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Mk/ 4865 (16 years ago) by ctriv: add support for detecting your installed version of perl (if PACKAGE_BUILDING isn't set).
Templates/ 2240 (16 years ago) by laffer1: Prepare to add LICENSE. Add $MidnightBSD$ in HTML comment so we know what template version was used.
Tools/ 4804 (16 years ago) by ctriv: Remove unused Archs arrch. Cleanup /tmp in the chroot.
accessibility/ 4177 (16 years ago) by laffer1: add licenses. fix build depends for orca.
archivers/ 4763 (16 years ago) by crash: add untar
astro/ 4796 (16 years ago) by laffer1: Well lets' update this to 4.3. There is some concern that our linuxolator doesn't have all the syscalls this bitch uses.
audio/ 4861 (16 years ago) by laffer1: *** empty log message ***
benchmarks/ 4388 (16 years ago) by laffer1: gpl2, autoconf 2.61
biology/ 4809 (16 years ago) by ctriv: Fake fixes. Replace a bunch of crub with modern techniques.
comms/ 3569 (16 years ago) by laffer1: bsd4
converters/ 4200 (16 years ago) by laffer1: Update to 1.15
databases/ 4822 (16 years ago) by laffer1: Remove pear-DB* ports
deskutils/ 4589 (16 years ago) by laffer1: add gnome category.
devel/ 4835 (16 years ago) by laffer1: Add upnp lib
dns/ 4251 (16 years ago) by laffer1: Run depends was wrong
editors/ 4886 (16 years ago) by laffer1: Similar to the jedit port, add a build depends on java but do not set JAVA_BUILD which implies we're compiling something too! We almost need a third option between NO_BUILD and JAVA_BUILD
emulators/ 4890 (16 years ago) by laffer1: Add IA64 simulator. (crazy)
finance/ 4818 (16 years ago) by laffer1: Add openhbci
ftp/ 4882 (16 years ago) by laffer1: *** empty log message ***
games/ 4889 (16 years ago) by laffer1: we don't need this and it's foobaring magus
german/ 4837 (16 years ago) by laffer1: Strictly speaking, I don't need to bump this but since there was a bug in
graphics/ 4883 (16 years ago) by laffer1: Other programs were having difficulty finding the library after removing patch-ab. Create an equivalent patch for the this version.
irc/ 4628 (16 years ago) by ctriv: Fake fixes. License. Cleanup the sample conf stuff. This is the right way for sample configuration files to be handled.
java/ 4893 (15 years ago) by laffer1: cpio, gpl2
lang/ 4791 (16 years ago) by laffer1: USE_LDCONFIG
mail/ 4794 (16 years ago) by laffer1: Add license, bump version (for last update)
math/ 4748 (16 years ago) by laffer1: forgot to add license
mbone/ 4338 (16 years ago) by ctriv: this might let the port fail at a different moment of testing...
misc/ 4797 (16 years ago) by laffer1: Make a few subtle adjustments to this port. 1. We don't need to cat the pkg message, this is auto in mnbsd 2. We don't support the Alpha 3. We know what version of FreeBSD code we can support, no need for version checks. 4. Whitespace nits.
multimedia/ 4812 (16 years ago) by ctriv: Upgrade to 1.1.12; security and regression fixes.
net/ 4895 (15 years ago) by laffer1: This needs updating, but for now let's just fix this port.
net-im/ 4708 (16 years ago) by laffer1: Update to 2.4.1, fix avahi depends
net-mgmt/ 4626 (16 years ago) by ctriv: Fake fix. we don't need .packlist files.
net-p2p/ 4838 (16 years ago) by laffer1: Update to 4.16. This version adds BitTorrent support. It is also fetchable! Requires Java 1.4.2 now.
news/ 2365 (16 years ago) by laffer1: update tin
palm/ 4714 (16 years ago) by laffer1: Fetchable again.
ports-mgmt/ 3795 (16 years ago) by laffer1: add pkg_search, a convenient utility to search the index file of the ports system. This version has been patched for mports. This will not be necessary once libmport + mport are complete. Until them it is a helpful tool.
print/ 4633 (16 years ago) by ctriv: license. last (hopefully!) of the fake fixes.
security/ 4897 (15 years ago) by laffer1: add conflicts. this and 2 use the same filenames.
shells/ 4826 (16 years ago) by laffer1: Update to patch level 33
sysutils/ 4864 (16 years ago) by ctriv: Use INSTALL_{SCRIPT,DATA} instead of CP.
textproc/ 4631 (16 years ago) by ctriv: fake fixes. use the SUB_FILES framework instead of rolling our own.
www/ 4891 (15 years ago) by crash: update to 9.0r124
x11/ 4759 (16 years ago) by laffer1: REmove x11 test
x11-clocks/ 3872 (16 years ago) by laffer1: update kdetoys for kde 3.5.8
x11-drivers/ 4752 (16 years ago) by laffer1: Remove xfree support
x11-fm/ 4469 (16 years ago) by laffer1: Add gpl2
x11-fonts/ 4758 (16 years ago) by laffer1: Remove x11 test
x11-servers/ 4515 (16 years ago) by ctriv: fix multiple security vulnerabilities.
x11-themes/ 4556 (16 years ago) by laffer1: remove missing files.
x11-toolkits/ 4894 (15 years ago) by laffer1: license, libtool
x11-wm/ 4879 (16 years ago) by laffer1: add libcompizconfig
.cvsignore 2712 (16 years ago) by ctriv: Add Packages and Distfiles. Sometime in the future packages and distfiles will be removed.
LEGAL 3211 (16 years ago) by laffer1: remove ports we're not using anyway.
Makefile 4774 (16 years ago) by crash: add biology
52 directories and 3 files shown


Name Value
svn:ignore distfiles packages Distfiles Packages