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File Last Change
Mk/ 4975 (15 years ago) by laffer1: Add tk and tcl generic categories. Remove zope and a few others we don't need.
Templates/ 2240 (16 years ago) by laffer1: Prepare to add LICENSE. Add $MidnightBSD$ in HTML comment so we know what template version was used.
Tools/ 4928 (15 years ago) by ctriv: fix typo bug.
accessibility/ 4177 (16 years ago) by laffer1: add licenses. fix build depends for orca.
archivers/ 4763 (16 years ago) by crash: add untar
astro/ 4941 (15 years ago) by laffer1: make fetchable, update to 4.3.7204.836
audio/ 4929 (15 years ago) by crash: add license
benchmarks/ 4388 (16 years ago) by laffer1: gpl2, autoconf 2.61
biology/ 4809 (16 years ago) by ctriv: Fake fixes. Replace a bunch of crub with modern techniques.
comms/ 3569 (16 years ago) by laffer1: bsd4
converters/ 4949 (15 years ago) by crash: add license
databases/ 4968 (15 years ago) by crash: change to another mastersite
deskutils/ 4589 (16 years ago) by laffer1: add gnome category.
devel/ 4991 (15 years ago) by crash: add bouml-doc
dns/ 4904 (15 years ago) by crash: update to 0.63
editors/ 4910 (15 years ago) by crash: add license
emulators/ 4890 (16 years ago) by laffer1: Add IA64 simulator. (crazy)
finance/ 4818 (16 years ago) by laffer1: Add openhbci
ftp/ 4977 (15 years ago) by laffer1: Add license. Bump from last commit.
games/ 4970 (15 years ago) by laffer1: Some of the pb files were not copied properly. It's unlikely pb would work on mnbsd anyway, but we should be complete.
german/ 4837 (16 years ago) by laffer1: Strictly speaking, I don't need to bump this but since there was a bug in
graphics/ 4971 (15 years ago) by laffer1: For non commercial use only (free). Change distfile location. Setup xorg depends properly.
irc/ 4958 (15 years ago) by laffer1: Add more dist sites
java/ 4935 (15 years ago) by laffer1: Update to 1.1
lang/ 4983 (15 years ago) by laffer1: tcl and tk generic
mail/ 4974 (15 years ago) by laffer1: Update to 4.3.1. Switch to subfiles for the shell scripts.
math/ 4988 (15 years ago) by crash: update to 0.23,license
mbone/ 4956 (15 years ago) by laffer1: Mark broken on sparc, license.
misc/ 4917 (15 years ago) by ctriv: s/gpl/gpl2/
multimedia/ 4812 (16 years ago) by ctriv: Upgrade to 1.1.12; security and regression fixes.
net/ 4946 (15 years ago) by laffer1: Add p5-Net-Libdnet
net-im/ 4708 (16 years ago) by laffer1: Update to 2.4.1, fix avahi depends
net-mgmt/ 4969 (15 years ago) by crash: updated to 0.11.7,license
net-p2p/ 4838 (16 years ago) by laffer1: Update to 4.16. This version adds BitTorrent support. It is also fetchable! Requires Java 1.4.2 now.
news/ 2365 (16 years ago) by laffer1: update tin
palm/ 4714 (16 years ago) by laffer1: Fetchable again.
ports-mgmt/ 3795 (16 years ago) by laffer1: add pkg_search, a convenient utility to search the index file of the ports system. This version has been patched for mports. This will not be necessary once libmport + mport are complete. Until them it is a helpful tool.
print/ 4633 (16 years ago) by ctriv: license. last (hopefully!) of the fake fixes.
security/ 4973 (15 years ago) by laffer1: Add libssh2, an implementation of ssh by rfc under a bsd license.
shells/ 4826 (16 years ago) by laffer1: Update to patch level 33
sysutils/ 4965 (15 years ago) by laffer1: Add munin-main. Based on FreeBSD port.
textproc/ 4989 (15 years ago) by crash: add p5-Text-WordDiff
www/ 4898 (15 years ago) by laffer1: Some files were upgraded and others the name changed. Correct this descrepencies.
x11/ 4942 (15 years ago) by laffer1: We had two versions of this in ports! The other was in graphics! This is the older of the two and appears to have no depends.
x11-clocks/ 3872 (16 years ago) by laffer1: update kdetoys for kde 3.5.8
x11-drivers/ 4752 (16 years ago) by laffer1: Remove xfree support
x11-fm/ 4469 (16 years ago) by laffer1: Add gpl2
x11-fonts/ 4758 (16 years ago) by laffer1: Remove x11 test
x11-servers/ 4515 (16 years ago) by ctriv: fix multiple security vulnerabilities.
x11-themes/ 4955 (15 years ago) by laffer1: Add irssi themes.
x11-toolkits/ 4987 (15 years ago) by laffer1: This port is still broken, save my work on it.
x11-wm/ 4986 (15 years ago) by laffer1: add license.
.cvsignore 2712 (16 years ago) by ctriv: Add Packages and Distfiles. Sometime in the future packages and distfiles will be removed.
LEGAL 3211 (16 years ago) by laffer1: remove ports we're not using anyway.
Makefile 4774 (16 years ago) by crash: add biology
52 directories and 3 files shown


Name Value
svn:ignore distfiles packages Distfiles Packages