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File (rev) Last Change
support/ 581 (9 years ago) by laffer1: add viewport
soc/ 581 (9 years ago) by laffer1: add viewport
sitemap/ 581 (9 years ago) by laffer1: add viewport
security/ 586 (9 years ago) by laffer1: cleanup format
screenshots/ 582 (9 years ago) by laffer1: add viewport
notes/ 603 (8 years ago) by laffer1: note mport tool issue in 0.5
news/ 581 (9 years ago) by laffer1: add viewport
legal/ 581 (9 years ago) by laffer1: add viewport
js/ 2 (17 years ago) by laffer1: Initial import of website
images/ 484 (11 years ago) by laffer1: drop invalid div end tag
icons/ 2 (17 years ago) by laffer1: Initial import of website
html5lightbox/ 494 (10 years ago) by laffer1: add jquery manually ugh
download/ 604 (8 years ago) by laffer1: emule was updated, bump version
donate/ 581 (9 years ago) by laffer1: add viewport
documentation/ 608 (8 years ago) by laffer1: add a blurb about software updates
developer/ 609 (8 years ago) by laffer1: write some incomplete directions on installation so that people have something to go on. Todo: fix this!
css/ 598 (9 years ago) by laffer1: remove bootstrap temporarily
community/ 581 (9 years ago) by laffer1: add viewport
bin/ 510 (10 years ago) by laffer1: rss count changes
assets/ 467 (11 years ago) by laffer1: this should never get committed
art/ 581 (9 years ago) by laffer1: add viewport
about/ 581 (9 years ago) by laffer1: add viewport
robots.txt 605 (8 years ago) by laffer1: add another directory
menu.html 597 (9 years ago) by laffer1: bootstrap
index.html 601 (8 years ago) by laffer1: update release
header.html 506 (10 years ago) by laffer1: header should include links too
footer.html 597 (9 years ago) by laffer1: bootstrap
favicon.ico 148 (15 years ago) by smultron: new favicon
404.html 581 (9 years ago) by laffer1: add viewport
.cvsignore 469 (11 years ago) by laffer1: add cvs ignore
22 directories and 8 files shown


Name Value
svn:ignore .DS_Store