer1: lang
header.html 183 (15 years ago) by laffer1: This is the first part of the header. Due to the menu, we can't go dynamic on it (languages) I think we'll need a custom include for the menu stuff
footer.html 334 (14 years ago) by laffer1: tweak
favicon.ico 148 (15 years ago) by smultron: new favicon
404.html 203 (15 years ago) by smultron: fixed image links (absolute)
25 directories and 7 files shown