The MidnightBSD Ports Collection (www/py-treq)

You are now in the directory for the port "www/py-treq".

The package name of this port is "py38-treq-20.9.0".

This is the one-line description for this port:

Requests-like API built on top of twisted.web's Agent

Please read the "description file" for a longer description and/or visit the web site for futher informations.

If needed, you may contact the maintainer of this port or the port mailing-list.

This port requires package(s) "gettext-runtime-0.21_1 indexinfo-0.3.1_1 libffi-3.2.1_1 libiconv-1.16_1 mpdecimal-2.5.1 ncurses-6.2.20210403 openssl-1.1.1l,1 py37-setuptools-57.0.0 py38-incremental-17.5.0 python37-3.7.12_2 python38-3.8.12_1 readline-8.1.1" to build.

This port requires package(s) "gettext-runtime-0.21_1 indexinfo-0.3.1_1 libffi-3.2.1_1 libiconv-1.16_1 mpdecimal-2.5.1 ncurses-6.2.20210403 openssl-1.1.1l,1 py27-setuptools44-44.0.0_1 py27-six-1.15.0 py37-setuptools-57.0.0 py38-Automat-20.2.0 py38-PyHamcrest-2.0.2 py38-appdirs-1.4.4 py38-attrs-20.3.0 py38-bcrypt-3.2.0 py38-certifi-2020.12.5 py38-cffi-1.14.5 py38-chardet-4.0.0_1,1 py38-constantly-15.1.0 py38-cryptography-2.9.2 py38-h2-4.0.0 py38-hpack-4.0.0 py38-hyperframe-6.0.0 py38-hyperlink-21.0.0 py38-idna-2.10 py38-incremental-17.5.0 py38-openssl-19.1.0 py38-priority-1.3.0 py38-pyasn1-0.4.7 py38-pyasn1-modules-0.2.8 py38-pycparser-2.20 py38-pyserial-3.5 py38-pysocks-1.7.1 py38-requests-2.25.1 py38-service_identity-18.1.0 py38-twisted-20.3.0 py38-urllib3-1.25.11,1 py38-zope.interface-5.3.0 python27-2.7.18_1 python37-3.7.12_2 python38-3.8.12_1 readline-8.1.1" to run.

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