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Revision: 57
Committed: Thu Aug 2 06:21:31 2007 UTC (16 years, 10 months ago) by laffer1
Content type: text/html
File size: 8316 byte(s)
Log Message:
Describe BIND and Tcpdump patches.

Add mailing list link.

Add German tranlation link on first page. (work in progress.. thanks Seirei!)

File Contents

# Content
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72 <h2>Introduction</h2>
74 <p style="text-indent: 3em; line-height: 1.5; margin-bottom: 20px;">MidnightBSD is a desktop operating system for x86 compatible (including Pentium&reg; and Athlon&#8482;), and soon amd64 compatible (including Opteron&#8482;, Athlon&#8482;64, and EM64T) architectures. It was originally based on <a href="">FreeBSD</a> 6.1 Beta. The goal of the project is to create a BSD with ease of use and simplicity in mind.</p>
76 <table>
77 <caption><span style="color: #333; text-decoration: underline;">MidnightBSD in action</span></caption>
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90 <p><a href="/ftp/MidnightBSD/videos/">Watch</a> demo movie in QuickTime format.</p>
92 <p>Installing MidnightBSD videos: <a href="/ftp/MidnightBSD/videos/">part 1</a>
93 <a href="/ftp/MidnightBSD/videos/">part 2</a> <a href="/ftp/MidnightBSD/videos/">part 3</a> <a href="/ftp/MidnightBSD/videos/">part 4</a></p>
95 <p><span style="text-align: center;">
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101 <p><a href="">Purchase</a> MidnightBSD merchandise to support the project.</p>
103 <p>Track development and changes to MidnightBSD with our <a href="">development blog</a>. </p>
105 <p>View recent <a href="">CVS activity</a> through a friendly web interface. (commit logs)</p>
107 <p>We now have a <a href="">Forum</a>. You can also chat with us via IRC on FreeNode #midnightbsd.</p>
109 <p><a href="">View/Report</a> Bugs.</p>
111 <p>View our <a href="mports/README.html">ports</a> with descriptions.</p>
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128 <td><a href="developer/cvsup.html" title="Download source or mports">CVSup</a></td>
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130 </tbody>
131 </table>
133 <h3>Security</h3>
135 <p>August 1, 2007<br />
136 BIND and Tcpdump were patched in 0.2 and 0.1 for recent security issues. BIND is now equivalent to 9.3.4p1.
137 </p>
139 <p>May 2, 2007<br />
140 CURRENT and STABLE both have the patch for ipv6 type 0 routing headers. The problem is that ipv6 routing headers could be run over the same link multiple times.
141 </p>
142 <p>March 10, 2007<br />
143 While many of the DST changes were imported last year, we decided to cover all cases and import
144 the latest tzdata2007c. Users concerned about DST changes should update their sources
145 and rebuild. The java ports may not have DST changes in place. We will review that issue.
146 </p>
147 <p>Jaunary 23, 2007<br />
148 A &quot;symlink&quot; exploit was found in the MidnightBSD jail system. A fix was made available. Please
149 update your /etc/rc.d/jail file from cvs. Patches will not be created until our first release.
150 </p>
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